How would Guts work in Warhammer?

How would Guts work in Warhammer?

He'd be a Khornite for sure

He's basically Sigmar

go fuck yourself

>He's basically Sigmar

Hey, I like Guts and even I know that's a load of horseshit.

I wonder if I made a timer that tracked the "days since some twatgoblin last made a thread combining 40k and berserk", if it would ever go above five.

If we're talking WHFB, he already IS in Warhammer.

He takes seven turns to disembark from aquatic vehicles.

He would be fucking dead at least post eclipse because going to battle without a helmet is begging for crits.

he wouldn't.

kills said chaos dicks before vanishing
>hunted by witch hunters due to the black swordsmen carrying the taint of chaos within him
>openly heretical towards Sigmar worshippers cause he has seen the gods and knows they are fucking bastards.

Dude he would fit right in.

Malal would love the shit out of him

Just doing what he is already doing.

He'd be pretty cool in 40k. A mysterious human swordsmen who shows up when chaos does and fuck shit up.

A fully armored swordsman who uses nothing but melee and is immune to most chaos mindfuckery due to his insane willpower.

Driven into a blood rage at the sight of demons and hates the gods but does not blink an eye at crushing humans who are a threat to his retinue.

Is not swayed from his path in the slightest by his enemies and offers no mercy.

He is perfect for 40k.

Guts - Hero dude guy
>5 Wounds
>4+ Armor save
>6+ Ward save
>2 Attacks
>6 movement

If guts is in combat roll D6 on a 5+ he goes berserk he now possesses the following stat line
If guts did not go berserk at the start of combat reroll every time he suffers a wound.

>5 Wounds
>6+ Armor save
>6+ Ward save
>5 attacks
>8 Movement

~S10 I8 Ld6 W6 BS7 WS11 A6(7)

Arm Cannon counts as pistol but with unique statline and I can't be arsed thinking what Special Rules apply to him

>~S10 I8 Ld6 W6 BS7 WS11 A6(7)
well shit i forgot about all that stuff its been to long

Yes because op asked about whfantasy not 40k

If you INSIST on pretending this is about 40k when op clearly said Warhammer, just give him the Eversor statline. Thats basically what Guts is, an Eversor with a staker pattern bolter like an Inquisitor might have and a built in single shot cannon (not sure how to stat that)

Dragonslayer is an eviscerater

I'd say it's a 2H heavy weapon that doesn't strike last and ignores invul
I don't know if that describes what you're saying

Underrated post

If we just put the Berserk story into the Warhammer universe, what would Griffith become after the Eclipse?
I feel like a straight out Chaos God is too powerful, but something like a Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon is way too weak to represent the power of The God Hand.


Guts goes on and lives a very, very successful career as a human version of a slayer, just a pissed off angry dude obsessed with punching Norscan shit in and laying waste to entire hordes of beastmen. Sigmar probably makes him an honorary knight or some shit.

>Age of Sigmar
Reports have come in of an unidentified man chopping his way through the Chaos realms looking for a recently disappeared waifu.

He dies.

you could basically fit Berserk into Fantasy Warhammer pretty straight, especially golden age

How would you stat him in WHFB?


Play Drakenguard. It's my favourite baby killing game. Second favourite is Dante's Inferno

It is kind of accurate.

Guts is someone that is universally dislike when people first meet. He is looked at as a savage murderer by pretty much everyone that he is very stand offish. However, everyone that knows him actually knows he is really deep down a hero. So much so that everyone is willing to follow him. He is also show to be an effective leader and unparalleled warrior. His experiences make him very knowledgeable at tactics and strategy.

Really, he has more in common with Conan the Barbarian than Sigmar. However, Sigmar pretty much equals Conan so the parallel to Sigmar isn't that far off.

OP, how did you know I was writing fanfiction of Guts in Warhammer Fantasy?

In drakenguard baby kill you!

>tfw imagining Gotrek and Guts wandering the Old World fucking up evil twice as hard with Felix tagging along for the ride

I want this.

ITT, warhammer fans try to ruin everything.

I dunno, being poof-ed to the warhams universe might actually be an improvement for Guts' quality of life.

They'd be un-fucking-stoppable.

If they're in a WH cosmology, Daemon Princes is as high as they can go as ascended mortals.

Well for starters...

>huge will against demonic corruption
>magic sword that increasingly become better at slaying demons per demon killed
>berserk armor that raises his bullshit tier

I'd say he'd do pretty well all things considered. Especially since his sword is becoming artifact tier at slaying demons and perma killing them, he'd actually have a shot at killing chaos themselves.

I can definitely go so for of this.
>pic related

>serbia vs turks .jpg

I think he is Archaon on full power.

>Gotrek and Guts
>everyone non-dwarf and human's fw

>itt opinionated faggot adds nothing of value to conversation

Pics or didn't happen