Post your favourite GM resources here!
Post your favourite GM resources here!
If you can find a Gazetteer for any published campaign world, read it!
It is such a great tool for learning about the culture, history and attitudes of a world or region.
Not even if I'm runnign it. GURPS splats are some of the best "how to GM THIS" books you will ever read. Ignore the rules and read the sidebars and the rest of the book, and you'll get more good advice on running a game than anything other than pure experience can give you.
Special honorary mention to GURPS Mysteries.
I am gonna be that asshole that just posts a youtube link
Because the Thief soundtrack is one of the best I have ever used for D&D. The tracks helped me make the dungeons seem like actually creepy places and not just arenas to kill monsters.
This gay "recommend GURPS for everything" meme has really sunk pretty low at this point.
GURPS doesn't do anything right. It's like someone was specifically trying to make a game that systematically did everything wrong. The only way to use it is try and ignore it as much as possible, which makes it like some sort of gay freeform until a rules dispute makes you pull up some of the most garbled and senseless text vomit that anyone has yet tried to call rulebooks.
I get the whole "it's Veeky Forums's Boku no Pico" joke, but the difference is that with Boku no Pico you immediately understand that it isn't what you were looking for, but with GURPS you have to waste some time reading or god forbid playing that awful system before you realize you've been tricked into playing crystallized crap.
But can you suggest anything better?
If anything on this board has sunken low it's the whole "Anything I don't like is a meme" thing.
>gurpsfag is also the guy forcing the "playing gurps can fix your non-system-related problems!" meme
What a surprise.
No one in this thread has told anyone to play GURPS.
So, have you ever wondered "Wait shit how did these things actually work during medieval times" during campaign prep? There is a solution (1/2)
>I'm going to completely ignore the part that says 'use these as reference books and guides to GMing rather than play ing GURPS" and complain about something entirely irrelevant to the statements you made.
Maybe you should actually read what was written instead of spouting memetic nonsense?
You're implying that advice isn't presented a hundred times better in a hundred other books.
GURPS does a great job at living up to its name. It's advice is generic to the point of being banal, and worth far less than the effort of reading it.
Wow, you know of better resources? Why don't you post them?
Saw this link in one of these style threads
It's got everything you'd ever need, and you can convert most anything listed into D&D 3.5 easily.
For a more OSR SRD, check out
And for advice, ideas, and house rules, there's
Looks good, thanks
Pretty gud. Thanks.
This is an interesting little thing. It list hundreds of names from many cultures
With their meanings.
It's nothing scientific or anything, but I used it in Fading Suns (imagine a more multicultural Dune sort of thing) and it was really handy.
>Says something is bad and does things wrong
>Doesn't say why it's bad or what specifically it does wrong
Opinion discarded, try again.
This is pretty great, gonna use this in the future both as player and GM.
It really, really isn't.
You're fucking retarded. I hate GURPS as much as the next guy, but it has a ton of info on accurate worldbuilding, if you care about that. You don't like people recommending it everywhere doesn't mean it does everything wrong, you massive autist.
>but it has a ton of info on accurate worldbuilding
But even more innaccurate bullslop, making any attempt to use it a chore. is one of the best random-generator resources for millions of things. All editions of D&D plus some OSR retroclones too.
Your meme is old, tired and wrong. Just give up and go bother the editionwar fags.
Does anyone have a resource for creating magical artifacts? I need to randomly generate a few chaos relics for some tests of faith in my only war campaign.
All I've got is this screen cap.
Anyone have that pdf about economics? It talked about costs to farm and make bread.
or this?
This one. Thank you for both.