Be honest with me and be honest with yourself, if you really did find lets say 10,000 BTC on an old hdd would you make a thread and give some away on biz to anons. I legit truly believe I would give away at least 100 but I'd like to know if this makes me a fucking retard..
So would you?
Be honest with me and be honest with yourself, if you really did find lets say 10...
yeah i would but ofc its easy to just say that.
it doesn't matter, im a no coiner and i should just kms. my best best is some wealthy Veeky Forums user gives me a job maintaining his yacht or something. hopefully there will be generous anons in the future.
nop, of course I Wouldn't
there is a reason you don't give to beggars on the street, they'll just waste it on drugs and alcohol.
Same with begging pajeets, you give them 1 BTC and next month they've lost everything gambling on shitcoins and back to begging they are.
Hell no man why would I ever give btc to shitters on this board. They will legit just gamble it on muh alts and lose it after a week tops
Far more money than I could ever want
I'd probably give about half of them a way, but you'd have to make me laugh
I would convert a little to LTC and hand out $1's worth to about 200 anons.
>give away $1,500,000 to Veeky Forums shitposters and russian hackers
>when I could use that money to improve my local community
Honestly would hold a raffle buy in that would be equivalent to $1.
Give a time/goal to be reached, then give away x amount. You’re “losing” x amount but you’re getting money back at the same time.
I'd give away 1000 of the 10000 ten to the first 100 wallets posted.
That leaves me with 148mill (as of today) that I would just let grow.
I would have elevated 100 people from what is essentially slavery while still keeping in comfortable "fuck off money" territory.
Imagine that, changing 100 lives in less than a day. Totally worth it.
The only thing holding me back from more massive handouts is too many anons are Pejeets shitting up the place.
i would but given btc transaction times they wouldnt get it for a week and call me a faget liar anyway
Jesus I fucked that sentence up.
Anyway, the first 100 people get ten BTC.
sure I would, just to prove it and see how buthut everybody is once people see it's true and I'm so much better of than any of them
if anyone who happened to find 10k btc just now feels this way you can count on me: 16w86RVmVCAgt81fXCGPhUtU9sDhNqcsSB
>doesn't understand you can sign messages with your wallet to prove ownership
giving away 100 out of 10,000 is almost nothing like 1% or less. It doesnt make you retarded because youd do some elaborate AR game in order for anons to get the btcs, some shit that would teach them all about cryptography and shit so we wouldnt have so many clueless normies here that dont even know what DYOR means
I'd be scared as fuck people would be trying to hack/rob me. Certainly wouldn't advertise
I would give away around 5 BTC, yes.
i'd give maybe 10 away to people i actually care.
I'd give away 1596 out of 10000. And I'd probably give it away in 15 BTC increments to people I feel like deserve it.
Why would anyone give away money online.
You can't see anyone's gratitude. You literally dont know if people really deserve the help
Seriously if you've made a lot of money on bitcoin you should try dropping a hundo on some bum whose situation is no fault of their own
You will see, maybe for the first time in your life, true gratitude.
Lets get this show on the road then m8
i would, id like to be in lamboland, but i wouldn't actually buy one. i dont need much.
My brother, I only have .02 BTC.
Can't give you what I don't have lol.
I have a YouTube channel it’s not huge or anything but it’s me my wife and my daughter whenever we take family trips.. I think I’m going to put “donate bitcoin” with a wallet link on my videos. That way people see I’m 1) not a pajeet 2) not going to throw away the money on drugs, just actively working towards a sufficient wealth to do more with my family. Been buying a little bitcoin here and there for the last few months, I want to believe
I'd give 10 BTC to people I cared about, so like 80 BTC overall, and then pick 10 random addresses and give them 1 BTC each because why not
real question, would it even be possible to cash out that many fucking internet tulips
i have 0.6 btc on a broken phone, i will give away 0.1 when i get it fixed
If I would have listened to /b/ in 2010 and mined a shitload id deff be giving away coins at this point
If you're conducting an ethics test then I'd gladly show my worth of receiving such a donation. I make premium pinot noir and would send you a case as a thank you
LIKE HOLY FUCK:D Are we investors here?
>Oh Ill just give five millions on random guys on a japanese cartoon board
Holy shit you guys are stupid. I wouldn't give anything to you shitfaces. I'd rather burn the money than give it to someone
I'd give money to everyone on /k/ who tickled my fancy and wanted to buy a gun.
I would like to be a patron saint, but every person who randomly posts an address on Veeky Forums comes off as a pathetic nigger and I wish failure upon them. Even in generosity threads, the first people to respond are just prize pig vultures. Dunno. If I had that kind of fantasy disposable income I'd rather randomly spring a giveaway in /vr/ or /diy/ or a Sopranos thread on /tv/ so I was actually giving an unexpected gift to good posters who weren't just prowling for handouts.
i would give 1 btc out to everyone in a thread... just for the lulz and cuz Veeky Forums is a pretty fun place to watch people getting fucked
If I would find 10k BTC I would hold them, cash them out later and do something of real use for humanity with the money for example donating to some field of scientific research in a field needed at that time. Giving some basement dwelling faggots money theyll put into fucking f2p shooters wont help anyone.
Yes, pretty sure i would.
i would but thats only because i believe in this board culture
ive given back to biz before when ive made gains based on shitposts from here
you never know with giveaway posts on biz if theyre legit or bs desu
sometimes theyre real af
I will confirm if delivers.
reading comprehension isn't your strong suit eh
if you look at the link post you see he is correcting a theoretical. Fucking idgits.
No. I would short BTC and dump the 10K BTC I have. I would close the short right after dump ends and buy x amount more BTC. Then I would make a thread about it and give 0.1 BTC to all trips and 1 BTC to quads
Why did you post your fucking address then you fucking mongrel cunt?
Implying anything can stop someone with no btc from begging!
Besides buying CTS's ass just for the fuck of it, I would rather spend selectively 10% over my main boards.
I gave some steam keys to an user on /v/ once, he didn't even say thanks. Moral of the story, only give to people you know aren't fuckwits.
>Be me
>20-year-old worthless poor fag
>browse Veeky Forums everyday
>found a bitcoin faucet a few years ago
>got 20 free bitcoins
>autistic enough to not lose the wallet
>find it in 2017
>worth 30,000 dollars
>finally have money to fuck all the stacys and buy drugs
>no, I will not be so selfish
>I will give these to my internet friends
yeah right
i would have a daily thread where i ask questions and demand crypto advice or laughs in exchange for my coins, which will be given out 20-50 at a time depending on the question.
perhaps run contests of various kinds for larger prizes.
Yes, Veeky Forums has legitimately given me good advice in the past, I just wish I could donate to those specific people
fuck no lol
Will send 1 bitcoin to first trip.
Yea if I could find the Anons who slaved away on random devs Twitter sifting through garbage to get us the fat Intel we used to get rich. Otherwise no dice beggar fagés
frankly, nobody on this website is deserving of free money
even with 10k BTC no charity donations and no tips ever
Post a proof you're white and I will send the first ten anons 0.05 BTC each.
Y'know I would love to help some Veeky Forumsbros but I'd hate the risk that some /pol/fag gets my BTC. So probably not
I like the cut off your jib
yes i would give away at least 1/3
then give some to users that seem to truly need a little boost
What? Fuck no.
Fuck all of you stupid mother fuckers on this board.
I'll gladly keep all that shit for myself.
no, fuck you beggar
Thanks user
Hell yes.
First user to collect and provide evidence would be lucky because god knows what i'd make the others do when they knew I was legit.
>I'd give away 1000 of the 10000 ten to the first 100 wallets posted.
save some for a math and english tutor
Ah, what the hell
I'd give it to random anons who seemed like real life bros. I'd spend all my time gaming and shirposting and paranoid of getting hacked. The dream
Yeah, I would. I only need like 5 million to live the rest of my life comfy as fuck, so I'd probably dump at least 500-1000 here
I've given away approximately $10,000,000 to anons
keeps the fire rising
I'll give it a shot. Thanks OP
>implying that I actually care about anyone in this place
Let's roll:
I would definitely give some away without hesitation. I know how much money I need to live the life I want and it’s not much more than 5 million dollars.
I'm white. My hand looks weird af in this picture.
Some guy gave me an eth for helping him a few months back so Id definitely pay it forward. No beggars or charities though fuck them pajeetos
Giving out that much money would be the kiss of death as it would result in a bunch of pajeets just flooding this board begging for gibs.
rolling again
I would give away some to relatives and friends, not random Pajeets
My 3 year old white child says thanks user
rollin again
rolling plz grant me coin
rollin plz grant coin
rolling please grant coin
roll again
thank you user
rolin for trips
Messed the first one up, so again: Thank you user!
then do/could you pitch in for my mothers funeral.
yes i had a thread about it on Veeky Forums about it.