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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Name the one item you cannot live without.
Tell me Jumpers, what is the biggest secret that you have discovered by chance?
the colour mlellow
Technically it's a collection of a number of linked magical items, but my Key. Without it, no warehouse, so no pod access and thus reduced companions, a great deal of lost firepower, no access to a number of linked pocket dimensions, and also vast paranoia about amnesia hidden drawbacks.
Okay, be honest: Which one of you started the "Space Giants" thread after the talking about Zentraedi waifus last thread?
>Problem is the jump says something about it in the notes.
That is not you dying, that is loss by additional Fiat condition, like some settings have getting a D&D Divine.Rank be a loss condition, Because Reasons.
Everything I said still applies.
Probably the Sylladex.
I probably learned a lot of them when I ended up downloading all of the information from the Megastructures from Blame! and Biomega into my head.
You had a checkmark, CAPTCHA. Stop telling me you didn't.
My Bicycle from Pokemon.
Well it is certainly worth a fortune.
Jumpers, what is the jump you don't like because you are familiar with and like the setting material, and don't agree with decisions/rulings the jumpmaker made regarding the setting, but you think would have been OK if you did not know the setting as well as you do?
My genuine SlowpokeTail of course.
The talk about becoming a True Fae has me wondering - is there a perk to help you make it so that transformation that should metaphysically count as killing you (most form of vampiric embraces, for example)... don't?
Actually someone did the math using Pokemon go pokeball prices, the bike is roughly like $300. You only get pocket change from the starting people and your end rival gives you about $1.60.
It does still apply but that also means there is no way to become a true Fae without being sent home.
Fall From Heaven. Awesome setting, really questionable choices for the jump.
Gundam SEED and Code Geass.
>Pokemon go pokeball prices
Mobile games are not fucking canon user.
How much do pokeballs cost then?
Na they aren't but it was more to put it in perspective.
In Elfen Lied, can one companion Lucy using the companion option?
>Probably the Sylladex
I started reading the comic, but got interrupted and it is SO FUCKING HUGE I dread getting back to it.
Does the Sylladex get upgraded to not have the weird rules and you can use it as a regular inventory?
And can you alchemize a sylladex (and alchemical synthesizes gear) for others, or are those meta abilities more than items?
Oh, hi, Kitten.
Nah, it's like, Shinji had a choice and if he wanted, she could make anew ancestral race because she had both seeds
this guy gets it
Wishgranter? is that a jump?
I can't remember, read the thing earlier in the morning and can't find it. They cost £0.0395 in the mobile game though. 20 pokeballs for £0.79
I always thought it made more sense to convert pokedollars directly into Yen. That way a single pokeball is like $2 or so.
You can upgrade your Sylladex to be less cumbersome, sure. There are also Sylladexes that are just inherently better. Wallet Modus seems to be the most convenient to use version, though only no-nonsense dad types buy those. And you can alchemize sylladexes and alchemy equipment. Those aren't off-limits. They tend to be pretty expensive, though.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R., I think?
Yes. So sayeth Heavens. That said, if you take the expensive version, she'll still be crazy...just not towards you or companions.
She didn't have it as a goal though, and that's not what ended up happening (just humans being gooed because Shinji is emo)
Jump # 4 Bubblegum Crisis
Age: 23
Background: Knight Saber (200)
Starting Location: Silky Doll (Free)
Gender: Female
*Hardsuit Pilot (Free)
*Master of War (300, Discount)
*Visionary (300)
*Grease Monkey (300)
*Idol (300)
*Saber Suit (free)
*apartment (Free)
*Motorcycle (free)
*Canyon Garage (100)
*Workshop (100)
*At first you had my curiosity (+300)
*Now you have my attention (+300)
So I considered recruiting Priss for our new band but really she had her own band and in this life was sort of a former rival of mine. I was a failed singer turned mechanic letting her technical genius just rot away before Sylia approached me to help out with the hard suits.
In testing them she found out I wasn’t bad wearing one either so I wound up with a fourth spot. I also finagled Akitsu a role in the maintenance of the suits though… she wasn’t really meant for that sort of work. However I think Sylia picked up Akitsu was just going to fallow me wherever I went so she was sure to find her busy work.
So I would love to say I went jumper Jesus on this place and brought down Genon and everyone lived happily forever. What really happened though was I hung out with the Knight Sabers, helped keep their gear going we fought a futile battle against a megacorp that we knew winning against would wreck the world and we got to deal with Largo the Hyper boomer who just wouldn’t die and kept popping up again and again.
So we stayed alive though not really sure we made much difference during the 10 years.
Bancho, please, not here.
As for the Wishgranter, you need to get to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for it.
Finish your meals Bill. This is just wasteful.
thanks and I don't know if it was purposely omitted because It is a trap option,but there is another omnipotent Wish in gravity Falls if you take a Horrendous drawback.
what do you mean?
Shinji had no ambition or so. Otherwise the thing would have happened.
>there is no way to become a true Fae without being sent home.
1: Become True Fae and choose to stay. This was explicitly allowed, as quoted up chain. Also, with the jump ended and other jumps unfroze, there are ways to go back to previous jumps depending on the perks you took/items you bought/knowledge you have.
2: wait to become True Fae till after you have a Spark or you have already lost.
3. Stock on the "Keep your Identity" Perks before becoming True Fae
4. Don't become True Fae. There are more downsides than upsides (WoD Jump, natch) and the other True Fae will try to take your power for themselves and eat you, and may by the nature of Arcadia and contracts be immune to your perks there, because they did not agree to be subject to them. And your chain is over, so no Jumpchan in your corner.
>Shinji had no ambition or so.
He wanted unconditional love. It's when he realized that there's no such thing that he flipped his shit.
Thank you! Loving the jump.
Reversing the question, people who should have made my jumps instead of me:
Gargoyles - Spyro
Disney Princess - My 6 year old niece
Elona - Literally anyone
Changeling - Merchant
Redline - South and Muyo
No problem, glad you're enjoying it!
Master of Magic. The way he made the jump, there are some Starting Wizard Builds you cannot become, including the one I usually pick. (2 Life, 2 Nature, 1 Chaos, 2 Sorcery, Alchemist, Artificer, Rune Master, Node Master)
Also, he is ignorant of how spell books work, and does not give a Life wizard a discount on Warlord, when they have a spell that does the same thing that explicitly stacks and is a common combo.
>My 6 year old niece
I shudder to think what Jumpchain would look like if the Jumpmakers where children.
What would we call you then? Also, were you the guy who made Problem Sleuth and started Genius the Transgression but got high and deleted his progress, or was that another guy.
> unconditional
Well, yeah.
Generally at the very least love requires some conditions, like, "Don't turn into a serial killer."
Although depending on how far down the crazy pole you're willing to go, you might be able to find someone for whom that's a selling point.
Shinji's such a do-nothing, though, I think someone would at least have the condition of him going out and finding another job, which he seemed pretty uninterested in doing.
My Towel. Beyond the myriad of uses it already possesses, I took Concealment Equals Cover in Black Lagoon. So now my Towel also has the bullet resistance of tank armor.
Jumpchan is not the only one. She's not even one of a few. There are hundreds, thousands, millions of them. We're how they breed. I did not want to know this secret. But I can't stop.
Once you hit God Tier there's a badge you can get that allows you to pick up stuff and put it down without invoking the sylladex. Only one character is shown to have it, and by that point of the story Hussie mostly skips over any weird sylladex shit anyways.
And yes, the sylladex is a weird meta thing, When dealing with Homestuck, the answer is ALWAYS "it's a weird meta thing."
>They tend to be pretty expensive, though.
So I will dismantle Mystcraft and Terraria worlds for grist. Wasn't there also a perk that upgraded the alchemizer and kept costs down?
I like to Pimp out my Companions with goodies in case they decide to stay behind, or I get depowered. Also for people I like in a jump who will be staying behind.
What makes Shinji so difficult to love is that he's passive as hell in matters of affection, with only the occasional efforts. He's all take and no give and doesn't even have the courage to fool people into going along with it.
You mean Shinji was Bancho?
I've been tinkering with converting jumpchains to an RPG system, and I think I've finally cracked the code. Let me know if I've missed something.
Any jumpchain skill/ability can be bought as a gift (either you have it or you don't) or a skill with a default skill level of Superb. Skills may be purchased at lower levels for a discount.
Rung on the Fudge Ladder: Cost
Superb: 100%
Great: 80%
Good: 60%
Fair: 40%
Mediocre: 20%
Poor: Free
The advantage here is that you can roll 4 Fudge dice (or Fate dice; they're the same thing) to make skill checks. Roll 4dF and adjust your skill up or down the Fudge ladder by that many steps. Compare the result to the difficulty of the task, as ranked on the Fudge ladder. If the result equals or exceeds the task difficulty, you succeeded. Otherwise you either failed or succeeded in a way that made things worse for you.
As an example, let's say you took "Quidditch star" at Fair in the Harry Potter jump. You'll never be able to go professional, but it should be enough to get you around on a broom.
An airborne Draco Malfoy throws Neville's Rememberall at the ground, but Harry Potter is nowhere to be found! You jump into action! How hard is it to catch the Rememberall before it hits the ground? Let's call that Great difficulty.
Roll 4dF and... disaster! You rolled -3. Your Fair skill on a broom, shifted down 3 levels, becomes Terrible. Instead of catching the bauble and pulling out of the dive, you slam into the ground and break several bones. It looks like Madame Pomfrey will need to clear a bed for you in the infirmary tonight...
Just be sure not to overflow your Grist meter. Overflow doesn't disappear, but it does go into Gristtorent and make you have to download it back when you need it instead of having instant access. Your Grist meter grows as you level up, though. Just making you aware that trying to do this before going out and exploring your world is going take a huge amount of time.
>What would we call you then?
>Also, were you the guy who made Problem Sleuth and started Genius the Transgression but got high and deleted his progress, or was that another guy.
That was me, I just don't think anyone else here would do Problem Sleuth at all, much less better. And Genius is free for whoever wants to do it. I've also started and abandoned Generic Toon Jump and am considering starting and abandoning Digger or Samurai Pizza Cats.
Shinji isn't that pathetic, and he eventually realized that forcing everyone into his shitty utopia is wrong.
>That spoiler
Get Equivalent Exchange, use something that just generates infinite power, use it for powering up EE and generating materials, along with energy collectors. Break THESE down for grist.
Example jump using the Fudge Mod rules:
Jump: Ranma 1/2
1000 cp
martial artist -100
900 cp
Juusenkyo curse: choose cat -100
800 cp
Some kind of ninja: -50
750 cp
Amazon durability -100
650 cp
Medical Genius -200
*discount; Fair: 40% cost; -80 cp
570 cp
Copycat technique -300
270 cp
Flask of Water of Life -100
170 cp
Ki projection: -600
*discount: Mediocre: 20% cost; -120
50 cp
Fan of divine wind -50
0 cp
I wanted to learn martial arts, but most of the stuff I wanted was discounted for drop-ins. I finally decided to go with a drop-in background and do my best to get some training from one of the main characters. As per usual, I decided to roll 1d100 to see how this works out for me.
90! Fuck, yeah! During my time there I learn martial arts from one of the canon characters. I'll worry about which one later.
Since I had a few CP left over I decided to spend them on Mediocre ki projection. Not really something I'm enthusiastic about, but it might come in handy if I want to learn ki-based attacks in a different jump.
But it's great.
It's the only reason I ever watched Redline in the first place.
>Skills may be purchased at lower levels for a discount.
That seems like adding unnecessary sophistication and demultiplying the chances of debates over how good you are at X.
Overlord (LN/M/A) Jump:
CP: 1000
Powerless [+600]
Rival Guild [+200]
Location: The Fields of Death, Katze Plains
Race: Angel (Player) [Free]
Origin: Player, Magic User
Tolerance for Evil [Free]
Personal Inventory [-50]
Themed Ascetics [-50]
Golden Mind [-100]
Enhanced Healing Ability [Free]
Alchemist [Free]
The 42nd Supreme Being [-1000]
Level One-Hundred [Free]
Class Skills, Magic User (Talisman Mage) [Free]
The Abyss of Magic [-300]
Medium Tier Equipment [Free]
Legendary Tier Equipment [Free]
The Ring of Elru [-400]
The Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown [Free]
Homunculus Maid [Free]
Custom NPC (___) [Free]
Doppelganger Drop-In) [400]
Tolerance for Evil [Free]
Personal Inventory (Upgraded) [Free]
Themed Ascetics (Upgraded) [Free]
Level One-Hundred [Free]
Class Skills, Drop-In (Ranger, Rouge, Sorcerer Swordsman) [-100]
Skillful & Resourceful [-100]
Skillful Acquisitions [-200]
Legendary Tier Equipment [Free]
This is a great starter Jump!
Enjoy dying horribly because you took the trap drawback combo.
>Let me know if I've missed something.
The realization that this is a stupid idea and you should stop.
...I don't know why you would want to do that unless you wanted to go full potato, but -
>being able to discount perks at a reduction in quality
It just looks like you want a way to get stuff cheaper and nothing else really seems different.
How is that a trap?
Go home, user. You're drunk.
>It's the only reason I ever watched Redline in the first place.
>One of the greatest animated movies
>His only reason is because he saw it in a Jump
Well, you probably want to spend most of your time inside your guild. Becase another guild who only wants you dead has the same strength as Nazarick and it's after you.
Powerless takes away ALL out of jump knowledge. Rival Guild will basically hunt you down and kill you as soon as you leave the dungeon, and nothing you do can possibly let you survive against them if you took Powerless. Have fun getting ganked.
Not that user, but I had never heard of Redline before there was a jump about it, and only watched it because one was made.
It is a beautiful movie, however, I'm glad I got to experience that.
Mostly I just wanted to run jumpchains more like a tabletop RPG. If I have martial arts training, and my opponent has martial arts training, what are my odds of success? If I have it at Great and he has it at Fair, I know that my odds are pretty good. (odds of rolling -2 or better: 93%)
The entire concept of jumpchain is a cycle. when we get our spark, we are destined to become something like jumpchan, and stater letting other jumpers into the multiverse.
There is an agreement going around for a bunch of anons and namefags have agreed to set each other on the chain if they get in.
So Jumpchan is our mommy?
No user, it's even wore: you're your mommy.
There is only one person accompanying you on your journey: Jump-chan. Even all your waifus and friends are but aspects of her.
So, Nya?
She is yandere as fuck, and people think that there is a way to leave the chain.
Or, you, just ignore Brellin past the point where he went mad with power. I mean, he is saying No powers, and no knowledge is a +200 CP drawback.
But hey, you all started this by letting jumpmakers add worse and worse blatantly bad drawbacks and say they were worth less and less points.
So, jumpers, which one of you had your waifus at least attempt to fuse themselves into one waifu, at least temporaily?
There was never more than one waifu, there was only ever Jump Chan.
Technically is a 100cp drawback if you have lvl 100. You need another drawback to get the 800cp.
There is, unless you wank otherwise. Some people don't even have Jumpchan. I see Professor Oak a lot.
I suppose that's one way to deal with pic related.
A few threads back, some weirdo wanted to merge all his companions into one companion. Because they are all interchangeable parts or something.
> Welcome to the world of Black Bullet!
> Are you a boy or a girl?
> You can change it with 100CP!
Weirdly fitting.
Don't want to, don't need to. Only got one waifu! Help I prematurely took harem perks and nobody will leave me alone even when I say I've got someone
Toggle in YJ, Amulet in Girl Genius, Precise in DC.
*And she's gotta be a lesbian in Dodgeball.
Okay, so you know how in myths, or in the earlier parts of LoTR, people were capable of doing impossible things like slaying dragons, outfighting gods, and holding off armies by simple virtue of the fact they they were awesome enough to do so, with the details of how being irrelevant?
Are there any perks that let you do stuff like that?
This is very helpful, thank you.
Suplex a Train in FF6 and Realm of Myths in Civilization might be what you're looking for.
>Realm of Myths
That will probably work.
Just curious is there are any perks that let you test someone by comparing your metaphysical "night" to theirs?
Alright anons, we're fast approaching the 1000th thread. Anything you'd like to say before we do?
The Gamer/Minion Master chain requires yet another toss good Jumpers.
Last time: Minion Master beat the shit out of Skynet with his Army, then got sent to the drug-fueled haze that is Alice in Wonderland.
The Gamer Chain-
Concept-Overlord Native-Chain, a Gamer like Ainz who got sucked into the New World. Built the way I would build a character for an MMO, Minions and Buffs for Minions.
Has a Gamer mind-set for most of the chain, trying to exploit anything he can, and to get more Minions and Buffs.
Companions- Forsetti, Gnarl, Lilith, Mooks, Lupa d'Angela, Akitsu, Yashima, Haihane, Waddle Dees, Heather, Genie, Female Hades,
Felyne(Not named),Arianrhod, Otis, Milo, Chara(SAVED, and Podded)
Golden Sky Story
I love you people, I love you when you're discussing some cool combo, I love you when you're spurging over the Lore of your favorite setting, I love you when you're arguing over damn near anything.
I love this thread, I love this CYOA, and I love you Anons.