Nephelim soldiers are pretty good now right? About to go into week two of journeyman league, and I thing a soldier would be super helpful.
>biggest problem is Khador >on feat turn, can reliably deal 12 points of damage to a arm 20 >fuck you and your big ass axe
And that's worse case scenario (going against Khador). Mat 7 means I can somewhat reliably chop off just about any things arm, or in case of hordes cripple something like body.
Sebastian Harris
I think the problem you would have facing a heavy warbeast with a soldier is that they just spend a fury to heal up and push your shit in.
Honestly I found my best bet in my league was to just go for assassination.
Jace Collins
Any special tricks that work? Everyone likes to keep their caster back, and right now I've got no special tricks to use. Feels like the only way to get anything out of kryssa is pop feat and pray for a crit
Eli Rivera
Are trolls just boned for Journeyman league? How can I not just lose to all these Battlegroup heavy Warmachine boxes?
Camden Martinez
Honestly, just grind through it. BB games aren't meant to be super balanced as it is, they're mostly about learning the rules.
But I think your caster is great at that level. Yea, you don't have a heavy, but you've got reliable knockdown to fuck with enemy heavies and easy access to cover.
Nicholas Moore
My league did 15 points for week 2. But otherwise yes, yes they are.
Jason Collins
Our league let folks build their first battlegroup and then go from there. Still no characters, etc first few weeks. Unfortunately some dudes are just building lists for the points level every week, and it turned into a bunch of bullshit.
Dominic Flores
What I found worked in my league. (Mind you there were a lot of beginners) Was to swing the neraph up the flank and force my opponent to either move a beast/jack to deal with it opening up a lane for Kryssa. Of course Kryssa's assanation range is absolutely ludicrous 17" if i recall hitting at P+S 16 with on hit fire on a feat turn. So don't be afraid to send her in if an opportunity presents itself
Shredders are totally fucking useless and should have been replaced by a raek, you might get to use their animus to charge Kryssa but overall they are garbage
My league went up by 10pts in the second week so I picked up a Raek to go hard and that would be my recommended pickup for you due to the extended control range giving you 24" to flank with.
Honestly it's all about using your speed to force up into the caster especially considering you're probably playing against a fuckton of khador and Legion can't attrition them. You have to be the one making the moves especially if they stay passive.
Julian Taylor
I don't see them as very good. Kryssa's feat can just make anything gold for a turn. I'd prefer the Bloodseer. For 1 less point you get 1 less defense, more armor, 1 less point of power, a good animus and another model capable of using slipstream/the naga's animus.
Luis Bell
I dunno. Shredders served me well in the early weeks. PS 13 flanks, and decent jamming helps.
Jason James
Yeah, I might just be underestimating what Kryssa can manage. I mean, i say that, that's how I won my last game against cygnar. Used quickness to shift around the reach of the jack with the spear, charged the caster, first hit was a crit, and just went to town.
I'm with about shredders though. My opponents seem to always make it a point to kill the bastards. That flank ability really causes my opponents to hesitate on what they should focus on casting. The neraph is...well I don't like it, but it can hurt things. The bolt thrower is MVP so far for me. But man, those shredders can be nasty. I remember not really being worried about them at all in mk2 if you had enough armor, but even the khador player doesn't like leaving those things alive after rolling 4 6's on a charge once. True, that is incredibly rare to have happened, but it did, and he was not expecting his juggernaut to take 12 points of damage from a lowly shredder.
Daniel Davis
Neraph is a budget heavy. Cheap beatstick, but not at all indicative of what Legion does with their heavies.
Jaxon Mitchell
Will they be selling other pre-release models at gencon, or just the new warcasters? The Riflemage solo, for instance.
David Gomez
Nobody knows until the store opens.
Juan Ortiz
Is it possible to do something like this with a 3D scanner/printer?
Elijah Cooper
I'm sure someone knows, this is hardly the first ever Gencon. What did they do last year?
Nathan Hall
I mean, there's shit there, it's just not really talked about.
They're pitching the grown up Juniors. Whatever else is there tends to be a suprise.
Dylan Hernandez
Theoretically yes.
However you're likely going to be looking at $100k+ for a scanner and printer high quality enough to capture the sub millimeter precision.
Elijah Lopez
Im really fkn tired of PP random miniature size... The new cygnar warcaster ex journeyman seems bigger, the gun mages are bigger. I hate not having the miniatures on a same scale.
Xavier Ward
I always thought the size difference between liches like Asphyxious and the Withershadow Combine was insane. Especially if you compare them to a regular human in the setting
Juan Diaz
To be fair Gaspy is an Iron Lich, their bodies are mostly metal except for the skull, he can be however big he wants.
Bentley Davis
>5% shorer with 5% larger head m-muh heroic scale
Jackson Foster
The withershadow combine are iron liches and they are tiny
Elijah Flores
What are good colors for Cygnar? I'm thinking about lots of grey and a bit of blue (e.g. for shoulder pads) with silver and/or brass. Pic related looks good too...
Does anyone have pictures of Cygnar units with the official Cryx color scheme? Ghostly green instead of lightning blue and grey/brown armor instead of blue.
I just can't decide!!!
Austin Cooper
So? Why does it matter what size their robot bodies are?
Daniel Davis
I just picked up a Khador berserker chassis kit.
Any suggestions on a new sword for the rager? The one is comes with is fucking retarded.
Jackson Anderson
Steal a nomad one? Maybe a doomreaver one if you have a spare.