Xmr and btc

Lets be real. Everything other than bitcoin and monero is just pure gamble.

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Rolling for dubs

You forgot IOTA

Why monero?

1. Bitcoin
2. Litecoin
12. Ethereum/Monero
57. Ripple
34016. Everything else
34017. Bcash

It replaced bitcoins on internet black markets a while ago.

Hasn't even begun to yet user afaik. Which means lots of room to grow for XMR

Worth investing a little money into then, whats the best exchange?

This. Better get in on this anarchy coin before world war 3 starts.

Monero, it will rule the black market for sure, basically impossible to track and so on, because the moment our technology is a able to do that, crytpo-tech is worthless

BTC cannot scale, and if it continues growing at its current rates within a year and a half its going to consume more electricity then the entire united states. Eventualy it'll require the construction of new powerplants just to keep it online. Something many magnitudes less energy intensive will eventually take its place.

Use shapeshift.

Anybody else had problems with coinbase taking a while to verify their account?

I'm winning with eth RIGHT NOW!

You can gamble on it having a faster growth than bitcoin, it's also pretty safe to hold, but at this point if bitcoin crashes hard everything crashes so there's not much more benefits over bitcoin.


This is a myth. Also trips of lies.

>I don't know what opportunity cost is

It's still worth it to get in on obvious pnds


shittiest customer service ever. I couldn't get my CC verified on there because there system is a crock of shit. customer support hasn't given me an update in over 2 weeks.

Is livecoin any better?

or cryptopia?

Lmao. Name one black market currently accepting monegro please

Agree, but you forgot VTC at around #20.

trading all of my shitcoins for a 50% BTC 50% Monero portfolio whenever they decide to go back up