Fantasy Skirmish Games

Song of Blades and Heroes, Frostgrave, Mordheim, LotR, SAGA (more historical I know). Hell, even dungeon crawlers and boardgames like Warhammer Quest and Descent.

Post your warbands and miniature manufacturers.

I read the rules for Open Combat the other week. Pretty standard, IGOUGO with a "risk management" mechanic to force turnovers, basically rolling a 1 on most actions climbing/shooting/etc causes a stagger or a fumble and gives the initiative to your opponent. I do sort of prefer it having 5 or 6 stats instead of SoBH's "two stats and a bucket of special rules", and the terrain rules are simple but solid. The only thing then is there aren't really any special rules, the warband composition is a bit bland at literally a point per each point of statline, and then a point for a weapon, shield etc. Seems like a serviceable ruleset, maybe more solid core rules than SoBH for only a little more detail, but I'd still prefer that.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll post some miniatures anyway. Think these are actually from a guy on Veeky Forums.


This guy used Blood Bowl Humans.

Nice mix of Heroquest/Advanced Heroquest/Warhammer Quest and Battle Masters old plastics in this lot.

List fantasy/historical skirmish games other than Mordheim with a focus on individual soldiers.

Cool thread OP. I just got back in to (house ruled) Mordheim myself.
I weep and lament whenever I think about how you can't get those wonderful Empire Mercenaries anymore. Anyone have a good source for heroic 28mm pseudo Landsknecht?

Shit, they've stopped doing the Militia/Free Company sprues. What a shame.

This shall remembered in the Dammaz Kron.

The Frostgrave plastic soldiers come with bundles of stuff. They're more true 28mm though, and their aesthetic is a bit less ragtag.


Link plz.

So a question from an amateur game designer working on his own skirmish game; what are some things that you like and dislike about games like SoB&H, Frostgrave, Mordheim, etc.? What are some examples of things you think they get right, some things that could be improved, and some things that are just awful and should never be used?

I hate Games Workshop more than anything, with the wrath of a spurred lover.

I like personalization, I liked the whole mordheim and it's hero options/extra equipment but preferred necromunda where each gang member was an individual.

Also some rules for blackpowder should be included.

I like Twelve Elements of War. Company is still trying to get the whole range of minis out, but it seems promising. It's all based around campaign play.

I posted these Frostgrave/Perry kitbash before on Veeky Forums, but I don't mind sharing them again. They are for Frostgrave/Mordheim. They are based on Mordheim Marienburgers and Middenheimers.


Song of Deeds and Glory



Down in my flgs we are getting into frostgrave in a big way. Everyone is hunting around for models. Its going to be great once everyone starts playing, gonna see models ranging from 30 years ago to present day from random companies.

Nice work user, did that need a lot of greenstuff?

There is some amount of greenstuff yes. Mostly the beards, fur and beret.
