Red pill me on the DARPG.
Dragon Age rpg
It's a manly RPG where men are men, dwarves are dwarves and elves are all feminine. AS IT SHOULD BE.
Uhh, what about the mechanics, are they manly as well?
Is it fun.
Feels kinda like playing WFRP 2e, but simpler.
Except the dwarves, they're dwarfy.
The Dragon Age RPG is super fun. Unfortunately, I'm the only human being alive who still loves Dragon Age, and only because I didn't play anything after Origins.
Thanks EA you killed a great setting, a great video game, and a great tabletop game.
>and elves are all feminine
Say that to my face shem not online and see what happens
Inquisition wasn't utter shit.
Inquisition was great, imo. Cole a CUTE! A CUTE!
It's got a fun gimmick, but ultimately is a shitty nerf sword RPG.
I might have to give it a play sometime.
I wouldn't. I said it wasn't utter shit, not that it was good.
Dragon Age was never good.
Origins was the only bad one. I'm surprised it got off the ground after that. Same with Mass Effect.
My unpopular opinions are correct.
I mean, the plot was certainly lackluster. It's just, "Beat up all the bad guys you see! Then one final battle with the main bad guy!" and it doesn't go deeper than that. However, the side quests make up for it. They have intrigue, spying, et cetera, and the gameplay's fun. Plus the companions are 10/10.
Also Cole's a CUTE! A CUTE!
>tfw bioware said they wouldnt make cole a romance option because "mentally's he's a child"
>then in the trespasser dlc, they decide to put him in a relationship with the bard bitch
Explain, faggot.
Cole a shit.
Cassandra 4 lyfe.
Also Dorian.
It wasn't the plot that was the problem for me. The game design just sucked balls.
>shallow combat
>repetitive fetch quests
>huge areas filled with fetch quests
It just completely destroyed the pacing.
I liked most of the characters but the romances were shallow. They should also have kept the Friendship/Rivalry thing from DA2, the mechanic makes more sense when faced with the end of the world.
I like how simple and direct the mechanics are but I hate character creation. You can roll randomly for stats, or you can have stats have significant bonuses or penalties, but you can't do both. I also think that mages are the best class all-around, especially when you look at how powerful healing magic is. I'd argue that a Mage built around physical stats is probably a better Warrior than a Warrior is. Which makes sense given Arcane Warriors exist in the Dragon Age universe, and the Arcane Warrior makes that path even better.
I-I liked the gameplay and exploration. But admittedly it did feel weird doing minor quests when the world could end any second. When I played, I always thought, "Wouldn't our resources be better spent building up defenses rather than sending my best agents to please some noblefucks?"
>insulting another man's husbando/waifu
>Mages are better at being a Warrior than actual Warriors
Oh, so just like other role play games?
>those soft watery eyes
>that weak chin
>that unscarred, unwrinkled face
>that soft, silky hair
>not feminine, right
It sounds more like you're hitting on him.
That's only because you're attracted to women so feminine traits sound sensual and desirable to you. If your desire for cock burned with half the intensity of that posters' you'd see how insulting he was being.
But it was. Name one good thing from Inquisition that wasn't just lifted from its predecessors.
Hell, most of the shit directly taken from DA1 and DA2 was turned to shit anyway.