Hello, my name is Herschel Rothbardsteinberg. The other day I took a visit to the home I was stuck in during the Holocaust and, while I was searching the dusty attic, I found an old abacus with 6,000,000 BTC on it. I have no use for such funds as I am running out of time left on this earth. My whole family was gassed in the 40s so I have no heirs to pass this wealth onto. Post your addresses and I will pass on this great wealth to you! Shekels for everyone!
Hello, my name is Herschel Rothbardsteinberg...
yeag me
jewfag here. hate OP and all other holocaust jokers on here. fuck you guys.
>posts address anyway
thank u good sir jerusalem is the capital of israel ok thanks 1GRaVcbPJUFqpoNNDTcJoYCmm7r33fLMoj
You think this is a joke! Oy vey you kids have no respect for your elders. I was there, I had to sell all my Bancor to buy bread to live! Get your father on here, I want to talk to him!
these posts are just getting better and better
daily reminder to not trust a jew
is this a bamboozle
Both my great grandpa's died in WW2 trying to save you and I wish they could have gave more for your tribe.
You think the 6 million was a buncha meschugena? Watch your mouth with this chutzpah! You dirty goyim are getting on my nerves!
did they ride the ausschwitz coaster?
>muh holocaust
Need hookers and cocain
Hitler did nothing wrong
Give shekkel too Goy Master now..
Topkek. Retards still putting addresses in. Unbelievably stupid