Post blockfolios and lets help each other obtain a nice diversified blockfolio
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not enough IOTA
do you chucklefucks understand what is happening???????
not sure about this one. want more BTC.
dump everything but req and funnel it all into req retard
Need to agree, you shouldn't diversify with such a small stack, all in REQ or SALT son.
what do you guys think
Feel like I'm diversified decently, wish I had more XLM and SUB, as well as maybe double the ARK and IOTA but other than that I'm pretty happy, save for today's dips. Getting into HST maybe too when it comes to major exchanges. Wouldn't mind holding even just .1 BTC for the future but kinda missed that, unless one of these coins really skyrockets and I can sell some.
I've been posting my blockfolio since it was $70k. I haven't touched it and it just keeps growing.
New to the game boys, how does it look?
God, you bunch of fucking poorfags
Seems to be what most people are buying
What you think?
I'd recommend picking up more ARK and IOTA when they dip to around or below $4 again, always good to have more and they seem promising.
I have more money that I haven’t put in yet I was probably going to get some more REQ and IOTA. SALT I haven’t heard much about
>hodling lomocoin
Maybe more Monero too?
solid for the amount of money put in.
fuck my shit up
Who else getting Ark'd?
Hello world.
Part 2
Big Pump Group on Discord
Just cashed out $600.
Making it. Sorta.
Any tips? I can basically spare 1 or 2k a month.
Kek, you could literally buy ARK with all your BTC and be a millionaire in 6 months.
Just BTC and two future winners.
what's missing?
I started with $100 worth of Bitcoin when it was under $5,000, and just put half of it on Reddit coin (RDD—I just call it Reddit) because it seemed like a good way to make money but lost half my Bitcoin instead. I got serious about cryptocurrencies right before Thanksgiving, when Bitcoin hit $8,000 a pop and mooned to $10,000, bought $100 worth of Bitcoin, sold my RDD for BTC, bought other altcoins, and this is what my portfolio is at now. Sure, it’s a net gain in terms of USD, but it’s a net loss in terms of Bitcoin. I want to blow my fucking brains out.
Is there any way to get a permanent notification with live price updates? The Blockfolio Above/Below system is very limiting
What do you think pedocoin aka XMR will do in the upcoming months?
At what point did you buy XLM?
do you only buy biz memes?
At least when these either tank or moon people will know how much they can trust retards on an image board
Bruh, i don't need to invest 6K into shitty memecoins to know Veeky Forums is full of shit.
My ocd would kill me if I had .94 btc. So close.
This shit is getting out of hand.
The behemoth, the creeper, the moonshot tokes, and the staker. Ready for a /comfy/ 2018.
Thinking about deleting my blockfolio or just open it up in 6 months
Irrelevant when we are talking about 2018/19 but 786
Fucking commas. It’s a number, not a sentence. Jeez
I hate these threads because they remind me my portfolio is poor af but I've worked hard to creep up over 1k. Any advice? I'm really optimistic about REAL but it's never been mentioned, probably a good thing.
I hope IOTA goes to like, $5,000 some day
Diversity is a meme. I had BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, XMR, all evenly distributed. Went from 11 BTC value to 6 in just a few months
1/2 I'm over diversified. Looking for a better exit on POWR and and my DOGE pittance and an exit period for ETP so I can buy more Monero and ARK or REQ.
Plz help
That is one sweet chunk of MIOTA, did you buy before the big moon?
>all that ARK
yes, yes, let the delusion flow through you
>only have a $674 portfolio
Should I just end it now bros?
it is right now because BTC is mooning. remember in the first half of the year ETH was destroying bitcoin. and next year who knows. maybe it will be monero's turn.
no you should get a job
criminally underrated post
99% of blockfolios are larps
Quads of truth
just watching and waiting for the alts to rise again.
I did, actually! Thank you.
I usually check Veeky Forums a lot so when I read that IOTA was being given to refugees or whatever, I knew that it was going to be a success.
Why? A lot of EU governments LOVE refugees and whatever else panders to them. I thought if a crpyto is playing by big gov rules, it may see promise
All speculation of course, but at one point, Veeky Forums thought IOTA was gonna die due to their pro-immigration stance.
I am just here to make money
I don't think many people thought it was gonna die, as much as they believed it should die.
Plz help me fags
I had my eye on it in August and then forgot about it and wanted to eat my hands when it mooned but well done, that's going to mature nicely in a few years
What do you guys think of waves. Been wondering about this coin for a while.
By how much do you think? I honestly have all you to thank for it, so if I become a millionaire I'll remember who got me there
Fair point
Aeternity is better user
I should have sold my ARK when it totaled over 0.5 Bitcoin but oh well
Currently getting my ass fucked.
All I want is 5k by New Years, is that possible?
2 of 2
Heard about it but know nothing of it, is it a competitor to waves?
It's crypto so it's hard to call but myself i wouldn't be surprised if it reached $100-$200 by mid 2019, a lot of big business support behind it
Why would anyone still use blockfolio? It sucks hard.
What do you recommend then user?
WOW . we nearly have got the same portfolios. even the numbers are exact.
i dont hold refugee shitcoin though.
Check my shit out senpai
Delta. Go check it out.
Now this, this is the app you want to use instead of that blockpolio cancer.
Cashed out my btc to usd at the peak earlier, so left with just my moonshots and swing traded. DRGNs left from ico, ADA left over from post moon. Have some funfair, eth and 4chn that are cut off.
I guess you can say that, all coins are competitors of each other. It's more like Ethereum however where they have Aepps instead of Dapps, you can check some out here:
There is a lot more with this coin than just that of course, there's the POW/POS hybrid mining, there's the oracles, there's the privacy, there's the nearly instant transactions, etc.
AE holders are called Aestsronauts and the mainnet is not launched yet ;)
You do your due diligence too, I see.
You mind me asking what your background is? I am a writer so constant researching is needed
>when your blockfolio swings +- more in a day then you were worth last year.
Wtf I feel like I'm living in Monopoly land.
What the fuck am I suppose to do? Started with 1.5k.
So fake my god.
No u
Just started using this, holy shit this is so much better than Blockfolio.
Cool, I will look into it user, thanks.
Pick something(s) more volatile, put about 50% in and go. Try an ico while you are at it if for no other reason to see how they work. I suggest Props. Don't worry, you'll be reminded about it in 4 days.
wait for the inevitable BTC steep dip and move all your ETH funds into that, once you do that if there's any alts that tickle your fancy put a little of your BTC capital into them. serves you right for falling for the ETH meme
Which app is that?