Potenkov's Bears, Hinds, paint set, laser line, and what else?
Also, my store is doing something excellent, a deep-discount summer sale on Flames of War and Team Yankee.
I might just pick up some TY Soviets for myself. *evil grin*
Brayden Sanders
IS-2 Tank, Comet Tank, for TANKS and King Tiger for tournament army. Also visible but obscured, all four issues of GuP, and Little Army, Game of Thrones, Commando War comic, Beevor's Berlin, Pratchett's Feet of Clay, Dance with Dragons, and outdated Mordheim warband sheets.
Luis Moore
Since we are talking Team Yankee, I will post the list I am working toward.
Command Leopard 1- 3 pts 3 Leopard 1s - 9 pts 2 Leopard 1s - 6 pts 2 x 3 Fuchs with Panzergrenadiers- 8 pts 4 x 2 Luchs - 4 points 4 BO-105Ps - 16 pts 3 Leopard 2s - 33 pts 4 Gepards w/ 4 Fliegerfausts - 14 points 1 M113 OP - 1 point 4 x LARS - 6 points Total: 100
Not sure how well it will work, but it gives me a good balance with a lot of toys to play with. It will also give me a total of 10 teams in my force to count toward morale.
>reading the Czech 1964 war plans >really want to play as them now Also, can someone explain a bit to me? >In D1 and D2 hospital bed network for 10 to 12 thousand sick and wounded personnel is to be deployed. By the end of the operation the hospital bed network should cover 18% of the hospital losses of the Front. Does this mean that they intended to have enough beds at the end for only 18% of the wounded? That's like 50,000 wounded total out of about 200,000 soldiers overall, which is fucking crazy for under 2 weeks.
I like it. I think you'll have some decent Luch with this list.
6 Leopard 1s, 3 Leopard 2s, 8 Luchs, 4 Gepards, plus infantry, rocket launchers, and helicopters?
Seems solid to me.
>so, who here Team Soviet?
Thanks to the sale at my FLGS, I am now officially a Team Yankee triple-threat. Americans, West Germans, and now Soviets as well.>
>48630290 >Murika team best team.
I'd give a slight edge to the West Germans, but that's just me.
Austin Butler
Oh yeah West Germans are way more fleshed out than the Murikans as it stands, but god dammit I love my freedom.
Ethan Foster
>but god dammit I love my freedom.
Dylan Taylor
Benjamin Nelson
Especially when you needed to cross either deep forests in hills or outright mountains to get to Lyon. And the bunkers, bases and armories in Lyon are all on the north of the city, which is itself protected by forested hills.
Even the Paris-Lyon (or Strasbourg-Lyon) highway goes trough forests, it's a massive death trap for everything armored.
David Morales
And since we are talking 1964, those highways didn't even exist.
Cameron Lewis
>ghepards take rolands they are much better
Aaron Clark
I was reading some stuff about kursk today when I hit on the statement that the soviets used smoke to cover their tanks where there wasn't any natural cover. I was thinking "That can't be right", and went to look up the kinds of shells the soviets had (WW2 equipment), but no, there it is, 120mm mortar and both kinds of 76mm guns have smoke shells. How come the soviets only get smoke pots?
Jaxson Martinez
BF hates soviets
Jayden Murphy
As far as I know, the Soviets allegedly used the smoke on a more operational level than the Allied powers. They'd use it to screen formations as they moved to attack positions.
Bentley Powell
The official explanation is, I think, that soviets didn't use their smoke tactically like the other powers, but strategically instead. It is therefore part of your infiltration move.
I would suspect that it was initially a balance move, since the soviets had so many (cheap) teams instead, it was feared that they would be OP with smoke as well (and let's be fair, in early-mid V2 soviet tankovy was very powerful even without smoke). Now it's just continously tacked on "because it's always been that way".
Luis Cook
Rolands have a longer range, but the same firepower with a lower rate of fire. They are also useless against anything on the ground. Fliegerfausts have a decent range of 48", with 6+ firepower. My hope is to be able to cover my valuable tanks/helos while still being able to poke at the enemy if he's attacking my fringe forces.
Parker Parker
Every night I pray to the Veeky Forums gods for M48 Chapparals or MANPADS (preferably Stingers) for the US.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Asher Peterson
Knowing BF and US lists they'll chuck in a PATRIOT Battery for the cost of a Roland despite the sheer absurdity of it.
Robert Rivera
You want more tank riders, those don't have QOQ. Also don't actually put them on the tanks unless they're coming in with other tanks from reserve or something.
Also also the IS-2 sucks, you're way better off with IS-85s for heavy tanks or SU/ISUs for tank killing. But not SU-100s which also suck.
Luke Johnson
>those don't have QOQ That's why i took less than 15, there's no point without QOQ, anyway i plan on using them defensively, my main assault unit are the IS >Also also the IS-2 sucks, you're way better off with IS-85s for heavy tanks or SU/ISUs for tank killing. B-but, the IS are so good looking! How could i say no? On a more seriou note the idea behind IS-2s is using them either as assault unit or heavy tank killer as the situation and enemy list require them to do. I could go with ISU-122s but they cost almost the same and they lack the rear MG and turret.
I also made a variant of this list without AA and IS-2s and 2x4 SU-122 instead.
Matthew Wilson
If you are going to use IS-2s, I suggest doing it from Berlin. They get one more front armor and while you are at it pick up some 160mm mortars
Joshua Reyes
IS-2's and SU-100's should not suck. they are the defining tanks of historical 'win'
Liam Adams
Stop user, I can only get so erect. And I'd settle for Hawks if I could get em.
Luis Barnes
deal w/it, commie
More seriously they need a points drop, but not too major of one. BF charges more points for RoF 1 than they should, and the later IS-2s should have a point more front armor.
Jordan Martinez
They're so cool but BF cucks Russians so hard you gotta just spam basic shit instead of trying to be tacticool like the rest of the world. At least they're good in TY.
Brandon Wilson
What would the stats even be for a Patriot?
RoF 1 - Halted Only?
Kevin Rogers
I'd imagine there would probably be a Long Reload rule.
It can't be fast or easy to reload a missile that large.
Cameron Robinson
off table.
those fucks have hella range and no mobility.
we need Chapparals and Stinger teams
Austin Green
>off table. Artillery should also be off table but when's that ever stopped Battlefront?
Oliver Morales
Yeah, but PATRIOTS would basically be a "No enemy aircraft on the table. Ever." kind of weapons system. Due to its extreme range.
Nathan Young
There's a big difference between divisional artillery, and theatre level SAMs.
Ethan Watson
Which is why Chapparals and Stingers make the most sense for additional American AA.
Levi Allen
In the sense that neither have any business being on table it's very slight.
Wyatt Baker
Divisional artillery has plenty of wiggle room to be close. It's on the edge of the battle. This battle, the edge is a little further over.
Stuff that you stuck at the other end of the country, not so much. It'd be like having a tomahawk launcher or a naval vessel on table.
And they'd pretty directly correspond to existing stuff within the game.
Colton Lopez
If the US get missile AA, how do you think it will balance out? Most of their vehicles already have a 50 cal on them to the extent that I've seen Hinds avoid attacking groups of M113s.
Liam Perez
>divisional artillery has plenty if wiggle room
this would be true, IF we had the option to leave them off table.
However we dont, so even spearhead units inexplicably have their artillery right on the front line getting shot at when they should be miles away.
Isaac Diaz
It was probably a mistake on BF's part to put Missile AA in the game other than MANPADS but right now the US's lack of them hurts badly. So it will balance out by being balanced.
Julian Stewart
I agree that the Americans at least need the standoff distance missile AA provides.
Christian Moore
pg 9
Josiah Murphy
Self-defense AA isn't quite as good as dedicated AA, but it can be enough to make enemy aircraft think twice.
Austin Smith
They need the range that missiles provide. And .50 cals are enough to occasionally snipe a Hind or two, they're short range. And the Russians have their .50s on their tanks, and let us not forget the 30mm auto cannons they get.
Jordan Baker
Joseph Kelly
I'm not quite sure if that is meant to be serious or tongue in cheek, but either way, that's both hilarious and depressing at the same time.
Nicholas Stewart
The Soviets put Shilkas and Geckos on a similar level, though. It wasn't uncommon at all for a battalion command echelon to have at least one of each with the command tanks.
Benjamin Richardson
I'd assume that it's tongue firmly implanted in cheek British humor.
But still, it's the kind of funny where you have to laugh just to make light of a really shitty situation.
Jaxon Morris
True, but the disadvantage of the 30 mm is it doesn't get any defensive fire when A-10s are making a strafing run on it. I think you have convinced me that things will be well balanced when the American's get missile AA.
Got my Gepards together during the LOLympics opening ceremony. Used my thinnest superglue and used baking soda to accellerate the curing. That really made things a lot easier. Didn't even glue my fingers together this time.
Michael Hall
Is the Challenger's RoF 3 a misprint or is it really RoF 3? If so, why?
Jackson Lee
Not a misprint. 4 guys in the very spacious turret: commander, gunner, loader, second loader. And no two-part shells. Brits wanted to maintain the RoF that the lighter 6pdrs had, and overdid the turret and crew to do it.
Joseph Williams
But it gets a higher RoF than the 75mm Sherman (20 rounds per minute), the tiny guns like the 37mm, or even the towed version of the 17pdr, which has as much room to reload it as cared for? I assumed RoF 2 was a pretty broad church and shaving a few seconds off a reload wasn't going to put you up a category.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Field guns have arbitrarily low ROF in flames, they should all honesty get +1 ROF but drop to only one shot after moving (even if ROF 4+). Obviously with an appropriate points increase.
Lincoln Harris
I assume it's one of those representative things. It had a better rate of fire than say, the Firefly, and given the circumstances, it might have been a 'we don't want the Challenger to just be a firefly copy' situation.
Cooper Bailey
So how many points are good for a stater army in Team Yankee. 100? Or even less
Logan Gray
100 seems to be the standard full game size for TY.
Benjamin Garcia
100 is a full-size game.
Starting size would depend on the types of armies being played. If you wanna run MBT companies, you'll need bigger games since those babies cost a ton of points apiece. Worth it if you use them well, though.
Colton Ross
Noah Brown
Hasn't been announced yet.
Currently the available forces for Team Yankee are Americans, Soviets, and West Germans.
British will be coming out before the end of the year.
Anything beyond that is unknown at this point.
Brandon Hernandez
Supposedly, 4 new TY factions/expansions next year.
Asher Jackson
If I had to guess, I'd say, French, Czechs, East Germans and Polish.
Asher Davis
That would flesh everyone out quite a bit more.
We'll probably see a Romania/Hungary/Yugoslavia/Bulgaria and some Turks to flesh out the southern theater, then Danes, Dutch, and Norwegians to cover that front.
Kayden White
1980s Czechnology? I'm almost afraid to ask.
Parker Thomas
One of the 4 will be Great Britain at the end of this year. One of them could be the Dutch with mostly german equiptment + the YPR 765 (Modified M113 with a 25mm autocannon). Probably Poland and East Germany? That would cover most of the factions listed in the book. I think we will see Dutch before French.
Dylan Diaz
>Supposedly, 4 new TY factions/expansions next year. >Great Britain at the end of this year.
>next year
GB can be this year, with 4 more next year.
And I hope they're mostly Warpac, or factions are going to be crazy lopsided.
Thomas Thompson
Probably be next year, we've heard about "3 forces" coming and since we're getting 2 NATO in a row we're probably due another Pact force or two.
In my opinion a NVA force will be the most compatible with the Russians equipment-wise so they're a good pick, though the Poles are also possible given their larger role in the source material.
David Davis
Hoping poles bring plastic t 55 with them
Mason Morris
Same, or East Germans.
Asher Bailey
Actually, what would their transport be? Surely both would be using BMPs as well.
Jaxon Foster
BMP1 or SPW60/70 (BTR60/70)
Juan Watson
so, /fowtg/, i got one for ya.
what if Game of Thrones/Westeros fought with WWII level technology? what factions would us what? what would their ratings and special house doctrines be?
i like this idea, does anyone think a squadron of Northern Tanks assaulting Lannister SPG's would be awesome, or Greyjoy forces hitting the beach with their version of a boat company?
hit me with your worst
Justin Nelson
They'd probably be allowed BMPs but also the wheeled transports.
Leo Collins
Ehh, I was going by this post by JP on the official forum. Has anything changed since then?
>Trying to not to give too much away about the start of next years plan at this point we are busy working on new books and plastics for a sandy warzone but given the scope of going back to a period for the first time in eight years we have a very large pile of things to make and with over twenty plastic codes being worked on time is what was needed to do all this work. Comprehensive plans and plastics take time but as you will see in a few months time when we start sharing the detailed plans the scope of the work you will see we have not been idle and FOW will be getting no end of love whilst we continue to add a further three new forces to TY and it will all out in 2017.
William Ward
Ah, then I guess you're right. GB this year, 3 next year.
I really hope they're all Warpac. Warpac seriously needs some love.
Carson Price
For sure. We need some more tank + apc flavor. T-55, T-64/T-80, BTRs, and/or BRDMs.
Chase Thomas
I'm willing to assume that it's GB, East Germans and Polish. Battlefront usually have far too much shit on their plates and the British have been pushed back to 2017.
Starks/Northern Forces would use Soviet style gear, much easier to maintain and service when parts and training is scarce and far between. Mostly I believe they'd be Confident Veteran with a plus to Motivation ala Polish/British special rules.
The Lannisters would use things like Panthers, because with their huge gold reserves they can afford it. Lannister forces also varied hugely in training so they'd have a 8 million Bayonets style rule albeit less harsh. If you thought Patton Spearhead lists were nasty, Clegane Rampage Spearheads will melt your face off.
Stannis's Forces would be Fearless Veteran but they'd have a similar rule to the New Zealanders in Italy where they take Company Morale on Reluctant rather than Fearless, because Stannis's armies rarely broke, but when they did, they broke hard. Based upon Stannis's tactics, I'd expect them to use a lot of Medium tanks, adaptable for either Infantry Support work or Cavalry actions.
The Martells would be like Finland, but for Deserts. The Greyjoys are no where near smart enough to use specialist boat companies like the Americans had. Being that they are Westeros's equivalent of the inner city gang problem.
I guess the Battle of Blackwater's decider was for a underwater nuke to be detonated in Blackwater Bay, crippling the vast majority of Stannis's naval support, followed by his forces attempting to cross the river similar to how the American Paratroopers under Major Julian Cook did, before being routed by Lannister/Tyrell tanks.
Brody Roberts
If this was implemented, what do people think would be an appropriate points increase? +45% for RoF 1, +30% for RoF 2, +15% for RoF 3? Anything higher generally being an AA or machine gun, which should stay as they are (Have the "always drop to RoF 1 on the move" thing be for FP 4 or better and no AA rule?).
Wyatt Sanchez
I was about to ask how many soviet transports there are, and then remembered wikipedia exists. Between the BTR, MTLB, BTRD, BRDMs, and BMDs it looks like there's options, but how many of those could plausibly be in the second or even third-rate warpac militaries I have no idea. BTRs and BRDMs seem safe, at least.
Austin Mitchell
I have no idea about anything GoT related, but otherworld-war-2 scenarios or even otherworld cold wars are always great, so I'll enjoy reading,
Parker Gonzalez
>I'm willing to assume that it's GB, East Germans and Polish. Battlefront usually have far too much shit on their plates and the British have been pushed back to 2017.
Any source on the BAOR delay?
Jordan Gray
Other than a gut instinct no, but Battlefront have and will be almost legendary for their schedule slippage. Team Yankee was meant to be out this time last year, and it was out for Christmas/New Year instead.
Christopher Clark
Targaren light tank lists led by a trio of Centurions?
Christopher Lee
I'd say French would be more likely. Polish and East Germans would be USSR clones.
Landon Stewart
I forgot about the PT-76! Russian Naval Infantry would have access to them.
Daniel Bell
You can't have a game where there's only one red team faction.
Connor Smith
I want the swedish cold war assault guns to be a thing.
They definitely dont warrant a first tier release or anything, but I'd love to see them
Ethan Hughes
Most Warsaw Pact nations used mostly Soviet equipment with modifications AKA expect a lot of T-72/T-64s and BMPs
David Lopez
Sure, but you can't just release stuff for one faction. You need to promote opfor factions too, or it's going to be hell to get sides straight. Having Germans and US is bad enough, the ratio's already skewed; it'll get worse with the UK.
Aiden Peterson
mostr likley, the other WArPac nations will be an excuse to make plastic T-55 / T-80 / T-64's....and BTR's and shit. they all used clone USSR gear, but they oft had uniform, doctrinal, and scheme differences.
plus a few factions used stuff no one else still did. like Polish ZSU-57's
Chase Phillips
I want my T34 and ISU 152's represented dammit, I've heard they were mothballed as a "last resort" type of deal for if the war really ground on.
Ayden Watson
Swarms of cheap T-34's would be fun to see
Juan Perry
It was mostly IS-3s, SU-100s, and T-44s/T-54s, I believe.
Ryder Adams
Are there ANY situations where a BMP company will do more damage to an Abrams or Leopard 2 unit with autocannons than missiles? Basically if they go full retard and I ambush behind them or something, would it ever be worth it to gun them down?
What is going on with the side armor values in this game?
Luke Powell
The Abrams need to roll a 1 for you to pen, the Leopard needs a 2.