How are guns as an investment vehicle?

How are guns as an investment vehicle?

They don't seem to lose their value much - and I increasingly think that shit's gonna hit the fan in the future as anyone who visits this site regularly does, so it's nice to be prepared for that with something that is both worth something and can be used as a tool. I want to take some of my crypto gains and get some more guns. Thoughts/opinions?

They’re not bad as they retain their value but they do depreciate and more importantly there’s less chance of appreciation than other types of assets.

But they also have the benefit of being able to fire bullets.

Invest in glocknades and sig doubletrigger

I've seen a few posts from anons here who make bank off of innawoods faggots who stock up every time their freedums are under attack.

Braindead pussy republifags larping CoD will always buy them. That's a plus I guess

New guns? Fuck no.
Milsurplus? Fuck yes.

Yeah being able to effectively defend yourself from a bigger stronger attacker sure is dumb. You brits are fucking pathetic.

They can be good investments if you purchase them in private sales as you won't pay the dealer markups. Estate sales and pawn shops sometimes have fantastic deals as most people are uneducated.

There is a market for antique guns that is just as viable as the art market, if not more. Original guns with a pedigree, especially if they had famous users/owners, will not lose value.
There are new artists all the time and it's a big marketing machine. But if you own one of Napoleon's rifles, or the last German Kaiser's hunting rifle...
Nothing to use though and it needs to be taken care of.

The NRA fuds freedom and shills flocks and dumbasses fall for it everytime

Milsurp is the safest route. Pretty much guaranteed only to go up in price.

Yeah shooting motherfuckers dead is always my goto when I'm being threatened


Military surplus guns are a sound investment barring people occasionally find a few hundred in a warehouse driving down prices.

Bought a few over the summer and they have already gone up 20%.

Depends on what you get, low end ARs, I'd say no. Good AKs, good milsurp, good pistols yes.

I have an AK I bought new at 900 and it runs around 1300 these days.

>thinking this is a bad attitude to have

Did I say threatened or did I say attacker

Military surplus is a fantastic investment. Value only goes up over time.

As a Canadian, I can buy a Russian SKS for $250 (200 USD); imagine when the supply runs out in a few years and no more are imported. SVT40 ran out earlier this year and is up about 2x in value. It's almost a no brainer; just a great investment in general.

Really quite good.
I bought a nugget when it was $100.
It is now twice that.

I bought several crates of 7n6 5.45x39mm ammunition. Now you can't import this ammo, and it has doubled in value.

There is a catch to firearms as an investment, however.
You do not buy modern firearms unless they are unique/exotic/limited. If it is an off-the-shelf firearm, like a Remington 870 for example, do not expect it to appreciate in value.
If you get a Luger P.08, then DO expect it to appreciate.

>1k weapons in the hands of one person
>more effective than 5 in the hands of one person
Faggots actually think this

>How are guns as an investment vehicle?
Old guns, military surplus, almost never lose value. Newer stuff, if it's high quality and not incredibly common, might become collectible years down the line once they stop making them. Walmart AR-15s, no.

Hard-to-find / banned guns like NFA full-autos increase substantially year after year because demand still exists and supply continues to dwindle. People who bought these weapons as investments just ten years ago now have weapons worth thousands+ more and could be easily flipped at gun shows or auctions. This is likely to continue but not a 100% guaranteed bet as the value of full-auto is its rarity, and the fact that no more will ever be released into the civilian legal supply. If after the war all the liberals are dead and the restrictions are lifted the price would plummet as no one is going to spend $15k for a 40+ year old M-16 when you can just buy a new one off the shelf for under $2000, etc. (So if a war starts and they start killing all the liberals, sell. Sell quick.)

In a worst-case scenario where the economy completely collapses it doesn't matter how much canned bacon and silver the neighbor has saved up. You still have a gun. If he doesn't, now you have a gun and a lot of canned bacon and silver.