Reference shows a good example of clothing style, but feel free to make it more modest if you prefer. Her sleeves are cuffed just slightly, and on her right wrist, burns scars can be seen from where she used to wear her old sanctified bracelet.
Her hair and face are styled/colored as shown in the top right.
She doesn't carry any weapons at all. Please and thank you!
Jose Hill
requesting a half-orc pirate. He is fit and athletic instead of traditional overly muscled orc style, so around 185 lbs with washboard abs. Clothing, weapon, and some tattoos are provided in ref pic. I would imagine him having a puckish rogue like attitude, very confident in himself never taking things too seriously even in a dire situation. Kind of like Mal from Firefly.
Julian Anderson
Anchor for Z!
Lucas Powell
Migrating x2
Requesting two cute kitsune kids, one boy one girl, performing a great cookie caper.
The two of them have human bodies with fox ears and tails like reference pic, multi tails are optional. The clothes they are wearing are designed to make them look like pretend thiefs, spies, or rogues of some sort.
They are breaking into a kitchen and pulling off a Mission Impossible style theft of extra large cookies, like the size of their heads, from a cookie jar set up high in the kitchen.
Jeremiah Watson
Migrating from last thread: I'd like to request my friend's Quantum Vampire-esque character in a game of Aberrant.
She has rather pale skin - not entirely white, but certainly something akin to it, along with red eyes for her vampire motif and platinum blonde hair (basically she has a similar coloration to the girl on the top right). Her hair is styled like the pic on the bottom right.
Concerning her outfit, she tends to prefer a revealing set of clothing that exposes a lot of skin. Covering her chest is a roughly triangular piece of black cloth, with black panties on her legs and basically nothing else - basically the outfit on the top right, with the colors reversed and without any spikes. And finally she wears heavy dark boots like the ones on the bottom left, to contrast with her otherwise minimalist clothing.
One last thing to note is that she has a dancer's body: very small breasts (actually flat-chested), thin and svelte, making her look a fair deal younger than she actually is - ideally she should look like she's in her early teens.
Aiden Hill
New thread time to migrate Requesting her relaxing in a hot bathtub. If you would like to add her dragon costume wearing goblin servant unhappley tending her in some non lewd fashion, that would be acceptable. Just ask and I'll post him for reference.
John Bailey
I'd like to once again re-request a picture of my elven Rogue:
She has the hairstyle of the picture on the top left, except with black hair, pale skin and green eyes. Her ears are pierced with a row of small silver rings, and she has a snakebite piercing on her lower lip, like the top right.
She wears an outfit similar to Triss Merigold from the second Witcher game, on the middle right, with the addition of a tough leather corset like in the picture on the upper middle left.
She has a bandolier across her chest like the picture on the bottom middle left, except with a mix of pouches and daggers instead of just daggers- ideally her daggers would look like the one on the bottom left.
Finally, she's wearing an assortment of emerald-set poison rings: the pictures on the bottom right are good examples of the sort of rings she uses, albeit with a change to the color of the stone.
William Rivera
Damn it forgot pic
Robert Barnes
Requesting art for an antagonist in my Pathfinder Game
He's a Half-orc whom wears a suit of half plate with a short cape made out of long raven feathers. His armour is stained and blotchy with poor metalwork and he has a helmet that looks exactly like the "crow" helmet from shadow of mordor but with a mane in the back made of, you guessed it, raven feathers, and without any lower mouth part so his savage orcy grin is visible.
He wields a longsword in his right hand and in his left is a long heavy wooden shield with iron reinforcements and an outer splayed decoration of raven feathers at the empty divit sections.
His armour is like in the picture but without the fur parts and without the bare chest.
Thankyou very much in advance, I'll appreciate anything I get!
Jack Thomas
OR here. Anchoring warmly.
Jason Robinson
Migrating my request Now with no backstory =D
Could I get Valla facing off against a blackguard, with open wounds covering her body, holding the hilt of her broken sword and it's shattered remains lying at her feet.
Blackguard was described as a Human with gaunt features, almost cadaverous, with sickly long hair that looks like it has been saturated with oils. He wore full plate mail armor that had been forged to help him resemble a demon, and colored a sickly black green. He wielded a nasty two handed bladed mace. for some reference pics of blackguard.
Ethan Cooper
coloring images (not sketches) to a similar caliber as the image attached.
Jonathan Russell
Requesting a villian for my game he wears a black version of the mask in the ref with light green lens for the eyes a wears a dark green armor set with black trims aswell. He emits a poisonous gas from the wire mesh over his mouth, be it mustard Gas, Monoxide, Arsine,Boron trichloride, Chlorine pentafluoride, etc. He also has the number 1 etched into his mask he has robotic limbs that allows him to have more strength and speed than a normal person.
Aiden Parker
Migrating Request [updated Reference with Pose]
Kind of a Monk turned Soldier type deal going on with this character. Keeps his eyes covered as part of his Monastery's traditions for those exiled by their own choice.
General details: Average height, Male but kind of Androgynous, Eyes covered by a few wide bandages [see Ref.], Thin, Wears robes with a Longsword [see Ref.].
If you decide to color: Shoulder-length Ginger hair [see Ref.], Caucasian, White and Red theme for equipment.
Evan Gutierrez
Can you try this one? I don't know what colors would be good for him honestly. The flame is supposed to be black though.
Tyler Sanders
Nathaniel Brown
Requesting an alien girl dressed like she's ready to smuggle some illegal goods.
Jaxson Kelly
huh? What are you trying to point out?
Juan Torres
Levi Sullivan
What race is he? I can't tell if he's a human with a mask or...? I need more detail.
Colton Edwards
requesting sci-fi vampire samuel l jackson
Gabriel Rivera
It's a /v/ joke, don't worry about it.
Ethan Sullivan
i love being the best artist here
Jacob Rodriguez
Jeremiah Cruz
Migrating my request from the old thread. These four characters planning a heist. Payday masks are optional, but if the oddman out (Jack daw the dude with the noose) gets some creeped out stares or something amusing, that's perfectly alright.
Ethan Butler
could you explain it? I'm interested now
Jayden Carter
holy shit.
Ayden Young
Would you consider coloring Dr. Herzberg for me? He has blond hair, blue eyes and a light skin tone from living on a space station/ship most of his life. His coat would be light blue while the rest of his clothes would have a more relaxed color palate. He is also covered in blood splatters as he's part of a sci-fi horror game.
Samuel Turner
requesting an image of the girl on the left dressed up in the dress on the right looking quite peeved as if she wants nothing more than to get out of the stupid thing
Cameron Ward
It's from that CtrlAltDel comic that decided to tackle a miscarriage in a comic.
Gavin Wilson
search CADbortion
Isaac Gomez
ohhhh I fucking see it now. I've been off /v/ too long.. I used to be able to find them with no problem
Zachary Martin
>Pilgrim sure
Elijah Moore
Requesting this woman soldier and a male Kitsune (Fox Guy as opposed to Fox Girl) enjoying the presence of the little puppy being held by the soldier woman.
Jack Roberts
Hi, could I get a picture of a black woman with similar features as the woman in pic related, wearing a Warhammer commissar uniform again like pic related? Instead of being armed with a sword and gun though, I'd appreciate it if she had two bolt pistols, one in either hand, maybe held crossed in front of her hips.
Jaxson Jones
requesting an image of her inside a phone pressing her face annoyedly up against the inside of the screen as if she really wants to escape and see the world
Lucas Ward
He's human with a mask.
Julian Diaz
Requesting a combination of Doogie Howser, Wesley Crusher, and Morty Smith, with magic-psionic-something powers around his hands like Doctor Strange.
The character is basically a Psyker, if you want to have fun with that. Thank you in advance.
Luke Torres
got it. I'm working on right now, but I'll do yours after his aight?
Justin Mitchell
Taking simple requests, pref. (but not limited to) adventuring ladies, monsters, or any combination of the two. I'll be streaming:
could you do this alu-fiend? My friend drew her but I want a more mature looking image. She has a raven familiar and a sickle.
Gabriel Clark
Terrible resize
Dominic Jenkins
Christopher Cooper
I'd like to request a slightly unusual character.
He's kinda huge, looking like Demise (big dude on the right of the reference), only with translucent grey skin (lower colour reference) and ice blue hair (upper colour reference). His skeleton can be seen through his skin, and a third eye, not dissimilar in appearance from the Eye of Sauron, floats over where the scar on Demise's head is. No sword, but slight claws on his fingers.
As for pose, any standard bestial fighting pose would work wonders, especially if paired with a psychotic grin. Thanks in advance.
Colton Thomas
Aaand forgot my image. Fuck me with a rake.
Carter Lee
Could I request a Kobold Monk meditating
With this style of snout?
Nathaniel Bennett
Is she wearing glasses?
Aaron Brooks
I'm autistic. I should give more traits of her. Her has black hair, a blue skirt with leggings and a loose white blouse. She is a klepto and she deceptive.
No, I don't think so
Hunter Collins
I work with what I got.
Cameron Gray
I don't suppose this is too complex?
Asher Rogers
you cool with some post adventuring women? i would like to see her looking out a window on a stormy night, wet hair and wearing only a towel, maybe some visible fresh wounds from the job she just got back from.
Eli Nelson
The Beastie Boys as Beastmen from Warhammer Fantasy.
Eli Clark
William Butler
Working on this one.
Logan Sullivan
Vaguely lewd, but can I get a character based on pic related, but without the tights and headband? So bare legged, with black hair instead of brown and a more ornate gi (think fancy maze trim on the edges, with a sheathed scimitar worn over her butt.
Otherwise same perky attitude, general appearance and hair style.
Henry Martin
Requesting a redraw!
My alchemist vivisectionist needs a sickle instead of a sword and an alchemist belt, like provided in the picture.
Camden Miller
Benjamin Sanchez
Dang it, i loss(t) it XD
Alexander Perez
Yay! Looking forward to it! Though I have to head to bed, so allow me to say now so there's no delay, thanks so much for taking it!
Evan Adams
Hey still taking requests? If so could you drawing for my D&D 5E character. I got some reference pics if you decide to give it a shot.
If you could use the upper robes, chestplate, face, and headwear from the far left pic. The shoulder-plate, lower robes, and helmet of the middle left pic. The greaves and arm guards of the middle right pic. The shield and mace from the far right pic.
Or just ignore all that and use what ever parts to you want. Thank you in advance.
how many do you think you think you will being doing?
also amazing work man, love your stuff
Dominic Reyes
That's awesome. If you're still taking requests, could I ask for something ITT?
Adrian Powell
here you go it might have little fuckups because it's now early in the morning and my body is rejecting my work
Dominic Barnes
Now with 500% the reference.
I'm playing the brother in a pair of werewolf twins In this setting, werewolves are permanently in the half-wolf-half-man state, which is mildly suspicious but whatever.
Both armoured fighters, the brother is the lighter armoured of the two, wielding a pair of katars and a short backup sword. Armoured to roughly the level of pic related, though perhaps a tad sparser. The sister is the heavier, preferring shield and sword, and occasionally a mace. Thicker armour, and far more covering. Fancy tabard underneath the armour, and a fancier cape/shawl when she's not fighting.
They're both noble-born with a fine pedigree, though you wouldn't know it from how they carry on. The armour and weapons they carry are obviously of high quality, reasonably decorated with etchings and filigree.
We've not played them long enough to cement their looks, just a rough guideline of "fine features, smooth silver and grey fur, expensive clothing and gear, rowdy demeanour". They don't have to be done together, but I'd appreciate it if they were. The sister's player would be just as pumped as me to get something for them, so whichever takes your fancy. Thanks to anyone that finds it interesting.
Jayden Gomez
This chick as a barbarian in fur and leather armour, with a double-bladed battle axe.
Zachary Ortiz
Now with 500% the reference, which I didn't realise was so huge.
I'm playing the brother in a pair of werewolf twins In this setting, werewolves are permanently in the half-wolf-half-man state, which is mildly suspicious but whatever.
Both armoured fighters, the brother is the lighter armoured of the two, wielding a pair of katars and a short backup sword. Armoured to roughly the level of pic related, though perhaps a tad sparser. The sister is the heavier, preferring shield and sword, and occasionally a mace. Thicker armour, and far more covering. Fancy tabard underneath the armour, and a fancier cape/shawl when she's not fighting.
They're both noble-born with a fine pedigree, though you wouldn't know it from how they carry on. The armour and weapons they carry are obviously of high quality, reasonably decorated with etchings and filigree.
We've not played them long enough to cement their looks, just a rough guideline of "fine features, smooth silver and grey fur, expensive clothing and gear, rowdy demeanour". They don't have to be done together, but I'd appreciate it if they were. The sister's player would be just as pumped as me to get something for them, so whichever takes your fancy. Thanks to anyone that finds it interesting.
Chase Roberts
Could I request a character from my current campaign, Benjamin of the Iron Gauntlet?
He is a muscular man with short, curly black hair in armour similar to pic related, only instead of any melee weapons he fights with his fists, with spiked gauntlets. If possible, could he be drawn standing fists up ready to punch someone, with a disdainful sneer on his face.
Aaron Clark
Think you would be up for tackling this one big guy?
If not, don't worry about it, i will still love you
Gavin Ward
Dude that looks amazing! Thanks for the color.
Levi Nguyen
Gavin Martinez
So, is Eversor dead? I miss our peddler of cute.
Brody Gonzalez
The truth is, he was never alive. Eversor was a myth, born from the fevered dream of drawthreads.
Jaxon Peterson
If you've got the time, could you possibly do this one?
Connor Moore
He's alive. He still post on the Twgg . He just vanished from the Drawthread and OC chat.
Samuel Gray
I miss him.
David Barnes
Want me to give him a message? :p
Chase Watson
Not that guy, but tell him the shitposting is mostly gone now. And that I want moar of his dorfs.
Asher Clark
Grayson Sanchez
I sent him a screenshot of your love
Grayson Turner
I was drawing this one but don't make it stop you
Isaac Young
Let him know that the OC chat misses him, too.
Liam Powell
This guy as a gray skinned, mildly tusked half-orc.
Alexander Nelson
here you go
Blake Thomas
Wouldn't these be better with Charlotte? She's such a deep and good Paladin! And a lesbian! In a 5e game that died!
Cameron Martinez
This chick wrestling with a giant snake in an overly phallic way, looking annoyed and saying 'god damn magic realms!'
Leo Lopez
Asher Barnes
Mind this one?
Jose Sanchez
Kayden Carter
At least give it a few hours between posts, dude, it's painfully obvious you're samefagging. I do admire your dedication to shitposting, but work on your technique.
Adam Hill
Samefag or not, just use the report function, don't give it any attention.
Jaxon Baker
absolutely stellar work! thank you so much!
David Rogers
Jaxson Diaz
He's not breaking any rules, though, unless the mod will delve into the faggotry. Which no sane person would expect them to do.
Justin Nguyen
The janitor deleting every post last thread with the same bullshit tells me it's spam, and that's a violation right there.
Cameron Davis
Oh? He really does need to work on the technique. Well, anyway. Do proceed since I don't have a request. I just nab shit at random.