/cyoag/ CYOA General
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So many teenagers
Stop borking soles, asshole
>So many teenagers
So little time
/r good Time Hacks CYOAs, I always find them interesting
Took A on the Meta
- The Superhero
- The Bros
- The Answers
- The Journey
Gonna go back in time and change history to fill in legends during modern times.
Power: The Journey
Perks: Appearance redesign, Photographic Memory, Disease Immunity & Regeneration
Shower: Zen Exhibitionist Shower
Soap: Vegan Soap
Extras: Cologne/Deodorant Combo, Cotton Swabs
Regeneration will keep me sustained for long enough to acquire a source of immortality. Maybe through something like some form of alchemy that doesn't require magic. Until then I can always improve my body by working out so that I'm not defenseless. The cap on my physical abilities should be raised quite a bit and should also be reached much easier now.
Unless I can just take the shower through the portal and stash it somewhere for when I get set up with a proper place there isn't anything I can do with it. Better off not even taking it if that's the case. I imagine I can with some effort. Will probably be a pain in the ass to move though.
I wonder how many people were lying about being over the age of 70.
most likely all of them
Who knows, you get all sorts of outliers
>tfw accidentally wrote one line too much for one row of options, fucking up how big the textboxes are
Sorry, I can only do that if you write a CYOA about killing you.
Have at it Icarus.
don't tempt me boyo.
>Shaken Foundation
>Read Soul
Time to ruin some lives. I befriend people, cause their lives to completely fall apart, make them prone to losing control, and then slip them increasingly extreme suggestions until they totally snap. But I look so innocent! It couldn't possibly me that caused all this!
Yes we know, you posted the exact same thing word for word last thread.
not quite s/he stole a few bits from another user's build
>stealing bits from other builds
>in something this simple
How does that even work?
I'm locked into picking "Nobody likes you". Shit.
So I pick that, Anger Management (if only to train under Ragin' Johnny Fuklaw), and Practical Special Effects.
Rank 1 contradiction, rank 1 ageless body. Not too fussed about changing things far in the past with contradiction. Might actually be able to start writing my book by just saying "I wrote that book". Would also let me do general useful shit. Ageless body is cool because I won't die. If I need to heal/die contradiction could work for that.
>8 hours
>26 posts
*in Hovy's voice*
not big surprise
That is not dead which can eternal lie, user.
>still no ancient japanese wisdom cyoa
there's that long cyoa where we can travel between worlds and in the end we fight the end boss magnus and we have to choose to give the seed back or use it, can anyone post that? that actually pretty cool cyoa
You mean Crossworlds? Check r/makeyourchoice. It's like 20 pages long: way too long to post.
Maybe you could make a new build or even some OC!?
Post cyoas that make you angry.
How do you know I didn't, huh?
Mystery box
Why does that make you angry?
yeah that, my god i'm having fun on that one, thanks
Is the obvious one, since it is the only superpower
With training, pretty similar to a superpower related to perception and extra senses
>Handsome Harpy
Basically a dragon pet, always loyal.
Everything else is shit, but those three are great, and maybe Gay Demon too. Turning gay 90% of male population would mean a lot of pussy for the remaining straight ones.
I'm just glad this one was received pretty well.
Not them but considering this build is mine and this one is most likely Angel's that would have to mean that this extensive masterpiece is yours because no OC has been posted this thread. Don't shitpost.
Because no OC has been posted?
Mystery Boxes
Deeply tanned, older woman with red eyes and brown hair; small but sensitive breasts. Big ass though. Much taller than me; average weight. Crazy long hair. Very shy; average in most ways but seems to have an odd--though hidden--level of strength. Despite average intelligence, has a great interest in science.
secretly a fairy
Perfect husband..? Spears..? Arm grabbing..? Odd.
Does somebody know where the picture for Hair-kinesis is from?
Female godzilla
This is actually the first time for me when a "monster as a cute girl.waifu" looks intimidating.
Take the offer, then immediately go buy a gun to shoot myself in the head with. I expected complete oblivion when I died, and I'm not going to let some supernatural asshole keep me from that.
Not even going to take a free two years of debauchery/good works?
Complete. Oblivion. I'm not going to stop being me just because I'm having a good time, only oblivion can end me.
This is the correct answer.
>female version of a genderless, irradiated lizard is a hot giantess with weird hair
Every time. All women from non-human races are re-skinned humans.
Whatever happened to that image spell cyoa where there was like 20+ images posted and turned into spellsome? That ever get done?
I've got a hole in the potato net that I'm gonna try and post my final dozen.
Every time this picture is relevant I die a little bit inside
It's a feminist conspiracy.
It's so obvious, it hurts.
The females of all these species have banded together to manipulate our standards of attraction through broad appeal.
They're just using your instincts to control you.
Break the cycle.
Focus on science.
Throwing a tantrum and wrecking everything like a 5-year old on a sugar rush is the correct answer?
>demon detected
You can't get me if I don't exist!
Frankly, even then you'd be screwed in the long run anyway.
is right, although for other reasons. Likely the only good option in this, is oblivion, if you're a good person. You don't get to hell, and you don't cause people to go to hell. Ultimate sacrifice to flip the bird at the douches down there.
Yeah, but, you can still be un-made into oblivion after two years of just whatever though. You don't have to send anyone to hell if you don't want so I don't really see the point in going bullet-to-the-brain right off the bat. I agree that it's probably the overall best answer at some point but why not at least take advantage of the devils deal first? Fuck him over more.
They got you when they offered you a job though - if you even got the offer that means you're theirs.
as much as I do like the graphics, I should say: is a CYOA where the best option you can choose is "kill yourself and fade into oblivion" even worth playing?
>as much as I do like the graphics, I should say: is a CYOA where the best option you can choose is "kill yourself and fade into oblivion" even worth playing?
Point me to such CYOA before I can answer that.
I cant play cyoas like that anymore ever since I saw that american horror story episode with the black voodoo queen. No way am I indebting myself to a dark god/devil.
Did someone say female Kaiju?
Whoops, that's the jpg.
I dunno, I think this one does it's job pretty well, in that the thing in the image still instills the same feelings as it did before waifuzation.
Who cares that it's hot, I still fear it.
>turn about a dozen women on the planet into near invincible kaijus
>realise they could easily take over the world
>give them a male "handler"
>this somehow turns them into docile princesses
This magical realm could use some feminism.
>still no alola form cyoa
Make one and there will be.
I just needed an excuse to post the new superior vulpix
Real talk.
Ice/Fairy Ninetails is fantastic.
This one is my favourite though. Never expected one of my fav gen 1 pokemons to become relevant again.
especially Exeggutor
this is fantastic
>give them a female "handler"
Well, I don't remember where they say a handler must be male. Happy now?
Requesting CYOA with gay option
Rolled 9 (1d10)