What's in the box Veeky Forums?
What's in the box Veeky Forums?
Shitposts, too much for a human to endure.
For an animal to endure*
2 Refined
Lego caltrops.
The possibility of humanity.
Nothing that important. Why do you ask?
The bunny.
Only what you take with you.
The cure for baldness
Underrated post
Our universe.
Came here to post this
The writings of Matt Ward refined into a physical sensation.
Syam Vist pls go and stay go.
I don't fucking know. I've been trying to figure that out since like 2004, and I still don't know what's in that box, or why that redneck brought it with him. He thought it would do something, but he gets a screwdriver in the ear, and that's that. Fucking Sean from Boy Meets World didn't even TRY to check the box after.
I even tried to email one of the filmmakers and got not response.
It haunts me even to this day.
Is that the famous finger box?
Looks more like fistbox or something
This thread
The head of Detective Mills' wife
It's a metaphor for her gross vagina
You've officially found a way to ruin Dune for me. Thanks
Is that what the Casket the Tomb Kings lug around is? I guess that explains the murder-ghosts.
Given certain bene gesserit practices that isn't so far off, actally... hell, they have Women they call "breeding mistresses" for a reason
Marsellus Wallace's soul
"A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kin"
A baneblade.
The answer as to what the three seashells are for.
This fucking guy.
Miscellaneous potions that have been fermenting for years. Drink at own risk.
Does it look like the soul of a bitch?