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So, /pfg/! Looking forward to the weekend? Anything big happening, either in- or out-of-game?

I got a callback from an interview and got accepted into a new game, that's nice.

And my very favoritest game is running on Sunday, too!

What's an archetype we all want but havn't seen yet?

I have to think of a new character because mine almost died.

His leg got fucked by a pitfall trap and now I'm limping around because the DM won't let me chop it off to get a prosthetic.

I'm also taking a qt girl out for dinner tomorrow.

My shy immortal elan psion is getting into an arranged marriage with a busty kitsune sorceress.

How fucked is he?

>no starter question/topic
>more generals to clog up the board
So we have to choose between a fetishfag degenerate OP, or a braindead incompetent OP?

I guess I can't call it a grave, yet its not the future I would've chosen

I want more archetypes for the Radiance House occultist. Alternately, dragon archetypes that don't suck eggs.

Don't you have anyone who can make heal checks to set the bone and shit?

You can say goodbye to your liver, at least.

I did it myself, yes, but my character is a religious zealot that refuses service from anyone that isn't of his own faith (which is only in his homeland).

The reason I'm preparing a new character is mostly because I think the DM wants to actually kill him off since he made my backstory part of the main plot.

>making characters that refuse to function within a party

Why do people do this?

Alright, so to summarize:
>Fleshwarping rules in full
>Archetypes for Slayer, Mesmerist, Kineticist, Alchemist, Occultist
>Magic Items (plus probably normal equipment)

I have a question, but I hate you fags equally so I'll ask both threads

Are the basic feats like Power Attack worth it on PoW classes? Or are there better feats? Can I go ahead and grab the fun feats instead?

Nope. My life is a gaping empty void of misery. My game got cancelled. The alternate date also got cancelled. We *might* get to play next week, assuming it's convenient to everyone.

Style feats from PoW are good, as is Shield Expertise and the feat that lets you use a polearm/spear in one hand while the other's using a shield is better than the version Paizo made with the Armor Master's Handbook. That being said, you'll still want the basics like Power Attack, Improved Shield Bash, Point-Blank Shot, etc.

>Within the party
No, user, nobody else is religious in the party. The NPCs are his only option.

Are any Style feats good for a Natural attacking character?

So my Knight Disciple is still a slave to Power Attack and Cleave?
That kinda sucks, plus it makes it hard for any martial that isn't Human.

Sounds good!

They certainly don't hurt, and you'd definitely get some benefits out of the basics, but there's not quite as integral to your violent murders as they are for non-initiators.

That's what I'm saying. Why make a character who won't take assistance from the people he's traveling with? It's a very good way to end up dead and it's not very good for group play.

Cleave? God no, not anymore. But Power Attack yeah, unless you're alright with being only just on-the-curve or a bit above when using maneuvers rather than being very high above it with the feat.

Sounds like things are pretty shiny for you-are you perhaps with the new !notRoman game that was advertised here?


Hey dragonslayer homebrew guy

Yet again, you're misunderstanding.

The town they arrived in doesn't have a church of his faith and he doesn't want service from someone of another religion. The party actually gets along pretty well (the face of the party has even requested that the king have a Priest of Norgober be brought from my guy's homeland).

No one talks about the starter topic anyway, brah.

Ah, that makes much more sense, thanks for the further clarification!

I think we're arguing at different angles and it's sort of a moot point anyway.

Don't most style feats function specifically with unarmed strikes (except for Outslug, but that's based on Close Weapons, so natural attacks don't count)?

Most of them specify that their main effects only work with Unarmed strikes, like Dragon or Tiger or Boar, but if you dip MoMS and take Ascetic you can apply those feats to other weapons.

I'd actually argue that Power Attack isn't worth it on a bunch of initiator builds that aren't 2h STR full BAB. Not without furious focus, at least.
Strikes, stances and boosts can give you very adequate damage, and with all the rider effects that strikes can give you if they connect, the bonus damage isn't worth the decreased hit chance in a number of cases.

>My shy immortal elan psion is getting into an arranged marriage with a busty kitsune sorceress.

How busty are we talking? Because this doesn't sound like a bad end.

No problem, mang.

Here's how it works, user.

Are you a melee-based martial?
Do you have a 13 or more Str?
Then you're taking power attack and furious focus.

THAT SAID, all the games I'm in remove the feat tax and just make it an option everyone has, because that's just the more sensible way to do it, but eh.

HA scan guy, are you still around? I'd really like to see those feats, especially the Sacrificial Adept stuff. Those evil sorcerers and cultists need to have SOME mechanical reason to put all those maidens on their altars....

Working on it, the initial rip attempt had weird graphical issues, so I'm redoing it.

>Those evil sorcerers and cultists need to have SOME mechanical reason to put all those maidens on their altars....

Mechanical? user please, they're clearly appeasing the REEEE by killing some roasties that would never hook up with them.

Cleaving Finish is still really good because it's original Cleave but Cleave itself fucking sucks. Why change something that works?

>3/4 BAB level 8 elemental flux user, onehand with shield
>Hit for maybe 1d8+5+2d6+8d6 with an energy hammer in elemental flux stance, average 49.5, plus enemy has to make a save or get debuffed
>Let's say you have an 80% hit chance for around (0.8*50) = 40 average damage
>If you power attack you can take a -2 penalty to hit (10% less chance of hitting unless enemy AC is trivial) for +4 damage
>(0.7*54) = 38 average damage, /and/ less chance of landing the debuff

It's not always worth it.

Hello friends! Tonight is drinking night, friday with a large thing of gin and tonic. I am also here to homebrew and take any suggestion for quick brews. Does anyone have thoughts that they want?

I will continue drinking to be ready.

What's the best way to permanently turn someone into #3 or #4 in Pathfinder?

The target is preferably a paladin.

Unnatural Lust is the easiest way.

Like this.

Even putting aside the will saves, which the paladin is probably only failing if he or she chooses too, there's just no two ways about "immune to charm and compulsion."

I hate hate hate you.

Paladins get immunity to charm and compulsion eventually, better stick to Diplomacy


Don't you want to see a paladin turned into an innocent yet lewd mind-slave?

From plate-armored crusader to maid outfit-wearing servant...

Nah. Why hand over the world to the demons?

Medium archetype that takes Dual Identity maybe even with form changing that stacks with Spirit Dancer.

I know I'm a little late but my 30-week long campaign I was in just ended.

My character, through divine intervention, got to revive his village that was destroyed during his youth after saving the world. He also managed to finally free the spirit of his brother, who was following him around since he was young (Spiritualist Class)

Overall fantastic time. Feels good to FINALLY actually finish a campaign, since most just die halfway through.

Psionics-magic transparency doesn't apply to class features.

>At 8th level, a paladin is immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities.
>At 17th level, a paladin gains DR 5/evil and immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities.

What's that Mr. Catfolk Paladin? It says spells and spell-like abilities, not psionics?


It's not this weekend, but I am planning on hosting a game with some high school buddies.

What would happen if your players played as a bunch of grey aliens through Paizo's APs?
I mean, a bunch of screaming will be involved either way.

An alchemist that "spontaneously casts" extracts and turns into a horrible mutant beast monster.

Haven't you heard? Psionics is just psychic magic.

the fuck do you keep asking?

Transparency explicitly does apply to class features under the default; Psionics and Magic work under the same "this does not work" banner unless the campaign explicitly says otherwise.

Yes, actually.
>playing council of thieves
>gestalt two man group, i'm a bloodrager/oracle and my partner is a vigilante/ghoul from DSP
>went through the asmodean knot, eventually i pick up a magic glaive from a bearded devil
>the glaive is literally called avengen's edge
>eventually as we progress through the dungeon we come across a one armed mummy
>he seems to follow me like a child and when i order him to do something, he does it
>mummybro tags along for awhile
>reach the final boss, some weird aberration devil thing
>due to unlucky crits my vigilante ghoul partner died
>just mummybro and i left
>unfortunately, we picked up a cursed gem on the way in
>it's been long enough that the curse activates
>a fucking bone devil appears
>mummybro and i fight it, i keep rolling low but mummybro is pummeling the shit out of it and tanks all the hits
>in the middle of the fight we realized we fucked up and forgot mummies have despair aura and bone devils aren't immune to fear
>the bone devil fails the will save, is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds
>i coup de grace him
>realize just how strong this mummy is, gonna take him back to the base with me
>dress him up in a mask and a cloak
>take him outside
>he crumbles to dust because the energy in the dungeon was the only thing keeping him alive
>just go home with the macguffin and a heavy heart
Why do people say this AP is shit again?

Oh yeah, p-m transparency lets bonuses to enchantment spells work on powers, but the paladin's abilities aren't for enchantments specifically.

Bring in a psion to Mind Seed a paladin and turn him into a boyslut.

Probably not even the original guy.

>Transparency explicitly does apply to class features under the default

[citation needed]

Sorry, magic = psionics is the default. Transperency is just there for stupid GMs and munchkin players to pull shit like this, but doesn't apply to the majority of games that would use psionics anyway.

No joke, I really like Council of Thieves, I seriously want to run it with an all vigilante party one of these days.

> be me
>have a crossbow launching crossbow that I use to shoot splash weapons
>roll a crit fail
>GM says that I have to clear crossbow
>I say that I clear my crossbow because I have crossbow mastery
>GM says that I have to use a standard action to clear it

I'm still new to this stuff and I'm trying to get better at this. Can someone give insight please?

>magic = psionics is the default

[citation needed]

I'm going to be running Wrath of the Righteous sometime in the near future.

I know it's shit, but I want to run it while trying to make it good. Besides the obvious shit, (the meeting with Iomedae in book 5) what should I add/remove?

Play as grays instead.

Is there a feat that lets you make mind-affecting effects rebound on their caster if you make the will save?

Tell your GM that crit fumbles are dumb.

will do

All of that is entirely on your DM. Crossbows don't jam or misfire.

Transparency is the default and it means the two are exactly the same

Combining Psionic and Magical Effects

The default rule for the interaction of psionics and magic is simple: powers interact with spells and spells interact with powers in the same way a spell or normal spell-like ability interacts with another spell or spell-like ability. This is known as psionics–magic transparency.

Allowing everything but 3rd Party Books, how do you build a good Mad Dog Barbarian who uses a 1h Sword?

I was given a Legendary Weapon but it is a 1h Longsword, despite my always using 2h Weapons, and so I would like to build around this weapon as it will grow as I level and be better than most any weapon I find other than that it is one-handed.

I rolled up 18 Str/14 Dex/20 Con, and we are going off of Feat Taxes Rules.

Read the line right after that.
>Psionics–Magic Transparency: Though not explicitly called out in the spell descriptions or magic item descriptions, spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items that could potentially affect psionics do affect psionics.

Are feats mentioned?
Are class features mentioned?

No? Then they can get fucked.

More specifically, bring up that crit fumbles are dumb because they inordinately affect PCs (who are expected to last long enough to make enough rolls that they will fail eventually), martial characters (who spend more time actively making attack rolls that *can* crit fumble), and higher level characters who are supposed to be better at their job (due to how iteratives and extra attacks work).

I knew this was true, but the majority said otherwise. Much appreciated.

You can still use a 1h weapon in two hands so long as it isn't light, you know.

Unchained Samurai.

Ahem, page 126 of Ultimate Psionics:
>Telepathy powers can spy on and affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Most telepathy powers are mind-affecting.
For the purpose of psionics–magic transparency, telepathy powers are equivalent to powers of the enchantment school (thus, creatures resistant to enchantment spells are equally resistant to telepathy powers).

The paragraph then goes on to clarify the [Charm] and [Compulsion] tags as subsets of Telepathy/Enchantment.

Yeah, but is it better to use it in any way that isn't as a Pseudo-2h Weapon as a Barbarian?

Like a Sword + Shield, or TWF? Also, correction, 17 Dex, not 14. So 18/17/20.

Already got you covered senpai

Alrighty, first things first we have Fleshwarping.

Honestly, as a barbarian, probably not.

God dammit why are Fennec foxes so adorable, that is literally the cutest thing I've seen this week, and it's Friday!

Crazy eyes over here

Who else is hyped for DSP's piece of genius?

Is the guy who was going to post scans of Horror Adventures still around? What happened to you friend?

>Look out for the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path starting next summer! In Ruins of Azlant, PCs join an expedition to the shattered remains of old Azlant, explore its mysteries and dangers, and face a veiled master who wants to get its tentacles on an Azlanti doomsday device. Titles include (but are subject to change before release):
>Pathfinder Adventure Path #121: The Lost Outpost by Jim Groves
>Pathfinder Adventure Path #122: Into the Shattered Continent by Robert Brookes
>Pathfinder Adventure Path #123: The Flooded Cathedral by Mikko Kallio
>Pathfinder Adventure Path #124: City in the Deep by Amber E. Scott
>Pathfinder Adventure Path #125: Tower of the Drowned Dead by Ron Lundeen
>Pathfinder Adventure Path #126: Beyond the Veiled Past by Thurston Hillman

And your Elan is opposed to this marriage because...?

Fox-Wives are exceptionally talented and loyal, you could do much, much worse than an arranged marriage to a Kitsune sorceress.

Thean's looking pretty good up there.

Killed himself from the horror of how bad horror adventure actually was.

You mean Mutants & Masterminds 3e?

But what if the fox keeps her husband mind controlled?

Feral Combat Training will let you bypass this, kinda.

Sounds like Shattered Star 2

Sounds interesting, I've never worked with the medium, but will give it for a look.

I'm working on the Unchained Cavalier right now, I will give the Unchained Samurai a go after it is done. Samurai is an interesting concept however as I am a big L5R fan.

And some notes on fleshwarping mutations, something to lower the benefits of grafting monster bits onto your body.

Must you? We don't have an update to show yet and to be frank even if I didn't suspect terminal sarcasm it, it's pretty annoying to keep bringing it up in a thread where it's not topical.

But better.

But I'm hyped af for it, you yourself brought it here.