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5x tomorrow
Anyone who doesn't buy in to this tonight is gonna be kicking themselves come tomorrow. It's gonna be IOTA all over again.
im gonna dump on u at 3k satoshis niggas hahahahahaa
Tomorrow we'll have a good 10% gain, guys, we're doing this slow and steady, alright?
t. coienlet
Your gf probably left your ass cause you fuck like a autist.
Dumped as soon as you posted this
Dude if we overhype this shit we'll have less than nothing, didn't we learn something from link and other cryptos who've gone to shit because everyone was spamming threads and screaming at each other how they will be millionaires tomorrow?
overly specific projection
Hahaha, I never had a gf, fools on you!
Thx. Ill buy
This guy actually thinks Veeky Forums has influence over the course of crypto-currencies.
REQon team reporting in, this will be glorious. It's been holding extremely well against the BTC rise today.
What coin is that
>every says buy the rumor sell the news
>news comes tomorrow
why do y'all think this is going up?
3k req here. will i do okay bros?
I think its called download10
You'll only be able to buy 3 mansions
fug just bought another 100k
330 coinlet here. if coinmama will accept my shit i'll buy more
Exactly what I was thinking! Hopefully it'll surpass 1bil mkt cap
tip a lad some REQ:
Shillers aside, beggars are by far the worst part of req threads.
Tonight will be glorious guys, fomo will kick in and then tomorrow when the update is released with Colossus date plus the new exchanges we're going to the moon.
Added 1,628 REQ today just from riding the up and down throughout the day. Sell 20% of my stack at 780 rebuy at 720, rinse and repeat.
because it's news that will create a new support level, which is anticipated to be higher than the price now. with that, more people will likely buy and hold than sell
9k stack here
Am i gonna make it?
This is it, Dahnald. Soon, we will have the fabled Galactigates.
>t. 5k in REQ
I went all in at 750
Pink Wojack inbound
so what if the news tomorrow isn't what you all expect it to be? will it just tank to below ICO again?
just bought 4.4k of req, lets do this shit
How do i buy this shit? This seems extremely promising.
its gonna be hard to moon while BTC is mooning
Each req is gonna be worth 10+ dollars.
You do the math son.
The same way you buy any other coin.
I hold ARK IOTA and XLM which one should I throw away for REQ?
ARK probably. I wouldn't dump IOTA or XLM right now.
Which one hasn't mooned yet?
Remember user, sell low and buy high. You should totally get rid of your ARK :)
alright you fuckin losers, let's see if anything you say actually works. i shilled you guys VEN and it went x2 so this better hit 1400 sats
Future bag holder reporting in
I actually got 90% out of ARK 200% out of IOTA and 60% out of XLM
What time y'all think this is gonna moon tomorrow? My paycheck comes through at midnight and it's ALL GOIN' TO REQ BAYBEE
VEN was fucking obvious, hope you're not claiming to be smart or anything.
11k stack and /comfy/
i'm saying this better be just as obvious
>other alts all die
>REQ actually still goes up
how is this possible?
Looks like we are moving past 0.0003 right now!!!
Strap your strap on dildos on, goyim!!!!
It goes up every second Thursday and crashes every second Friday like clockwork.
so why is everyone in this thread thinking its going to moon tomorrow?
Sitting on a 5k stack and really hopeful, let's go lads.
Hope you anons bought the dip at 660, REQ has been primed to explode any day now. It's actually been holding its own just fine in the altcoin bloodbath. Breaking 2000 sats by Saturday morning. See you on the moon.
Because one friday it won't tank, and the update will live up to the hype.
Unlikely to be tomorrow, but it could be.
And longterm, it hardly matters.
Post your most successful crypto gains story (which coin, how much, why you bought) and your wallet address.
Not going to be picking the most impressive or whatever, just curious and will pick an address to give 21,725.528 REQ to at random after reading through some.
VEN was super obvious due to the team and all the workd they already did. They have actual chips and great partners.
REQ is just starting, so there's nothing obvious about it yet, but it has promise.
Currently number 100 on cmc
Next milestone is a 100m cap or about 16 cents
Forgot pic, oops.
and so if it's not yesterday we're gonna have nothing but endless REQt responses again?
sounds annoying
should i sell my YOYOWs ?? i missed the ride and now i'm in deep negative
It depends on when you got in. I got all my REQ at an average of 4.3 cents, so anything short of a 66% crash and i'm still even
Point is price is gonna rise again in 2 weeks due to news speculation once again. nigga
Oh shit
req and link might flip tonight
Day trading on this I doubled my investment in a week, I should have just held onto it though, I sold some to buy XMR whilst it was cheap
I'm super new to this (about a month in) but I pulled off this trade today and was very proud haha. Look at the time stamps! The sell & buy happened SO quickly. I don't have many winning trades but this one is my favorite. It's the little things right?
If you want to help me build my little stack - 0x2a4ca8d5fb913cce2aa414961b9f631cf0d54b12
They’ve only had two updates. Sample size of two, so not particularly great evidence but evidence nonetheless.
They said they’ll be using twitter and Facebook and dedicated posts for product releases. I have a feeling tomorrow it will dump unless there’s a colossus date at least.
C-can I come?
I bought into antcoins because of the hype at less than 9 dollars, but sold before neo went to 50, not a success story
but I also tripled my small ass REQ stack into 1.3k REQs by trading the biweekly pnds, too bad my initial capital was low because I could've made some bank instead
Thicker is better.
Ticket is minimum 4k REQ. We'll be leaving in early 2019 for the secret society of the top 0.01% of the wealthy.
bought eth in june at 170 and proceeded to ride the wave to 420. made like 3k and didn't sell, all the way back down to 160. good times
Over 30k!!!
Got 11k, am I going to the moon with y'all?
t. Fatass
We broke 0.0003!!
I like 'em soft & wide. Can't help it.
I bought $15 of ETH back in july or some shit. I applied and made a shitton of accounts on Metamask to apply to the eLTC airdrops and take advantage of the obvious pajeet pump and dumps. eLTC #2 ended up giving me the most, 1.48 ETH. There were other airdrops I took advantage of and that gave me about ~2.01 ETH. I cashed out a little more than half of that and I planned on investing the rest onto REQ recently. I wanted to increase my ETH amount with daytrading, but I fucked that up. I would have 5120 REQ if I just held but I was being an impatient prick. I'm hoping it dips tomorrow so I can learn a lesson but I'm not sure at this rate. I hope my story moved you...
10,000REQ x $0.6 x 10^3
~$3.5 Million is minimum to live a good six-figure salary lifestyle and never touch the principal with traditional markets.
Ticket is 58,000 req tokens with tree orders of magnitude growth potential from ICO.
Ready for takeoff lads. Should i buy now or wait for it to drop lower??
Oops. Moon mission is only 5,800 and a lot of patience.
Im going to get in at ~10 cents no way it doesnt crash down
heard about bitcoin after wikileaks began to accept them as donations in 2010. bought 100 for about a dollar each iirc and donated 99 to wikileaks and kept one just to see where it goes. sold it at 6k and forgot about bitcoins until recently. not exactly successful and i regret not buying a lot more bitcoins and holding. but whatever
Fuck, it's mooning, Bois. Sell walls getting eaten up...
how does this manage to retain it's btc ratio ?
Wait, no. I’m retarded. ICO was $.06.
Please someone kill me.
What are you even looking at? It's still sitting at 730 on Binance like it has for the last 30m.
Nice, so 130 bucks at the bottom would make you set for life in the future.
ETH Pair, Prepare for liftoff. Thrusters are a GO.
Eth price
Koreans are buying since req will work with bitcoin requests
Bitcoin PayPal 2.0
Look, i got +20k REQ that's my most successful crypto gains histor, send me or not if you want
I'll be rich
I unironically have 100k.
Plan to be able to pay off all my debt within the week
i'm in req/btc pairing. am i doing this wrong
stuck at 12 cents forever fags
I'm not even kidding, the KakaoTalk logo on the request network website made me instantly look more into it. Anybody not familiar with korea do not even comprehend how enormous KakaoTalk is in korea. It's THE messenger app. I even use it as a westerner to talk with friends outside my country.