




Which element is the best element and why is it earth?

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yeah too bad fire burns earth, now what?
and don't fucking say water, I've seen water boil.

Air > Water > Earth > Fire

Flight, suffocating people, tornadoes > making rocks.


nah, black holes are the best element. I have a uncle at nasa and he told me so

My element of choice is Plutonium.

Eh, depends on the control and extent of the domain (does earth have plants, or metal, for example), but you can rarely go wrong with fire, fire is bretty good

Considering that you control an element that maked up more of the than anything else, I'd say earth is best. You may not fly, but you can snipe that flamboyant wind user out of the air by launching adamantium spears out of the ground towards him.

I think metal should be a universal subcategory of earth, like how ice is for water.

>anything but glorious fire

its like you don't want to fire lighting like a goddamed sith

Cold iron rules them all.

Good luck, I'm behind 7 hurricanes

This thread is about elements. Not ways to contain the Cluracan

I hope you can live here, because I'm not gonna stop and I'm behind the crust

Like that will stop my iron colossus from causally lumbering over to you and slapping you out of the sky like the gnat you are. At least multi element so that you have something like a firey maelstrom of destruction protecting you from everything.

Living on a castle in the sky has its benefits.
The water guy was nice to make it out of ice.

Fire is easily the best.
Always the most interesting character is the fire-based one.

Fire isn't even it's own element. You need Earth and Air for tinder and oxygen.

Fire is the shitty little brother of the magic world.

I'm going to include the sun under the category of fire.

air > all

>fire needs it to burn
>water is super condensed/cooled air
>can erode earth
>protects the earth from space debris
>need it to breathe, can suffocate people by removing it
>can subtly or overtly manipulate all other elements in combat with it
>weather manipulation/creation
>pressurization can create pulverizing forces or slicing winds
>can use it to fucking fly
>wind makes any posing character instantly more badass
>cool breezes feel really comfy
>it's fucking everywhere

Isn't sun its own category or filed under light or something?

>forgetting the best element of all.

>What is vacuum implosion

That's fusion dummy, not a chemical reaction

Light also would fall under the fire division.

Dark Matter


It's still a giant ball of fire, even if it's not the strictly scientific definition.

Like that would work.

So fire would have access to the most powerful attacks and energy forming utilities? What about quasars? The energy created through their friction alone makes nuclear fusion look like rubbing two poptarts together.

>The sun
>A ball of fire

Enjoy your crumpled hunk of metal user :^)

Elemental magic is uninspired and uninteresting, I wish it would die.

Yes, because my golem is so shoddy that it will fall prey to a vacuum implosion or not sink into the ground by being a solid mass of metal that is almost a walking black hole.


That's a common expression.

I'm surprised you haven't heard it.

How about space and time magic? What's the consensus on them?

In the system of 4 elements + potentially Aether, any large amount of energy typically falls under fire.

Not elemental magic, and typically flop between extremely broken and near useless, because even a small alteration in how the magic works is easily exploitable.

So quasars are fire then. Fuck everything else if that's the case.
Why bother with wind or water when you can generate a ton of energy through quasars?

God Tier: Water
Great Tier: Fire
Just Okay Tier: Earth
Fuck my Shit Up Tier: Air

Well they could be seen as elements of reality as opposed to nature. What about other "elements"?

literally this

My nigga

Because the same amount of magic used to make/manipulate quasars would do something equally incredible.



if your character is powerful enough to create a quasar i don't think it really matters what element(s) they use.

at that point they'd basically be a god.

>Missing out Heart
Apply yourself sir

Tsunami, nigga

Chandra Nalaar.


Earth because you can grow stuff in it.


None of them are the best element. All elements are required to make up the world and they all have strengths and weaknesses in their use.

What makes you think you can generate a ton of energy through a quasar?

Got me

Well not necessarily generate, but they emit a ton of electromagnetic energy. Surely you can use that emission somehow.

Now creating a quasar is the real problem and the answers are probably unknown physical phenomena, magic or depends on the setting.

You can make shit out of Earth that doesn't dissipate, puff, or splash away after you're done.

Weapons, armor, entire buildings, even nukes if you have a refined enough understanding.

But earth sucks, you see:
The main dangerous thing about bombs are the blast waves.
With air you can make explosions


>Which element is the best element and why is it earth?
Clearly the best element is Dog. What are you even talking about OP?

>going periodic and not choosing Cesium
It's like you plebs don't even like explosions.

Listening to this book b4 i sleep.

>implying Surprise isn't the best element

Aether. I shall be the medium which allows light to exist across the universe!

I choose the element of surprise

Oh shit. I just noticed that I've been beaten by a good 15 minutes. damn

bear is the best element


>Fire isn't even it's own element.
You do realize that the four basic elements are based around the four physical states of matter, right? Fire is plasma.

But there are five elements.

It was quite, unexpected.

I've always been a fan of water, because it generally also includes ice, and ice magic is cool as fuck.

I prefer air instead of metal.

Jaya ballard

I bet you prefer cock instead of pussy too.

But what if I'm a master of all four elements? What then?

Water and earth are feminine.
Air and fire are masculine.

Pick a favorite that matches your sex unless you want to turn into some kind of hideous tumblr genderfluid otherkin.

>Water and earth are feminine.
U wot.

The problem is that metal manipulation is fucking OP.

So can be any other element. It depends on the limits of the manipulation.


is he giving someone a heart attack while his animal friends look on in horror?

Except it's complete bogus that fire gets lightning in Avatar.



Meat > Metal > Smoke > Plastic > Sugar

Then Asian Henry Rollins gonna make your life hell

Every element gets a crazy ass secondary element though, two if you want to get technical about it.

Earth: Metal, lava

Water: Ice, Blood

Fire: Blue Flame, Lightning, EXPLOSIONS(That one was unique to one lunatic though)

Air: I actually don't remember if air gets a secondary or not, but it's crazy powerful anyway so who cares

The best and cutest planeswalker, and her entire personality is literally just "I like fire."

Air got Void.

here is a pert project of mine. could use some work. please feel free to improve.
>can only move from 1 school of magic to another through the designated path
>in order to move from one to another you need to use the internal spell / skill tree (skills that are covered by both schools)
light and life might share a healing spell
dark and arcane might share a cloaking spell

Have fun fighting the Fire Lord!

youre fucking retarded. theres already so many interesting ideas posted in this thread.
kill yourself.

>Which element is the best element



No, then he'd prefer "wood".



holy shit are you trying to be cool or did you just dropout of high school?

trying to start new magic system and i've been up too late