Non-dickish Tau?

Is there a way to field Tau without being perceived as an asshole?

First time collector and I love the Tau aesthetic and fluff; for aliens, I find them a lot more relatable than, say, EMPRAHS FUREH and the like. And I love mechs. But it seems like if I were to get into playing, Tau would largely confer an unfair advantage.

There a way to play these guys that isn't just point-and-shoot?

Farsight Enclave

Don't spam Broadsides or do the unkillable commander tactic or far sight bomb. And for gods sake don't field 31 fuckin mechs. With the Farsight Enclaves/Tau Empire battle brothers rule with taking all forms of suit will end up with around 31 to what I remember.

If you find them more relatable, you have not read their current fluff. Unless you solve all your problems by just being better or spot inventing hard counters, you should look else where. Guant's ghost first books are hailed as relatable.

I guess by that I mean that your average Tau soldier seems like a person caught up in politicized warfare and not an engineered killing machine. Granted I'm pretty new to the universe and have a fairly limited view of the fluff.

also the fact that the tau are one of the like 3 races who are entirely ok with leaving somone alone. They are ruthless as fuck but don't consider exterminating every other species to be a holy duty.

that part of there mindset can be fairly relatable, they are not motivated be seething religious hatred, they are motivated by a desire to survive and thrive in a hostile universe.

>they are motivated by a desire to survive and thrive in a hostile universe.

So is almost everyone else. They just have different means available to them and different beliefs influencing their decision making.

Don't spam Riptides and Ghostkeels. Regular battlesuits are pretty good without being OP, and lend themselves better to a more mobile gameplay than just sitting at the back of the board and shooting (try not to abuse the "shoot, then jump behind los-blocking terrain" tactic too much, though). Or try using a mechanised Firewarrior-heavy list. Pretty much nobody does that.


>I find them a lot more relatable than, say, EMPRAHS FUREH
Have you tried literally any other sci-fi setting? Sounds like that'd be a much better fit for you.