Age of Sigmar General


Who will win edition

>General's Handbook is up
Who can convert it in pdf with hyperlink function?
Rough version is up, still waiting that kat uploader version.!DxJhhQRa!ObBJiQp43LJK2gC22ioeyXsMNU1_BjwyAR-sjeAoHJg

>OP image album

>Cheer for your faction!

Old thread:
Summer campaign end soon, who will win? Order or Chaos?

Posting over here too;

I have the Getting Started: Slaves to Darkness, the starter kit, and a Bloodthirster, but also some Tzeentch and Slaanesh daemons. Should I keep my Slaves to Darkness painted as Chaos Undivided so I can switch it up or am I better off going pure Khorne, Tzeentch, or Slaanesh?

Eyo, so i have 1k points of darkling coven now

1 sorceress, assasin and tenebral shard

2x10 spearmen
1x10 black guard
1x 10 blackguard
dark coven formation

now i have no clue how to get this to 2000 while staying fluffy.

would beefing up each unit by 10 (apart from blackguard) adding the wizards on horses units and adding 2 bolt throwers work? or would i need a big centrepiece model? (thinking of blood wrack shrine.

I was also thinking of adding pheonix shrine models and skycutters but would that be weird together with darkling coven?

Grabbed the iOS generals handbook, pretty happy with it as its only $25 and has the cool battle builder and all the extra digital bits added to the AOS app like warscrolls and stuff. Planning to try it out at the local clubs next games day and thrash some quick 1000pt games out with some dudes.

Khorne probably has more synergy thanks to some bloodbound heroes being able to buff everything with the Khorne keyword, the others you're mostly looking at the warshrine and that's it. But I'm not sure going monogod is worth it for rules alone, no matter which god. Most people who go monogod do it for fluff reasons.

I heard that mono-Nurgle is pretty strong. I admit if I did an army out of this i'd probably just take the Khorne heroes from the starter and Chaos Warriors/Knights with Mark of Khorne.

17 more torsos to prep

I know Orcs have always had wyverns.
What they haven't had, however, are wyverns that spend their time walking and don't look like they can fly (but can anyways, because fuck you), have rules that amount to CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE DID I HIT SOMETHING YET KEEP CHARGING CHAAAAAARGE, and can roar loud enough to cause physical injury to people - and to top it all off, it looks like a GWified tigrex on top of having rules that are exactly what you'd use to represent the thing in AoS. The only thing the model is really missing is fact that its tail blade is strapped on instead of being a natural part of its anatomy


Dude, stop. The two creatures just do not look the same. The tigrix is closer the the skyrim dragons than the mawkrusha.

All I got man. As well as I know how the game plays thanks to these threads, I am still amassing my force

Yeah, because something in the ork army wasn't going to have rules all about charging.

A Wyvern that walk on his arms is not an unique concept, and the Tigrex and the Mawcrusha are as much different as you can make two reptiles while still adhering to that concept.

They operate in very similar ways and are both equally belligerent, although i'd argue the Maw Krusha has the temperament closer to that of a Diablos.

Scan of Beastclaw Raiders yet?

'sup /aosg/, I'm almost finished with all my current projects, and I was wondering what could i begin next.
these are my current ideas:
-expanding my lonely unit of Nurgle bonesplittaz into a full army
-expand my pestilens(currently have only a plague priest and a 20 rat unit)into a full army
-begin a small fyreslater reap combo(20x auric hearthguard +teleporter)to aid my stormcasts

Dubs decides next project I go into, not only the ones I wrote earlier. Can be from any faction.
500 points. Dubs decide. if i already own it, reroll until i get it.
Pic unrelated.

whatcha painting tonight /aosg/?


Nothin, I will be using my in box cold one heads on Rippers if I make them, beyond that, I'm annoyed that the Delf knights kit lacks the amount I need

>mfw I just spread the word in the name of the great Corruptor.

painting a unit of phoenix guard, and working on my grey knights for armies on parade while they dry. October seems like a long ass time away but I know if I procrastinate I'll never finish in time

Currently have a unit of 5 Hexwraiths WIP.
Finished a unit of 10 Skellies earlier today and converted 10 Bret Longbowmen into unded archers.

Plague claw

Just get some more monks (a box), a catapult and a priest, maybe some censers too

that was incredibly fast!
Sorry for the slow reply.
Here's some rat ass for (you). monday i'm going to get a Pestielnc start collecting.
that should add almost 500 points to my army.
I don't really like censers. The model aged horribly, and beign finecast does not help.
You did gut user.

Working on my first models in about 15 years. 1 box of iron jaw brutes. I'd post them but I fear being relentlessly mocked and I am not that happy with how they turned out. I wasn't that good a painter back then and I haven't improved any with age. Plus they look like shit compared to the user that posted his black armoured orcs afew threads back.

That's not the point user.
the point is having fun in painting them.
remember, most of model painting is about tricks.
if you need any tip, just ask.

You just replied to me 3 times XD. If you don't like the real censers, convert monks using the arm holding the flail. Much cheaper, plus they look better. The congregation of filth is your go to formation, so consider another box of monks for two units of 30. The plaguesmog congregation is also incredible for a 2k point army. I use 2 units of 10 censers in mine, so that box of converted monks might be helpful.


>judge away

Fimir any good? Thinking of taking them in a mixed destruction army.

Do you guys know of any good AOS podcasts?

I need something to listen to while I paint

I did have fun with it, but I am never happy with the end result. Tbh I'd never post in the wip thread cause I know they would tear me a new asshole. My paint is not thinned enough, my highlights are too thick, the eyes aren't well done and I don't thick my highlighting even makes sense in some places, layering could do with some work too. Not started on their weapons yet nor the bases.

I wish I could be happy with my skill level but I just want to be better.

Bad Dice

The ninth realm is one I got into recently. Its by frontline gaming, the guys who run the ITC, the biggest 40k tournament circuit in the us. They are incorporating aos into the ITC, which is a pretty big deal. They love aos and their podcast is short and sweet, rarely going over 45min, which I love.

They look great you faggot, Jesus christ some of use have shaky hands and can't paint half that good fu k off you nigger

are you fucking kidding?
these are great.
really, i love the skin. its clean and polished.
Armour is good too, add an extreme highlight(just in the tip of the edges) on the red parts; I don't like adding white to the red(it just gives a pink and it doesn't look good imho)so i'd go for a white/orange mix.
But really mate, its good.
also, the trick for the eyes is to paint them black before using the red. Or, if you already painted red(like in this case)add just a bit of nuln oil. it will go on the recesses and will give a better shape on the eye.
here's an orc waifu for (you)r effort

This is like when an 8/10 bitch whines about her looks, seriously fuck that guy

Sooo, what's the quickest way to paint my RATMANS

Here's my new skin. I think I've perfected my robe work (haven't done this monk yet). Has my skin work improved? Keep in mind I'm new to painting.

which ones?
I'll go for the quickest way to paint pestilens.

-flesh. something like dwarf flesh is okay.
-weapon: something dark like tin bitz is fine
-tunic: base colour of your choice

-flesh:any brown wash will do.
-weapon: nuln oil. use the gloss one for an "oily"effect
-tunic: depends on the colour of the tunic. if it was blue, go for a purple. if it was green, go for a blue. if it was yellow, go for a brown.

flesh-use any flesh paint brighter, or simply add genrous amount of light grey to the previous one for a more pallid effect.
-add some Gw oxyde in a few recesses(add some extra oxyde stipling around the recess you have oxyd'ed for a more relaistic effect). you can also add some rust by simply stipling orange(don't abuse it.
-then drybrush with a brighter metallic, like silver or copper. Don't go too hard. it must go on most of the weapon but should not be too heavy.

-tunic:add some dirt by stipling with Typhus corrosion.
Then add drybrush of a lighter colour.

Do the details like the nose, teeths and anything you missed.
Your pestilence is now ready for war! can't be more fast then this.
It has. Still, bit too thick.
The problem is: painting skin over black primer is a pain in the ass.
i know it requires time, but you need to apply thinner layer.
or simply use white primer next time. i hate black unless i have a model with ONLY dark colours.
You can also try to use a base colour brighter than black before applying flesh, in order to get a smoother base to work with.

Hey Sigbros, need halp

I need your guy's collective wisdom: Has anyone left their models in a case, say the standard Citadel case, in a hot car? Like really hot-- Pheonix Arizona 120 degrees hot? Will the paint melt off? I'm scared, what do? I'm going to Pheonix and I NEED to leave my shit in the car

So, just got my Start Collecting Slaves to Darkness box, and I've got a few questions for you guys:
For the knights, should I give them Enscrolled weapons or Glaives? Enscrolled seem better, since its just a straight up extra attack, while Glaives seem more situational. Although that additional damage and Rend is pretty nifty.
Should I use the Guy on the Chariot as a Lord of Chaos? Also, which is better overall, the regular chariot or the Gorebeasts?

As for the warriors, I already have a unit of them, equipped with shields. Should I double down on them, or should I go with the duel wielding guys?

Didn't happen to me but shouldn't be a problem.
unless it humid.
Grab some of these bags against humidity and nothing should happen, only thing i can think of is Failcast bending.

ahh cool, thanks bud.

about to start painting like 50 spider rider gobbos!

Fuck you and fuck your model.

Starting on a unit of Hammerers. Trying out those new Liberator Gold and Stormhost Silver paints for the armour.

fuck hammers of sigmar.
They are everywhere and gold just looks bad on sigmarines.
try making up a new stormhost instead!

Everybody look at him. Look at him and laugh.

Why have the gods forsaken me?

well in true orcy fashion, my Megaboss just kinda spiraled out of control with its gubbinz and flash.

dem mold lines

Uh..uhh.. In progress, I totally noticed those I swear...

Axe mold lines are the worst, blood reaver experience.

>gold just looks bad on sigmarines.
bad opinion

Anyone know if the Orc chariot's boars are a good size for a Maniac Weirdnob conversion?

I'm not paying 30 bucks for that finecast garbage.


1:Malagor, The Dark Omen[120](G)
3:Wargor Standard Bearer[80]




How's this list look?

I'm pretty sure all the orc boars are the same size.

No Executioners? Wtf

So do Skaven females do any fighting? I'd love some female Skaven models.

No. They're fat breeding machines.

No. They're huge bloated breeding bags of rat flesh. They can't move.

They're usually covered in sores and encrusted with filth.

Go get your ratgirl fetish satisfied somewhere else.

Your making a mistake. I would drop it.
Female Skaven are bloated, mindless baby factories in canon. To even suggest otherwise will get the Skaven fanbase piling in all over you. Why? Because they're secretly afraid that they will be ousted, like the furries that they are. Add in a faggot who shitposted with them a few threads back, and you've got the perfect bait.

I'm a furry. I play Dwarfs.

Even just bringing up the idea makes every Skaven player instantly enter self-denial mode. They teeter a dangerous line, and unlike the Lizardmen who spawn from pools and Beastmen who just rape things or have beastwomen, Skaven have the misfortune of actually having females, thus openning this conversation up to debate. Just mentioning female skaven will get you called out for being a furry or having the fetish. And to be honest, they have a legit reason to be afraid; by allowing female skaven, it allows for more degenerate furries to intrude into their fanbase. Thus, to put it simply, Skaven players are high-functioning or self-loathing furries.

Not every Furry plays skaven, but everyone who plays Skaven is a Furry.

Don't play Skaven, just don't want bullshit fetishbait in here. They can make a separate thread if they really want to talk about it.

>TFW still no new Tomb Kings

I just thought this card looked sweet when I first saw it.

Don't worry man, I'm right there with you.

I'm hoping they bring them back with even more constructs since that was my favorite part about them.

Someone summon that Skavenspeak shitposter and we'll have a good repeat of that thread a few days ago.

I don't understand your logic.

Turning female rats into giant impregnant breeding machines is way, way more /d/ than just rat tits.

It's already the ultimate furry fetish. I'm not sure how making sexy rat ladies would be worse.

You can't model those onto regular skaven. You can turn them into females.

All in all the game needs more female models to bring in more girls.

Uh-huh. You see, nobody brought fetishes up till you, or who ever was did. All that was asked was awnsered in , yet they instinctively went to calling the first person a dirty, degenerate furry with a anthro-fetish. Even if it wasn't you that posted it, it still proves my point. They're afraid that the true nature of the Skaven will be revealed.

Just take some swollen Nurgle figues and glue rat heads on them.

All in all the game needs more female models to bring in more awkward sweaty furry neckbeards who fap to female skaven fanart.

Keep up the headcannon guys, because that is where it will remain, no matter how much in denial you may be.

Last time it was brought up it was agreed that it was fetishbait and shouldn't be here.

Can some kind soul upload Ironjawz painting guide?


Your misunderstanding it; Skaven players, or just like skaven in general, desperately feel the need to seperate themselves from being furries. While having giant birthing factories is worse on the /d/ scale, it lets them point them out and say "See? Were not furries! Our females are dirty, fat monsters!". This is because furries are usually associated with female anthros. Thus, by not having female anthros, they can deny being furries. This also lets them call anyone out who thinks otherwise, claiming that they're trying to insert their fetish. If there were canon examples like Beastmen Doe's, they'd just grumble quietly. But with baseline canon like this, it lets them effectively make a counter point to any arguement against normal female skaven.

You people need to stop getting mad at the slightest mention of women.

This game needs more Headcannons, they'd make great units

It's the female space marines debate. We don't get mad at the mention of women, we get mad at the disregard for established fluff that is very specific on the matter.

The female skaven warriors is just like the female space marines faggotry.

>tfw you could probably fap to a Verminlord Corrupter inducting a neophyte plague monk into his clan Boku no Pico style, pozzing their ratboy pucci for the first time with his pestilent gift

Well, I know what my next army will be.

But has it been stated in AoS fluff that the Skaven still work exactly like they used to?

It's a different time, great for changes.

You see? You see what discussing this topic does?

This. This is what happens.

Is a black primer better for painting metallics onto?

Last time it was brought up, it was some asshat shitposting. But this seems, or at least seemed at first, a tad but more geunine.

Im just pointing out how you guys react instantly to do the idea; Personally, I think its entirely in character for the Skaven to do that to their females. They're a entire race of asshole furries that would totally do something as vile as transforming their kin into breeding factories.

But, at the same time, even if its impossible canon-wise, you felt the need to clarify it; you needed to come out and say "No, your doing it wrong, shut up, your a furry." Thats some very strong reactions to what seemed a honest question, although now I believe it was most likely bait.

Like a goddam clock

>because furries are usually associated with female anthros

Maybe if you were worn over 25 years ago, grandpa.

Furries these days are usually gays. It's all penises now. Look at Twitch from League of Legends. It's just endless amounts of gay ratman porn.

Yep, you keep stretching. Meanwhile I will continue to never expect any female skaven characters or figures. It's going to be torture for you.

If you guys are done discussing fetishes, can someone answer me?

Is black primer better for painting metallics than white primer?

And who cares? Its just a dumbass leading you on. If it bothers you that much, hide it; I doubt anyone will actually reply, aside from them telling the poster how stupid it is. Your giving it attention, rather than just ignoring it and letting it die.

That had hardly changes the fact of the matter; IE, people want to seperate Skaven as far as possible from the mainstream furries. If what your saying is true, and there is already a large proportion of gay furrues, than this only proves that most Skaven players are furries, secretly keeping away what most people think of as "Furry", and instead indulging into something they know is furry, yet they consider safe.

Depends, what kind of metallics are you painting?

Silver and Gold.

Perversion is unavoidable, no matter the effort, just ignore it imid you dislike

Of course they're furries.

I literally know like four openly gay, furry Skaven players at my FLGS. They would all still screech about female skaven too though, because "muh lore" and not "muh secret gay furriness".

It's 2016. It's the time of gay furry degeneracy.

Er...Shiny silver and gold? Or more dark, and dirty? What are you going for here?


Than they're probably just pretending that there's "Good" furries and "Bad" furries. They think by abiding by the standards of the group, people will look over the stigma of furries on a whole. They're "good" because they agree with the group, and thus arent ostracized. Thats just theory crafting, as I havent heard anything about them otherwise.

But what is clear from your evidence, is that a good percentage of the people who play Skaven are furries. Strange how all four sre gay furries, yet also play Skaven, isnt it? They might be open about it, but not everyone is. Couple this with the responses of Fetishbait in the thread, I think its obvious that it goes deeper than simply "Muh Fluff".

Do I need to water down my primer? I use Vallejo grey primer. Painting the old Skaven models from about 2004