With so many normies seeing the power of capitalism occur before their very eyes through the massive rise in BTC price, and seeing their crypto portfolios increase in fiat value, are we about to see a sudden rise in interest in capitalist/libertarian values?

I see more and more normies on my FB and my uni discussing economics and personal finance in a way I've never seen before. Is it just me, or is the mass adoption of crypto beginning to bring more former socialists (and other leftist types) to the political Right?

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Weve all had our frustrations dealing with banks and bureacracy

This might show narrowminded normies theres another way

cool insight, didnt even think about it. theyre gonna ask for a universal bitcoin income

You nailed it OP

Fuck off, nazi scum. Wichser wie dich würden wir in Berlin grün und blau schlagen.

I hope this is true.
On the other hand buttblasted nocoiners will just scream for bans and taxes.

its the ultimate anarchistpill, not your alt right dream redpill

I struggle to see how capitalism has anything to do with this? how do you define capitalism? e micheal jones defines capitalism as state sponsored usery. aka jew by another name.


>th-there's no market protections so it ISNT SAFE IT CAN'T HAVE VALUE
>normies unironically believe this

>implying it can't be regulated to any extent whatsoever

literally nothing wrong with National Socialism.

I'd like to see them try to regulate monero

>Praise capitalism
>Post Nazi shit
This is what happens when contrarians try discuss politics online.

fuckin nazi scum
hinter euren computern seid ihr kleinen Adolfs sicher doch auf der Straße würdets ihr gleich eine aufs Maul bekommen

Nope, as straight as they come :)

National Socialism is objectively different from any other form of socialism. Its the only one to have ever been successful.

>national SOCIALISM


That's a different story.


>implying it can

Exakt, is echt schlimm hier mit den Vollpfosten


it's just people who want to get rich overnight but aren't willing to admit that to other people, or maybe even themselves. So they operate under the guise of revolutionary technology and libertarian idealism. It's post-hoc rationalization

these are the same faggots who will be speed dialing the SEC when they get hacked, scammed, or their exchange crashes.

Im not alt-right, my friend. If this phenomenon breeds anarchist sentiment within the brainwashed masses, I'm fine with that, as long as commies and their dogshit beliefs get stomped out
>inb4 OP is an autistic faggot
I know.


>its successful because i think its good
Not how that works.

Berlin ist eh schon ne Schande in der Republik. Mach‘s net schlimmer, Ronny.

>Its the only one to have ever been successful.
Stalin was extremely successful he just used a large amount of his population as forced labor and gets a bad rap.


> 50M people dead
> Europe in shambles
> Germany conquered and mostly destroyed
> Most of the fucking nazis either dead or escaped to South America


I guess Monarchies are the key to success now?

Fick dich, jetzt auch noch deutsche Nazis hier, ja? Ihr erweitert euern Horizont ja echt täglich. Wer hätte gedacht das Spatzenhirne wie ihr überhaupt Englisch lesen, geschweige denn schreiben können?!

What I mean by that is that normies are beginning to see the power of compound interest, what it means for a currency to have value, etc.

The profit motive will eclipse whatever kumbaya hippie bullshit beliefs they were taught in the public education system.

Deprogramming from Marxist dogma is occurring on a global scale as we speak.

Germany wasn't a monarchy when the nazis took power...

Sieg Heil

Fuck leftypol-fags
fuck centrist-fags
fuck delusional ancapcucks

It's funny that some people don't understand that anarchism and capitalism are opposites.

They just like to make money and they're thinking about investing, big whoop.
I'm sure they'll now all turn into lelbetarians and sheeiit.

They will become more resentful and nothing else will happen. Have fun pretending to be a Nazi online though.
Anarchy is a return to despotism

And most importantly, fuck and kill all nazi cucks.

Lustig wie du gleich denkst dass ich Nazi sei.
Verpiss dich in dein Ratenloch, Ronny.
Entfernt man Berlin, schon geht‘s Deutschland um 2% besser.
No shit. Just making fun of your logic.
>cos they are losertz

>Berlin eine schande
vielleicht für Keller Adolfs wie dich

>Germany was successful
>No it wasn't
>lol go return to monarchy then

Absolute degenerate

Ne Stadt voller Hartzer.
Darauf stolz sein?

wtf where did all the antifa faggots come from?

Verpisst euch ihr scheiss Zecken!

Nee, du bist sicher bloß ein "Vaterlandstreuer" oder irgendso'n Synonym a la "Alt-Right". Wenn's wie Scheiße aussieht und wie Scheiße riecht, isses aller Wahrscheinlichkeit auch Scheiße. Also, zurück in deinen Führerbunker, Adolf, ist schon längst Schlafenszeit.

>antifa faggots
I'm apolitical. If I wan't I would probably post o /pol/ instead of Veeky Forums.

>everybody I don‘t like is Hitler
Alles klar Ronny.
Scheiß Nu-Nazi.

> Implying there's anything wrong with being "anti-fascist"...

Häng dich an der nächsten Eiche auf.

>coat the exterior of your zeppelin with rocket fuel
>static spark sets the coating on fire
>ignites the Hydrogen gas
Nazis loved blowing shit up.

Verpiss dich

Haha, und der ganze Stress, weil du'n Problem damit hast, dass ich 'nem offensichtlichen Nazi gesagt hab, dass wir ihn in Berlin verkloppen würden. Wenn du Nazis in Schutz nimmst, was macht das dich dann?


Sorry dass ich nicht Juden vergasen will, Nu-Nazi.

Gonna make your women green and blue hans. Bismillah...

Fuck, gov is going to help pump, then dump and use this as a reason to regulate da internets cauze some grandma bought a bitcoin on coinbase for her retirement savings.

Gut, ist doch schon mal ein Anfang. Wenn du jetzt noch aufhörst, Leute anzufeinden, die sich gegen Nazis aussprechen, wird vielleicht nochmal ein richtiger Mensch aus dir. Mit Herz und so...

>ohne Berlin
>ohne die Regierung
hättest du wohl gerne du nazi lappen

Wie kann ein Mensch nur so verblendet sein? Stell dich nicht gefälligst über andere und mach auf Veeky Forums nicht auf dicke Hose, du kack Nu-Nazi.
Ohne Spaß, ihr Spasten seht garnicht was für Idioten ihr seid jede kleine einzelne Opposition im Keim zu ersticken währendessen ihr auf Gutmensch tut. Geh raus an die frische Luft. Die Welt ist nicht Schwarz Weiß Internetrambo.

>take on the entire world
>actually win
>only lose when another county full of sons from German volk immigrants step in
>it literally took another army of Germans to defeat an unstoppable army of Germans
>the country went from financial and social ruin thanks to Jews and queers to the worlds economic power house in a few years time
>meanwhile commies like you took a country like Russia that was already poor and broken and managed to fuck it up even more with your retarded system

Why do retards who failed elementary level world history class feel the need to post?

Geht auch an dich. Du Nu-Nazi.

Hallo zusammen! Wie geht's euch so?
This is now a thread for Germans who don't have college classes tomorrow

Typing gibberish isn't going to help your point.

Ich bin kein Nazi, aber ihr Linken habt Deutschland kaputt gemacht. Sobald ich es mir leisten kann, bin ich raus hier, und ihr könnt zuschauen, wie eure Frauen und Töchter von den von euch eingeladenen Muselmanen angefasst werden.


They didn't take on "the world" many didn't even participate.

no this is already a /rvss/ thread

>nazis and antifaggots trying to justify their cronie capitalist hobby

OP is spot on.I see at lot of normies in my college discssuing crypto and finance,they actually have an interest in ensuring a fincially stable future.

Bitcoin is the redpill we needed to save western civilization.

They took on the only relevant, developed countries that were worth a damn. There wasn’t a single country outside the EU, US that could fair against an EU country without getting genocided instantly. But you knew what I was saying, you just had to stoop to semantics to fault me.

>Actually just take on part of Europe
>Actually manage to annex a few countries with weak militaries but actually get fucked and drawn into entrenched high-loss battles or killed by fucking snow (some Übermenschen they were...) in France and Russia (thought you'd need that elaboration since you probably have all your history knowledge from other alt-right degenerates)
>Only lose when a country full of people from all over the world, including some Germans, steps in and kills tons of civilians with carpet-bombing while the bad motherfucking RUSSIANS actually do all the groundwork and put their lives on the line taking back Europe and finally taking Berlin, where your lord and savior, uncle Adolf, is too scared to face the "Untermenschen" and decides to take the easy way out
>The country's economy was propped up by Marshall plan funds due to strategic reasons (the US needing a stable ally in central Europe)
>ruined by nazis, saved by Russians and Americans
>meanwhile SOCIAL DEMOCRATS like me (btw, "the world's economic power house" has social democracy in place) are the ones actually living in Germany and knowing our history and the disgusting filth our country bred, which is why it's all the more important that WE actually keep educating the world about what the Third Reich actually was and help prevent fascism from rising again.

You're welcome, fucking yankee "historian"... hurrdurrr

Bitcoin is inherently socialist. It is creating a collective harmonious pool of capital that allows everyone to grow their funds at a higher than inflation rate.

It's creating a new class of elites but that doesn't matter since they will displace the old elites who are strangling society.

Bitcoin is an economically forced Marxist revolution.

Only a handful of countries are relevent on the world stage and they all participated in WWII


>RUSSIA DID EVERYTHING XAXAXAX))))) You mean the same country that received steel, gasoline, clothes, ammunition, tanks, food rations, weapons etc. from the US and unironically almost backstabbed them 2 years after the war by being an enormous turd?
>weak militaries

>saved by Russians

I hope Berlin will get liberated again.
Again with calling others Nazi.
Lmaoing at your life.


found the amerimutt

Nah you master race faggots had your chance to rule the world and kill the jew forever but you blew it. Too busy drinking wine after you invaded France and being sadistic psychopaths to actually accomplish anything worthwhile.

>but muh natsocism was shit ecenomics and hilter dinu nuffin

you lot need to see more of his ecenomic speeches

You do know what the word "to annex" means, right? It's not the same as "conquer"...

Nobody said that Hitler was good at economics ITT.

Oh sweety. Gaslighting is for fags.

You still wrote weak militaries, Ronny.

I was referring to the militaries of the countries that were annexed, idiot. Don't tell me you don't know the difference either? But what am I expecting from a fucking nazi piece of shit...

not even feasible

Centrism keeps the balance necessary to maintain order. Not need for destructive policies that don't work or isolationism. Also fuck populist faggots. Stop sucking the dick of a dead narcissist. btw you can't stop globalism, nor should you want to if you want human civilisation to progress.

Ancaps are just as dumb as authoritarians. Laws and regulations are absolutely necessary to ensure that you don't have people being exploited, which causes conflict. A government is important because it acts as a third party that can ensure trade is fair, protect people from injustice and resolve conflicts.

You're a disgrace to your people. You're literally being genocided right before your eyes and you are just letting it happen, fucking pussy

Do "refugees" need to rape and kill your family before you figure out what the fuck is going on? I bet even then you'll still be virtue signaling like a complete faggot

you are massively overestimating the number of moms and pops that can even figure out how to create an account on basebook

Oww I hit a nerve you still wrote weak militaries lol

Bitcon is not an example of capitalism - capitalism creates value through allowance of the private ownership of property. Emphasis on the CREATES VALUE element.

Shitcoins do not create value for anyone. They are at best the equivalent of poker tokens that casinos issue...a type of stand in for another currency.

BTC is simply a ponzi scam that is reaching critical mass. All of the exchanges are heavily short BTC and do not have the cash reserves to act as a counterparty with btc at the current the higher the price goes, the fewer new buyers come in and the more liquidity dries up.

The redpill is that you tried to get "rich" by doing nothing and creating nothing, by participating in a scam. Not capitalism.

Because, to make it so clear that even a mentally challenged person like you can understand it, I was referring to the military forces of countries such as Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, etc.

I. Was. Not. Referring. To. The. FRENCH. Military. You. Fucking. Idiot. Because. France. Was. Conquered. And. Not. Annexed.

>The redpill is that you tried to get "rich" by doing nothing and creating nothing, by participating in a scam. Not capitalism.

>bankers produce things
nice joke schlomo

>high loss battles in France
They fucking steamrolled the French easy as fuck you retard. Just as bad as Poland. You’re legit dumb as fuck. They got all the way to the English Channel with minimal effort.
>high losses to Russia
Again steamrolled the fuck out of them early despite being outnumbered 20 to 1 and fighting a two front war. It was after sending tens of millions of their own men through the meat grinder while Germany was occupied with two fronts did it break through. Not to mention they were getting all their equipment from the US or they would have been BTFO just as easy as the French.
>lose when a country full of people from all over the world
No, look at the map of immigrants in the US from that time. It was 70% germans (the Midwest) and the rest Irish, Italian, French (America was 90% white with immigrants from those regions)
>Russians do the ground work
Straight up trolling at this point. Again, numbers, equipment from the US, and two front war. And Germany would have won despite that if it wasn’t for the equipment they were receiving long before the US got involved.
>social democrats
Literally the cancer that is killing your country today. Please go prep mohommad he is ready to fuck your wife. Do it quick because Merkel is getting canned so he might get deported in a few years when your retarded shit results in another Hitler rising to purge you queers. You love giving Russia a lot of credit where it’s not due so I’m assuming you’re probably not even German - either a Russian rape baby or a shitskin.
>literally grow up and get taught nothing but how to be a hateful, self loathing, suicidal cuck
>wants to be taken seriously
A liberal shithead like yourself is no different than a suicidal financially, politically, historically illiterate liberal here in America.
>prevent fascism from rising again by being a communist retard, failing to understand fascism only existed because of communism

Soyboy antifa faggot detected

Northern France was annexed.
Ring ring ring banana phone lol

My people meaning people from the same country as me?
I am the unique one this world is mine and the idea of protecting someone who I don't know from someone else I don't know is idiotic.

none of those countries were annexed you retards

Then I can live in your house for free, and fucking you in the ass because you only own your brain?


>that pic

Jesus christ. I can see why were in trouble with "nothing matters were all the same" faggots like you walking around

Wake up dickhead

>you only own your brain?
Where did I say that? The entire world is my property along with everyone in it and why should I concern myself with what system believes it is in control of the world when I could enhance my own position. Perhaps you have learned how insignificant you are and attach yourself to a larger idea as the only way to assert your power. However the idea is incorporeal and in control of you, my property