Let's have a thread for That Guy stories, Veeky Forums. The more outlandish, obnoxious, and horrifying/hilarious to read about, the better.
Please feel free to post some classics, too. Especially of interest are stories about people claiming to be good/neutral while doing horrifically evil stuff, and players who are shitty people IRL.
I'll start with my own tale of woe, as I don't want to beg without contributing.
>know someone I generally like, kind of between an acquaintance and a friend >find out he plays tabletop RPGs >started with 3.5 but hasn't looked back at it since he discovered other RPGs >recently, though, he found out about OSR, and is looking to run a B/X campaign at some point >invites me to play >I'm excited for some dungeon crawling, so I say sure >four days later >show up >players passing around 3.5 PHB to roll up characters >I ask what's going on >"Oh, my brother is playing. He wanted to play 3.5 because he said there are no interesting character options in D&D before that." >"And you just let him tell you what you were going to run?" >"Well, we don't get to spend a lot of time together so I really wanted him to play." >okay.jpg >I make a half-orc paladin in his late 30s who used to just want to prove to people (including himself) that he was a decent person, but has grown and mellowed out over time >DM's older brother (That Guy, if you haven't guessed) makes a kobold something-or-other (he mumbles as he describes it) >everything seems normal at first >combat happens >he's literally Pun Pun >claims to be doing absurd, impossible amounts of damage >DM says he needs to make a new character >That Guy throws his dice at the DM, yelling that the DM just doesn't want him to be able to contribute >rest of the players are all WTFing at each other >DM says that's not true >That Guy stands up and says "I wish Mom had aborted you like she wanted to," and walks out. >DM goes after him crying So... the campaign ended.
> Be 15-ish and really just now getting into tabletop RPGs. > Usually play Heroes Unlimited, TMNT & Other Strangeness, Shadowrun, or other "modern" setting. > Playing White Wolf's take on the Street Fighter video game. > Be the forever GM. > Group consists of primarily of close friends. > We've taught ourselves how to tabletop w/o a mentor or higher-learned nerds. > Friend suggests letting his 2nd-hand friend join our group for Street Fighter. > 2nd-hand friend is named Jeremy (that guy). > Have run for Jeremy before in Heroes Unlimited. > Exhibits behaviors such as party splitting, PvP, and general instigating. > Jeremy also has the habit of calling me on the phone to get private play sessions to work on his shitty plots. > He's doing his usual thing in Street Fighter. > Pits himself against other PCs in tournaments, starts fights between players, tries to join the "bad guys", etc. > Jeremy eventually pushes the other PCs over the edge and they beat the shit out of his character. > I figure what the hell - he's going to do it anyway, might as well even the odds. > Shadaloo (the "bad guy" organization) takes Jeremy in. Gives him cybernetic upgrades. > Jeremy is now a threat to be reckoned with. > He enters a new Bloodsport-style underground tournament - again pitting himself against the other PCs. > Wins every fight. > Loves to stomp on the heads of fallen competitors once they're down. > Final fight is one "good" PC vs Jeremy. > Fight is close, but Jeremy pulls ahead near the end and puts the other PC in a stun. > Instead of finishing off the PC, Jeremy begins to showboat around the ring. > PC breaks out of stun. > Lands hurricane kick on Jeremy's face. > Stomps on Jeremy's head while he's down. > Jeremy loses.
Camden Reyes
> I have a long standing rule (primarily because of Jeremy) that you can't re-roll unless your character is dead. > Jeremy isn't dead. Character is in an indefinite coma. > Flips his shit. > Jeremy (the real life person) runs out to his car. > Pop that trunk. > Pulls out a machete and starts pacing around his car with his chest out. > We're all inside watching from the living room - dying from laughter. > Jeremy starts yelling shit about "Cuz" this and "Crab ass niggas" that. > Oh, forgot to mention - Jeremy is a white kid who claims Crip. > Eventually gets in his car and speeds off.
In hindsight, I totally could have been murdered.
Luke Wright
>I totally could have been murdered. no, you couldnt've
Ryan Stewart
The older bro deserves a high five in the face with a chair, then a crowbar. Repeatedly.
Michael Peterson
Wow, fuck that guy. DM tries to be nice to his brother, and his brother blows up in his face. Clearly the brother is the one that should have been aborted.
Nicholas Cook
Definitely, fucking hell. Op, was the older bro always a selfish piece of shit?
Bentley Fisher
>I have a long standing rule (primarily because of Jeremy) that you can't re-roll unless your character is dead. >> Jeremy isn't dead. Character is in an indefinite coma.
N bro, you where the That Guy.
Caleb Bennett
Anthony Jenkins
I have probable the pinnacle of "That Guy." All of the following are true and came from one guy.
>Creates special zany characters and gets upset when I veto them. This especially comes into play when he comes up with a new character and tries to kill his old one so he can play his new one >Goes on "zany" adventures that just end up taking up a lot of time >Gets upset when he perceives that the homebrew concessions I let him have aren't powerful enough when the alternative is to not have them at all >Whenever he speaks in his character's voice, no matter which character, all he starts doing is some weird slow whisper that's really hard to understand >Makes terrible decisions all the time and justifies it as "it's what my character would do" even when it clearly is not >He interrupts. All the time. When I'm trying to answer somebody's question, he jumps up with his own question and demands it answered immediately. When I'm trying to describe a room he'll interrupt with another question about the room that he would have gotten the answer to if he waited another 5 seconds (this isn't a case of him trying to expand on a detail, this is him asking completely unrelated things about the room, like asking if he can find a trapdoor while I'm still detailing the contents of the room). He interrupts with his own actions while I'm still narrating someone else's actions. A particularly egregious example is when I was narrating a touching scene where the party druid was helping the survivors of a destroyed fishing town make rafts so they can do their viking funeral and midway he just yells out "OH I BLESS THE BODIES."
Jason Lopez
>He adjudicates other people's actions when that's meant to be my job and ends up just creating confusion. Like he tells the rogue she has sneak attack when she actually doesn't, just tells people they have advantage on ability checks because he's helping them when he actually can't etc. Sometimes he'll "remind" people of abilities they don't actually have like telling the Tiefling she's immune to fear effects. >He min maxes so hard that he actually min maxes other peoples turns for them. He tells people what actions to take so that he can combo off them later. >He never pays attention when it's anything not concerning him. Even though he's probably the one who gets the most solo attention due to all his "zany" bullshit adventures, he never pays attention when its anyone else who is getting focused on. Not only does he not pay attention, he brings out his phone and starts looking up literal memes and starts showing it to the other players and distracting them. Sometimes he does this at critical plot points or in very emotional moments in the story >Even though the party is pretty large (8 players) and he causes half my distractions, he gets visibly angry when I forget something he says and ask him to repeat himself. Like he'll act incredibly indignant as if he can't believe that anyone could space out for a second and forget what he said his attack roll was >Despite not actually reading the rules, he tries to rules lawyer really hard in order to convince me to let him do certain things that he obviously should not be able to do >Not only that but he refers to random online homebrews as his sources such as telling me how much damage a butterfly sword should do
Carter Butler
>Accuses me of railroading at every opportunity despite very clear evidence to the contrary >If even one character goes down during a fight he protests very loudly that I'm just trying to cause a TPK for my own amusement >Thinks that my job as DM is to essentially just let him do anything he wants and that he should be able to roll for anything and theoretically succeed at anything if he rolls high enough >Whenever a player is missing for a session I just make their character go into a form of stasis for the session. He interprets this to mean he can take their equipment and use it as he sees fit, up to and including single use items >He hoards all the loot and insists he deserves it more. He's been arguing with the party book loving wizard for the past two sessions about why he deserves to read the charisma raising book more than the wizard does >He metagames all the time. As soon as I say a monsters name he looks it up in the monster manual to prepare for it. This creates bigger problems when I homebrew and upgrade certain monsters to suit the party level and he throws a hissy fit when a certain monster shouldn't be able to do that much damage or has higher AC than the manual says it should >He seems to think that the game is me vs my players. To that end it takes forever to get anything done because he always assumes I’m about to kill one of the players or an NPC ally. For example in the latest session, it took 20 minutes for me to get an NPC to just walk outside his house because That Guy kept insisting (for no good in game reason) that the NPC would die as soon as they left the safety of their house. >Despite the fact that we're in a homebrew setting, he insists on using knowledge of race relations from the Forgotten Realms as the basis for his in game knowledge despite my repeated reminders that they've been changed for the setting
Cooper Flores
>Never talks to people. He just starts attacking them if they show the slightest hint of being suspicious, even though due to the nature of the campaign and the actions of the party, everyone they talk to is at least a little suspicious >He plays his own music when he does something he thinks is funny or cool >Tries to tell me what I should put in my NPC's backstories (most of the time it's some stupid pop culture reference) then gets defensive when I say no >Flipped the fuck out when I forgot his character token for one session (a generic Drow picture) and used a different token (a different generic Drow picture)
If you're wondering why he's still in the group, its because he's the boyfriend of one of my best players and his hated presence serves as a sort of bonding experience for the rest of the group.
Blake Powell
What does his girlfriend/boyfriend think about all of this? And have you ever talked to him about this shit?
William Reyes
She's really good about it and is usually the one to tell him to shut up.
Dominic Robinson
He was after a while. Truly Jeremy is neither the hero we deserve, nor the one we need right now. I have no idea. I only met his brother the one time. Like I said, the DM and I were on that cusp between acquaintance and friend, and his brother wasn't around much. That said, since then he's mentioned his brother is in therapy so it could be some serious issues he needs to work through. Holy shit. Have you ever spent time with him out of game? Is he better? Have you asked his girlfriend/boyfriend whether he's more chill when not playing RPGs?
Dominic Price
>Holy shit. Have you ever spent time with him out of game? Is he better? Have you asked his girlfriend/boyfriend whether he's more chill when not playing RPGs?
Nah he's still pretty annoying out of game. He has a whole host of OOG behaviour that annoys me as well.
One thing that weirds me out about him is how handsy he is with every girl he knows. I once saw him spooning some random chick right in front of his girlfriend. It actually took me several months to realise that my player was even his girlfriend because he was so touchy touchy with every other girl I saw him with.
Isaac Murphy
Not exactly the standard that guy, but I used to play at a local club was stuck playing with a crazed feminists for a few months; 30~ish overweight male. He would always play as female characters, allegories for contemporary feminist issues. It was obnoxious, but I didn't think much of it; a few in character rants, out of characters suggestions to the DM along the lines of "I know it's not intentional, but this is triggering".
We were starting a new campaign, based in a megacity. The premise was that we'd meet each other with some pre-existing knowledge through rumors/reputation. We gave a summary of our characters. All's well, but then one of the players cut off the feminist with a joking presumption of the feminists modular characters/backstories.
After some shouting he left and we closed the game, decided to meld in with the board game part of the club. We talked about what happened and were pretty conflicted; he was offended, but it was just a joke. The player said he would apologise, so we put it behind us.
Then the player was arrested because of rape charges by the feminist player, and we were all questioned because he had supposedly disclosed his crimes to us prior.
Christian Thomas
I began to make a simple OSR campaig, using B/X. It's been a while since I make DM, so I wanted simple, just for had some fun sesions. FEw misteries, few monster, a lots of laugh. But one of my players insist that the rules are old and not good, so he demands more. He don't ask, he says if we don't change rules, he leave. I'd said OK, we are short of players and I don't want to start a fight. I change to BRP, then to 3.5. After a fer sessions THAT GUY leaves the table with no explanation more that "the game need more players to be balanced". He ruined all.
Blake Lee
And he got arrested or fined for false rape allegations right?
Logan Bailey
I played a supernatural adventure using BRP. The players are a group of homicide detectives from nypd. Slowly they comfront supernatural horrors trying to solve a murder case. They don't know exactly what is happens, I manage to show them only glimpses of the actual horror. One of the players (male) had a female character, an homicide detective with bad manners. He plays well and he don't interfere with other characters so I let him play it. But one of my players it's a, well let's say it'a a radical equal-social-defender, and demands that the player with the female detective had to make a new one because it's offensive. I talk to both players. The female detective player was never a racist/misogenic guy, so I try to explain it to THAT GUY. I say: calm down mate, this is like a movie. He shouts that we are all a bunch of retarded idiots and that my work as the keeper is to prevent that. The female detective player tells him "don't worry mate, I make another one, I could be a forensic guy if you want". But THAT GUY says the damage is done, and just like that, he never appears again.
Parker Gray
Is this real? Please tell me this is just a funpost
Isaac Roberts
That's odd. I have a few female friends I may hug hello/goodbye, but that sounds pretty fucking excessive. She didn't seem bothered? Maybe it's some kind of an open thing? >be a hardcore feminist, anti-racist, etc. >it has never come up in-game, ever >has only come up out-of-game at gaming sessions in passing It's so bizarre to me that people have stories like this all the time. No doubt some of them are made up, but I have to think some are true, and it just bewilders me. That sounds more like the guy who freaked out was kind of sexist. Like, what, women have to be all polite all the goddamn time or you get salty?
Ayden Diaz
I could asure you that the guy was a moron. None of us are the sexist/racist type. But THAT guy is a radical one, he believes it's a equality "knight in armor", but it's just a radical moron. We try to explain it in every possible way, but was futile...
Lincoln Kelly
While I am myself broadly sympathetic to feminist ideas so long as they're fairly liberal, I find there's something just a bit... disingenuous? about a guy claiming to be a feminist. Like the guys I know who self-describe as such seem to be doing it for brownie points?
Anyway, did the feminist guy allege that your player had raped him, or a third party?
Connor Anderson
My cousin wants to play again with his old group, after a lot of years without playing. They are all deeep Ravenloft-fans, and they want to continue an abandoned campaign, last played 10y ago. The DM is one of the closest friend my cousin had, same school class and neighbour. They almost 30 when the continue the campaign, still using the old AD&D set. Cause of work and so, the play once a month, in my cousin's friend house. After a few sessions my cousin's friends let the group knew that he's engaged and will marry soon, but the could keep playing as usual. Next week he just send an email saying that the party is over and that he will never play again. He don't answer any phone call or email, so my cousin go to his house to see what is wrong with him. His friend told him no to come to his house again. After some "exchange of word" his friend confess that his future wife don't want him to had this "kind of activities", and that his friends are "not the kind of people for him". So he close the door, leaving his best without a word...
Nolan Adams
Jesus Christ.
Gabriel Jackson
Owen Fisher
>was expecting GoT mary sue bashing >got party of Those Guys
wew lad
Julian Young
I swear it's a true history :(
Gabriel Sanders
Usually stories posted in such thread make me feel angry/righteously indignated. This one made me feel very sad.
Lucas Green
Ah, something similar happened to my group once.
Kayden Bailey
Anybody got that thread with the That Guy paladin and the DM who just goes along with him, where the That Guy is implied to have raped a Drow prisoner, and the storyteller's character is also a paladin who smites him and then he storms out?
Robert Myers
> I have a long standing rule (primarily because of Jeremy) that you can't re-roll unless your character is dead. > Jeremy isn't dead. Character is in an indefinite coma.
That Guy v. That DM
Owen Morales
In this world some people (men and women) are control freaks. Being a partner is to let the other one make some things maybe she/he don't like, but this don't says are BAD things, only hobbies they don't like. My friends don't had to be his/her friends and viceversa....
Dylan Williams
We know, user. I'm truly sorry.
Ryan Gonzalez
I disagree. DM gave Jeremy every chance to win and Jeremy blew it himself. And if that was a preestablished rule that all players had to abide to, not just Jeremy, then breaking it for his dumb sake is worse in my book.
Anthony Diaz
You don't have to let that slide though. You're partners, not master and slave.
Kevin Wilson
Abusing the rule like the DM did is what is wrong, not the rule itself (though the rule is stupid as fuck). Don't be a passive aggressive twat and "rule" someone can't play as anything other than a vegetable. Just tell them they aren't welcome.
Nathan Green
How is following the rule abusing it?
Robert Bennett
I knew a guy who was banned from a lot of stores because he only wants to play with younger guys. And younger means youuuunger (10-15y).He often brings drinks and food to anyone. Had an obsession that any player (all male, of course) had to detail how strong and musculate are their character. After being banned from the stores some friend told me that he tries to get a group via advertisement in local papers, but someone recognize him, set him a trap and beat him hard.
Jackson Perez
I think the point of the argument is that the DM decided to make him a vegetable, thereby not allowing him to play anymore, when he could've just as well said that the character was dead.
That really boils down to the DM not wanting him to play anymore.
Bentley Sullivan
>I think the point of the argument is that the DM decided to make him a vegetable, thereby not allowing him to play anymore, when he could've just as well said that the character was dead.
That depends on the system, really. If the outcome of the character being a vegetable was determined by the system rules then it's one thing, but if it was DM's arbitrary decision then it's another.
Evan Young
>playing retro D&D >DM throws a small group of succubi at our all-male party >most everyone fails saving throws versus enchantment and willingly follows the succubi to their doom >I claim to be immune to the enemy's influence since my character doesn't swing that way >DM is fine with this >most everybody else is fine with this, especially since I'm the only cleric on hand (and with resurrection) >another player accuses me of making shit up on the spot to avoid sharing his character's fate >I insist this is a character attribute I decided upon in advance because I wanted to roleplay my own orientation (although this was incidentally the first time the subject ever came up, including my in-real-life orientation) >other player goes on a tangent about PCness in gaming >says he respects my "choice" to be who I am, but that it has no place in D&D >DM and other players calmly attempt to reason with him, but he complains we're ganging up on him and trying to silence his opinion, then he walks away from the table
No one said he wasn't entitled to his opinion; he was just disrupting the game for everybody else, especially by trying to force me to roleplay around his sensitivities when the DM already ruled that my character could swing whatever way I wanted.
He also had no objections to other guys in the group roleplaying their lesbian waifus in a previous campaign.
Luis Wright
The homophobia is real. Not defending that asshole, but I usually ask if gay stuff is okay when the group assembles for character creation. Even if I don't intend to make my character homosexual, I find it's a good barometer for who's going to be a shithead right off the bat. (Homophobic or CREEPILY INTO IT)
James Cooper
What an asshole. As if you'd pretend to be a sexual orientation you weren't IRL in order to have your character get away or something.
Also, even if you literally just told him to leave, that wouldn't be trying to silence his opinion. It would just be refusing to listen to it yourselves.
You should've, by the way.
That said, do the rules say female characters are immune to succubi? I'm curious if people who aren't into women are supposed to be immune, or if it's enough of a magical effect that they just radiate pure, androgynous SEX like a neon sign despite their female forms.
Ryder Lewis
Just gonna note that Succubi work on Enchantress rules and that she would have seduced your male character even if he was omramngaldsgolorbfulsexual.
Just sayin, the whole group was pandering to you, except for that one guy, even though he was doing it for the wrong reasons.
Eli Martinez
I can't think of many systems that rule your character goes into a coma (and I can't think of many reasons for keeping a "you can't reroll unless you actually die" rule when playing such a system), and I'm not about to check the SF RPG op mentioned he was playing.
Ethan Lee
They may have just figured that it's super-enhanced regular seduction rather than purely enchantment. Old school D&D does a lot on DM fiat, and when the DM said "it doesn't affect you," that should have been it.
Alexander Rogers
Dude is definitely a bit of a tard.
Jackson Lewis
A lot of years ago one of my friends played in a group who has a guy playing a paladin, a champion of some God of the Light. THAT GUY wants to send a message to all demonic creatures and monsters, "'cause they are abominations that are meant to exist in the world·. He had a "divine mission", and had to send a message to all the "impure creatures". Everytime he kills an enemy (and believe me, doesn't matter if they are a thief or a dragon...), he had to cut the dick and the balls of the enemy and put it in the victim's mouth, as a warning message of the purity of the God of the Light. The curious thing it's that he was a lawful good character. That kind of action only amuses the DM, a narcissist guy who believes was the supreme King of DMs. The rest of the group, including my friend, leave the two of them alone and never played with them again...
Ayden Hughes
During last OSR campaign beeing the DM, the player who is the cleric, a disciple of the Godess of Mercy, after a battle he slays in cold blood all the orcs thar are left in the ground, defeated, but alive. When I ask him why, i just says "They are monstars, abominations of the nature and must be eliminated". I shout him "Dude, you are a fucking nazi!". He only simple says "It's God's will".
Jack Russell
>Jeremy also has the habit of calling me on the phone to get private play sessions to work on his shitty plots If you cut out the whole 'shithead' context this could be pretty cool.
Anthony Gutierrez
That marriage probably won't last. One of my best friends was in a similar marriage a few years ago. Made it 2 years before they divorced. It's just too stressful on the person who is being forced out of their normal lifestyle & away from their friends. People are social beings, and limiting their ability to socially interact is a good way to quickly ramp their stress levels through the roof.
Grayson Torres
>things that have never happened
Owen Lee
>playing a vitalist with a group of friends in Pathfinder, some of which are new to DnD >that guy playing a 12 year old female dwarf fighter or some shit >escorting some little girl trying to find her family >come to an area in a cave with an underwater tunnel >the room before the underwater tunnel is filled with corpses >I stay behind to inspect them, rest of the party goes up to inspect the water >giant crocogator in the water >that guy throws a corpse into the water, croc grabs it and swims off >I find a magical cloak on a corpse, failed at identifying it >decide to NOT immediately equip it because it might be cursed and because I'm a healer and understand corpses are full of nastyass bacteria >that guy, who is not even in the same room, immediately makes his character turn around and demand the cloak >I say no, trying to RP the "it might be cursed/it's gross and needs to be washed" healer that I was >pulls his weapon on me and keeps demanding it >half of the party demands I give it to him >he puts it on in the hopes it boosts his swimming abilities or lets him breathe underwater >jumps into the water, nothing happens >he gets out, throws the little girl into the water >apparently I'm the only character that's not a psychopath, so I jump in with my lizardfolk boosted swim and save her from drowning >upon realizing I have a good swim skill, that guy demands I jump in and swim down the tunnel >send my psicrystal down instead, it tells us that the tunnel continues on for a while until you'd reach air, basically if you couldn't breathe underwater you'd drown >that guy and couple others get mad at me for not swimming down the tunnel despite my relaying this information >says I'm contributing nothing to the group (apparently highest perception and preventing nearly all damage is useless) >DM later tells me he wish he had made the cloak cursed because of this
Bentley Green
When I begun to play, one of my friends had a "main character syndrome" He had to be the best, he had to be the party leader, he must decide what wil be the course of action... and he's the first one in create problems for the party. One time, traped in a dragon lair, he found a secret door, and close it before any of us could escape. That night the dragon had a great dinner: angry roasted PC's
Sebastian Bailey
You better stay out of that group. Find another one, for your own safety
Brandon Torres
The DM was running two parties in the same setting, we all knew each other but had too many for one group so we split. After one more session with that group, I joined the other group.
When they heard about it, they immediately told me to swap, but I said I'd give the other group one more chance like a moron...
Lucas Adams
One of my friends was a great DM. He's always mastering, making great adventures, playing a lot of games, with great support stuff (fake diaries, notes, props,...). Suddenly he beguns to lost interest, he says is tired of playing. But he continues to buy stuff, almost all indie games. We say, ok, we can try that new stuff. Maybe the games are a little "strange" for us (games without dices, without dm, strange game mechanics...), but as a group of friends we could try, because after all, we want to had fun and play it's only the way to had a good time. He llok and us and say "You aren't prepared, you are pathetic junkies that only want to had your weekly session. You aren't worthy". I believe we had a case of ·hipster DM" (no offense to hipsters).
Samuel Flores
Maybe I'm That Guy in this situation, but in our last game I was holding my own in a fight against one of two monsters, while the two other party members were struggling against the second one.One of the two PCs only had single-digit hp left, and thus the hand-waving commenced.
It's our only 4e campaign still, so the druid used some shitty encounter power that dealt damage and let the ranger make an attack (I'm a rogue). Of course he missed, but for some reason they all thought that using their action points meant that they could just reroll anything, and boom the druid's attack hit. Then the ranger makes his attack, and misses, and does the same thing, action point to reroll a fucking free action/reation/whatever basic melee attack, hits, and kills the enemy that's been bothering him and the druid. Then it's actually his turn, and he killsteals (not really, it still feels wrong) the monster I've been taking care of.
This in itself isn't too bad, but the way they pat eachother on the back for blatantly breaking the rules an being all "badass". It's not that I'm some asshole who refuses to let other people shine, cause if the same happened to me I'd be equally pissed. I told them afterwards that action points aren't inspiration, but I didn't tell them how pissed I was cause I'd rather just let them have fun. Fuck it.
Anthony Roberts
You're spelling is atrocious and I don't believe your story because of it.
Gabriel Rogers
Back in the days we used to play LARPGs, usually WoD or Cyberpunk/Shadowrun type. We had plastic guns and so, but one of my friends had some good metal replicas. His stepbrother was a dealer and a crack addict, he uses his brothers handgun to rob some liquor store at gunpoint. He was lucky no one noticed the gun is a prop. Finally the police arrest him and at the present time he's serving a long sentence.
Logan Fisher
My english is bad but my story is true :/
Luke Jenkins
It's fun, why you supose that all the people are from english countries?
I had a lot of stories, all of them true ones, but if you THAT GUY and don't like my spelling...
Sebastian Martin
I like these threads.
Makes me happy that I don't have such shitstains in my group.
Luis Ross
I had two "that guys" in my campaign. A boyfriend/girlfriend couple. This is my first time (and only time) playing with them. The girlfriend roles a lawful good Cleric, who's a life Cleric. The boyfriend roles a Chaotic Evil rogue, in an all-good party. Things went downhill literally from the first session. Despite having completely different alignments, the girlfriend agreed with EVERYTHING her boyfriends character did, and even tried to fight our bard when he pointed out how her character was breaking her morals by agreeing with him. A couple sessions in, the Bard finds a valuable gem, that he puts in his hip pouch, and moves along with his business. The rogue asks me privately if he can attempt to steal the gem, I said yes and told him how. He succeeded, and I told the bard to remove the gem from his inventory, he did so without question.
Then this rogue decided he was going to SELL the gem. In front of the party. In front of the Bard. The three PC's who weren't his girlfriend are now arguing with him, and suggesting ways to kill his character to each other. He responded by saying "but the DM let me steal it!" and his girlfriend backs him up by saying something along the lines of "yeah, so you cant do this stuff to him". I responded by saying "I let you perform an action, and there's consequences to said action. I'm not going to stop those consequences because you made a bad decision." The party successfully knocked his girlfriend unconscious, and hung his character until dead. The session ended, I told the rogue to make a new character.
Later, I got a fucking 5 paragraph rant from his girlfriend about how I shouldn't have done what I did and let the party kill him. About how I'm an awful DM and the game isn't fun to play. She ended the rant by saying that she and her boyfriend are dropping from the campaign.
My worst DND experience ever, but looking around this thread it seems not so bad.
Ryan Hughes
this is That Guy thread, not That GM
Carter Stewart
>worst experience >two shitlords removed from game before they can really ruin everyone's fun
That doesn't seem like it was too bad.
Ryder Nguyen
Before game, these two retards in the group were arguing about who's character would beat who's in a pvp fight in game. A mage and some kinda rogue gunslinger guy from this steampunk setting we were playing. Then, during game, the party finds a magic hat that makes whoever tries to wear it take a fort save. The mage tries to get random people to try it on, they won't because he's a creepy wizard, he ends up paying some guy a gold to try it on and the guy dies and turns into a copy of the monster we got the hat from. We kill the monster and get the hat again, then put it somewhere safe. After all that, a guy who's character had been in his room during that whole scene says "I go upstairs to where the hat murder was" Gm asks him "what hat murder? you don't know any of that happened" That guy: "I just go upstairs to there there." GM: "Why" TG: "I just wanna" GM: "Okay, you're up there now." TG "I ask if there have been any crimes committed lately" Everyone in the group: "What the fuck man are you serious" GM: "Why would you ask that man you don't know anything about anything that happened you were downstairs the whole time" TG "I ask if any current events have happened lately" GM "Fine, you know about the hat murder now" TG "Okay, I wait until we all meet up for dinner and sneak attack the mage. I have to attack him because I'm chaotic good and I want to bring him to justice for the hat murder. That's just what my character would do."
Like two sessions after that, the GM of that campaign made steampunk TF2 characters show up in the game, so we all quit.
Henry Wood
>unironic use of shitlord Bad fucking form, man. God damn. You know they have suicide assistance forums on reddit, you should check them out.
Kayden Foster
>That one guy who whines about how unnatural it is for male and female characters to have identical stats. >That one guy who plays an alt-right 'paladin.' * >That one guy who can't shut up about conspiracy shit immediately before and after campaigns.
* The character was a foaming-at-the-mouth fundamentalist who wanted to hunt down NPCs based on their political leanings or gender identity. The GM demoted him to illustrate that this type of behavior is not consistent with a paladin's ethos, then the guy walked away from the group and thankfully never returned.
I think he plays WarHammer now.
Caleb Young
There was a time when we stop playing, for a lot of reasons. When Pathfinder was published we wanted to play again, try the new game and see how good/bad could be. One of the players tells the group that his wife wants to play with us. She never played (only Warcraft and MMOs). Everyone was happy to had a newbie around. We try to be very polite, not harassing with lot of rules and trying to make her comfortable...
Worst sessions ever played in my life. She was the "hack and slash" type. She believes that every npc in the game are enemies that had to be exterminated. Never tries to play her character, only wnats to kill, kill, and kill...
We tried to explain her the difference between MMOs and rpgs. Not in the bad way, only that rpgs are more interpretative...
She said "fuck all of you, you pussys that haven't any GF's..." (not true actually...)
So the DM, one player and me grab our things and never return to that table.
I played before with newbies (male and female). Never had problems until that day.
Logan Richardson
Yeah, it really wasnt so bad. Gave the campaign a bad taste afterwards, since a bunch of good-aligned characters hanged someone they probably didnt need to kill.
Jacob Fisher
But orcs are canonically always evil in so many different settings it's reasonable to kill orcs whenever you can.
Christopher Nguyen
maybe they're playing a setting that isn't total garbage for roleplaying
Jordan Collins
Two responses for one post, both claiming to be retard user. Confirmed fake.
Aaron Wilson
Cut the throats of the fallen ones isn't not appropiate for a Lawful Good character >__
Brayden Flores
>orcs are canonically always evil in so many different settings it's reasonable to kill orcs whenever you can How would the PCs know that orcs are always evil in OTHER settings?
Jaxon Wood
The dubs might be on your side, but I still disagree with you. A succubus is a demon of lust, that can shapechange and also use illusions to lure it's victims into it's trap. What I mean to say with this is: the charm spell should've affected you like it should've anyone else.
If you fail your will save, you are done, capisce?
It doesn't have to get magical realm because GMs should -usually- have the presence of mind to fade to black. But seriously, this should be a non-issue, since succubi -should- be able to glamour themselves to look like the (wo)man of anybody's dreams and be able to shapechange accordingly too.
So, if that demon had taken your character to a room for intercourse, it would've just transformed into it's male version, an incubus. If you had had a GM that was worth his salt and did his research, then you wouldn't have single-handedly won that encounter. No, user: You are That Guy. And while the person you've been ranting about was not right in attacking you or anyone else of the group, what he said had -some- merit.
Ayden Nelson
>But (Bullshit moral reasoning) means you're all evil for killing the Orc raiding party! I'd rather not.
Jace Walker
>No, user: You are That Guy So, wait. If the whole party and the DM think a thing works a certain way and is mistaken, then user is That Guy for being among those who are mistaken?
ALSO, see and realize the DM makes the setting and the decisions. If the DM says the succubi only work on people who want to bang women, then that's how they work.
Presumably the PCs had never seen succubi before. That means any knowledge the players have about how they work is from OOC, so they shouldn't get pissed if the DM renders that OOC knowledge useless.
Are you the kind of asshole who pulls out the monster manual and reads about how to kill things, then gets mad if they aren't exactly the same in this campaign? If not, then it's absurd for you to call user That Guy. If so, then you are That Guy.
Michael Hughes
I kek'd
Zachary Watson
what the fuck are you even talking about, he was killing helpless prisoners. That's an evil act assuming you aren't in a terrible setting where specific races are inherently evil
Hunter Garcia
>Of fallen EVIL ORCS That's a paladin's smite if he DOESNT.
Owen Perry
>let's take the demon that is the pinnacle of one of the deadly sins (lust) and make it completely useless against all (wo)men who aren't into women
Okay man, it's your setting. Your rules. But if you do this, then you have shit taste: just wanted to inform you.
Aiden Myers
>Join a new group, had played Magic with them, but never DnD >It's not DnD >It's Hackmaster >Build a Dwarf Rogue >Basically child slave, sold to one of the characters >Players end up in a bar called "The Pink Unicorn" >Ask the barkeep if he has any jobs for a man of my talents >"I have very skilled hands." >Get sent to room 16 >Told to "take care of" the men inside >Burst through the window with my axe, rolling to cut the first one I see >Botch throwing my axe across the room >Inside are 12 guys >They're all oiled up, hairy, and bearded >"What's going on?" >They advance towards me >"This is a Dwarven mating ritual, I was sent by the barkeep." >Dwarf proceeds to squint really hard so that they look like really tall Dwarven women >Cut their throats in their sleep >Make it to level 2 off the solo exp
Parker Baker
Some people believes that kind of ideas in the play table are funny.. Personally I think that are just sick fantasies from a mentally disrupted mind.
Evan Baker
>DM makes the setting and the decisions. If the DM says the succubi only work on people who want to bang women, then that's how they work. >making only one character of the team immune to encounter monsters because reasons This means DM is piece of shit
Chase Stewart
Yeah, I agree. I'm just saying it doesn't make the player That Guy. This, I don't necessarily agree with. Old school D&D was about immersion in this horrifying dungeon. Say there's a dungeon in a place that was only inhabited by humans and elves, and there's a trap there that goes for the neck. Dwarves and halflings don't have to worry about it.
Also, in this particular instance literally everyone was fine with it except the one guy who evidently had a problem with a PC being gay at all.
I mean, if I were the DM I would've said "it's magic, and you're still affected by it." But I would've also told that other player to go fuck himself if he has a problem with the gay player.
Anthony Richardson
>Yeah, I agree. I'm just saying it doesn't make the player That Guy. I'm not disputing that.
>I mean, if I were the DM I would've said "it's magic, and you're still affected by it." This is good
Joseph Hill
>Say there's a dungeon in a place that was only inhabited by humans and elves, and there's a trap there that goes for the neck. Dwarves and halflings don't have to worry about it. Your character was not a female, so being gay shouldn't protect him from succubus
Elijah Myers
why your character wasn't stoned in those dark times?
Ethan Bennett
Did you read the whole post? I said I would have made it affect him. Not that user, but he didn't say "my character comes out as gay and throws a PRIDE parade." he said "my character isn't into women." It could be a secret. Also, it's a myth that gay people were literally always stoned in the middle ages. It was frowned upon, sure, but not USUALLY something for which people were killed.
I would just say that among the nobility, nobody would say anything as long as you kept up the appearance of trying to keep it secret, and among adventurers, most people don't give a shit because, I mean, you're already a bunch of people society doesn't trust or like, so what's one more thing they find weird about you?
Thomas Martinez
Why would being female keep them from seducing you?