Sibella Quest Day 2

The continuing story an user and his vampire teammate.

Previous Thread:


"No no no. Everybody chill out." You stand out of your seat as Hahaiel and Belial turn angrily at you.

"You to want to play Paradise Lost do so on your own time. We're discussing work now."

Abby flashes you a look of relief.

"You talk to informally to me, oh servant."
"Yeah! Don't get between me and "carry on Christian Soldier" here!"

"No no no." You wag a finger at Belial. "That's not how it works. Nobody is anybody's servant in this cell or its network."

Except White Fell come to think of it...

"We're partners. And if you want your car..." You place two plates of pizza at the feet of the fire and smoke Belials "...Then you act like the noble demon Queen you are."

"A car?" Hahaiel asks. "What is this about..."

"It is none of your concern angel.": The smoke Belial says sitting down. "It is a private matter between me and user."

"Yeah flap off." The more belligerent fire Belial says as the wiser smoke Belial pulls her down to sit beside her.

"You've bribed the ultimate queen of demons into obedience with a car?" Nayara whispers to you.

"Not a car." You smile as your correct her. "A hot rod."

"Got to give credit where credits due." Nayara says. "They tell me I'm good closing deals with people, but I don't think I could have pulled that one off."

Good to see it is seemingly working out.

Don't have the current advantages/disadvantages file on mobile, but use the file in sup/tg/ and you'll be up to date. Nothing changed last week due to it being a meeting.

>tfw I'm on time for once

Hahaiel's sword smolders down to a glowing red bar. "General..." He address Abby. "Is it really okay for this...child to direct us? To supersede your own authority?"

"I don't want you two fighting either." She says. "We're on the same team and pointless fighting isn't going to help us beat the Master!"

"But General, this demon is so flippant! Should she not be punished for her disrespect?"

The Belials look like they're about to do something but stop as you raise your hand. "Let's bicker later. I don't want to have to ask anyone to leave the table."

Hahaiel stares in disbelief at Abby's nervousness. "...It is fine with you that she insults you?"

"I don't like what she says..." She spares a glance at the two. "But we can't force her to change what she thinks about us."

"How true."
"Goddamn right "general!""

Hahaiel glares at them over Abby's shoulder.

"So I...we...should listen to this...user?" His massive armored shoulders sag.

Abby nods. "He's the cell leader."

"I was aware of that but I did not think he would ...lead you. You have...changed sense you left Heaven General."

Abby bites her lip. "I suppose I have..."

Hahaiel hovers to Nayara's side, his long cape fluttering as he moves. Perhaps it doubles as his wings?

"Very well." He says, twin red eyes fixing on you. "What other demons are apart of this cell?"

You pass him a plate of pizza. He doesn't look at it.




Start with Fo. Bee would just make this worse right now. Though I suppose once he finds out who else is on the team, he may at least begrudgingly mellow out.

I have been wondering this since the quest started. Why do you always say "sense" instead of "since"?

I agree with this

Lets start with Fo and then Bee


Let's get it over with.

>Why do you always say "sense" instead of "since"?
So I'm not the only one wondering that.

Because I am an idiot.

Really had no idea I was doing that...

You nod toward Sibella. "Let's bring out the water boy."

"I agree." She replies. "The other one mighttt not be so willing to socialize just yet."

She shuts her eyes and concentrate. She breathes in, then out, then in again. And then a small orb of water materializes on the table next to a discarded box of pizza.

"Salutations all! Focalor is here!" It says.

Hahaiel says nothing as he stares down at the demon of water.

"Hello again Focalor!" Abby says gently touching him with a glowing hand. "It's good to see you again!"

"And it is good to see you again as well little sister!"

You can hear Hahaiel's hands clench around the handle of his sword.

"Focalor greets you one and all, angel and human and demon and cat and machine alike. He hopes you will find much work for him, although preferably the gentle and easy kind!"

Abby giggles. Hahaiel cringes. "We'll find you something to do, I'm sure of it little brother!"

Focalor's form suddenly shifts. He grows arms and legs and a slender trunk and stands on the table as a little man made of scintillating blue water. "And especially hail to you Queen of Demons!" He waves up to Belial and drops to his knee with a flourishing bow. "Focalor is proud to know that he fights alongside her and her. Truly little can repel her might!"

"Hmph!" Hahaiel says.

Abby touches his shoulder. "Steady on Hahaiel. This is a meeting, not a war remember?"

He doesn't even bother to look at her this time.

"Focalor is ready to serve you once again ancient artist." He waves both is arms like a showman and watery wings erupt from his back, each little feather catching and refracting the light like beads of glass. "Barring that your orders do not conflict with those of Focalor's mistress, of course!"

"We appreciate your form small demon." The smoke Belial says. "You show deference to good taste."
"Trying to kiss up with the whole elemental person look hmmm?" The fire Belial coos. "Well guess what? It's working."

They sit side by side, fire burning off into smoke.

"Focalor does aim to please." He says standing up.

You slide him a plate with a single slice of pizza. "I don't suppose you'd like something to eat Fo?"

"Ah! Focalor appreciates any sort of offering large friend!" He says rubbing his hands together.

"It's not an offering." Hahaiel snaps. "It is rations."

"Cool it big guy." Nayara says. "Now what's the deal with Focalor here Miss Dracula? Our files show that your brother Lucan Dracula has a big interest in alchemy and the like but I didn't know you had an interest in magick yourself. Did you make this Focalor?"



Sibella can answer for herself

Dig in to some pizza.

We can but in if needed but I doubt we will be. Sibella can handle her own stuff.

This one is for Sibella to answer, we can always support and supliment as needed. Give her a reassuring glance if need be, but let her answer this one.

Let Sibella answer for her self.

You nom on some pizza. With all the talking you've done you've forgotten that this is a pizza party, even if it is a meeting discussing dark secrets. cosmic angel drama, and insane killer wizards.

Florian's Papal-roni is pretty damn tasty...

"I'm not sure how it happened actually." Sibella begins. "There was a Focalor controlled by the Master that we fought, I'm sure your files mention that yes?"

"It was on the news. Hard to not notice a warehouse suddenly filling with water and pouring out into the streets."

"Yes. We fought that one and beat him, and I thought I could control him with my hypnotic powers but something happened and instead of controlling him I sort of...killed him."

You nearly choke on your pizza. Sibella is suddenly giving away rather sensitive information. Is this her being diplomatic? Is she trying to throw Nayara a bone for everything she isn't telling her?

You look at her and Sibella looks back with steady eyes that say "trust me".

That's all you need to see. You do trust her. You resume chowing down on your pizza and listening.

"You killed him?" Nayara raises an eye.

"You know how demons are. One central mind that binds them with fixed characteristics and memories that magicians tap into to create living versions out of their own mental energies. Like how very different computers can have the same OS. It's sort of like how ghosts work."

Nayara gives an innocent smile. "Like how ghosts works from a certain theory, right? Some would say they're actually souls, not copies made of mental energy."

"Yes yes." Sibella says. "I didn't mean to bring up anything controversial here..."

"Ah, you didn't. Just wanted to get that out there. We don't all think like you do Sibella Dracula."

What she says has a lot of meanings. A lot of meanings.

"But anyway..." Sibella continues. "What I did was break apart the Focalor that was in the Master's mind and transfer the data to my mind, creating my own."

"I guess you can think of it as a magical cut and paste job."

"Focalor has no hard feelings." The little water angel says folding a pepperoni like a burito and eating it. "Focalor has died and died and died. He comes and goes like the tide. Focalor has long made peace with it."

"It's still not something we meant to do." Abby says.

"You angels and your fear of death." The smoke Belial says. "I find it almost...cute in a way."

"I bet you think its something we hate being like we are, don't you big guy?" The fire Belial says.

"But while we die unlike you angels, we develop, again, unlike you angels. Every version of us is a little different. Demons truly live while angels stagnate and live the same life forever and ever!"

"Yeah! We are artists! Creators! Masters of our destiny! You birds are just yes men and women doing the same stupid shit you've always done!"

"Yeah!" The CAT adds in proud electronic voice.

Hahaiel looks at Abby expectantly and shakes his head as he sees she does nothing against the abuse leveled at her and her kind.

"And you did this through hypnosis?" Nayara asks Sibella.

"And I have no idea how I did it."

"And you're having people look into this right?"

"My brother. Other alchemists. But even they aren't sure exactly what it is."

"And does it have anything to do with your stay in Europe for a year?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you." She says shaking her head.

"And why not?" Hahaiel says in a booming voice projecting some of that pent up anger.

"Because I can't."

"And that's alright." Nayara holds a hand in front of her angel. "Isn't it Hahaiel?"

"It is acceptable. For now."




Can we have Sibella tell Nayara, but not bring him out?

We can do that if we want, yeah.

That sounds like a good idea.

Man I love Nayara but she is every bit the jaguar/panther cat girl(its the latter, right?) I expected her to be. Intimidating when she wants to be, but very kind and friendly. Our "private meeting" is going to end with some bruises...

I think we should talk about him. He is a part of this group. But we should probably talk about how he's benched/being house trained.

I don't know if it is wise to bring him out, but we should Peter Faulk it and mention that theres just "one more thing" and have ourselves/Sibella explain.

Nayara is a black panther, yeah.

"Now you said there was another one..." Nayara asks.

"Yes. But I don't think he's ready to come out..."

"Hard time controlling him?"

"Oh no. I can control him perfectly. It's just he's extremely ill tempered. Even more than Belial."

The CAT hisses.

"It's true." You say. "Belial is the queen of rude demons but this guy is something else entirely."

They both turn to stare at you as one.

"It's true." You shrug. "You guys are plain rude. Seriously. Save the bitterness for the Master. For all we know we might need it."

"At least he will speak for us." Hahaiel mumbles to Abdiel.

Abdiel frowns and lowers her face. "I just don't want us to fight Hahaiel."

"But you are a warrior! A proud fighter of demons!" He whispers back.

"...I was once."

"I think we should get out who we're talking about." You say and nod for Sibella to continue.

"We have Beelzebub."

Nayara's blue eyes widen for a moment. "Whewwww. Belial AND Beelzebub. At this rate we're going to make the Church of Satan veryyyy jealous."

"You have the Prince of Demons...enslaved?" Hahaiel asks Sibella admiringly.

"Happened the same way Focalor did."

"So you defeated Beelzebub, smote him, and then enslaved him..."

"Well I wouldn't keep him in a bell jar but he's very mean always buzzing about how he's going to enslave and rape me and destroy everything I love and rule the world..."

"Fascinating..." The smoke Belial says in similar admiration. "Truly fascinating."

"You're a hell a lot tougher than I thought you were Dracula." The fire one says. "Glad to see the brute is getting what he deserves anyway. Never did like that asshole."

"...You keep the prince of Demons in a JAR?" Hahahiel asks in mirthful tone. You can't see anything more than his red eyes behind the darkness of his helmet but you think...he might be smiling.

"Yeah. He is a swarm of flies in a jar."


"It is a fit home for him." The smoke Belial says.

"It's where I'd keep Beelzebub." The fire Belial says.

"Actually, he's called Bee now."

Belial and Hahaiel stare at Sibella.

"I thought giving him a pet name would help him understand that I'm in charge now."

The first one to start to crack is Hahaiel. If Benny were here he'd doubtless make a joke about it.

"Ha...Ha ha ha..." His snickering booms throughout the warehouse.

And then the Belials join in. The young fire Belial's laugh crackling like fire, the older smoke Belial's laugh rolling like smoke.

And then all three of them lose it and begin laughing in earnest. Between the thunder-like boom of Hahaiel and the demonic howls of Belial a cacophony envelops the warehouse.

It's actually kind of a little frightening...

When they finally calm down the angel and demons exchange a glance if not from mutual respect than from mutual acknowledgement that a shared enemy has been humbled.




While funny we don't want him saying something that could start some shit.

On to the next order of business.

What was the next order of business?

Don't bring him out at this time. Laughter like this is going to do a lot to help get Belial and Hahaiel to work together; let's save it for when shit is going down between them.

Lets not shake the hornets nest. Keep Bee on the bench until someone asks or its necessary. I guess now we should discuss our lead on the master?

Not sure if getting it over now is better or just twisting the knife.

The question is "Is Bee aware of what is being said about him?"

Not if Sibella doesn't want him to be. And right now she just wants him to be aware of his little jar prison.

The plan of attack is what we discuss to end the meeting

>Don't bring out Bee






NAYARA'S EXPRESSION: A steady, even, relaxed stare.

Remember, at any moment you can torpedo a topic from the list and decide to just not bring it up.


Yes Char
No Winnie
....regardless of whether or not she likes to act like it, she's got responsibilities to her pack.
I'm not about to say I know what's best for her or anything of the sort, and I've met her, she'd be a great asset.

I'm just not sure I want to be moving Sibella's friends closer into striking distance when the Master doesn't seem the sort that would hesitate to use them as leverage against her.

Man, we're going to have to reveal our relationship soon, but the way this has flowed, I don't think now is the right time. Maybe when we also bring up the duel.

For now, seing as we'vre revealed our demonic cards. This may be the time to talk about it.

While I agree with you, lets just openly talk about the situation first before casting lots. Better to have our supervisor say no outright than we be the ones to do it. That and the whole potential fight is something to consider.

FUCK I've missed so much, gonna read and then hopefully vote.

It is time for us to discuss something really important.
That is, of course, how does using Belial as our main source of strength affects our appearance.
I vote for the following changes
>All our attire becomes all black with gold or red highlights here and there
>KISS boots. You know what i am talking about
>Silver gauntlet on our left hand. No spikes but instead some fluting to make it look sharper
>Crosses also become silver and turned upside down
>Pocket keychain thingy
>Jacket becomes black leather with studs near the borders. Pyramid studs, of course
>No hat
>Spiky hair a la David Boreanaz in Angel
>Guyliner. Black.

Of course, this changes make us dark and threatening, showing the agressivity inside not only our hear but Belial's... Equivalent of a heart.
In no way this will seem tryhard or edgy in a way that will cost us our comrades respect

In this order




I say we don't have Winnie involved... she's got enough on her hands, and right now is probably not a good idea to involve her.
Char, meanwhile, could probably do good with a group of her own - and she'd have plenty to offer us, with her abilities.

>Char and Winnie

"So...we got some potential new recruits." You say.

"Ah yes, kitten."

"There's another."


"Winnie. She's the local pack alpha. She's been an ally before. The Christmas report should have mentioned her?"

"I recall. She ripped a vampire's heart straight out his chest. While they were both on fire."

"It was more she tore him apart until all that was left was the heart. She's a hell of a good fighter."

"As an alpha she'll have to be...I wonder if she'd be interested in a spar? A friendly contest from an ex-alpha to the alpha of Coolsville."

"I don't know if she should be involved though..." Sibella says. "She's strong, yes. Stronger than me actually and probably the best fighter I know. But she's...well she's in a spot of trouble with her pack. I don't think you know about it..."

"I do not."

"She lost a fight. To a...girl from out of town. It's really shaken up her pack and she's trying to restore their confidence in her."

"Everyone loses fights." Nayara shrugs. "Even I lost fights back in my alpha days. If it wasn't a fight for the position then what is the drama?"

"She took her tail."

"Ah. I see...dear lord, that is rather brutal isn't it? Is she okay?"

"She's taking care of things." Sibella gives a wan smile. "It's how she is. Nothing but nothing keeps her down for long. But I don't think she needs to be all this."

"I wouldn't know about that." Nayara says. "She got her tail taken and she hasn't been challenged for Alpha yet. That speaks to something very special with her."

"The challenges will come in soon no doubt."

"No doubt." Nayara says. "But still...if I had lost my tail to an outsider everyone in the pack would have wanted me out. That she still has so much support says a lot about her. She has to be tough as hell."

"Tougher." Sibella says.

"I want that on this team."

Sibella slowly shakes her head. "I can't agree. She doesn't need our problems added to her own."


I guess I support this?

I think we should bring in the potential problems that could come from a destabilized pack if Winnie goes away.

We're gonna be mentioning Char's possible contributions, right?

>She reminds me of a girl
>The girl with the power
>The power of voodoo
>Can make deicious sweets if QG is to be believed
>No tail worth mentioning so we can avoid a Winnie incident
>She is a churchie
>Brown catgirl

Am i missing something?

The voodoo's the big thing.

"But you said she asked to join?" Nayara asks you.

"Yes she did."

"Then what is the problem?" Nayara says to Sibella. "I think she knows more than anyone what she can and can't take."

Sibella sighs and brushes a strand a hair back. "Her being away could destabilize the pack further..."

"Or show the pack that she has strength enough to help us and help them."

"But what about Char? If we're adding her to the team isn't that adding a few too many members?"

"Who said we're adding her?" Nayara says.

"Didn't you say she has potential as an SI?" Sibella asks.

"Potential yes. Potential to be trained. But this isn't a training exercise. This is an operation against a dangerous, deadly enemy. Given time she could be a great SI but time is not what we have."

"So what you're saying is we add Winnie but not Char?"

"Yes. Exactly. Winnie has proven herself to be tough enough to be an asset. Kitten...god bless, but she isn't a fighter. She doesn't have the do or die instinct. She's told me that she lets one of her spirits named Mary control her during arguments with her boyfriend Sibella what do you think she's going to do in the middle of battle?" Nayara locks eyes with Sibella.

"Why can't we have Mary fight for us?"

"Sibella. You are asking me to put a sweet, sweet girl on the front lines of this war because you think her spirit can cover for her. What if she loses concentration and reverts in the middle of a battle? What then?"

"Keep her out of direct combat then." You add backing up your girlfriend. "She can send out spirits safely away from conflict. The little bow guy she has looks like he can be useful. And I don't like that Baron Samedi she has but he seems like he knows more than a few useful tricks."

"Your first fight against the Master was against Focalor. In this very headquarters." Nayara says. "There is no firm line between battlefield and sidelines in this war. The enemy can surprise us at any moment."



>Your first fight against the Master
Now i feel nostalgia for the METAL MERCENARIES. How are those big guys doing?
Those good ol' chaps

>You can hear Hahaiel's hands clench around the handle of his sword.
Scale of 1 to 10, how jelly is Hahaiel?

>Nayara doesn't want Char to be on the team
oh ho, this'll do WONDERS for char's self esteem, I'll betcha.

mebbe we could have char and winnie spar for a spot on the team?

He wants to be the one to touch Abdiel's fluffy wings

Also, how much different was Abby back then? Like Evil!Xeena? Good!Xena? We know she is Gabrielle-tier now, but

Uh isn't Char supposed to be all about kickboxing?

Wouldn't user know more about pack politics than Nayara does?
What with having talked to various pack members recently?

>mebbe we could have char and winnie spar for a spot on the team?

>oh ho, this'll do WONDERS for char's self esteem, I'll betcha.

Maybe we can postpone this desition for now? I mean, next thing to do is to visit the impossible college and i see no need to go there with Char or Winnie.

Are we gonna postpone everything?

She's got a short bob cat tail.

It's shortness makes her feel inadequate. She knows that boyfriends of beast girls like to touch fluffy tail and feel it curl around them.

Benny thinks she has a cute tail.

"...That is a point." Black Falcon says frowning. "I mean I wouldn't be here changing places with the cops if that wasn't true..."

"Alright. Look." Nayara holds her palm up. "The cell is who we have on the front lines. They are who we can call when a vampire assassin or demon summon shows up. As it stands now there is you and Abdiel, fighting as one as an SI and angel should...." She lowers a finger. "That's one."

"Hahaiel and myself make two. Benny and Costilla are three and four. One more member makes five." Nayara holds a fist out in front of you. "Five acts in a play. Five cards in poker. Five fingers in a fist. Five is a good, solid number."

"And what am I?" The CAT says.

"An associate. You have other obligations. You cannot be called upon at all times."

"That's right." Black Falcon says petting the touch screen interface on his arm. "There's no telling when the old man will have a mission for me."

"The cops are the same. They are allies, but they are not the cell."

"And I am an ally?" Sibella asks.

"Without a doubt our most important ally." Nayara says. "But you have things to do with your family. Secret things no doubt. You'll already pulling stings to spend so much time with us alone, aren't you?"

"...That's right." Sibella admits. "I am...And I'm going to be rather busy tomorrow handling things at the Castle. I guess you're right."

"Don't take your designation the wrong way. You are apart of the team. Just not the cell."

"I'm fine with that."

"So five members..." Nayara says turning to you. "Five members and no more."

"You don't think Winnie's obligations make her an ally rather than member?" You ask.


>"You don't think Winnie's obligations make her an ally rather than member?" You ask.
Especially given she's gonna be busy working her ass off to re establish control...

>She's got a short bob cat tail.
>No tail worth mentioning

>Benny thinks she has a cute tail.
He is also a filthy apostate, who cares what he thinks? :^)

Nah, just that
Also that hits way to close to home

Rememver kids, we're going to make sure that Benny brings up that her perseved inadequecy is in fact exceedingly charming.

And that Benny will have to touch fluffy tail a lot. And she forgets that she does have some bobcat perks. Those ears are big and scratchable. Excessively so.

"No. She's alpha. That means the pack waits on her. Trust me user, I've done the dance myself. What's the worse that could happen? She postpones a duel to help us fight monsters. No way her opponent would criticize her for that. No way. They'd look like a complete weakling looking for an excuse."

"Well if we're going to vote I vote for the werewolf princess Winnie." Smoke Belial says.

"It's a no brainer. Winnie's cool, Char's a loser." Fire Belial echoes.

"I vote with Belial." The CAT says.

"We're voting? Then I'm going to disagree with my partner." Black Falcon says. "I don't know about being an alpha but I do know about being a super hero and having way too many irons in the fire. That stuff can drain you to the bone, I don't care how much of a badass you are."

"We aren't voting." Nayara says with firm finality. "This is not something that can be voted on. This is something for the leader to decide and the leader to decide only."

Nayara gives you a challenging stare. "Winnie or Char user?" She says with biting seriousness.






>"No. She's alpha. That means the pack waits on her. Trust me user, I've done the dance myself. What's the worse that could happen? She postpones a duel to help us fight monsters. No way her opponent would criticize her for that. No way. They'd look like a complete weakling looking for an excuse."
She's the alpha, yes, but she's never been in the same situation as Winnie, where the pack is starting to doubt.

>"Well if we're going to vote I vote for the werewolf princess Winnie." Smoke Belial says.
>"It's a no brainer. Winnie's cool, Char's a loser." Fire Belial echoes.
So I know we're not doing this democratically, but...
Would Belial have gotten two votes?

So how are we doing thus far, QG?

"I liked your practical demonstration of proper team dynamic (Nice palms by the way, mine get all dry and stuff). I'll agree, Winnie seems like the most responsible choice. But, as a personal favor, could i ask you to keep on helping Char with her training if we can squeeze some in our schedule? Poor girl could definetly use some self-esteem boosting"


Winnie's just too busy. With White Fell, training for that tournament, leading the pack, and now joining the cell, she won't have any time for hugging in Winnie Quest 2.


Benny mode is going to be so cute.

>No tail worth mentioning
>Distressed Bobcat.jpg

Sibella did tell Nayara about her weird-hypnosis. That is something.

But we have been largely playing keep away from kitty.

Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen...

user knows more about this specific pack than Nayara but Nayara was an alpha herself that ran her own pack before going SI. Its hard to say who is more qualified to weigh in.

She has mad capoiera skills but everyone we know is a badass fighter and more.

Except Lucky.


>Char and Winnie spar

That's where things are leading to so far...

He is pure 100 percent ochre jelly.

He's worried that Abby has grown soft sense coming to Earth. But he still cares for his General immensely.

Sort of like Wonder Woman actually. Not "kill them all and let Yahweh sort it out" but very intense in battle and determined to kick demon ass.

Just wait until Day 3 when we go to the castle...

You know who is about as strong as Winnie but has no current obligations?
White Fell.
Maybe if we can talk to WInnie she would be willing to realize that she needs to get her own house in order. Then we just ask to borrow her maid with esper potential for some fights.

Sorry, no offense intended

You wanna have white fell instead of char?

Nayara makes points for both sides. Both are provisionally allies, but once more questions are answered/training is done, one can be pushed up to the cell.

Too many hood questions brought up by both sides.

Char would get destroyed out there and her presence would probably distract Benny when he's worried about her.

Oh fuck, I never considered that. Yes, please, replace "Char" here with a vote to ask White Fell.

>He's worried that Abby has grown soft sense coming to Earth. But he still cares for his General immensely.
Man the guy should've seen her when we did those team attacks.

We don't even know white fell, and Sibella probably still has issues with her.
Hell Nayara certainly doesn't know her.

>She has mad capoiera skills but everyone we know is a badass fighter and more.
Capoeira + voodoo tricks.

>Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen...
I hope we haven't screwed up...

Only if Hahaiel got to slice them into quads.

"Nayara, you were an alpha. I get that. But I don't think your situation was like what Winnie has to deal with now."

"It's a matter of willpower regardless of the situation. You either have the will or you don't. And Winnie sounds like she has it in spades."

You sigh and sink back into your chair to think. This is going to be a hard one...



>White Fell

>Both or Neither

Did not think White Fell would become an option, but its actually a really neat idea. We don't even need to say anything about her other than that she's a kick ass fighter that's friends with Winnie.


If we don't vote Char, does that mean we don't get her homecooked meal stuff that you talked about?

>Man the guy should've seen her when we did those team attacks.
Man, we better never tell him about our rain on vegan vampire dude

Another thing i forgot to ask las session and has been eating away at me
When you said that angels cut down demons over an over again. Was that the reason of their current fragmented state?

>Except Lucky.
We all know lucky has creator-of-the-universe powerlevel, but he is also a total pacifist who prefers to make pizza

Hey, guys. Any progress in cracking this guy's identity?

Anyone else care to vote?

Have we wandered into Skyrim suddenly? Does she also opens a shop in the HQ?

I'm going to standby my vote of bringing in White Fell as a third option.

>Total loyalty to Winnie.
>Esper potential.
>Has nothing but free time.

To hell with everything
I change my previous vote to White Fell. TO ATTACK MODE!

Why do we care if she's loyal to Winnie?
And isn't she supposed to be a maid working somewhere?

We still comment on her palms, tho'

>And isn't she supposed to be a maid working somewhere?
She'll still be a maid, but now she'll be cleaning up crime.

She'll cook for us regardless of outcome.Also chicory coffee.

>first spoiler

It is. And it's way more important to the quest as a whole than you might think.

>second spoiler

You guys have actually gotten really close once or twice before...

She's Winnie's slave maid. But Winnie doesn't really need one and will be fine loaning her out.

W-user will miss someone doing his chores for him though. But he wont' miss the cooking.

Voting Whitfel.

>W-user will miss someone doing his chores for him though.
W-user can take a break from his 14th viewing of Evangelion to do the damn dishes, we need more White Fell.

I am still unsure. I am on both/neither. And against White Fell. Guys do you really want to add an angry pack of wherewolves against us? She can't even see Abby. I can't say that this is a good idea. Waifuism and cuteness be damned.

She isn't even our waifu so I don't understand why people are going for this.

pic related?

Fuck, I said my piece on anti-White fell and I may as well get off the fence.

This will get us in trouble with 2-3parties but...

>She can't even see Abby.
She's a shaman, I'm sure she can see spiritual stuff like her.

>an angry pack of wherewolves against us?
That's actually a good point, though. I suppose Winnie could tell the pack about her decision to make White Fell help fight the vampire, but I'm not sure if that would impress them that she is turning an enemy against another enemy, or doubt her or whatever. If White Fell does join the cell, next we would need to decide whether or not to keep that fact a secret.

>Guys do you really want to add an angry pack of wherewolves against us

We can dress her up as American Maid () and we are done.
Cleaning products will cover her scent.

Pretty sure that wouldn't work?
If it was that easy why didn't Winnie and co do it?

She saw Abby and Belial earlier though?

What about the pissed-off werewolf pack, then?

So with all the switching... what's the vote currently?

Potentially angry werewolves is something to be concerned about. QG, can you go over what is going on with White Fell and Winnie's pack again? Does the pack know she has been defeated or is a servant or anything? Have they been preparing to go out there and hunt her down themselves or have they been of the opinion that White Fell is Winnie's problem alone?

We'll be in the city and we also command enough respect among the pack to make them back off
I wasn't serious, but Winnie has not thought of it because intelligence is not her forte.
Neither has Wanon because that would mean losing her sexy slave

Why would any of them need to know? Worse case scenario a werewolf sees her while we are on a mission and we tell them its SI business. Werewolves can be a bit rowdy from what we've seen but they aren't going to chimp out completely against the SIs. Especially if their Alpha condemns anyone who tries to act against SIs.

Cause we're a well-known guy the pack likes, you think no one's gonna pay attention to us?

Still we can say its SI business and if they have a problem with it we can say that shes working off a debt. Ultimately Winnie should tell her pack but she wants to regain their trust fully first.