
>The party's healer has fallen for you
How do you handle it?

Other urls found in this thread:

I punch Dave it the face for being a faggot again.


This is why Dave the DM doesn't let us play opposite genders anymore.

Rough hatesex.

Who said anything about opposite genders?

Wait, is there more than one Dave?

Reward her for her service.

Look, I'll do anything she wants just so long as she keeps the healing light away from me.

Seriously, last time she cast lay on hands I actively morphed into my true eldritch form and was a useless pile of tentacles and eyes for a whole day.


But I'm the party healer. Do I turn into a flower?

"Fallen" can mean a couple different things here.

Of course. There's Dave the DM, Creepy Dave, the Dave that always brings pizza, Big Dave, Bigger Dave, Not so Big Dave, just Dave, and Steve.

How'd you guys meet?

Refuse out of fear of her safety.

God dammit, not another thread about paladins falling!

Dave introduced us.

The only real choice here.

>that lone comment
fucking footfags, I swear

Boner you sick fuck.

Don't forget Super Dave.
Not to be confused with the other Super Dave.

There's nothing wrong with being aroused by a full-figured woman.

You made friends with an actual clone army. Why do you know so many Daves?

>why can't I hold all these daves?

And I thought my group was a little stereotypical for having just one dave.

At that point, I'd be calling everybody by their surnames.

Fuck who spilled my potions!?

Fuck the healer in the butt

I mean this is pretty much already how it is in my game.

I am the healer and also an arrogant douchebag.

What about Dangerous Dave, user?

A plausible side story for homestuck

I am the party's healer.

You little narcissistic fuck.

That's the problem with taking Attractive and Very Attractive as my starting Edges. Mirrors are my greatest weakness.

I am incapable of reciprocating their affections. I must apologize.

Don't forget Gary.

We'll never forget Gary. It was too soon man, way too soon.

You tell 'em, Steve-Dave.

That fucking gobshite who never grew up until it was too late?
Fuck him, mate.

>Big Dave

For you

You know, I never understood this series. I always assumed that when a girl turned corrupted and evil, she would promptly fuck anyone except you.

Like, why go for her boring dude? She can have plenty of sex with the villain, cultists, the undead - and, in a pinch, animals.

Because it's an escapist fantasy made for depressed and lonely japanese people.

Maybe it's just me, but I honestly enjoy making fantasies like that backfire as much as possible.

I mean, I see a corrupted girl just being malicious, spiteful and vicious as hell, because she's finally saying all that she really wants to say.

Unless the parties healer is domineering and takes control of the relationship, ignore. Submissive fuckwads are not worth my time.

What happened to Black Dave and White Dave?

Daves of our lives

Don't tell me you forgot about Medium Dave?

Why did they have to make Isabelle such a precious flower?


Goddamn this image makes me so mad at how well-done it is

Out of character, tell the girl playing our bard that I'm okay with shipping the characters as long as there's no ERP bullshit or session-interrupting, cringe-inducing "flirtation" going on. Leave the details out and keep the relationship implicit, except maybe when we either finish the campaign or when one of our characters dies, then a tasteful pouring-out of RP emotions may ensue.

In character, considering my young fighter's subpar charisma and RNG, probably blush and bumble his way into a low-key relationship, up until bardgirl dies or they defeat BBEG and he asks her to join him on a quest unify a desert full of nomad tribes or some shit.

Baneposting is love

As a Droid, I'm not sure if I can reciprocate their affections.
Regardless, I can attach a dildo to my chassis and satisfy their carnal needs.

Could you just make it into a full Dune setting?


Daves of future past.
The Dave after tomorrow.
Die another Dave.

>character worships war/slaughter/destruction god, swore vow of celibacy because procreation is the opposite of destruction



Dave of the Dead
Daves of Thunder
Independence Dave

The party medic is wanted for crimes against humanity and has all the charm and bedside manner of a concentration camp doctor. My character thus does what she always does in situations like this; create a nest of monitors and computers, bolt the door shut and communicate only via drone for the foreseeable future.

I try my best to demonstrate that high elves, and elves in general, are not all irredeemable sluts.

I fail miserably.

I doubt it. Essentially, it's an Egyptian-themed desert world campaign with dinosaurs 'n shit where everything got fucked by a big-ass meteorite because powerhungry spellcasters pissed off the god of retribution, hence the widespread distrust of mages of all kinds. Somehow, this has ended up making my tore-up-from-the-floor-up fighter into party face, because our smartass sorcerer can't let our bard be a bard in secret.

Terminator 2:Judgement Dave.
Ferris beullers Dave off.
The Dave the earth stood still.


I mean, this is an all-monster party, and Dragon Turtles do not good lovers make, especially not for sphinxes.

...I want to play in your setting

Constant cock teasing, eventually snu snu and chastity belt to keep him mine

>Dragon Turtles do not good lovers make

Shows what you know.

Getting back to the original topic, I was actually planning on making a few jabs at my character being interested in the bard to see how it'd go over with the group before stumbling into this thread. Seeing as her character's ex-bf is a political official in the city we're currently in, some of the aforementioned blushing and bumbling may occur.

>Not wanting monster dick

Anons, you don't understand.

I'm the Dragon Turtle, the sphinx is the healer. None of this makes sense.

Love doesn't make sense!

I mean, the party's healer is a dead burn victim that allah ackbar'd a dragon because all but one of us were unconscious, so I don't think it'll work.

That said I was the only one that showed a modicum of respect and wanted to bury him, as oppose to kick him into a lava well, so maybe he has a ghost boner for me, who knows.

But I'm forever DM

Masturbate I guess.

I start preparing my own food and drink from that point on. Our healer is a bit unhinged and not exactly shy about drugging people to get what she wants.

We try not to talk about Dangerous Dave, user. Not after the Chili Cookoff incident. I still can't look at a bowl of chili without having a 'Nam style flash back.

Fuck you man, Gary was a godsend! Louis on the other hand was a cockgobbler of the highest order. Always expecting us to pronounce his name as "Lu-eeze" and shit

Can't forget Megalodave the Turbocasual lads

Fucking this
>Decide to play a female to step outside my comfort zone
>another player makes a half orc barbarian
>rapes my character as soon as we get to an inn
>DM has me roll con save the next morning to not puke violently
Never again

I help her back up.

That's a bit vague what kind of falling are you referring to OP?

>In character falling:
from grace: I'd feel guilty for compromising him, and try to either help him find a new path or redeem himself.
infatuation: my character is already unhappily married, and I don't like ERP at the gaming table, so I'd turn him down.
>Out of character falling:
from grace:same answer.
infatuation: I already moved in with him. So I guess we'd continue doing what we've been doing, and I do like ERP in bed.

What about Awfully Wee Big Dave? Can't forget him.

So, is he like the tallest midget Dave? Or the shortest tall Dave? That wording confuses me as to which it would be.


Best answer. Healers need support too.

You're a good man/woman, user.

This was a character point in my last campaign.

Cleric wanted the Paladin's dick, but he was too damn chivalrous for that shit. Was pretty fun.

My party has five characters. Three of them get some healing, including my character, but none of them is "the healer".

Plus they're all dudes.

Whats the name of that site again?

For no specific reason of course

>Psychic alien marsupial falls for RIP AND TEAR ragetrooper

I mean, she's nice, but I feel like it'd be weird.

Wouldn't getting people pregnant and then forcing abortions on them create even more destruction?

You misspelled "Yoshikage", cuck.

If my character would be potentially receptive, I would play it out and fap to the relationship later.

Please tell me this was at least online


Are you implying that you fucked a turtle?

Sex. Lots of it.

Being a half-succubus, I will get even more powerful, 'specially since our healer is pure still! Taking the first time of a virgin PC gives permanent stat boosts after all: finally, all my plans of seducing the party come to fruition!

>this has 89 replies

>Gamma World
I'm playing an alien mechanic who origially suffered from culture shock to a Starfire-esque degree but now she's short-tempered, self centered and has a drug dependence she uses to deal with her compiled truma.
The healer, a time travelling army medic, is also the party face and leader, dislikes my alien but puts up with her because she can fix practically anything. They also moderate my drugs for the same purpose.
They are shacked up with the empathic plant-lady who has a personal grudge against me as she sees me responsible for the death of her close friend and former party member, an obnoxious but mostly normal human guide and crazy survivalist.

If the Medic started to shack up with me, I'd be pushing them away citing their chlorophyll squeeze as the reason. That and she's in love with a friend back home she hopes to return to.

If the medic was to continue after me it'll end up likely with the Dryad either kicking me from the group, letting free our Lizardman slave with the proviso that I'm the only one standing between them and freedom or both at the same time.

There's even greater issue of I'm reliant on them for my drugs so they may force me to play along just so I can stay addicted. This may lead to the Dryad, being a master emotional manipulator herself, forcing me to become her slave of sorts.

Writting this down, I've come to realise our party is basically one dummy-spit away from tearing each other apart.

She doesn't actually like you, you realize? She wants to fuck the party's Barbarian.

>I am the party's healer.
This adventure is getting weird.

Did you ever meet Double Dan? The conjoined twin?

Why do slutty AC characters work? They are the dumbest, simplified designs.

>party Cleric tries to hit on every female we come across
>he took a vow of celibacy

>The man who cucked himself to death

All ready the party's Water Mage is Tomoyo to my Illusionist Sakura, one enemy is obsessed with me and want to make me her personal love slave whilst another is more then willing to do the opposite and be mine if I'll join her.
One NPC is ready to throw her life away to be with me till her sisters convinced her otherwise and another can't decide if he loves me or hates me.
Not to mention the Vampire BBEG who keeps making creepy sexual passes at me whenever we cross paths with him.
My life has enough ladies and men in it as is, last thing it needs is the creepy asexual Cleric wanting to join in.

That's NTR, a separate fetish.