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>inb4: sauce
Where can I find the entirety of TgT? I got like halfway through once, but forgot where I last saw it.
imma need that sauce tho
could do with a better name...
That game had great mechanics and a horrid story
Sauce is Bestiary 3 by various artists translated by DA HOOTCH
I think ive seen this somewhere, source?
>typical Shadowrun escape
It's on the author's deviantart page, just google it.
>knocking it up instead of knocking it down
fucking pleb.
Pokemon Black and White 3, a thing from deviantart...
many of his worse works seem to have disappeared, there are some REALLY early stuff that was much worse
Looks like 'Key and Peel' not sure what episode though. Funny show, I always thought it was one of the better sketch comedies.
Skills don't critical
>Caramel colored
Wait, if they're trying to make /pol/bait then why would her not-husband be a soldier? He should be an environmentalist or some kind of hippy type occupation.
because she is a strong independent woman who dont need no man.
But making him a member of Greenpeace or some shit would be more logically consistent to upset reactionaries.
I don't think that's Chaotic Evil at all as he seems more like a noncommittant observer.
Inb4 inaction is evil blah blah.
But why make a third black and white
>implying he sat there, doing nothing while someone else broke into their house against their will and set their globe on fire, before leaving
If you know people will ask for the sauce, there's no point in writing inb4, just provide it.
If that in fact is just his actual little globe as you make it seem it is that's more like chaotic neutral, who gives a shit about some little globe.
As far as I understand the picture that represents the actual planet he and everyone else is living on and he's merely observing the actions taking place while doing nothing about it.
RIP RU Outlanders ;_;7
>merely observing
Who do you think set the world on fire? That's like saying the the wizard who summons the great satan to devour the world is merely an observer, because once the demon is destroying all of creation, he's left with nothing but sitting back and enjoying the view. Purposefully heralding the apocalypse: Chaotic Neutral.
[muffled 'oy vey' in the distance]
Unless they do.
what game is this from?
Even better
>the reoccuring merchant has actually been using you to arm his own personal army
I don't understand the implication that the guy in the picture is in charge of anything. I'd imagine it's more likely to represent like reading the news.
>everything's fucking terrible
Source? I'm bored, could do with reading about kinky shit.
I like how surprised Croc is.
It's not from a game.
whats it from
looks like some Japanese and thing
Some guy's ryona videos, I don't remember where.
I've seen them on youtube before, you might be able to find them there.
>DSP Gaming
More like temporary INT points.
Having one attribute /pol/ views as positive makes them argue even more
The fuck kind of order is this in?
>not getting the reference
reading order, dude
there's only two ways and one doesn't make sense so...
Left to right, top to bottom.
The usual order, it's just missing the very beginning.
This gave me a boner.
>father should be a hippie beta cuck
>that'll enrage /pol/ even more than being a man who puts their life on the line while she takes their kid and goes off to be a strong independent female "journalist"
>Some people just want to watch the world burn.
-and some people just want the world to know that their ass is burning... there are not many of these people out there.
No man. Fucking no.
Just... Why? Don't answer that. I'm out.
>implying kobolds aren't top tier taste
He's not coming back from Ghana. How else would she become single mother? Plus, she'd be a soldier's widow which earns her some status in stereotypical USA.
>gotta smite ALL the evil, boy!
I get that reference.
Honk Honk mother fucker
>Finding a impure form of the human body
Its almost like you don't understand the perfection that humanity can achieve, and not being attracted to its perfection on every level.
But he's most likely not an American soldier as she says he'll be fighting in Ghana, why would the United States ever wage a war in Ghana?