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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers, I got nothing...
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Boktai WIP update. Arsenal is done, let me know how it looks. Note that upgrades aren't linear - you can just immediately buy the best version of something if you have points without sinking more into previous versions.
Jumpers! If you could go back and redo a Jump, with your current powers, which would it be and why?
Jumpers, which three Arcana do you have at 5?
Is it just me, it is captcha getting worse lately?
Hey, Wukong, does summoning still work post-jump, in Exalted? I figure that demons can make sense, given that "cross an infinite expanse of warped space in which logic does not apply" is how they get to you anyway, but elementals are drawn from the world around you. Would casting Summon Elemental just make them pop into existence, assembled out of local matter and energy?
Is that you, Yoro?
Shhh! I'm supposed to be recovering from heatstroke.
In honor of the Olympics, tell me about a time you used supernatural abilities to cheat at something.
Dark Souls. I'd eat the Lord Souls, attempt to fix the First Flame, and create an Innistrad archangel to guard to world.
CATastrophe, I'd have gotten so many more shinies. Nobody would even have to know where.
Prime, Space, and Forces. Because I wanted a discount on that book.
Fuck forces, though.
If I could choose, it'd probably be Prime, Time, and Space.
I respect both your dedication to posting and your ability to stroke with thermal velocity.
Heavens you're killin me already. I already want a Sol De Vice and a proper Solar Gun, and to craft them and also be a Solar Boy and, welp this is gonna be painful when its done
Why does his surf board have a butt-stock and why is it so narrow?
How'd that happened?
Its a gun with a really, really big bayonet
Discworld, since I took it as Jump #8 for numerical reasons. I would just explore more and interact with more people.
Me: Time, Fate, Mind
Jane: Life, Spirit, Matter
I tend to use supernatural abilities to fix various elections and business ventures in my favour/ the way that will have the best results based on my calculations, mind reading and copious amounts of precog/time travel.
Heavens, what sense of "weaker" are you using for "Look Me in the Eye!"?
The Toronto Zoo is very large and the sun is a mighty, flaming bitch. Also, I refuse to wear hats.
I loved Wild Arms so much, but holy shit I forgot how horrible the guns look.
>The Toronto Zoo is very large
>Toronto Zoo
Are you Canadian?
>Also, I refuse to wear hats.
I can respect that.
Black Bullet.
I'm an imported Canadian by marriage. But I'm blending in nicely. I learned to say "Eh" 15 different ways and already had a healthy appreciation for maple syrup. That was worth bonus points on my immigration papers.
I had yet to view a moose though. Today rectified that. Now I'm 75% Canadian. I merely have to grow a bread, wear red flannel, and chop down a tree to complete my transformation.
Generally, someone who qualifies as a mook or not-very-difficult for you to dispatch at that point. The reaction is more drastic the wider the gap in competence is.
Ah, so it's "weaker" in a martial sense. Thank you.
The transition to lumberjack is too much effort for too little payoff. Now, if you transition to hockey player? That's worth triple points.
So "A new Day" only works for magical/supernatural effects, right? It wouldn't help restore land devastated by toxic waste or radiation?
Can "Try Me Next, Filth" be toggled? Sometimes it's more useful to not have an enemy underestimate your combat abilities.
Pfft. If you want the real OP Canadian build, you go Soup Eater.
That was the intent, though thinking on it, I may be receptive to making it purge 'mundane' corruption or decay...but would that make it too much for the price? Hm. What do you think?
Yes, it can be toggled. I'll put a note in for it.
Aren't you supposed to make a Tim Hortons pilgrimage to become a true canadian?
Unfortunately, I like my teeth where they are and cannot ice skate, so lumberjack is really the only option.
I can play baseball badly though. That should count for something.
You have to make that pilgrimage just to be allowed into the country.
>Hey, Wukong, does summoning still work post-jump, in Exalted?
That stuff works by fiat, and exactly what that fiat IS, is something you wank.
So they could be pulled form time-stopped creation by jumpchan, and sent back there, or something else.
Also, I thought Elemental Summoning still worked in the Underworld/Malfeas/The Wild?
What're the best perks for witchcraft - and what's the best Pokemon Starter for one?
Asking just in case my current Chain goes belly-up.
any chance we get A "yet to be ground" lens Option like the hollow battery?
In every "real world except for X" jump, I always enter the Olympics.
And I unabashedly cheat. Like "aim five feet to the right but still get a bullseye" and "jump ten feet straight up" levels. And it works since there's no rule against it.
Most ghost types would probably work well for a witch. Murkrow is also pretty explicitly a "witch" pokemon.
Or, maybe a cat of some kind? Such as Meowth or Purrloin?
Litwick, Pumpkaboo, or Shuppet all get my vote.
Sword & Sorcery, no hands down.
Even though it is not the most powerful, I would like to go though that one again, with different Background Perk choices and a different location,
Because it would feel like a completely new jump.
Really want a 2nd bite of the apple there.
the non imaged folder is empty to me- any suggestions?
>Looks at Pic
Oooh, Wild Arms!
I guess it depends on the mechanism by which it works. "Purging" implies just specialized anti-magic, but actually making the land fertile makes it seem more like it has to do with generalized "life energy". Well, and considering that sunlight is radiation in more "realistic" interpretations, it may even be thematic to purge such things. It also works well with this line: "the land will give life once more." You could make it two versions, or maybe one of those "For an extra 100cp..." perks.
Well, yes, but I mean that it works by pulling the elementals along the ley lines to you. There isn't any space-warping like with demons, they just discorporate into elemental energy and reform at your position.
Harry Potter.
As for your second question, Braxian.
Or maybe Litten.
what the fuck is up with gdrive? it worked, thanks.
Google a shit.
Where can I get lot of companions at once?
Generic Magical Girl. Pink Tide, go!
Kerbal Space Program
Kerbal Space Program
One of the magical girl jumps has an import.
If you want some actual characterizations, Girls und Panzer allows you to import/export a team at a time, but it's pretty expensive.
Murkrow! It's literally a crow witch. Combine that with a team including Mismagius (ghost witch) and Braixen (fox magical girl/witch).
You can even add other stuff to that, like Gourgeist or Trevenant, a ghost pumpkin and tree respectively, to round out the spook.
Generic Magical Girl, go Innocent Newbie and put all CP into Extra Allies. I think thats a little over half a million without drawbacks and over 2 billion with maximum drawbacks, I think.
Any dirge jump
Especially Ragnarok and FF14
Also Kamen Rider Neo Heisei
It's 2^20 without drawbacks if you go Innocent Newbie and take only Extra Allies, or 1,048,576 magical girl companions.
With 600cp in drawbacks it's 2^32, or 4,294,967,296.
And then you can import them all into Nanoha, for maximum Befriending.
Also, Garupans make the best waifus. Even the ones that are a shit.
You can get an entire army in Skullgirls.
Worm powers grow over time right? How long would it take for Complete Arsenal to approach Eidolon's level? Same for Alexandria Package reaching Alexandria?
>Not waifuing the tank itself
>domesticating a machine of war
That which is meant to care is meant to care. That which is meant to kill is meant to kill.
Weapons are for slaying your enemies
warum nicht beides?
Eventually yes but it would take a very long time, especially for Complete Arsenal.
>implying implications
A long ass time.
>And then you can import them all into Nanoha, for maximum Befriending.
Or to King Author, where instead oh helping you run Camelot, they ARE Camelot.
Just go somewhere Isolated, and found the nation. And that is how we ended up with Camelot on the far side of the Moon
Damn, thats right. I forgot the first free one. My mistake
The problem with Girls und Panzer is that all the best girls are lesbians, and at least 60% of all the others.
>1,048,576 magical girl companions
>on the far side of the Moon
"And by Camelot, I mean Crystal Toyoko"
>The problem with Girls und Panzer is that all the best girls are lesbians
Yes, and?
>implying you haven't turned into a girl yet
You're a Jumper. You got ways around that.
Query. What are some jumps that allow access to divine or holy magic that don't require you to please some deity in order to keep using your powers? To put it in other words, what are some holy/divine powers that are self-powered, rather than being subject to the whims of a higher power?
YOu can grow bread?
You could always be an Archivist from DnD, they basically just find scraps of divine lore that have power on their own--no butt-kissing required.
>You can grow bread?
Yes, you can grow bread jumper!
Because just growing wheat is for mere mortals.
Inuyasha has some of those. Really, any jump with Japanese style priests or priestesses, they tend to do basically whatever the hell they want in stories, in terms of practice.
>implying I'm not importing my garupans as kanmusus, metal maidens and strike witches
Yes, as a matter of fact. But that's entirely unrelated. I meant to say, beard.
Before I do any work on actually complete jumps for the 3 Diablo games, I want to verify that no one is actually working on the WIP, no one has an active claim on it, and thus it is fair game. If anyone would like to help me with it, or have me help them, I'm willing to do so.
Most D&D settings other than FR allow you to draw power from an ideal instead of a god. Or just be a Favored Soul.
>Query. What are some jumps that allow access to divine or holy magic that don't require you to please some deity in order to keep using your powers?
Nearly any setting of D&D can do that.
Order of the Stick has concept worshiping clerics show up in panel explicitly.
Innisburg, be an Angel, one of the Perks let your magic powers be from your own divine nature.
Overlord, divine magic. what with being a MMO, none of the players were devout at all, and powers still work.
Dark Souls.
And for that matter, Demon's Souls is technically powered by a higher power, but that higher power is a giant evil demon god who doesn't seem to have any control over who draws power from it.
Which Garupans?
>Order of the Stick has concept worshiping clerics show up in panel explicitly.
It does? I don't remember that.
Only as long as there's no whack-ass design decisions for the Diablos, I'm fine with you working on them.
Is it possible to make Mandy from Grim Adventures not be so... evil?
I mean, I like to think that even people like Esdeath can be changed but Mandy gives me the impression that a person would have an easier time digging through concrete with a spoon than changing her.
The Druids officiating the Godsmoot. The fact they did not worship a diety was a plot point.
Yeah but Druids normally just draw power from nature anyway, right? That's different from godless clerics.
You'll have to repeat your question. I can't hear you over how hard the universe is laughing in my ear.
Seriously though, you'd have to put a lot of work into that one. I did put a useful perk in Zootopia but you're going to need a lot more than that.
It's probably possible though.
I imagine it would be about as difficult as making Billy not stupid.
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Could I use D&D classes gained elsewhere to perform D&D magic in a different D&D system? Without Conjoined Conjures?
Tons of jumpers stick to their original gender, anons. This comes up any time people ask.
You mean the girl who gets reality warping if she smiles because it is so far outside the natural order of the universe? Good luck with that.
Actually, anyone with sufficient cybernetics or genetic engineering can make him smart fairly easily.
The catching him and getting him to hold still is what would be the hard part.
DnD by canon has it, it's only when stated otherwise that they have to follow a god (it's mostly just FR)
I'm pretty sure that at least one of them were talking about perks like "She's Not A Lesbian" from Dodgeball.