>The party got stuck inside a bad to decent Sonic fanfiction because reasons.
>The bbeg is the author.
What are some ideas you can do with this concept other than "the bbeg is Coldsteel XD"?
The party got stuck inside a bad to decent Sonic fanfiction because reasons
>What are some ideas you can do with this concept
Cite it as evidence of my need for therapy and government assistance.
Rogue magical realm
or EggmanxTails
or KnucklesxTimeTravellingFromTheDistanceFutureCyborgKnuckles
Extremely heavy Christian imagery
Fight the BBEG in his ultimate form
Chris-Chan Sonichu
Or if If the pcs are supposed to be the heroes of the story then they can only beat the bbeg with the help of Jesus
The BBEG is Sonichu
You must escape from CWCVille
What the fuck is a Sonic?!
Obligatory Sonichu mention
Otherwise, the great adventures of Dongus the Hedgehog
>Because reasons
If this has happened I want to know how, if you are planning this to happen I want to know WHY?
The party are causing the fanfiction shit to slowly revert to the Archie canon. In other words, they are walking Genesis waves that work slowly, thus the author is getting assblasted that his ShadowxSonic Yandere shit is literally fading from existence.
Sometimes, the only winning move is not to play.
Well, the bbeg is the author. Likely a frustrated tween. Having the story slowly become more and more blatantly a reflection of his home life, fears and dreams could be fun.
You could highlight the authors disorders, but I feel it would be more interesting to see the struggles of an otherwise normal fanboy.
Play into a sense of nostalgia.
>but I feel it would be more interesting to see the struggles of an otherwise normal fanboy.
So in other words, don't make him into a CWC parody and just make him a character?
Yeah. After all, CWC are few and far between. Most kids who make this sort of stuff are just that, dumb kids who are aping what the Internet told them was cool.
I used to read the sonic comic books as a kid.
A lot of it was awful, but some of the stories were actually pretty decent and worth stealing ideas from.
>The party got stuck inside a bad to decent Sonic fanfiction because reasons.
>The bbeg is the author.
Shitty premise.
But honestly I'd play a fanfic Sonic game if it was done in the tone of the Protomen or Endtown.
I can't help but like funny animals combined with a darker more serious tone. Something about the contrast gets me.
>"Have you ever noticed these guys act a lot like us?"
>"What do you mean?"
>"They go places and do things for reasons they don't actually believe, and they fight people they have a bunch of common ground with, and they fight over loot!"
>"They're being controlled by something /else/ beyond this reality. What if we are, too?"
>"Oh come on guys, this is serious!"
>But honestly I'd play a fanfic Sonic game if it was done in the tone of the Protomen or Endtown.
Well there's certainly darker takes on sonic in the form of fanfiction out there, but I don't think you'll be happy with any of them
That was probably when Penders was the writer.
/v/ storytimed the entire sonic comics a few years back and absolutely hated Penders. IRC he actually showed up in one of the threads and everyone called him out on his shit.
Actally now that I think of it. Some of the other Writers and artists showed up as well.
Those were good times.
Needs more misery. But yes, the setting shows some promise there.
I remember seeing that posted.
Actually, this was the UK Sonic the Comic, which is totally different to the US Archie one.