The bbeg exist between two separated realities

>The bbeg exist between two separated realities.

>Everyone from universe A is incorporeal, unhearable, and invisible to people from universe B and vice versa.

>The bbeg can touch, hear, see, and interact with people from both universes. But he can't turn this off.

>For example, if someone from universe A watched the bbeg get beat up by someone from universe B they would more or less see him getting beat up by some invisible force pic related style.

How can he use this to his advantage?

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What about buildings, walls, and environments in general? Do both realities share the same space? Imagine if a guy from reality A lost a coin on a street, would the same coin be in reality B?

Being beaten up seems like something very difficult to use to your advantage.

Although if he had teams of dudes in both universes he could do some serious pro wrestling.

Movement. If the BBEG walks up some A stairs, he appears to be walking in thin air in B.

Same with a car.

>Same with a car.

Maybe he can see both? Seeing one as a ghostly afterimage and the other normally. Depends if he was born in A or B.

I imagine this would cause vision problems.

presumably the realities are the same with minor differences

can the BBEG use an item from one universe in the other universe? Like he leaves a gun from universe A at his feet so the good guys from universe B think he's unarmed then he picks it up and shoots them in a surprise attack?

>can the BBEG use an item from one universe in the other universe?
That would mean what he has on his person is corporeal to both universes, what about people he touches? Would they see the other universe?

say for instance, he made someone from universe A touch their equivalent from universe B, what would happen?

Heck if I know. They become stand users?

I can see why this might drive someone to be a BBEG in order to kill one or combine both worlds or something, but that really only sounds like a weakness to me. It's basically like saying "His super power is that he can get beat up by ghosts"

unless both worlds are significantly different, like one has powerful magic and one has advanced technology, and he's the only one who can use both

That's true. "In combat" it would really just mean there's one more way to fight him, but before a fight actually starts he might have twice as many ways to prepare depending on what he's dealing with

the obvious resolution would be the two sets of good guys learning to work together and synchronising their attacks

He would limit his direct interaction with the world, to reduce sensory overlap.
He would use agents and crystal balls or cameras to monitor each world from his lair, built in both worlds.

But what power canhe wield from one world to the next?
His primary weapon would be information.

If the worlds are near identical, he could have an enemy in world A and then befriend him in B, just to learn secrets and weaknesses about his enemy in A.
If the world's are radically different, he could use info that is common in one and rare or unkown in the other. He could bring democracy, gunpowder, and penicillin to fantasyland and the secrets of alchemy to modern civilization.

How would they do that if they are both incorporeal?

magical/technological macguffin with some good old 'power of fate' bullshit sprinkled in

He is going to have a lot of trouble getting dressed.

So basically they're just two completely different campaigns, the players have no idea (they possibly think they TPK'd the first one), and you explain it by saying "the gods arranged this bullshit counter to the BBEG"

I guess that could be kind of clever, but to the player it would probably just seem like a really convoluted way to undo a previous party wipe even if that isn't the case (without some hints going pretty far back at least)

two parallel campaign could be a cool way of doing it

What the hell.

By the same reasoning, he has no choice but to walk up those stairs, even if the same space in universe B is just air. It really is a curse, the only upside being potential access to information.
I suppose he could get rich writing the best-selling novels from one universe in the other, but it's hardly a BBEG tier scheme.

The BBEG would have direct access to exactly identical universes where the only thing that diverged it from a normal timeline is that a random bug got snatched up by a bird in one timeline and the bug didn't in another.

Nah mate you can go even more trivial than that
One specific electron on one specific atom was in a different place at a specific moment

Stand on someone's shoulders in A, apear to be flying in B.

Or someone died, on the other side of the universe. Or someone had cereal instead of toast. Or someone kicked TWO rocks while walking a path 4,500 years ago.

When the universe's are in sync everything makes sense and is logical to him. He cab interact with both of them at the same time and everything overlaps conpletely.

Its when things diverge that madness takes him. He will make them match... They must align. He must erase every inconsistency or risk insanity.