
Exalted is a high flying RPG about a god being reborn into a world gone wrong when she was sleeping.

With high flying action and high flying powers, allied with high flying characters in a high flying world, Exalted is the epitome of high flying.

* Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exalted
* Tv tropes: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/TabletopGame/Exalted
* AooW: archiveofourown.org/tags/Exalted/works

Who is the cutest transgender character of Exalted?

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>A pointless link to Wikipedia

Yeah, we're off to a great start.

Free edition of Godbound, a great Exalted replacement:


Why not play Godbound?

>A badly designed pathfinder class.
>Replacing exalted.

Lel. I hope you're serious.


How do Exigents attune to magical materials?

I mean, I assume that it works something like, everybody can attune to Jade, Abyssals can attune to everything but Orichalcum, and the rest can also attune to 'their' materials. And you can attune to something that's resonant material and a little bit of non-resonant material.

But suppose you have an Exigent of, I dunno, Huma, the goddess of wisdom, darkness, and ravens? What sort of magical material resonates with her Chosen?

Morke and Holden are liars

Remember that as you keep posting in this general for your dead game

You probably get to pick.

You either have no Magical Material, or one that resonates strongly with the nature of your god.

Huma, goddess of wisdom, darkness and ravens would probably grant you a special link to Soulsteel and/or Starmetal, maybe just a special link to black Jade.

can the game only be played while airborne, or is it possible to anchor the materials to the table by means of a tether?

With really tall chairs you can play on your ceiling

I'm expecting that they'll work like Solars in 3E, and can just attune what they please.

Then I shall shed a tear for magical materials, which used to have cool fluff.

They have more fluff than they did before.

I can't think of anyone who picked magical materials for any reason other than "Can I attune to it natively?" for non-Infernals or "Jade and Moonsilver" for Infernals.

The number of artifacts that were just "all five MMs" or "any MM" dramatically outnumbered the number of artifacts that had to be made from one particular MM because of themes and flavor of the material.

Where did this meme get started? Is it just that they have the same name?

Regardless, it's a better name than Dawnborn. We seem to have a lot of alternatives to Exalted at the moment.

>Why not play Godbound?

Honestly, I'm not sure. Godbound seems to do Exalted's thing much more simply, so you're probably going to have an easier time playing Godbound unless you're already in an Exalted game, and Veeky Forums is where people go to post about games they aren't playing.

A short point:
I like Exalted and Shadowrun for their bucket'o'dice approach, because you get a nice probability curve where you can be next to certain that your character, master of a particular thing, will always succeed at the easy rolls at that thing. Not so with flat single-die curve. Buckets are slow to roll, but there's fun to be had in them. However, both Exalted and Godbound have special abilities that let you auto-succeed at easy rolls, which gives you the advantage of the dice bucket without the disadvantage. And on top of that, Godbound uses a d20 system, so when there's actually a chance of failure you can resolve an action very quickly.

Exalted doesn't need buckets of dice to let you say "my character is just SO awesome" when it also has charms, but it does have buckets of dice anyway, and that slows down the game. In this respect, Godbound is a better system.

(Also, I'll throw in a low blow and point out that Godbound has cool craft powers. Reaching into an ore vein and pulling out a sword isn't an elaborate charm-equivalent tree, or even a single charm-equivalent, it's an automatic power if you're playing a crafter. That's cool.)

Because I like Ex3's combat system better.

I am looking to play my first game of 3e the week after next and am currently making my character. I am looking towards playing a thrown supernal gambler character, with decent stealth and social stats. As I have no experience with the mechanics, what are the essential charms in thrown and are there any abilities that really mesh well with it. As well as this are there any essential charms I should be buying like there were in 2e, or is the system robust enough to not punish me too badly for not picking up certain charms?

In 3E at least, there are no 'must have' charms like Perfect Defenses. Some charms are probably better choices than others, but there's nothing that will screw you over.

>but there's nothing that will screw you over

Clearly you have not read the Occult tree

You are dramatically underestimating how common spirits are if you don't think you'll be using the Occult tree nearly every session if you have a mind to.

Bits of it, sure

But that fucker has plenty of worthless dead ends

I'm curious what you consider worthless, since I can't think of any Charms that wouldn't be worth the price.

>Without this commitment, subtract -5 from the weapon’s Accuracy and its Defense
Hey, Morke, you do realize that if you subtract a negative number, that's the same as adding a positive number, right? You stupid piece of shit?

Get this trash its own thread please.

So does a light artifact weapon weigh less than a mundane heavy weapon? If not, why does it deal less damage?

Because there's more to how much damage at thing does than its weight?

Artifact weapons weigh too much for mortals to use, whether it's a Grand Goremall or a DaiKnitting-Needle

Magic makes them usable, not physics

What feature of a zweihander makes it do more damage than a short daiklave? Its weight? Its sharpness?

Every dev comment I've seen suggests that the reason artifact weapons are good is that they're light (to the wielder) and heavy (to the recipient of force). So what does it mean if my artifact short daiklave isn't as good at cutting people as a six pound two-handed sword?

>What feature of a zweihander makes it do more damage than a short daiklave? Its weight? Its sharpness?

How about size?

A six inch knife that weights 500 pounds still isn't going to cut any deeper than 6 inches.

A short daiklave has a blade three feet long.

The overall point stands.

Also remember that the actual damage of a weapon only plays in withering, ie, non-fatal attacks. The size of a weapon is a factor in how easily it pushes someone into a vulnerable position.

user, you really need to get that butthurt checked out

Yell at devs thread?
Yell at devs thread.
>Thousand Courtesan Ways
>Duration: Indefinite
>this Charm raises her Appearance by one for the rest of the scene

Is this also how you did proofreading? Read for one scene and claimed to have done it indefinitely?

Scarlet getting DP-ed by TED is the best thing Exalted has ever given us

The Charm has effects beyond the appearance boost, you realize.

Though it may happily cut a six inch deep gash from bollocks to eyebrows, more or less splitting you in half, which would be more than most swords would bother with under combat conditions.

A nice decisive attack, but at that point the weapon you use is largely irrelevant except as stunt material.

You're awfully trusting that the designers deliberately meant to have a split-duration charm rather than fucking up when they a) have a fuckup record as long as a starving year, b) have demonstrated the ability to write explicit nonstandard durations elsewhere.

It's not about trust, I just don't give a shit about "designer intent." For all designer intent matters, TCW could have been "intended" to be a Permanent Charm.

All that matters is final result. I like TCW having a split-duration, so the fact that it does is nice to me. If TCW gets changed, whether it makes it closer to "designer intent" or not, it will be a net negative for me, so designer intent will have been a negative force in the game for me.

Please use the proper Exalted general OP with all the proper resources next time. Also Exalted as anything Touhou related is such a 2.5 thing.

It would get no traction if they did that.

For all the comments about Godbound on Sufficient Velocity's Exalted thread, their actual Godbound Thread is fucking dead.

If you're going to do d20, don't be afraid to kill off all the darlings.

Instead you have the author pandering to the gronards.

>Also Exalted as anything Touhou related is such a 2.5 thing.

Really? I've been making Touhou artifacts for some time now.

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For the basics of combat, read this tutorial. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums. With the new edition, though, chances are more games will crop up.

Resources for Third Edition:

>Final 3E Core Release:
>Backer Charm Book:

>Frequently updated Character Sheet with Formulas and Autofill
>General Homebrew dumping folder:
>Collection of old 3e Materials, including comics and fiction anthologies:
>Charm Trees:
Solar Charms: imgur.com/a/q6Vbc
Martial Arts: imgur.com/a/mnQDe
Evocations: imgur.com/a/TYKE4

>Resources for Previous Editions:

The user who started this thread is awful.

It was trolling bait, pure and simple.

Like your thumbnail picture.

Shit bad image

Please make more!

The designs I've got stirring around now are Marisa's Mini-Hakkero and Utsuho's Nuclear Control Rod. The latter giving me some large design troubles as I want to play around the idea Volcano had with Eruption points but at the same time want to make it so the artifact isn't just "Ranged Volcano Cutter". Reimu's Yin-Yang orbs are another thing I want to try and tackle but haven't even began on that. Its also difficult when the fluff on them is next to nothing other than, "The orbs are a manifestation of the Hakurei Shine God, who can't do much else but makes them out of his willingness to support his shrine maiden and by god does he hate Youkai."

I'll definitely be making more, as I enjoyed making the three I did make.

Try for Tenshi's sword? It sounds magical enough to be an artifact.

Yuyuko's fans as war fans?

Ran Yakumo as installable artifact program that runs on GNU/Linux?

Tenshi's sword I *did* try long long ago in 2e, but the game died before it could be realized so I just gave up. I thought about coming back to it but needs ideas.

Yuyuko's fan would go great with Dreaming Pearl I'd imagine.

The Ran joke goes over my head completely.

Lore joke. New stuff from ZUN has the shikigami known as "Ran Yakumo" as a separate entity that uses the kitsune as its host
Ran has possessed the kitsune for so long now that the kitsune's mind is effectively gone. There is no kitsune anymore, only the shikigami Ran Yakumo.
tldr Ran" is the OS and the kitsune she is possessing is the hardware

Should I be rolling introduce roll for this?

Eh, that art was a bit too abstract for me.

Mnemon screwing up her demon summoning was better.

Where do beastfolk come from? Is it really Lunars doing bestiality roleplay?

That's a source, but not the biggest one.

Most beastfolk happen just because a society lived around the Wyld long enough.

Wow that's surprising somewhat.

Ran as an overwrite personality could be done, but is fairly risky.

Also sorcery, wyld-fuckery and environmental accident

But yeah, at some point in their history, most beastman cultures have a horny Lunar banging an animal

Really? What game was this?

I was just popping in to see if Anathema or a suitable alternative was out for 3e yet, but thanks for being the hero I needed.

Doe Eyes Defense from the Black Claw Style costs 4m, 1i, penalizes an attacker's dice pool by the martial artist's Guile plus the intensity of any positive Intimacy the attacker might have for him, and with the Mastery effect grants the martial artist (1+the enemy's Intimacy) Initiative if the attack doesn't hit. It's affordable, has no special activation conditions or restrictions, and its effects seem pretty damn powerful. How to best counter this Charm?

Archery has two good tools off the top of my head.

Phantom Arrow Technique. You get bonus damage and become numbed to the Intimacy in question. Literally shoot your love at them to beat them.

There Is No Wind also negates all penalties for non-visual conditions, and Doe Eyes Defense is not visual.

Addendum: If your ST rules that it is visual, you just switch to Sight Without Eyes and negate the penalty for even cheaper (1m instead of 3m, either of which is more efficient than Doe Eyes).

Not a game but from the recent touhou magazine ZUN helps write and publish actually

>Ran Yakumo is strictly the shikigami, and the nine-tailed fox youkai she is possessing is an entirely different being.
>However, since the original fox never shows on the surface at all, there's no problem in thinking of Ran Yakumo as a nine-tailed fox.

>I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are refering to as Ran Yakumo, is in fact, RAN/Kitsune, or as I've taken to calling, RAN plus Kitsune. Kitsune is not an shikigami unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning RAN operating system made useful by the RAN corelibs, Yakumo utilities, and vital system components compromising a full OS as defined by YOUKAI.

>Many shikigami run a modified version of the RAN system every day, without realizng it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of RAN which is widely used to is often called a Kitsune, and many of it's spell card opponents are not aware it is basically the RAN system, developed by the Touhou Project.

>There really is a Kitsune, and this shikigami is possessing it, but it is just a part of the youkai it uses. RAN is the kernelL the program in the Kitsune that allocates and controls the functions and behavior of the youkai to other shikigami it controls, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete shikigami. RAN is normally used in combination with the Kitsune: the whole system is basically the Kitsune with RAN added, or RAN/Kitsune. All the so-called shikigami are really distributions of RAN/Kitsune!


It makes me wonder if Komachi is actually Komachi then

>Not "Barrage"

Shit translation

I'm not sure it's a translation at all.

>Where did this meme get started? Is it just that they have the same name?

Because of the similarities between Pathfinder Mythic and Godbound, and the fact that Godbound literally started as a Pathfinder supplement describing the Godbound class.

Nowadays, there's a fair bit of other things in Godbound, but the d20 roots are strong.

How does the Realm deal with retards?

>Because of the similarities between Pathfinder Mythic and Godbound, and the fact that Godbound literally started as a Pathfinder supplement describing the Godbound class.
But that's wrong, you . It started out as an OSR game called Exemplars & Eidolons.

Now you're just being contrarian.

There is nothing conceptually wrong being a pathfinder class. There is a lot of interesting well thought third party pathfinder classes like the masquerade reveler.

As long as people are willing to admit Godbound's roots and able to see past it, it is not a terrible game. Yes, the class in itself is unbalanced and not terribly interesting. The game mechanics are kind of boring (more boring than Pathfinder Mythic, as strange and impossible as that sounds). But the rest of the game is interesting. The Dominion mechanics are interesting. The random encounter system is incredibly well thought. I could certainly see myself playing one or two game of Godbound.

>There is nothing conceptually wrong being a pathfinder class. There is a lot of interesting well thought third party pathfinder classes like the masquerade reveler.
Too bad all of Pathfinder is 100% fermented worm-ridden caca.

Has anybody gotten the opportunity to use Perfect Mirror? How did you use it and how did it go?

See You've build a very impressive looking house, but too bad the foundation for it is literal shit.

But it's not a Pathfinder class?

Rolled 97, 20, 98 = 215 (3d100)

Stop shilling Godbound.

Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Godbound?

Shills are everywhere, my friend.

Probably because it's alright and has appeal for a lot of people who like Exalted.

So when is anyone making Exalted vidya? You'd think being overpowered in an animu setting would be prime vidya material

Nah. They shill because they want 3e to fail

3e has failed friendo

Seems kind of OP

Failed... to be bad, that is! Jump in!

Everyone I know in real life who likes Godbound also likes 3e, though. Including myself.

Case in point

Side note: Your OP is shit. is an example of how an OP should be designed.

fuck off. He isn't here for your approval. Maybe he only lurks in these threads and this is his first time making a Exalted thread.

It doesn't matter what op posted. Quality of the thread matters.

>Quality of the thread matters.

Whelp, failed on both counts then.

No, this is a better example of what a good Exalted OP looks like. What a shock, maybe it's because that is our regular OP and this retard ended up making godbound and shitposting general.

you mean "I", right

If he lurks, he would know the standard OP text and use that.
The OP directly affects the quality of a thread and makes it less likely to start off on the wrong foot, derailed by shitposting and dumb arguments.
So we can get straight to our normal discussion, shitposting, and dumb arguments.

So crafting a First Age Artefact requires a Sorcerous Working preceding every Craft roll, and that higher rated Artefacts need more, powerful Workings. Can I still cut those out if I successfully craft the artefact in 2 or 3 rolls as Craftsnerds buyig up the Power subtree are wont to do?

Completing the Artifact in fewer rolls requires fewer Workings, yes.

So Spirit Stoking Elevation Allows you to replace the experience point cost of certain charms with expenditures of white points at a rate of 5wxp:1xp. Does this allow someone using it on Flowing Mind Prana and rolls to regain spent xp do I regain 5wxp per success on the roll or 1xp per every success on the roll? Because it is replacing experience points with 5wxp all the way through the charms effect or only on the initial cost?

I'd probably say neither. Generating XP for something that's considerably easier to get (craft points) without any gamble to it is worthwhile on its own.

It's really, really difficult to handle things given the nature of the combat.

However, 2E is almost fetishtically detailed. With a world-simulator, the game could run itself while the PC just did whatever he wanted across Creation.

It would be the most epic, world-spanning RPG ever. Like a 4X game where you only play one guy.

Even taking into consideration the absurdly-low possibility of an Exalted video game, if it ever came into being it would infinitely more likely be some kind of linear spectacle fighter with absolutely no relation to the original PnP mechanics and utter disregard for the more minuscule details of the setting.

And I'd still be fine with it. Assuming it turned out a competent game overall.

I can't believe than what is very clearly a joke could attract so much salt.

You should all grow up and be more chilly about everything. You make it look like /exg/ is full of angry 15 year olds with autism issues.

How can that even be interpreted as a joke? Stop back-pedaling retard.

>With high flying action and high flying powers, allied with high flying characters in a high flying world, Exalted is the epitome of high flying.
>Tv tropes

How's that autism going, boy?