Old thread: RESOURCES: >Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net >Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net >Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh >Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/ >Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>haste commander >doesn't have haste unless you pay mana 6 manas, 4/4. Wow.
Juan Sanders
Technically he's a 6 mana 8/4. He kills in three hits, although with poison damage rather than commander damage. Phyrexia bringing the haste, this guy's my favourite haste enabler.
Nathan White
>6 mana >4/4 >Flying >Infect >repeatable Regenerate It's obviously not overpowered, but only an idiot think's Skithiryx is not a threat.
Ryder Taylor
>Technically he's a 6 mana 8/4 no, he is 4/4. he won't kill a 5/5 creature, for example. Paying 6 manas to count your commander will get 3 attacks in is not the best option. It doesn't help he needs 2 manas to regen, and that he is only black (no racism)
That said, it's far from a bad card, just not a good commander.
Leo Turner
Ravelord Nito best haste.
Juan Scott
A threat, yes. A good commander? not so much. Kind of easy to slow him down.
Samuel Cox
Why is this allowed?
Lucas Wood
From last thread: # Ingest. I love the effect in every way >removes a card from the opponents library in the closest to permanent way possible >creates a resource for me to utilize. >is basically insult to injury >it makes the opponent want to block creatures otherwise not considered a threat
Unfortunately, it's damned near useless in Commander. I only get to enjoy it in my standard BU ingest process deck.
As far as commander goes, my favorite is annihilator. I love my colorless Newlamog Eldrazi commander deck~ >enchant Newlamog with Eldrazi conscription after clearing the board >swing at player, they scoop
# >Ulamog Confirmed dead thanks to the jacetice league, but a replacement will be formed in the future. >sheoldred I don't remember if she's dead story wise, I started playing during khans. I hope not, phyrexians are my favorite faction alongside slivers and Eldrazi. >Sliveroverlord Way before my time, I have no clue. >Gisa and Geralf Alive thankfully. They're my favorite characters personality wise.
# >insinuating that the wastes are to blame It all stems from Eldrazi shitting on the modern format.
At my LGS most people have at least 1 Eldrazi in their decks. Once Eldrazi winter blew over in modern I've heard significantly less complaints towards Eldrazi in any format.
That said, when I play my Newlamog commander deck I am always painted as the biggest threat. I should really try and see if I can get some people to play archenemy.
Luis Roberts
>try memeing a spider tribal because ishkanah and why the fuck not >halfway through realize it's boring as fuck >continue anyway >can't find enough spells that create spider tokens >realize I'll have to put some creatures in that aren't spiders for it to be decent
My playgroup just has it houseruled that any card that specifies a life total (Serra Ascendant, Felidar Sovereign, etc) we use the difference rather than the number. Like Serra Ascendant won't trigger until you're at 50 life, Felidar Sovereign is a win at 60, etc.
Also pic related not because hasty, but because he's brutal in my Hydra tribal deck. More than once have been able to one-shot a person with a hydra that dropped earlier that turn.
Owen Nguyen
Well 2 mana to regen isn't that bad in the color of CabalCoffers.dec, but I get your point. Isn't he high tier in Duel? Like all voltron commanders he isn't great in multiplayer.
Matthew Peterson
Just put infinite mana combos and win everytime.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Not bad, just missing some staples here and there
Parker Turner
Like which ones in GB?
Matthew Jones
Xenagod is awesome with hydra omnivore
Ethan Williams
What about pic related? Your group banned him?
Im in the process of building a Fatties.dec with Xenagos commander. I imagine attacking with Hasted 32 power creatures hurt durdle players feelings.
Jack Harris
Forgot to link to OP. Xenagod is for the main topic.
Jackson Butler
There's none on GB, but green has Viridian Joiner and Umbral Mantle (also works with Magus of the Coffers), black has Necrotic Ooze, which combos so easily it should be in every black deck with creatures. Karn + Voltaic Construct combo with mana rocks, like Gilded Lotus. There's more, but that a start.
Jose Foster
Thanks, I'll look more into it.
Oliver Torres
>mfw my playgroup bans Kira, The Great Glass Spinner because they think having to use two (2) spells to kill a creature is broken
Blake Miller
If you're building a combo bait commander, while he's pretty good, for maximum strong, blue should be a part of it, as you can protect your pieces. Golgari has pretty good removal though.
Ethan Barnes
Changelings, cards that change creature types for targets or otherwise (amoeboid, unnatural evolution) mutavault, simulacron, ect.
Caleb Bennett
>mfw my playgroup has banned 3 of my commanders, Volrath, Gwafa Hazid and Maelstrom Wanderer. Yet they play Oona, Jhoira and Sharum.
Thomas Evans
>oy vey you killed me before I could play my degenerate combo, shut it down.
Sounds like the worst kind of faggot.
Liam Martin
Faggots, unfortunately. Their main problem is that while they make good decks I make good decks specifically to fuck my playgroup and they haven't caught on.
Hunter Wilson
who /colorless/ here? Recently finished my great distortion deck, it's a blast. I'm curious how common colorless decks are in general (I'm the only one at my lgs who runs one), and what peoples thoughts on them in general are.
Carter Hall
Gwafa's not even that good what the hell
I play the fucker
Aiden Richardson
>Volrath and Gwafa are banworthy >Sharuum isn't What the fuck is wrong with them.
Elijah Rogers
Because when I turn 2 sorin markov he doesn't matter
Hunter Clark
How to build Jeleva?
Charles Garcia
Any stupid combos with Goblin Sharpshooter in mono red?
John Morris
yeah, I know. The funny thing is I just replaced Volrath with Geth and it's just as good.
Ethan Anderson
>banning gwafa How is he even remotely powerful?
Elijah James
Depends on what kind of fun you want to have. Some people do a weird mill thing. Some do processors.
Personally, I like it with suspend instants and sorceries.
Brayden Ward
their decks cannot deal with lockdown.
David Watson
equip gorgon's head
Henry Cook
I too built kozilek, the great distortion. He is just too good, dumping broken rocks and then refilling your hand with counterspells is amazing. And then he clocks people on two hits. My group only let's me play him when we are playing "high power" games, and I've never felt let down by the deck
Christopher King
you literally just kill him and then you can attack
Lincoln Wilson
The majority of players at my LGS are either infinite combo asshats, precon scrubs, or Narset players
Evan Bell
My playgroup is kinda bad. The one using the Sharuum deck with keep a sphinx of the steel wind as a defender and not attack despite it having vigilance and no one having creatures.
Blake Wilson
I'm the only one at my LGS who runs colorless too. I run Ulamog the ceaseless hunger as my commander. I basically ramp as hard as possible into Ulamog while dropping threats. Once I think I can run away with the game I board wipe into Ulamog and start swinging.
In general I've never encountered another colorless deck. I think it's a lot of fun, but I see why it's rarely played. It's harder to pilot because you have access to the fewest cards.
However, there seems to be a lot of respect for colorless decks. I get mad props for my colorless deck all the time.
Jaxson Taylor
anything that builds off of other creatures dying. maybe even your own
Jayden Torres
My mazirek deck has insane comeback potential and basically doesn't lose if it goes past turn 8.
The problem is getting there and getting enough lands rolling. I already need to use a lot of tutor effects to get things rolling, and I'm not sure if I have enough room to put much more ramp in there.
Should I just say fuck it, get rid of some synergy, and put more ramp in?
Ryan Morris
Best mass token gens? The only good one I ever see that doesn't require X mana is Avenger of Zendikar.
Nicholas Bailey
>Gwafa is banned
Wew lad
>Maelstrom Wanderer Well you're a faggot for that
Aaron Brown
I swear, if I don't play some EDH this week I am going to die. Fuck not having any decks.
Daniel Nelson
How can you not have a deck? Drop 30 bucks on a precon if you must.
Kayden Richardson
ask your friends if you'd be allowed to proxy, mine allows it if i set a budget
Kayden Long
yeah, I figured they were pretty rare. definitely a lot more of a start up cost compared to pretty much any other type of deck, except maybe a five color deck. no really good budget options either, save for wastes.
I've also gotten a lot of complements for my deck as well; colorless seems to be well liked, but low in number due to its restrictive and niche nature.
Thomas Sullivan
Nice Commander there. Be a shame if something... happened to it.
Carter Garcia
Goblin Warrens, it's on the slower side but it can really sneak up on people. Building a 1/1 army and buffing them to 28/1 tramplers off of Zada, Archetype of Aggression and Shared Animosity is a real treat
Liam Morales
That's hilarious. I like Black Sun's Zenith even more now.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Whoops, that's for
Anthony Bell
2 kill spells? Are they retarded? Just activate any random targeting ability and then kill spell.
Nicholas Kelly
>friend decided to have everyone start with 3 permanents worth no more than 3CMC altogether >playing Godo >everyone starts with 3 basics or mana dorks >Sol Ring, Mana Vault, Mountain >T1 Godo with Extraplanar Lens in hand >Why can't I hold all this mana?
Easiest win of my EDH career
Jose Allen
Because it's not that bad. It dies to removal, and in commander its not hard to pack removal at 2 CMC.
Hell if that's bad, you've obviously never had someone shit out a Trinisphere turn 1.
Mason Lee
I've seen turn 1 Ulamog's before
Carson Brooks
beating 4th-graders on the playground must have been fun
but really, what the fuck did he think was going to happen with a setup like that?
Matthew Ross
I honestly don't know. The guy who decided it hadn't seen my Godo deck before, and we had all had a few beers and thought it would spice things up. Then I realized how much mana acceleration I have in it and pounded them into the dirt. Nim Deathmantle and Sword of F&F on T2 will do that
I felt bad and packed him up for the night after that
Camden Stewart
>dies to removal that meme again.
if it attacks at least once, it already did 6 damage and you gained 6 life for 1 mana, and even made someone use a removal. That said he can go back fairly easy, being 1 mana.
Also, i doubt trinisphere would be an issue for most decks. Commander is not like other formats where low cost spells (save That one) makes all the difference, and trinisphere doesn't even stop those spells being played.
Hey, Veeky Forums. I got this Brago deck that I want to build, but I'm rather hesitant about pulling the trigger on it just yet. If you guys could give me some opinions or suggestions, I would appreciate it.
Nolan Lee
It slows decks way down though. Turning a Sol Ring and the like into just another mana rock is killer
Jace Ortiz
Oh my fucking god that sideboard hate is beyond merciless
"sry m8 i just deleted your commander forever"
Brandon Campbell
tappedout.net/mtg-decks/selvala-explorer-returned-gw-1/ Anyone want to help me trim some fat from my Selvala Hatebears deck? Yes it should be helmed by Teeg but i wanted to use my waifu plus I like plopping her down against new groups and having them assume it's a grouphugs deck right off the bat. I'm not sure what to cut for more mid gamey things since the deck usually has a good early game, sits around mid game, then storm herd or gen waves at the end for the win. So far I definitely need a boseiju for late game and like i said earlier looking for something to do mid game besides politics, which while it's fun it doesn't work with some groups. Lastly there's a lot of anti sac tech since that's the meta at my lgs between a few Mogis players, a Savra, and a couple of Teysa players I needed a few answers. Thanks in advance.
Elijah Green
Good Jund commander? I recently built a RGW deck and a BUG deck. Not sure on what to do next. Got no inspiration for a jund deck and don't know what's good.
Eli Martinez
Got all mine stolen. Yeah, yeah, I was an idiot, moving on. I have about half of a new one right now.
I probably should proxy up the rest until I get the cards. Honestly, it has more to do with how little time I've had.
Thomas Hernandez
Opal Palace is a Skullbriar staple, it's a temporary nuisance
Lincoln Davis
Prossh is good if you like to go fast. Otherwise Kresh fight club is fun, Shattergang Bros control, and Sek'kuar valuetown would be my next picks
Ayden Ross
the jund commanders kinda suck unless you're going to go degenerate with prossh
Jayden Hall
I have a couple questions for you guys:
>How do you build stax and make it effective?
>What's the next step in combo evolution after Brago? I mean, I built a top-tier Brago deck, but I feel like it's far too reliant on the commander to be successful.
Landon Peterson
>Urabrask My nigga. Too bad I run him in maelstrom so I never get to see his effect, but he's amazing in so many ways, particularly for 5 mana. I just wish he had flying, or trample, but haste is nothing to scoff at.
Colton Green
>How do you build stax and make it effective? I prefer Red in my stax for MLD, the problem in 100 card singleton is consistenty drawing stax pieces early enough for them to be effective, s Smokestack isn't terribly good when everyone has 7-8 lands in play already. To that end Jokulhaups, Obliterate and the like are great.
John Lopez
whoops, cont.
Card parity cards, like Faithless Looting (Card disadvantage actually, but we'll call it parity for now), Tormenting Voice and Wild Guess all made it into my deck both for filtering through to find lock pieces and to fuel Goblin Welder, an amazing card for recurring stax pieces or breaking the symmetry of something like a Tangle Wire or Winter Orb. Aggressive Mining is also MVP for letting me turn lands into card draw before I blow them all up.
Carter Hernandez
>be me >live in Chicago for two years >about to move to Ohio for college >been playing EDH at shop every weekend >roll my car window down, throw some broken glass on the seats, tape up the window >show up for Monday afternoon draft >sadface intensifies >"user, what's wrong" >my car was ransacked. the window alone is going to cost $200, and I lost everything. I don't know what else to do if I can't play Magic anymore" >ten people throw bulk rares at me >a few turn out to be $2-5 cards >hug it out, everybody feel good. >end up building $200 or so EDH deck out of everybody's binder scraps. >plant one of my deck boxes on one of the local grinders, shitty modified precon >he's going to travel to an open to do some trading and selling >everybody starts ranting at me to press charges >tearful at the betrayal >"I don't want to ruin anybody's life. I just want my cards back. The window doesn't mean much to me. I just know these cards will never turn on me" >grinder is all like WTF >call his parents >negotiate a deal where I "forget" anything happened in exchange for my cards >have a heart to heart conversation with his mother at home >she conveniently finds the rest of my decks in the basement >she insists I take the rest of his cards to pay for the window >hug it out, thank her. tell her I still have respect for grinderanon. >she calls me the next day. >Grinderanon was about to leave for uni, parents refuse to pay for schooling until he goes through counseling. >drive to Ohio >sell car >MFW
Brayden Adams
I guess, more to the point, do you just build a strong boardstate, wipe all the lands/tap them down and swing? What do you actually use to win the game outside of fucking their day?
Oh, that makes more sense. You lock down the board, sac something to welder, then fish your bomb from the yard that way. I do have a lot of red cards, maybe I'll build it. Who's your commander user? I wanted to make Derevi, but what your describing sounds more fun, and I have more red support available.
Zachary Jones
Wow, you're the single worst human I've ever seen in one of these threads. I hope you get hemorrhoids.
Austin Smith
>>No infinite mana in GB Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest + any mana doubler
Green is the most busted mana producer there is thanks to Earthcraft and the less broken recent versions. The number of infinite combos are obscene, especially if this guy is going GB tokens.
Asher Morris
Tyler Roberts
Every equipment that grants deathtouch. It's not exactly hard to google sharpshooter combos.
Jordan Reyes
Charles Turner
What a trickster!
Joshua Morales
Nigga, you couldn't be more wrong.
Connor Nelson
If this is real, which I seriously doubt, you should get help. You sound like a sociopath.
Wyatt Flores
> shit-that-didn't-happen At least I hope it didn't
Robert Ramirez
Jonathan Murphy
Trinisphere followed up by any play turn 2 can cripple decks. Here's my last game I played with my prison deck: >T1 workshop, Crypt, ring, trinisphere + grim monolith >T2: thorn of amethyst, nether void, scrubland. >table scoops because spells cost 4 additional mana, and anything they wish to play also needs 3 mana to avoid being countered.
Ryder Peterson
I played magic years ago and was thinking of getting back in. I know someone with 1000 plus cards in good condition (some were damaged by elastic bands breaking down in 15 years of storage). I was wandering what would be a reasonable price to offer.
There is a deck of each colour and a mix of artefacts. A few foils but of lands and other pointless stuff. None of the cards appear to be of any major value just basic common stuff but more than enough to play with.
I haven't played magic in years and have no ideas what 1000+ cards are worth. I've also heard the community can be a bit rough also.
Camden Adams
No one knows what the cards are worth without systematically looking up all the prices. It could be a few hundred bucks, but it also could literally be worth less than the effort of taking and storing the cards.
As for getting into MtG, my recommendation is to play draft. Not even kidding. It is money every week and can be pretty competitive, but it is just an activity then and not this weird lifestyle.
Gabriel Torres
I noted down the names of some of them and googled and most were $0.04 - $0.06.
I'd imagine the seller won't have the patience to list each one and I'd imagine the various resale sites take commission.
Jace Gonzalez
completely blind, the collection is worth on average of $50. 1000 cards isn't much. You end up with 90 cards from intro packs, and assuming he bought fewer than four intro packs, he has 730 cards left, which means he opened about 50 packs. Bulk rares are worth about $0.10, but if we assume he is getting average pulls from his packs, we can guess his average rare is worth closer to $1. He would end up with about 6 more packs from his intro packs, but the price of those is easily eaten up by his cards being in MP condition.
Wyatt Rivera
I love when people lie in these threads
Noah Foster
Also are all cards (unless expressly banned) still usable? All of these cards have been in storage for 15 years. For example a number of the red cards had a clear samurai feel and they had them in a box marked Kamigawa spirtbane.
William Thomas
Oh, you are buying cards? Don't buy shitty bulk. I thought you were selling them.
Don't buy shitty bulk unless you are like me and get off on having lots of shitty bulk. Buy just what you need to get going for whatever format you want to play.
Now, if you don't know what format means, look up the various ones, see if any interest you and plan accordingly. As I said before, draft is a fun way to get new cards and learn more about the game and in terms of what cards you need before the event, you need 0.
Carson Collins
That varies. Every card is technically usable in some format, but most do not have any real usefulness. You could end up getting lucky and ending up with cards like sensei's divining top and umezawa's jitte, which are worth over $20.
David Harris
I'm playing Slobad, he's great for making a beater indestructible before casting Jokulhaups or the like. However I think Daretti is much more powerful, my playgroup is just a bit too casual for a stronger stax deck, I'll prob switch if it gets more competitive. I don't have a Shop and I don't think I ever will, but I've been looking for a Trini for a while now for my stax deck. I feel like a lot of spells are just bigger than 3 cmc in edh but it'll really hurt the Narset deck in my meta.