Nekros Skullcrusher did nothing wrong
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Nekros Skullcrusher did nothing wrong
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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he didn't do elfstraza.
>implying Alexstrasza didn't like getting ORC'D
No the image says pudding.
well memed lad.
not in canon, but you know he tried at some point. The Dragon Soul was created specifically for fucking her and Ysera, you know it happened
Maiev did nothing wrong.
Tyrande and Malfurion should be put to death.
>dangerously powerful warlock who corrupted one of my best Wardens is trying to open the largest demon gate since the War of the Ancients?!
>better send all my agents to make sure hubby is still in his stasis crystal and not help the guy trying to stop the Legion's third invasion.
sasuga Vengeance.
>Maiev did nothing wrong.
trying to out-banter the meme king when there's a demon invasion happening
Hecular is best undead under KT.
>reading lore
>get to the part where it says she was forced to breed and pop out babies
Khadgar deserved it. Maiev was right.
Maiev did nothing wrong.
Maiev waifu for laifu.
Maiev a shit
Best waifu is Xal'atath
that is one autistic owl
>Blizzard never retcons Alexstrazsa getting kidnapped and raped
>they also act like it never happens and Alex bros around with orcs all the time
I know it's probably just them trying to ignore their past edginess, but the dissonance is weird
Maybe she's into that.
It was done to a black dragon as planned by the reds, after all.
it get mentioned in pretty book though, not even a throwaway paragraph there's a full page or two dedicated to her "capture"
>Thrall wasn't actually the only shaman who could step up and be the Earthwarder, Alexstrazsa just likes hanging around with orcs because it reminds her of the best two years of her life
could be an interesting development
I need to pick that book up sometime, the bits about the Black Empire and Lei Shen seem really cool
post the passage.
>meme king
Why does Khadgar have that title now?
Its not mentioned in The Chronicles as the book only covered up to just before the First War. The second volume which comes out next year will cover the events of ancient draenor, First and Second War. Suppisedly. But if you read Day of the Dragon than you'll find the passage about alexstrasza being a baby factory.
dad jokes
>cool as a cucumber
>Ordinarily I wouldn't ask you to assault a fortified moving train - ah, no, that's not true. This is exactly the sort of thing I'm going to need from you. All the time
>Well, those goblins aren't very creative but their methods have a certain brute-force charm to them. It's amazing this thing doesn't explode. Or maybe it does. At least I'm beginning to understand what they use a "Samophlange" for.
>What do we have here? The legends ARE true. Blackhand sacrificed his own arm to the elements. Now that he's dead, it's indistinguishable from stone. Or is it?
Also just remembered that they bring in Alexstrasza to talk about her time as a captive in the Dragonmaw Clan. This is in the book Warcrimes but if I'm remembering right she says she has forgiven the orcs for what happened to her.
My favorite is when he 'kind of' kills you 'a little.' And the goblin jumper cables.
I still love him for offering me mana strudel. Strudel is awesome. Who wants mana pudding or cake when they could have strudel?
Well she IS the aspect of life, her flaming breathe makes freaking flowers grow
Stop it, you're making me want to play WoD.
desu WoD wasn't that bad if you started at the end. 5 months of free gold, decent leveling and a fun raid. It wasn't amazing, but I enjoyed it
Plz do not lewd the dragon aspect
>I haven't played WoW since ICC
>Don't have the time anymore to spend even casually leveling
>Everything looks foreign and unrecognizable
>All the private servers that seem promising are getting shut down or never coming out.
I guess I'll just play Warcraft 3 again...
>Don't lewd the dragonmilf
I don't follow
Post yfw there are probably people playing WoW RIGHT NOW, who've played the same character for 10+ years, never making a new one.
So many hours... So much time lost... And all I feel is jealously
I refuse to believe there is ANYONE in WoW without at least one alt.
I'm not going to spoon feed it to you.
so uh, I haven't kept track of any lore beyond cataclysm or the main plotline since garrosh died, but is sylvanas ACTUALLY warchief?
i mean what the fuck, i have always been a forsaken master race person but even i know that's a terrible fucking idea, even fucking baine would be a better candidate than her
Yeah, Top Troll supposedly dies in Legion and it falls to worst zombie to take up the mantle.
Hopefully her reign is even shorter.
>tfw everyone forgets about steady, smart, experienced lor'themar
>All these Lor'themar shills forgetting who the Top Tier warchief choice is and always has been
Oh, do you mean pic related?
Id like to believe etrigg would make a fine warchief
>21 days from now the legendary ring quest will be removed
>you will not get to re-live running errands for Khad-dad and rolling your eyes at his corny jokes
m8 please do not waifupost, save that for Veeky Forums
sylvanas is a fucking terrible person and pure evil, fit only to lead the forsaken
>fit only to lead the forsaken
And even then, she uses them as ablative armor for herself.
>>>you will not get to re-live running errands for Khad-dad and rolling your eyes at his corny jokes
did they cancel legion?
>fit to lead no one ever
Fixed that
Is anyone else really disappointed with RP in WoW? There's a whole world rich with lore and everyone just wants to roleplay as a noble or keep to their cliques.
Fucking elves.
I'll RP with you user, what server are you on?
It should be noted that when the lore about orcs mounting red dragons was first written, there were no Dragon Aspects and the dragon's weren't implied to be particularly intelligent. Alextraza the dragonqueen was simply the name of the largest red dragon, which the orcs captured and used to breed dragon mounts for the Horde. The part about red dragons being intelligent and good, and Alextraza being a demigod associated with life, who can also take the form of a hot woman with horns, only came later, and accidentally made the previous lore seem a whole lot more magical realmy than was probably intented.
Players also really hate conflict, want to be at the top without work and whine if you don't recognize their authority, and really just wanna sit in a tavern and ERP
Vol'jin supposedly dies in Legion, Thrall is no where to be found, so Sylvannas steps in as Warchief. Wondering how she managed to pull that one off. I mean I know Gallywix and whoever leads the Horde pandas wouldn't be considered, but how they passed on Lor'themar and Baine is beyond me. Oh well, at least Varian bites it too.
She became warchief because she is Kosak's waifu, and he has firmly embedded his head in the sand to avoid confronting the fact that nobody likes her
Only alliancefags and some whiners dislike Sylvanas desu.
>Not wanting best blood elf to lead the Horde in glorious vengeance against the Burning Legion.
Even Garrosh hated her.
Garrosh hated pretty much everyone.
Yes, but he specifically brought up the necromancy, the plague-bombing, et cetera.
If even the guy who decided "you know what's a good idea? Let me just absorb the heart of a dead Old God!" is capable of seeing how incredibly wrong all of that is, it just goes to show you the Lich Queen deserves every ounce of 10-25-adventurer-flavored death she's going to get.
>For the Azeroth!
When the hell does he say that?
Do we know why the new LK/Bolvar is attacking the paladins in their hall quests?
Also, does he have rad powers and stuff, considered he's all orange and flames and not blue and ice?
So is Legion the expansion where Blizzard makesJaina go completely of the deep end, and turns her into a raid boss?
They wanted to recover Tirion's body from the crypt to raise him as undead so he can keep fighting the Legion after death. The paladins understandably considered that to be graverobbing and defilement of one of their greatest heroes, and were having none of that.
Not in the first raid tier, but after that? It's still up in the air.
Unlike Dalaran, if Jaina really does go full raid boss.
Even during a demon invasion the paladins are cunts
I'm not seeing how
>Don't raise the dead against their will, assholes!
is being a cunt.
Remember the original purpose of the Scourge? Nobody wants them backsliding.
Sludge Fields never happened, even if they did, the humans deserved it.
t. Your friendly neighborhood Executor
Well you can't exactly ask the dead if they want to help fight against a massive demon invasion that aims to murderfuck everything that said dead protected in life. Natural undead don't tend to happen that often, at all
Souls, ghosts, all that shit exists in universe. We see them all over the place.
Hell, you can meet Uther's spirit at his tomb as part of a quest chain.
And they even made the fucking spirit healers and shadowlands canon!
But no, the DKs decide to skip all that to go grave robbing, inflicting the same condition they hate onto others Bolvar and Sylvanas OTP, I guess... which involves dragging their soul out of the afterlife.
>All those orc and tauren DKs.
>Don't even think about 'Hey, guys? Maybe we should call a shaman?'
Its not rape if they cant say no
If Jaina goes then Tyrande can't be far behind her.
Thank god for that
>Tyrande goes batshit insane due to not having been dicked FOR TEN THOUSAND YEARS by anyone other than her mount
Kill Tyrande. The root for tyrant is even in her name!
Maiev will lead the nelfs! Maiev is strong! Maiev is committed! Fuck all of this hippie druid priestess shit. Maiev will make the night elves great again!
I'm pretty sure that's a major category of rape
Honestly, I never thought she'd become a raid boss. I think Anduin ascending the throne will have a greater effect on her than anything else. Hopefully they don't cope out and make her a raid boss. That'd be a cheap way to deal with her character growth. Then again, this is Blizzard and it's an MMO, but a quest chain would go a longer way than a Raid centered around her.
Can shaman actually commune with the dead on Azeroth?
I know in one of the Warcraft books that one of the big reasons orcs can commune with their dead is that the ancestor's spirits are subsisting off of a trapped naru in Oshu'gun.
I can't remember any instances where shaman summon spirits of the dead in WoW (but it's also 6am and I haven't been to sleep yet).
Tyrande is/was pretty much a tyrant. I mean, she's the one who changed everything after her husband got stuck sleeping (idiot). She literally banned all males from the military and only had females in her army while the males had to either become Druids or work as something else.
>Inplying she hasn't been dicked by every animal on Teldrassil
Well yeah, i guess. What else would she do all day?
I mean, she's the priestess of a godess who got dicked by a 50 foot stag. It's not exactly far fetched even in universe.
what servers are you on boys? I drag my shit heads to weekly events against the alliance, native threats of kalimdor and demons
Did Elune take all 12 feet of Malornes Deer Cock?
she is a fierce warrior who does not need this shitto right now
I played mostly on rpvp private servers. But by the good graces of god above, the incompetant shitheads managing them finally gave up because they're huge cowards and happened to be female.
Can you even RP death convincingly in WoW?
Maiev gave up on leading the Nelves ages ago. She chose chasing after her SM boyfriend's dick over being a head of government. She and her lesbo friends would've stayed in that dank basement fucking a corpse if the Legion hadn't spoiled the party.
Trolls have an entire discipline based around communing with the dead. Doesn't even require much ganja.
Lorewalker Cho at least creates a vision of your ancestors, too.
So getting in touch with the spirits on Azeroth is doable, if you FUCKING TRY.
Oh, and draenei soulbinders can communicate with the recently deceased, though I don't think we see any outside of Auchindoun.
I think at this point everyone just assumes that female dragons (dragonettes? dragonesses?) are into some kinky shit. I mean, Deathwing fucked Sinestra so hard that she turned into Kil'jaeden and she still devotes her entire life to him
Is Deathwing the Warcraft character with the most side hoes?
He is certainly the most alpha character, that's for sure.
Yes, I've been my guilds official red-shirt for five years, I have killed off more characters than the rest of my server has in the past 3 expansions combined.
he killed them all, not sure if that still counts