>your party stumbles upon the mystical city of Loliopolis
How do you handle this?
Your party stumbles upon the mystical city of Loliopolis
Enjoy your ban, OP.
At least it's not another faggy monstergirl femdom thread
I burn them all. Unsanctioned abhumans.
>Presents an interesting scenario
>Asks how you, your character or party, handles the scenario
I'm not sure if that's ban worthy user.
Fire, mostly.
There ya go.
>my magical realm garbage is better than your magical realm garbage, so it deserves to stay!
Be the change you want to see in the world, OP.
I'm not OP, but I'd rather see more lolis on this board over all that femdom faggotry, do I'll take your advice and endorse this thread.
Dude a race of people where the women are short and don't develop a full figure isn't that big of a deal, I doubt they would even qualify as abhuman at all.
As per our written agreement, I stand up and punch the GM in the face.
>implying the imperium wouldn't purge a bunch of mutants that provide literally no benefit
>single city
Probably just environmental or dietary factors, really.
Its not so much that it's better, just that it's new
Grab anyone I can drive home and leave.
>being lolis
And I'm the retard here, clearly.
By telling the GM to fuck off.
The Imperium ranges from unusually reasonable to unfathomably stupid, odds are you'll fall somewhere in the middle with annoyingly bureaucratic.
The lolis provide no benefit, but they would cost resources to remove. As the lolis are no threat to anyone, the Imperium gives them a firm angry glare and ignores them.
>Literally pedo city
>Not ban worthy
Thy literally wouldn't so long as it's a stable enough strain. Through em into the meat grinder en masse, sure, but purging would just be wasteful
I'd rather see neither.
Ugly, hairy lolis, but they could fit the bill well enough.
Hell, they're even more deviated from baseline humanity than a loli, so your logic is extra retarded
You have much to learn young user
So basically every straight guy in that city is a pedophile?
>no fun allowed
>but purging would just be wasteful
>shit the imperium already does
Da faq
I find another GM.
Loli IS pedophilia. Don't make me post the pictures. It's literally "I'm attracted to prepubescent girls"
>No /d/ content allowed on a blue board
In no way am I being unreasonable.
Do you see any loli's being gang raped by futas?
Loli isn't allowed on /d/
If at least half of those cartoons didn't have extreme sexual subthemes and gratuitous amounts of fanservice I would be inclined to agree with you. As it is you're basically saying "Blumpkin isn't sexual, it's just the name of every female in my setting".
Well I would probably, both in and out of character, say "Oh look, a pedophiles dreamland."
Clearly, then, all the idiots who masturbate exclusively to 2D girls aren't straight, they're cartoon-sexual.
Because a drawing of something is entirely different from what the drawing represents, and being attracted to the drawing is not attraction to what it represents.
>You still like Lolis, GM? Wow, that was so five years ago. The cool weird thing to like is traps now.
But seriously, since my character has a complex over having lost his own child, he'd probably have a breakdown being surrounded by little girls.
In a completely non-ironic answer, yes, they want to fuck the cartoons, not actual little girls.
Nope the fuck out of there and find a place with full sized hookers and booze joints.
>DM what the fuck are you doing
We stumble out of the city and my character acts members of his church if they can help him with an Inquisition on this city to ensure a lack of foul witchcraft.
No, I get that they're masturbating to cartoon representations of little girls, not actual little girls.
This doesn't change the fact that they're masturbating to (and therefore attracted to) the thought of fucking little girls. Drawn or real is irrelevant.
Because you masturbating to someone fucking a cartoon woman doesn't make you cartoon-sexual. You're still masturbating to a representation of a woman.
I'm not even a lolicon, I just find these sorts of arguments interesting
They don't purge unless they have to since purges cost money. And loyal cannon fodder is much better spent on the enemy
Explain half the threads on Veeky Forums then
OP, in addition to being a faggot, is an unreasonable fuckwit.
Maybe in /epg/, but that place is politics and prostitutes.
>presents an interesting scenario
That's where you fucked up. It's either going Little Lamplight, Kokokiri Village, or since it's called Loliopolis it's just fetishes fuel for weebs.
None of that is interesting.
Actually knowing the manga it's from, the city takes an exceptional harsh stance on pedophilla, with even acting 'creepy' being an arrestable offence and police brutality being an acceptable means of arrest.
You're assuming the rest of the table isn't disgusting neckbeards user.
>Perception check for FBI
>term for the subject of lolicon, sexualized little girls
>shorthand for Lolita Complex
>a man SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to prepubescent girls
The term loli exclusively refers to sexualized little girls. Just because Veeky Forums doesn't understand the meaning of every fourth word that gets thrown around here does not change that fact.
You mean they resort to lolidom, another kink...
I've never actually played with stereotypical neckbeards and I've been doing rp for 2 decades. I guess I've just lucked out with quality friends/players.
I'd argue that the resultant abbreviation has become a distinct term referring to cartoons, but fair enough.
>Little Lamplight
Horrible and should have never been brought up
>Kokiri Village
Brings me good memories of my childhood and allows me to indulge in innocent fantasies of childhood fun
>fetish fuel for weebs
Well at least the GM isn't forcing some weird tentically monster rapist with suction arms and aphrodisiac venom. You can say no to a loli.
You're unlikely to meet some unless you actually go out of your way to meet the worst people possible.
>random offtopic image
>single line of greentext
>What happens?
At this point I'm sure it's a bot who keeps making these threads.
>Well at least the GM isn't forcing some weird tentically monster rapist with suction arms and aphrodisiac venom. You can say no to a loli.
Guess what the monster terrorizing the city is.
A dragon?
A guy with a telephoto lens that is acting really creepy?
A 50ft tall loli dragon.
>a game where you get to punch out legitimately horrible people
I would like that, honestly.
How can you tell a loli dragon from a regular dragon if they're just as big?
With dick breath and tentacles everywhere.
Hypertension, the silent killer?
Guess again.
So are we entering the city of cartoon sexy children or the city of sexy children?
One is now more strange than the other.
A pushy condom salesman that's getting a bit too rough with the wink wink, nudge nudge?
>Kokiri Village
>not the chillest place in Hyrule
Fuck your shit nigga
>You can say no to a loli.
Not if it's lolidom
I'm pretty sure that it's technically outside Hyrule.
Hyrule is the name of the region as well as the kingdom
I fucking wish my GM was that cool
Chill it is, but I wouldn't call it interesting. That's where I'd retire for a beer, tiki torch lit front porch sitting shooting the shit and having random woodwind jam sessions at the end of the day when I'm done with "interesting".
Shift-click, hide thread. That seems to have taken care of it.
>talking trees
>spoopy woods
>forest lolis running shops
>not interesting
Fuck your shit, nigga
Same. We always end up in Shotaville...
Loli means loli and goth loli fashions and lolita complex.
Lolita complex is often conflated with but is not actually pedophilla.
Also loli is short hand for young looking characters in anime and manga.
Is it near milftown? It should be near milftown.
>Lolita complex is often conflated with but is not actually pedophilla.
The ones in denial are always the saddest cases.
Fuck off back to your dozen other threads /ss/hitter.
I almost find it hilarious how the same people who go MUH FEMDOM MUH LITTLE BOYS GETTING UNF UNF /SS/ SO GOOOOD cry about lolis
I just want fetishshit to stay off my board. I keep mine to myself, why can't everyone else? This is hardly the place for it.
Honestly I just think it would be funny to have such towns set up that way. Like japanese girl boarding school being near the horrible tentacle rape caves, a boarding school for princesses being at the foot of the dragon mountains, or a hero training facility near the monstergirl forests.
And then you have the populations of different locations being uninterested in one another.
I kick the DM in the junk.
Loli in fashion only applies when speaking about fashion.
The term lolicon in Japan STILL means someone who jacks it to little girls. While not the term they use for kiddy diddlers it still references a person who masteurbates to it.
And the short hand for young looking characters in the industry is still bishi or chibi.
Only here do people refer to any child as loli and even then it's still used because they want to fuck said child character.
Get your head out of your ass.
10/10 would play in said setting
Burn it down.
Burn it all down.
Sounds like a shitty "ironic" post-humor setting desu onii-senpai.
Paladin says no, those are children.
>burning lolis
No bully!
Punch the /d/m.
>Saying no to purging pedophilia
That's not lawful good at all
Child fucker leave
>Give sandwich
Bitch I am the paladin. An entire city of people who are perpetually youthful just goddamn reeks of blood magic. Ten to one previous parties who came here were sacrificed to maintain their youth. I mean, a lost city? An entire city, with all the infrastructure that implies is just unknown to the rest of us? Bullshit, they kill everyone who finds it, so that's why nobody ever comes back to tell us where this nest of vile witchcraft lies.
If your method for preventing child rape in a location is murdering all children in that location, frankly, you're not doing it correctly.