Levant Fantasy Art Thread

I was brewing up a city-state for a Exalted campaign when I realized that how I was describing their was similar to Hebrews, Ethiopian and Turkish cultures. So let's have a Levantine-inspired art thread.



mary wouldn't have been a virgin if i met her looking like that






>mfw in the Book of Mormon, God came to Earth to have sex with Mary in order to make Jesus


>Even though Jesus existed in Heaven before mankind was even created

>Vikings being dicks in the Mediterranean Sea
Someone has done there homework

> How I was describing their culture
Sorry about the typo


It's pretty sad how Jewish folklore is pretty much ignored as inspiration

those are obviously vandals you memelord



>turks and Ethiopians

well Jewish culture is the primary, there is some turkish and ethopian influences as well

Jewish culture is not root of levantine culture. Ethiopia has no cultural influence of the levantine. Turks is debateble.
You're retarded

I meant my made-up city state, also Israel is in the Levantine and has some influence with some of the cultures

Those are obviously La Tene period Celts, not Vandals.

Religion aside, their culture was completely derived from their neighbors and they were politically irrelevant. They weren't influencing anyone.

>politically irrelevant
That's not entirely accurate, you don't have to influence people to be politically relevant. The attempts to Hellenize people in the time of the Diadochi didn't generally end with a national revolt.