I play with a guy who plays an earth elemental thief, tries to make a super seductive and constantly backstabs the other PCs.
ITT: special snowflake characters that you hate
It's female btw
currently in a game with my friend being a "Samurai-like Rabbit-folk, b-but not furry! Just rabbit ears! And has a mysterious box he carries around and protects it with his life"
I thought my bro was better than this...
but elementals are asexual they're fucking concepts not waifus
Tell that to Dryads.
And nymphs.
And naiads.
And so on.
Those are not elementals tho. They are fairies/spirits.
>they're not element based spirits, they're just element based spirits!
Funny thing is, these two aren't me.
And who the fuck are you?
Hold on, let me put my trip on. I'm just an user who is well off in life.
>let me put my trip on
aaaand the thread's ruined
And why's that, user?
>The attention whore is asking what he did wrong
Lurk for 2 years before you post again.
> lurk for two years
> doesn't know who King-chan is
I've been here since '06.
So THAT is the reason there is that weird quest in Dust an elysian tale
i think he knows...
He better.
Points to whomever can tell me what car I'm driving in this pic.
>Attention whore
All the same.
Chris Pratt gives a fuck.
How is that "special snowflake"? Sounds like just another chaotic stupid that guy. Also, the whole seduction angle should be easy to shut down by the gm considering the character is a rock creature from another dimension.
This, I had a PC in a Rogue Trader campaign seriously try and seduce her way past a couple Kroot mercenaries. Told her to roll, didn't even look at the die, told her it wasn't good enough.
The "they aren't buying it" card is a valuable one for serial Charmers.
>I don't know anything about folklore or anything about the lore of the games I play!
As an OWoD forever-storyteller, I'd have to say Kiasyd. Femmy, mysterious, questionably malicious pseudo-elves that are explicitly stated to be so rare that PCs shouldn't be allowed to use them? It's like catnip to the snowflakers.
At this point I just kinda drop whatever game I intend to play if we have any chaotic neutral characters. They're always either fucking edgelords or "lolz randumb" and refuse to actually roleplay ever despite having a tragic backstory that would give them plenty of opportunities to do so.
This is ignoring the fact that people who pick CNs as their characters almost always refuse to actually make any plans in-game, only decide to RP when it fucks up the entire flow of the game, intentionally undo multiple sessions of progress for no reason other than "Lol bro I'm chaotic," and haven't ever actually read any of the fucking rulebooks.
Nobody seems to realize that "Chaotic" doesn't mean "Edgy" or "Random," but rather "Won't let structure get in the way of achieving their goals or upholding personal principles."
CE is almost always significantly worse, but at least most DMs instantly veto CE characters or they get stabbed to death by the party within half a session because they tried to fuck us as soon as physically possible.
>look at some pbp another guy invited me to
>ow the edgy blizzard of dark snowflakes
>ow the freeform
>ow my eyes
>Allowing PVP
>Not allowing PvP after enough appropriate RP occurs and the table has no objections to how logical the fight is
Although this fucker seems to just be an asshole. A player attempting to consistently fuck over the party or PvP with little to no justification should just be booted from the table.
That's why I don't allow PVP. Every time that I have, I end up with "That guy."
I know it limits some of the potential RP, but if you want to steal, do it to my NPCs please. They have plenty of credits, gold, and other goodies...
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
>expecting anything more from a filthy thief
We had a shadowrun game once where, when faced with an AI taking over an arcology, there was a disagreement about whether or not to use a tactical nuke.
The PVP wasn't actually lethal, because the player who won used Stick'n'Shok.
The bard that plays him badly and has bad reasons to draw attention to himself. Like taunting guard captain and than trying to be his friend 30 seconds later expecting him to be buddy buddy with him, than confused and pissed he gets thrown in the stocks for harassment of a public servant.
>Player refuses to play anything other than their OC DONUTSTEEL character, regardless of campaign, setting, or how many times their OC has died
>Players fancies themself a comic relief character despite not being funny in the slightest and just forcing the table to sit through their stale jokes that they've made eight times this session
>Half the party is made up of races that are supposed to be rare to mere rumors simply because the DM doesn't want to fight these players on their shit
>Player works against the goals of the entire party for no reason other than "CN bro ;)"
>Player flirts with other players both in and out of game, making literally everyone uncomfortable
>DM pulls punches because he has a crush on Player
>Despite always playing the exact same character, Player needs to check what their abilities do every time they use them
All of this by one person. I genuinely hope that they're dead because I haven't spoken to them in over a year.
>But m-m-muh high charisma!
I have no problem with characters charming their way through adventures but this triggers me so much. If you want to play like that you should actually learn how to persuade properly and know when it just won't do. I have this one player who always insist to play "talk-guys" and yet can't talk for shit.
Oh great it's now one of these threads again, and I fucking agree with you.
>Half the party is made up of races that are supposed to be rare to mere rumors simply because the DM doesn't want to fight these players on their shit
This is why I refuse to use these sorts of races when world building. If I call a game human only, I'll be bombarded with requests to not play humans. Especially if I mention that humans might not be the only sapient especially if I only included other intelligent races for more crafty baddies. But if I kitchen sink a setting mo fucking everyone will be humans.
I'll add my own
>I used to play with someone who couldn't make an interesting character to save their life so he substituted that for other races and physically crippling them. Because a character can only be interesting if they have one leg/one arm/one arm and no tongue/ no eyes/a limp/or is in a wheelchair.
Naturally the characters themselves were always bland, passive, or a jackass.
Let's not forget the ever-important
>My character isn't Guts / Gandalf / Natsu / Naruto / [Famous_Anime_Or_Fantasy_Character], they're completely original and called Ruts / Randalf / Gatsu / Garuto
How dare you question my character's authenticity.
>referring to himself in the third person
Jesus christ, seriously consider suicide.
> being this fucking new to Veeky Forums
This isn't green text stories. Go be 12 elsewhere.
Damn it King-Chan, we know it's still you.
It's King-chan. And why is every user who doesn't agree with you or you have a problem with automatically the same person?
I'm not the guy who you were replying to initially
Check the number of posters
Yeah, 26 posters. And? Are all 25 others, sorry 24 others excluding yourself, all supposed to be me?
Sounds like someone hasn't been reading his creature types!
I don't think he was being serious. Perhaps you shouldn't spend so much time feeding the troll.
>I have this one player who always insist to play "talk-guys" and yet can't talk for shit.
God forbid that he wants to learn through practice
I really shouldn't, 'tis a bad habit of mine, but all is well.
Well, to continue the topic at hand, I have a friend who once made a monkey rogue character and named it Spank the Monkey.
Then you have a shitty DM and should tell him to his face or just find another group.
I hate weaboo players. That's one of the reasons I haven't created any Japanese, Chinese or Korean like culture in my homebrew setting; I'm covering my back for the future. My first Pathfinder campaign included an obnoxious rogue munchkin and her girlfriend,who played a nya kawai ninja (both of them fat ass otakus,notice).
So yeah,I'd say any eastern inspired character class played by a weaboo accounts.
I'm playing with him for years user, and it's not like he even tried to improve or learn on his mistakes.
> Don't Like What I Don't Like: the GM
H'okay buddy. Easy on the rage. You'll burst a hemroid.
You're the fuck who told me it was my fault that I'm not a professional speaking coach so I've got to bite the pillow while playing with him last thread aren't you?
No, however I am now intrigued
Meh, at least he wants to talk things through
I'm so sick and up to here with groups who think generic dungeon crawling and dice rolling combat is the epitome of the hobby
Go eat a bag full of donkey dicks,faggot.
I completely agree with you, I stated in my first post that I have nothing against players who prefer a diplomatic ways of solving problems, but not when they clearly have no idea how to do so properly (which has been proven many times) and yet insist on continuing that.
I hate attention whorring tripfa-
Huh. Look at that
At least your pic properly represents your post. Hey, I'll retract my statement and say you're a great GM if you can tell me what is the primary reason/belief in Orc culture that makes them all want to kill, raid, and enslave?
Because they think they are the best race and the strongest and as such they have the right to take everything from the weaker races.
Are you even that user?
Well, don't answer for him. Let's see if he knows. Also, you're wrong.
How about you start adding compound consequences for over talking?
Like, an improvised reputation system, in which other people's social networks go "hey, aren't you that push over ass hole who kept harassing my cousin vinny down ? He owed me money!"
Roll Initative
It's not your friend's fault for not knowing how to speak charismatically or diplomatically. It's your fault for thinking that he should know how to. If his character is made to be charismatic and diplomatic, all he has to say is "my character is going to persuade so-and-so into doing or believing such-and-such. Rolling for that." Your players don't need to know exactly what to say to PERSUADE YOU. His character has to persuade an npc in a make believe game. Don't be an asshat. If you acted that way in my group, I would ask you "exactly the procedure for climbing a wall or a cliff, exactly the method of throwing a grappling hook works, exactly how you hold a sword, dodge and perry in a sword fight, otherwise your character doesn't know how to do these things regardless of what your sheet says."
That's how you sound. Stop being a colossal faggot and let your players play the type of characters they want to play. You have to understand that this is supposed to be an enjoyable break from mediocre lifestyles and that's the kind of character they want to fantasize about being at that time. So, stop fucking up your friends' fun.
i don't think it's that off for a dm to expect his role players to play a role
A DM has to prepare an adventure. Players have to prepare a character. That's the deal
And if a player isn't very charismatic, they shouldn't expect that player to convince him that the character is charismatic. I'd charisma is high, boom. That's it. Don't treat your players like shit because they can't do what their characters can. He's being a jackass because his friend wants to play a character that he isn't like irl.
You're a gigantic faggot. Go shitpost somewhere else.
I knew you didn't know the answer. Go know nothing someplace else.
I think you missed a major part of the post. He wanted his player to know when persuasion won't work.
"I'm the BBEG and I've spent years plotting my revenge. Now we have come face to face. I'll kill you and your party for interfering like all the others and then after I kill the king for stealing the crown from my family; I will rule this kingdom with an iron fist."
"I'm the charismatic PC. Surrender. You can't beat us"
Oh look I rolled a 19 on persuasion. Does the BBEG surrender?
So if a player wants to play someone really wise and throws themselves off a cliff, the DM can't roll for bludgeoning damage because by default it was a wise decision?
Interesting take you got there
Quads checked.
Yeah, persuasion never works on a BBEG. Hell, even mid-bosses tend to be immune to that shit.
In that case, I would tell the player that persuasion doesn't work on character X levels higher than you. That way you don't run into that situation.
It was wise to take the easy way out. Say their character died and it was wise for him to do so to save him the pain and torment the other characters would have to face.
A good GM can always explain everything. Bullshitting on the fly is a handy skill for a GM.
so is the ability to role play.
So is the ability to play a Game.
Do the Mercer route for inspiration
Ask the player what he's going to say to "persuade / intimidade / inspire" that person and either give advantages or disadvantages depending on their role play, or even go as far as "demoting" their dice (instead of a d20, he gets to roll a d12, or a d12 and a d4)
I never expect a player to be charismatic, but I expect them to have an idea of what their character would use as leverage in the conversation. If they walk up to a group of guards and try to just roll diplomacy to get past, it'll pretty much amount to "Please let me through. Please." But if they say they're going to bribe the guards, or claim to be guards themselves, or generally act proactive with their attempt, I'll often give them bonuses. I can't stand it when people just ask to roll diplomacy without any sort of context.
Or it could amount to them convincing the guards that they are a higher ranking official and they forgot something inside and need to retrieve it.
Also, you have to understand that not everyone is as clever or intelligent as the GM (should be). You can't take the game too seriously. It is a game after all.
>>Half the party is made up of races that are supposed to be rare to mere rumors simply because the DM doesn't want to fight these players on their shit
Nothing wrong with this, adventurers are not normal people so it's okay if the party doesn't represent local demographics.
"You're very convincing. That might have worked if I didn't have... this!" BBEG reveals macguffin and summons an army of lightning zombies or w/e.
You can also use it as an opportunity to reveal some info to the players even if the "persuasion roll" fails.
>Horde of goblins attacking party
>"I try to persuade them to stop fighting because they have no chance of winning. Nat 20."
>The biggest goblin says "We have no choice! You may be powerful, but the Goblin King does not tolerate surrender. He would strike us down with his burning mace and torture out families if he found out. No, we must fight!"
As long as you have a good reason, I don't think there's any issue with disallowing social manipulation rolls from the players. But if you don't have a good reason, why not let them succeed?
Also, make sure that there's consequences for failure (which are worse than not attempting the roll). If you try to negotiate the price of a potion and fail, the potion seller may become offended by your poor manners, and throw you out of the store.
This guy gets it. You seem to be a great GM, user.
>I knew you didn't know the answer
>Implying there was a answer to give
Check mate,namefag. Come back when you're high enough to kneel when giving a bj.
>Guys im so cool
>See, I own a car!!!
Fuck off and die
Seriously? Damn, why are there actually anons on tg that don't know Orc culture?
Orcs believe that everything in existence was once made by their ancestors and stolen by other races. And they see it as all those things are rightful their own to be reclaimed. That is why they all raid and kill.
Why car is it, user?
I'm soon to play in my first Adventurers's League (5e). My character is a True Neutral merc veteran who really just goes with the flow and is pretty greedy. I'm kind of basing him off of Bronn from GoT. Will this be appropriate/not cringy for my first league game?
Bronn is fine. He's slightly generic in personality. Now, if you based him on Jon, Jamie, or so forth, then you might have a problem. I say go for it. Just don't make his name something similar.
Souns cool to me,user. Perfectly appropiate,using your own words. And as long as you don't get all backstabby or use your alignment to fuck up the party's plans (without any good reason apart from that,you see) I'd love to be bros with your not¡Bronn.
Thanks. I was thinking making him amoral but really just go with the party whatever they do, but try and further his personal needs whenever the option is there. (not trying to fuck over party members).
Seriously? Damn, why are there actually anons on tg that don't know tripfag culture?
Tripfags believe that every thread
was once made by their ancestors and stolen by Anonymous. And they see it as all those things are rightful their own to be reclaimed. That is why they all shit up threads with their special snowflake faggotry.
Kind of amusing. Touché.
>You can also use it as an opportunity to reveal some info to the players even if the "persuasion roll" fails.
THIS. Excellent GMing advice!
Usagi Yojimbo is legit cool though. It's basically a period comic about samurai but with animals.
If it has the right curves I don't care, I'm finding a way to stick my dick in it, come what might.