G1 vs Esper Deathblade
Kept Underground Darkwater Catacomb Signet Transmute Force Strix Tezz AoB on the draw
Opponent goes T1 Underground Probe DRS.
I run out Darkwater, that way if I get Wasted I have a land that produces mana.
Opponents T2 he Wasted me, then Therapies for Force, taps DRS to exile Darkwater and Flashes back Therapy for Tezz, I'm convinced this was a huge misplay on his part.
I draw into a Delta, fetch for an Island and pass.
Opponent goes land pass
Play Strix, drawing Tezzeret the Seeker
Strix beats for a few turns, opponent delves out a Gurmag.
End up resolving Tezzeret the Seeker, -2 for Thopter Foundry, beat with Strix, 1 mana up.
Opponent goes in with Angler, sac a Signet for Thopter and chump
-2 for Sword and opponent concedes and leaves room.
G2 vs Miracles
Mulled to 4, ended up with a 1 lander with a Signet and a Chalice, this game is a bit fuzzy as to the details. Scryed a Tezz AoB to the bottom.
Opponent goes T1 Taiga SDT
I cross my fingers and draw, no land, play an Island
Opponent goes T2 Snow Island spin Top
Draw, no lands, concede.
Conceded because Miracles matchup needs to be won early, I botched that but I didn't give away what deck I was on, though I knew what he was so I could sideboard better.
-2 Ensnaring Bridge
-1 Engineered Explosives
-1 Trinisphere
-1 Thopter Foundry (Terminus hoses)
+1 Pithing Needle (Hits SDT and JTMS)
+1 Notion Thief (Spicy)
+3 Flusterstorm (Hits Daze, FoW, Councils Judgement ect.)
Keep City, Underground, Signet, JTMS, Transmute, FoW, Notion Thief.
T1 City Signet
Opponent goes Island SDT
T2 Underground, slam JTMS, no counter.
Rest of game is Jace +2 while I protect it, only threat I percieved was Councils, ended up not finding one but tried to Venser it back to my hand, had to blow Force.