Welp. Women are here. Death spiral confirmed. Whats out next get rich quick scheme?
Welp. Women are here. Death spiral confirmed. Whats out next get rich quick scheme?
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How tf does she know who Satoshi is
hahahahahahahaha i bet that bald headed fucker is a jew
tiny sliver of hope and gratification from god knowing they can get as much materialistic shit as they can get their jew hands on but their DNA will always be shit
Fucking bitch should know her place. She just parrots whatever she hears crypto accounts on twitter say. Not really understanding anything.
>for the revolution to thrive we need more women on the team
We seem to be doing fine without them.
Just short any crypto that has a diversity quota, you'll become a billionaire
Love a good cross eyed whore. Easy on the teeth, though....
I woudlnt be surprised if ((they)) choose a women Coin to push. It is
bit on the nose, but maybe we should buy Women Coin now.
>3.91 BTC or 8.91 BTC
Is this any industry or hobby that has actually become "better" in any way as women flocked towards it?
>Whats out next get rich quick scheme?
Canadian weed companies.
top fucking kek
Women literally ruin everything they touch. Better get out of this space while you still can /biz
What a great scam, gotta keep my eye out for this.
oh cool im glad they are here, women are much more gullible and easier to con out of their dollars. welcome in , ladies.
She sucked him off & probably gave him the herp with her crusty meat flaps.
More importantly. WTF is SETLcoin by Gold Sachs?
whores accepted crypto as payment early! respect us!
Hmm... girl power coin. I like this angle. Empowerment for women and coins. Buy them for your daughters and wives and sisters and mothers.
Just wait until they start the fake rape accusations against your favorite developers. Men need to man the fuck up and put women back in the kitchen making babies where they belong.
Exactly, just need the right branding.
someone invent yasscoin and PND
>more people get in
>they bring in more money
>the price goes up
>you make money holding
>this is somehow a bad thing
they already did it to tor
That looks just like my dick!
Are you me?
These are the type of women I hate. The girls that find a fad that is dominated by guys learn a tiny fraction of what it's about and just parade about how they're unique and special. "Hehe see I'm just like one of the guys I'm a gamer!" Now it's fucking Bitcoin bitches who think knowing basic knowledge about crypto is the craziest thing ever when most guys here do not give a shit.
god i hate women
This. I've been selling my gains to get a decent position in mj. I'm honestly curious if anyone else has a timeline for entry? I'm aiming for March but I just picked an arbitrary time.
>Incoming crash confirmed
I'm moving all my savings in MUSICOIN.
Fuck those whores.
Women are how i know its about to turn to shit
See: gaming
>TFW I short every coin developed by a majority-female team
Lambo status incoming
>Fucking bitch should know her place. She just parrots whatever she hears
welcome to all women. I am more and more convinced they are all just parrots.
The look on my face when you talk about the difference between X11 and SHA256 is because 99% of us men in cryto don't know the fucking difference.
We only care about getting rich you dumb cunt!!
my fucking god... WHO fucking cares about what an obnoxious retarded woman thinks? WHO the FUCK cares? "muh opportunity for woman" "muh theory about something" "look at me I'm a woman and I'm so intelligent, please, give me attention!!" fuck off little shit.
God why are woman so insufferable?
plus they absolutely love buying bags
anyone wanna help make WomanCoin so that we can set things right in the Cryptosphere
“Women pay 77% as much!”
Make it happen pls
yeah, i literally just sold my first .2 btc ever
if women didn't have vaginas we'd hunt them for sport
Women are just memes you can put your penis in.
Literally I only go out w the chick I do otherwise I’d spend like 95% w your assholes and checking Blockfolio. By w her at least I’m banging and not looking at fucking cmc
why does she feel the need to show her ugly bitch face in front of her ugly bitch portfolio.
Women are wonderful, amazing in fact. they can be creative, loving, nurturing and brilliant all at the same time. they are great unless they try to get into politics. Politics is about defence and protection of a position or interest. Not for saving the world and caring for others. that is the number one mistake being made today. That is what charity is for. Women in politics only distract men from the important stuff as the guys end up dropping everything to help the women at the expense of everything!
So yeah, I don't give a shit apart from that. they won't be able to out autist the guys in a numbers game 99.9% of the time anyway so whatever. Same with politics, the only effective female politicians are basically men with tits. Not like Merkel, like Thatcher. Cold and ruthless plus pretty autistic and uncharitable while also not being easily insulted and given over to emotion. This includes politicking in the office and social media too, stay out of it ladies, not for you.
>not going for the guaranteed roastie trap
>he doesn't know about crypto kitties
Studies have repeatedly proven that women are better traders and more financially savvy than men.
They have superior long-term thinking and will make more profit on average.
If more women enter the crypto space, this will be good.
1/10 made me reply
Not hard to believe. Look at all the pink wojaks. Most guys here are goddamn shitcoin pump-chasing morons.
>don't know the difference between X11 and SHA256
>don't even know what they are really
>still got rich
Still a woman. She's going to sell at the worst possible time.
Didnt know this was a cringe thread
Don't believe me? Read this.
Gender don't mean shit in the market. I don't see a M/F next anything. Welcome to a man's world were the only thing that maters is performance and no one's going to save if you fuck up.
Because there at home all day with a safety net at work?
It's kinda cringe she even mentioned it. The two are not comparable. SHA is a hashing algorithm and X11 is a windowing environment on linux.
This... case in point powr.
why do you panicking fags think some normies buying 0.02 BTC is going to suddenly crash the market
2 million normal fags buying .02 and panic selling might do it
Brothels. That's about it.
roasties and thots
not even once
we need to use crypto to run ai sexbots ala blade runner if ya digg, then theyll finally be off our backs and we can realize massive godlike gains
>whoever figures out how to bring women into this space will make a bajillion dollars
why doesn't she do it then?
women were a mistake
Fucking hell, I need to make a feminist coin and say it's for anarchists or some shit, sell when it's high and laugh to the bank.
Too bad I'm not smart enough.
Confirmed, Bitcoin will crash by Monday, fucking sell, sell, sell!!!! It's cancer!!!!
True. As it stands, I just hunt their vaginas for sport.
Some banking bullshit
Id titty fuck a mermaid
nope nope nope nope
Fuck pls at least some time to drop alt bags
top jej
Damn y'all got a lot of insecurity and hate in your heart. It's fuckin sorry and disgraceful to REAL MEN. You need to get laid. Stop hating on the opposing gender because you're too socially inept to navigate a conversation
>we start talking and
That's a good place to stop lmao
Although I have to give her credit for seeing the 90% stat as an opportunity rather than victimhood.
She literally used a second device to take a picture of herself with a device. Rather than, you know, taking a fucking screenshot.
The roastie knows no other argument other than
>muh pussy
Sell sell sell boys
>Whats out next get rich quick scheme?
Tulips. The wheel always comes back around. Also, bitches love flowers.
>hurrrrrrrrrrrrr i read 3 wikipedia entries and 1 article that makes me smart looool
The best trader on trading view is a woman. Meanwhile Veeky Forums is full of wojaking perma virgins who buy high and sell low.
Oh go ahead and make your femcoin already so I can get rich off of you dumb whores.
I sold bitcoin last week and went in 100x leverage on bitbean.
Don't worry. The roasties will come, and once the market budges enough, all the normies and roasties will panic sell and drive the price of bitcoin down to mere pennies. THEN WE STRIEK
There is nothing wrong with wanting women to know about Bitcoin
pajeet in the sheets
diarrhea in the streets
>waaaaaaaaa womyn are not 50/50 represent in programming/crypto/physics/electronics pls men pls do something we womyn are strong just like you
>Whores demanding respect
Whores don't get a second chance.
Yes we NEED more women, so we are going to be able to steal their bitcoin since they're fucking stupid like all women.
Fucking go back to the kitchen
underated fucking kek
Women stop maturing emotionally at age 17. Educating them is a giant fucking waste.
We /r9k/ now
I talk to my girlfriend about crypto a lot, she just gives me some of her money each month to buy shitcoins on her behalf.
Women are naturally risk averse while men are risk takers (unless nu-male), therefore it is pretty obvious why fields such as finance, investing and technology startups are dominated by men.
Women are trend followers. now that bitcoin is on the MSM they want in. Sure, that'll be 20000 USD per bitcoin!
>oh no women have found our secret club and are buying crypto making the price go up
>how fucking horrible