The Alt Coin ride is over

guys, all these shitcoins are now adjusting to new valuations relative to the BTC price. Don't expect the prices to go back up to anywhere near were they were before this massive bitcoin bull run. Can you accept that? It's over.

no i cant accept that. if thats true, then its time to die

>all these shitcoins are now adjusting to new valuations relative to the BTC price
So much of portfolio just fucking evaporated in a couple weeks and it's never coming back. It kills me inside.

When you sow shitcoins, you will reap pink wojaks

Yep. That's what I was worried about.

Ethereum bull run in 2018 is going to make this look like a joke. When POS and sharing come to fruition, hold on to your fucking pants.

Why are they going to die

It's not like all their development teams were made bankrupt and they went and vanished

Stop being fooled by bots and whales, nobody could predict what happened now and you won't be able to predict what will happen in a years time

But user, SALT is a shit coin and I have 4k of them @ 1.50? I see no pink wojacks, only smileys

I like when my coins dip so that I can accumulate more with my pathetic wagey paycheck.

It's not that they're going to die, it's that they're never going to reach their past BTC values. If you buy now you'll probably see a profit, but if you were holding alts through all of this you're never going to get back what you lost. ETH is never going back to .15 sats because .15 sats is far more valuable than it was back in June and looks like it will only continue to increase in value.

Sharding is 4-5 fucking years away. Cat apps are going to clog the network until then and eth is going in the shitter. Zilliqa will be up in running in 6 mo...

btc is slow and expensive. who cares.

This is what I don’t understand. Btc will NEVER be globally adopted. It will NEVER be used as a means of transactions in the form of business to business- even small buisness. It’s a a store of value, and it’s hard to even justify that as the volatility doesn’t really make it a safe place to store it— but back on point to it never being globally accepted—- everyone will always exit to fiat. So whether or not the btc ratio gets destroyed doesn’t even matter. In the end total realized gains in fiat matter. If I lose out because I chose not to invest in btc while it was pumping then I lose out. A 35% gain is a 35% gain, no matter which crypto I’m in

Thanks for the FUD, just bought 100k alts.

They will go up if bitcoin stops being bought at this rate and then the ppl holding btc while alts tank will come in and buy your cheap bags. BTCs volume is already decreasing for today... tomorrow is another day though... sigh. Fucking bankers.

none of you people have vision of the future. iota and monero are here to stay. bitcoin will blow up one day, and all the shitcoins will die, except for monero and iota. bitcoin will survive, but will be surpassed by iota and monero at that point.

>spend months successfully day trading alts and turn 0.5 btc into 4 btc
>go in all alts for some retarded reason
>now down to 0.8 btc

Am I screwed? What do?

Someone please explain why the relative satoshi value matters at all.

Nxt goin up tho so...

I traded 70% of my shitcoin Lulz portfolio for BTC today.
Only been a few hours and I already regret not dumping the other 30%.
When an user can't even stick true to his lulz folio in the face of the bitcoin dragon the train ride is not over
The train has crashed.

Well user there is the rope...

Because it is a big fuck you every time you check your potfolio. Yeah sure those 10% gains are great, but if I had just held normiecoin I'd have 50% more right now.

The only thing that keeps me positive, is the idea that due to all this new money, more money will flow into altcoins when bitcoin stagnates.

fucking hold, obviously. what're you gonna do, repeat all your hard work all over again?

all in on bch now

Let me guess, you want us to buy iota and monero right? Not ltc or eth or ark, iota and monero plz sirs, buy in yobit sirs good coin plz buy sirs and madams have good day sirs.

Telling people who know BTC is a overvalued shitcoin that they need to care about relative satoshi value is like telling an athiest he is going to hell.

When futures suck up the volatility and the price of BTC stabilizes, the risk-seeking money will move to the alts you dumb fuck.

Lightning network.

I don't care what you buy. I'm just sharing a word of wisdom. Monero is the best blockchain based currency. Iota has the potential to be the best crypto currency in general.

Ethereum is a failed project. They're trying to save themselves with their PoS system, which will bury them. They try to be everything at once, and end up being nothing.

Don't look at what people are promoting, look at actual use case and technology possibilities of any crypto currency.

Well it kind of makes sense to be on a privacy coin and a datamining coin at the same time. All angles covered :^)

that day is far enough away that I will be able to accumulate more before it finally happens :D

They are btc pairs so even if $ comes back their valuation still changes.

>this tech doesn't work and nobody really uses it
>instead of adopting one of the many superior alternatives, let's create a tech layer on top of it for the sole purpose of holding on to the inferior tech

Lol. Monero is going to moon in 2018. In 5 years it will surpass bitcoin as #1 currency and store of value. Eth will increase drastically in value as will NEO, and a few others most of biz probably doesn’t hold.

This. I'm buying up as many good shitcoins as I can right now. I have normies asking me about BTC left and right wondering how to invest and if it's too late. None of those fuckers even know what an alt coin is! There will be sooo much alt growth by the end of 2018 into 2019 your face will melt with all the gains. If you are in alt coins right now you will make it as long as you aren't a total fucktard.