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Bikes and Jetbikes are Fair and Fun Edition

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First for fuck xenos.

Second for post game pics

I'm getting in to the 40k community with some mates and want to see what your everday shit looks like

>Second for post game pics
I really want to get a better camera so I can take shots of my games worth taking.
Also keep forgetting to take a picture of my full list when its displayed before deployment.

Atia said mid june
>- Tzeentch Arcanites, Thousand Sons, Daemons of Tzeentch. #YearOfTzeentch (btw, don't take the year as year but more as ~12 months lol). Also, these aren't next in line, so again, don't expect this tomorrow...

Fourth for my camera is dicks and this picture is old

Game pics!!

Tau player? I wonder if he.... yep half painted army.

Yeah that is a pretty shitty image.

Is hat an OSC sitting outside the red line?

Are you Tau or Ravenwing?

Yeah and it was my first time facing Tau, he brought OSC with FSE and was doing some rule wrong with his movement that I can't remember now.

The important thing is that Tau hate facing my bikes now.

>Is hat an OSC sitting outside the red line?

An apocalypse battle from back in 4th

Game pics!! x2

>some rule wrong with his movement

Was it with the Coldstar? I could see fucking up FMC's.


Sideways because fuck phones!

Mmmm wrong picture.

No it was some old editions way of Taus Jump Shoot Jump shit, like he didn't roll for the 2nd movement he just got the full distance or something.

Looks like quite a time was had by all.


>My first match against Space Marines with my Ork Walker lists when I was super new
>Lol Drop Dread with a demi company and Ultramarine tactics

is that a dude?

Same match with my terrible orks deployed terribly.

Very glad I moved onto an army I like.


Of corsh

Scratch built monolith

No, just a flat chest girl.

How can I make thick stone buildings like the one in the foreground of this image?

>No, just a flat chest girl.

Packing styrofoam.

Literally polystyrene and + dirt, spray black and I think drybrush grey then lighter grey, my friend painted it!

How do I make the edges look so distressed? It doesn't look like knife strokes.

yeah, sure dude
>its totally not you in that picture

I think either just by snapping it or using your thumb to rough it up - made this tonight using a knife and my thumb. Dirt then paint next!

basilisk ontop some building. Without a way to get up there.

Potatoe scenery best scenery!

but, we cut with a wire and put bits that tear off back on with glue in a manner that resembles ruble.

yum yum

Your lack of faith is heretical!

Also Guardsmen Neopphytes! Back when GW sold them in boxes of 20!

No, but there are pictures of me in a maid outfit. Not my proudest moments, but sure as hell was a fun one.

Ahhh, this why there is a shovel in the tank accesories sprue???
You simply dug a ramp and, to prevent enemy approach removed the ramp later ?


The ingenuity and creativity of the Imperium!

This is what happens when you forget you don't have drop pods for a tournament and already sent the list for aproval. You make them the night before with scraps!

I hate when fagets moan about stealth suits not being painted.



I still have doubts
>mabye I wanted it to be you in the dress

My inner attention whore is tempted.

20 BT vs 300 Orks squad, oh apocalypse what a silly game.

>Not painting them as chameleonic with the base

New to 40k. Like the look of Grey Knights. Love that knight aesthetic.

How do they play?

That thing there... looks exactly as stealth crisis battlesuit then. Or maybe stealsis.

>stealth suit

There is a difference between painted black and just primed black user-chan.

If they don't follow the 3 colour rule they are not painted.

For when you roll a 1 on difficult terrain.

They have to play like scalpel due to low model count. They wreck shit in melee but shooting is lacking. You better like the baby carrier nemesis dreadknight because they are our best unit. Also cheap ml3 librarians are good. Allies make us better, especially space marines.

Has anyone ordered anything from Hero Forge? Are there similar websites out there? GW seems to have discontinued their female Inquisitor model.

I'm sure everyone would love that hahaha
>btw how are black templars?

>post yfw 36 warbikers

Raging Hero, Vinnies and a few others have some.

>field worst units with worst formation from one of worst codex
>surprised when you lost
I'm glad you're gone

>36 warbikers
Sorry I can't hear you over my 24 Black Knights with TL Plas and 9 Grav Bikers?
What's that?
Oh those are three darkshrouds that give stealth/fear and prevent overwatch within 6"
Did I mention the 2+ jink is rerollable?

I had a look at Raging Heroes a while ago and somehow missed that one. Will check out Vinnies now.

>Pick the army that lets me field most of the models I really like (the deff dreads)

I am glad I am gone too. It was an alright army to learn with but it definetly wasnt my playstyle once I figured out the game.

Selling them soon. I'm sick of marines, last game I play with them was at the start of 5th.

>3+ jink in open

Also I wouldn't play against a primer and purple army like yours faggot

Friendly reminder that there's nothing wrong with fielding 2 riptides on a 1250 points list.

>3+ Rerollable jink
>Black Knights are skilled riders with Ravenwing

Whats your point?

Their CCW is also +1s Rending and they have a pistol with a veteran stat line.

How do you even go about being a successful assault marine army in this edition?
Templar tactics seem very weird

Oh no! Muh feelings.

It is all painted to a table top standard and I don't always run full Ravenwing.

Sure, not if your opponent also has a strong list.

Part of me wants to say I play SoB, bring a cheap HQ and 2 naked troops and put 3 unbound storm surges at low points just to fuck with waacfags

So I just won a local tournament of about 10 people with a grey knight/ tau allies, it was just a shitload of ignores cover and they check eachothers weaknesses well, I didn't have a knight or other super heavy so I was playing at a disadvantage already.

What armies has Veeky Forums won games with that was more than unconventional?

I just love the idea of having troop slot Terminators.

Not a fan of the Nemesis sadly, the normal Dreadnaughts look so much better in my opinion.

Would it be possible to paint them as say, Black Templars, and play as Normal SM?

>grey knight/ tau allies
Super heresy

You don't, you give them to your local game store, so they can teach new players.

When they find out an army they want, they'll see the horror of having over 9000 different rulebooks are rules to play their IG army.

Please explain how that is a fair comparison.
24 grav bikes alone is almost 1k points while 36 warbikers are about 500-600
That's like saying
>well yeah I bring my 2 stormsturges 2 riptide allies and 30 scatlaser bikes and win lol get gud i2 fag

Not him but if it is the RW player from even I can see multiple colors in his shit-tier grainy image.

>implying your 36 bikers can beat my three warhound titans and the entire Ultramarines first company.

git gud scrub

I mean farsight befriended some weird ass spacemarine who may or may not be one.

Do we have a Deathwatch codex rules already?

Fair enough I thought 36 would be much higher than that.

So it would be more like 14 Black Knights which I would still prefer to the Ork Bikers. They spam AP2 and have BS2 Overwatch if they aren't jinking with TL Plas.

Though you are right, I shouldn't compare the best bikers in the Imperium to Orks.

Last time I faced an ork player he demanded I not gimp my list for him then got upset and quit turn three because he took too many losses.

>not doing wheelies up the warlord titans and running over the crew to death and looting it
Uz a git

It was hard making fluff, I figured it was a small band of farsight tau and the grey Knights just begrudgingly forced them to work together to kill a daemon, I'm sure they'll probably kill them after the mission is complete, at least report their activity to the deathwatch

templars are that bad?
thats a shame, I think they are as cool or cooler than steel confessors

>Last time I faced an ork player he demanded I not gimp my list for him then got upset and quit turn three because he took too many losses.
They're are 2 ork players. People who don't know what your doing and want people to have pity on them and are sore losers, or the ones that want to see shit blow up and are covered in super glue.
I'm the latter

Why unbound?
Just go for a Heavy Retribution Cadre.
So when you shit stomp them they won't even be able to bitch about "wahh unbound is broken"

I don't think it's so far fetched. Grey Knights hate daemons more than they hate Tau and they'd probably know that being psychically neutral the Tau are less likely to be corrupted and turn on them than pretty much any other species.

Definitely a lesser of two evils situation.

That is true, I could see the Knights seeing them as a tool but not as an ally to respect, they don't even respect other space marine chapters

>Would it be possible to paint them as say, Black Templars, and play as Normal SM?

Not effectively, biggest problem is GKs don't use the same weapons. Basic PA have Stormbolters + Force Weapons (effectively Power Swords)

To make them more akin to vanila marines you'd need entirely new sets of arms (for either bolters or bolt pistol/chain swords)

Terminators even have a problem due to their stormbolter arm is on the same side as a vanilla terminator's power fist.

>If you wanted to use GK models as Space Marines you basically need to have a second set of marine arms.

You sir are evil, I would let you harass my ass and genitals for a beer.

Grey Knights don't follow the Imperial Creed, as with other Astartes and are pragmatic above all else, save for their obsession with ensuring that Chaos corruption never gets a chance to spread amongst their ranks. During a war between two Inquisitors over whether to destroy or preserve an Eldar artefact to use, the Grey Knights remained completely neutral because they care not for anything beyond their duty.

If Grey Knights were upon a world with Tau and Chaos, providing Chaos was a greater threat and the Tau weren't actively interfering, the Astartes would definitely focus all their efforts on the Daemons. Maybe have their ships and auxiliaries deal with and/or keep an eye on the Tau themselves.

The Grey Knights are there to fulfil the objective and prove the Emperor's might against Chaos, everything else is a secondary consideration.

Considering Grey Knights took a shit ton of Spirit Stones from Daemons and then guarded them until they could pass them to an Eldar Craftworld... not really.

Grey Knights are pretty pragmatic. If you're against Daemons, not actively indulging in activities that will summon daemons, and not an immediate threat to the Imperium... they got better things to do than fight you (like banish more daemons three sectors away)

Summary is up on faeit.

I kinda like that, the Knights are so above all the imperium' problems, they were given one job by the Emperor himself, and that's to kill all the daemons and hold off the darkness that is trying to swallow humanity, nothing else matters to them.

That's another thing I think. The traitors hate thing is probably smaller, but it's just rumors so might be zilch

O shit waddup

Another shot of this flyer has popped up. It's a chubby looking baby.

Adorable fat baby :3 nyan~

This is from like 2 years ago. The guard are all painted now for what it's worth

How reasonable would it be for a Libby to survive on his own? Let's say he failed majorly, and his chapter decided to punish him by dumping him off on some planet to fend for for himself until a time the chapter finds a job perfect for him to atone for his sin? What are his chances of survival?

>Hurricane bolter

I asked a couple days ago with no answer so I'll ask again.

I'm looking for ways to make my terminator units that I'll be getting look a bit more of mystical knight but not just doing using grey knights heads.

Any suggestions?

ITT: We don't know how to scale down shit-grainy pictures.