What's a good generic catch-all term for really generic spooky -man monsters?

What's a good generic catch-all term for really generic spooky -man monsters?

I mean Boogeyman is the general one, but what about including a million other ones as different variations or sub-species of the general type? Something that could belong to any dungeon or even be summoned up or put into an army of monsters by someone demented or determined enough to gain power over them.


"Other" is a pretty good one

Sounds good/spooky enough?

I'm fond of the term "Cryptids,"

If you are not inventing a new name entirely then anything you will come up with is either mythological or memes.

I for myself humorously refer to local legend from where i live, blaming spooky happenings on the saci or a satan. No THE Satan, just a satan in general

just call them spooks


Wait, on what part of hueland they use Satan as the generic dude and not devil? Under there we use devil, and all the legends with them talk about "the red devil"

call then something simple, the most simple the better because it turns their description by the term really vague, like how we now call zombies "walkers" and the Fire and Ice call their things "others", use terms like that. Or add an adjective to people.

"Look out Timmy, the thin people will take you at night if you look at the window and squeeze you all up!"

"Dont walk in the woods at night, the wanderers might see you!"

But anything really will be terrifying if a player kinda maybe get into some sort of contact with it, or folk that believe in the idea of the thing.A thing called wetling might sound ridiculous until they discover its a legend of what happens to unborn childrem they dont make a sepulture to.

"Them/They", yeah nt terribly original but it does the job...






too broad

Just go the wiki and find a foreign name for boogeymen that tickles you or a tranlation

Children of the Dark






Cryptids, paranormal/supernatural entities/creatures, monsters.

We always just call them Spooks.


What's this image from?
If anything?

A game called 'Boogeyman' with action lines/distortion around it.

The game itself is a shitty Five Nights at Freddy's clone. Just so you know.

Spookaroni and meatballs

Missed an opportunity for "Spookaroni and screams."

Not a great substitution for "cheese," but "spookaroni" implies macaroni and meatballs implies spaghetti, which would probably work better with "spookghetti and meatballs."

But it's all clunky no matter how you try it out.

When my dad was a kid, his mom used to tell him about a creature/creatures that kidnapped naughty children. She always kept ot vague as to how many there were so you didn't know how many you were up against.

The species was called The Beckonarchy.

And when me and my Grandpa would play Super Mario World, he referred to the lava monsters as Snollygobblers. I liked it and called any monster that, up until I learned the real monster is "Snollygoster." So there is a couple of names for you.

Was thinking politicians, then saw your answer and chuckled.

Thanks user.

When I waz a kid, my friend told me his house was haunted by the ghost of a man named "Bally-Ball Weiner." That shit still cracks me up because I am a fucking 25-year-old child.

Call the head spoopster "Bally-Ball Weiner," OP.