Your research alone is not enough. You would need opinions from hundreds of people to get anything worthwhile. Do you know how few people are actually interested in giving you opinions about some specific game or system?
Oh, I didn't answer the query yet, it seems. Uhh... There are some, like my past game's attribute system (It's basically just a reversal of regular attribute systems, where skills define attributes rather than vice versa). I also come up with a handful of systems every day I want to include, but cannot because my game has a delicate balance as of now.
Anyway, /gdg/, I have a question. What is your opinion on additional character generation during game. Such as:
I gotta explain a little about my system first. So, there are three types of wounds your character can get, physical, mental and social wounds. Allright. And getting even 1 wound can drop your character out of a conflict, because that's how I've built the system. But gamewise, getting one wound is still a rather minor thing.
There needs to be an explanation. For example, say you take one wound and it drops you. The way how one drops from conflict is the player's own choice, but the jist is that they must at some point. The longer they hold it in the more serious it is.
Same with social and mental wounds. Because these ones are rather similar, a one-wound drop would actually mean something character-building-wise. Say, someone insults your mother (very original, isn't it?), you get one social wound and you suddenly drop.
This is a character moment. Maybe the way that character insulted their mother invoked something inside them, such as nostalgia or trauma, that makes the character lose their composure.
Giving the reins on "how" to the player, building the character is still in their hands, even though mechanically the game tells them to figure something out. They don't have to be some donut steel -level backstory things, they are just additional details.