Started new job this week

>Started new job this week
>Working in office with like 5 hot blonde girls
>Extremely bored
>Decide to whip out crypto portfolio on computer
>Now scheduled to give private trading lessons to each girl individually

>One girl's cuck boyfriend gets jealous and says crypto is a scam
>she says "Don't worry about him he doesn't even know what he's talking about with this. I just bought some Bitcoin last night."
>What's everyone talking about?
>Have you met user? He's a fucking genius

Holy shit Veeky Forums. No larp. Nobody tell /r9k/ about this.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a faggot and a cuck


Also fucking normies are 100% in crypto. That time has long passed. It's a real bubble now.

I can't believe this worked. They think I'm a rich supergenius working a low-end job for kicks.


I too have a haram. its made up of qt loli looking 30 year olds and thery are magic powers

>Also fucking normies are 100% in crypto. That time has long passed. It's a real bubble now.

I'm so aware. Except I'm not around any hot girls to show crypto to. One of my friend's dad asked me to show him how to use Poloniex though. I told him to just hold bitcoin.

>monday morning
>Chad, lets decapitate this guy i lost 20k because of his internet "smart" haha contracts
what are you gonna do?

I believed normies were in crypto since May of this year but I never really saw what Veeky Forums was talking about today. 9/10 blonde girls saying "lol I just bought some Bitcoin yesterday for fun last night. My boyfriend said something about it so..."

I had no idea it was THIS bad. No wonder Bitcoin is so overbought by every metric the past day and a half. It all kind of makes sense now.

>when it pops for a while and they come for your head

I accidentally told them I made like 200k out of just 5k or so this that's what got their attention.

I fucking told them to sell and I'm set to give them all real, free trading lessons.

I don't own bitcoin. I made all my money through other coins and sold. I didn't tell them to buy anything. I'm not some fucking "buy and HOLD" retard, I actually know what the fuck I'm doing.

>not selling bcc to normies at a "discount" saying its btc

Kill urselves. All of you.

I'm not gonna fucking scam my coworkers. I have serious trading strategies that have made me good money in this market this year and I'm just sharing them. No liability.

Suuuureeee this is whats happening. This is why the price is so high n ormies moving millions and millions of dollars suuuuuureeeee

It is. Are you fucking kidding me? Go out and talk to anybody about it. This is exactly what's happening.

These people openly admit to knowing NOTHING about the technology too.

Care to share? Imagine I am a hot blonde.

Be honest though, would you personally waifu these girls if they only love you for your btc, or just fug them?

I wish i could take pride in this bull run, but holding a bunch of LINK here

Send nudes

If you were rich, you wouldn't have coworkers.

BTC is way WAAAY overbought on the daily RSI (like 94), and way outside the bollinger bands on the daily chart. Just calm down and wait for the bubble to pop.

Logic went out the door 3 weeks ago

When it corrects, there wont be anything left for u to scoop up