I'll just get right to it with nation stats.
Forgotten Colonies 1.5- Game Start!
Other urls found in this thread:
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Thralls: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I]
Magic: [Blood II]
[Edible Workforce]: As well as being a food supply, the thralls of Blatrek can be put to work (One action/turn). However, if they dissapear, not only do the vampires lose their foodsource, but they are forced to work themselves. Contrary to popular belief, Nibiru's vampires are neither strong nor smart, just bloodsucking. [Penalties to all rolls when Blatrek has no thralls available]
[Coveted Power]: Obsessed with ley-power as they are, the vampires are exceedingly good at harvesting it, though their methods to require their nodes to be further away from each other than other nations.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I]
Magic: [Necromancy II]
[What's a city?]: The warhost is exceedingly good at conquering, less so at building. They can take more territory before they need to stop, but building structures is more costly and time consuming.
[Varied Host]: The Warhost is home to many 'evil' things, of all shapes, strengths, and sizes. Depending on the recruitment (roll), the warhost might end up with a towering giant, or tiny goblin.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I] [Raftbuilding II]
[Sea Legs]: The Niron have evolved walking on their floating seaweed-city, and are used to the flowing ocean beneath their feet. Their naval units are stronger, but any terrestrial units they may field are clumsy and awkward.
[Floating City]: Floating on the water, the Niron don't have to worry about the dangers others face, but expansion requires a supply of building materials.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II][Metallurgy I]
[Unified]: Twenty barbarian tribes make up the Volden- but old hatreds run deep. However, if they can work together, the Volden are very powerful militarily.
[Backwards]: The Volden are backwards, even by this new Nibiru's standards, and they have a harder time working out technology. However, their tribal lifestyle has led them to many discoveries about the world around them.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II] [Agriculture I]
[Traditional]: The Kashiragi rely heavily on traditions, and shun new things. New technologies are weaker than normal, but if the Kashiragi have known them for a time, they are stronger.
[Warrior Elite]: The Kashiragi military relies on the warrior elite, and shuns the common peasantry. As they have a smaller population to pull from, training military costs more time, but they are stronger.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II] [Tactics I]
[Musclebound]: Tsabosi are naturally strong, but their bulk requires increased food consumption to sustain.
[Intelligent]: Tsabosi are also intelligent, and are able to grasp new technology quicker. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the irrational, namely ley-magic.
[Pure Ocean]
>Might want to pastebin that fluff, friend :^)
Pop: 10 (+3/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Wizard-mystics]: The Church of Pure-Ocean is run by the priestly elite, to whom ley-magic holds all the answers. Magic research gets a bonus, but technology research takes a hit.
[Dangerous Bounty]: The seas of this Nibiru teem with life, and the Church has a much easier time harvesting food. But the ocean is a dangerous place, and many creatures on the island come to the shoreline to drink...
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Shapeshifting II]
[Mission of Discovery]: The denizens of Madness are obsessed with regaining the technology of old, but as a consequence, tend to miss things about the world around them.
[Shapeshifters]: The slimes of Madness can shift their form to accomplish many different tasks... however, for some reason, the predatory wildlife of their home find them extremely tasty.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Scouting II]
[Women Warriors]: The women of the Sanar Duchy make up most of the military, but are only half the population. Recruitment is harder, but military units are stronger.
[Class-based]: Each turn, power can be given to either the craftsman Vidar or merchant Rashu, in order to accomplish like actions. However, favoring one will negatively impact the other.
Pop: 10 (+3/turn)
Food: 10 (+3/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Stealth I][Poison II]
[Guerrillas]: Stealthy and sneaky is the way the Arachne do things. But getting caught in the open presents a massive disadvantage.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Doctrine II]
[Stupid and Strong]: The Ughlings don't understand technology very well, but are physically strong.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Laws I][Cavalry]
[Blessed by Ariaka]: Ariaka has taught the men of Ariak the power of the leylines. While hard to master (the Empire demands protection), it is less costly then normal.
[Dragonriders]: The elite unit of the Ariak Empire is the Wingless Drake Cavalry. While harder to train, they are stronger than other cavalry.
[Holy Order]
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Technology Worship]: The holy order is fascinated by all things technological, and gets a bonus to studying it. However, they aren't very interested in much else.
[Western Tribes]
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Stonecarving I][Domestication I][Infantry I]
[Beastmasters]: The half-feather tribe excels like no one else in taming and training the native Nibirian life- however, the process is very dangerous. {Bonuses to domestication, though critfailing it is much deadlier}.
[Golden Realm]
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+4/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Farming II][Infantry I]
[Agrarian]: The people of the Golden Realm are farmers, not warriors. They easily farm and gain from the land, though their military isn't the best.
[Untouched Riches]: The land around the Golden Realm is rife with natural resources- if only the people cared. Gathering resources is harder, but produces more when successful.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+4/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Economics II][Infantry I]
[Builders]: The seas off the ports of Arilia are some of the roughest in Nibiru, so the people of Arilia have learned to build quickly and sturdily. However, the Arilians aren't very interested in technological research.
[Relics]: Some of Arilia's ancient buildings still stand, and the cultural significance of them makes them perfect candidates to turn into Wonders. However, the loss of them would be devastating to the city-state.
>Because you're on dark brown mountains, your color is black for visibility.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+1/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion I][Infantry I]
Magic: [Enchanting I]
[Slaves]: The orc slaves of Kedesh can be put to work on building projects, but the orcs are physically superior to their dwarven masters, and revolts can be deadly.
[Immaterial]: The dwarves of Kedesh don't really care for material wealth, instead preferring to focus on the pursuit of knowledge.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Sol]: Sol teaches confidence- perhaps an over-abundance of it. Military men and women of Bacatia receive a bonus to their rolls, but are less likely to come back on a loss.
[Luna]: Luna represents the pursuit of magical knowledge, but also reclusivity. While harder to expand, Bacatia finds it easier to study magic.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+4/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Economics II][Infantry I]
[Builders]: The seas off the ports of Arilia are some of the roughest in Nibiru, so the people of Arilia have learned to build quickly and sturdily. However, the Arilians aren't very interested in technological research.
[Relics]: Some of Arilia's ancient buildings still stand, and the cultural significance of them makes them perfect candidates to turn into Wonders. However, the loss of them would be devastating to the city-state.
>Because you're on dark brown mountains, your color is black for visibility.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+1/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion I][Infantry I]
Magic: [Enchanting I]
[Slaves]: The orc slaves of Kedesh can be put to work on building projects, but the orcs are physically superior to their dwarven masters, and revolts can be deadly.
[Immaterial]: The dwarves of Kedesh don't really care for material wealth, instead preferring to focus on the pursuit of knowledge.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Sol]: Sol teaches confidence- perhaps an over-abundance of it. Military men and women of Bacatia receive a bonus to their rolls, but are less likely to come back on a loss.
[Luna]: Luna represents the pursuit of magical knowledge, but also reclusivity. While harder to expand, Bacatia finds it easier to study magic.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Hunting II][Infantry I]
[Predatory]: Ursan military is stronger, but the native beasts of Nibiru recognize the Ursan as predators.
[Power-hungry]: The Ursan will rule this new world! The research of more warlike technologies takes precedence, while others fall behind.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II][Leadership I]
[Magic Obsessed]: The troll-king is obsessed with all things magic, though doesnt care for much of the technological side of things.
[Deadlands]: While the OGT are very good at expanding, they destroy most of the natural resources at their disposal.
actions are 3d100
Rolled 53, 74, 32 = 159 (3d100)
Nation Name: Warhost of the War Wizard
Race(s): Mutants, monsters, goblins and orcs. The scum of the earth
Color: Gray
Fluff: pastebin.com
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I]
Magic: [Necromancy II]
[What's a city?]: The warhost is exceedingly good at conquering, less so at building. They can take more territory before they need to stop, but building structures is more costly and time consuming.
[Varied Host]: The Warhost is home to many 'evil' things, of all shapes, strengths, and sizes. Depending on the recruitment (roll), the warhost might end up with a towering giant, or tiny goblin.
1. The time has come.
MINIONS! GO FORTH! Into the ruined places and the caverns and the ancient cities you shall search, and bring back to me technology of the past that we may rebuild the war machine.
>develop Ancient Archeology
2. The Wizard enters his chamber of sight, surrounded by row upon row of crystal ball and glowing screen from an ancient machine brougtht to life by magic. He seeks to peer his magical eye deeper into the world to find its ancient secrets
>develop scrying
3. To grow a fast horde, one must be able to feed them. The Wizard turns to his black magic, necromancy, to develop Blood Fruit.
The plant grows upon thorned vines that will try to ensare and slice a living prey such as a beast or a man, but then grows and feasts upon the corpse. Drawing blood and bile, it grows a Blood Fruit, whose flesh is akin to the flesh of meat, and rich in deep red human's blood, the better to feed his forcse.
>develop Blood Fruit magic
Change eccentricity- Magic Obsessed
[Tech Dependence]: The mad Troll-king might hoard magical items, but doesn't use them. The OGT are pretty technologically advanced, though.
Rolled 51, 40, 13 = 104 (3d100)
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II] [Agriculture I]
[Traditional]: The Kashiragi rely heavily on traditions, and shun new things. New technologies are weaker than normal, but if the Kashiragi have known them for a time, they are stronger.
[Warrior Elite]: The Kashiragi military relies on the warrior elite, and shuns the common peasantry. As they have a smaller population to pull from, training military costs more time, but they are stronger.
1. In order to increase harvests for the growing army, the shogun has ordered research and production on sturdier tools and implements.
>research Metallurgy
2. The countries that surround Kashiragi are many. The country must remain strong and above the competition. Those in the court have began to study new tactics in order to stay one step ahead of those who wish to do Kashiragi harm.
>research War Tactics
3. With the advent of a stronger military and tools, a serious knowledge of the land must be learned as well.
>further develop Agriculture
Rolled 39, 97, 37 = 173 (3d100)
Nation Name: Niron
Race(s): Aquans, human looking with better thermal regulation, finned hands and feet, greater lung capacity, and better eyesight. (Basically dolphin people)
Color: Blue
Fluff: Niron, the floating city. The Aquans were changed by Nibiru when they landed, become what they are today. They do not remember what they were before the cataclysm of legend. What they do know is that they landed upon after the cataclysm, a giant floating patch of seaweed. They made this seaweed their home the best they could, eating from it and fishing.
When they passed by shores they collected wood to expand their home. They learned to build structures waterproof and able to survive in the open ocean. They learned to build ships so they may move across the sea faster than they could swim. They learned to collect resources from the deep. Now nothing but farms remain of the floating seaweed cluster that was once their home so long ago, and the great floating city shall continue to expand.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I] [Raftbuilding II]
[Sea Legs]: The Niron have evolved walking on their floating seaweed-city, and are used to the flowing ocean beneath their feet. Their naval units are stronger, but any terrestrial units they may field are clumsy and awkward.
[Floating City]: Floating on the water, the Niron don't have to worry about the dangers others face, but expansion requires a supply of building materials.
1. It seems our stockpiles of building materials have run out. Send explorers to out to search for more.
2. As well have some divers search beneath the waves for any bounties that may lie beneath our feet.
3. See if we can scrounge up enough to support the building of another seaweed farm district. Food will always be good to have in surplus.
+raft building II?
Rolled 96, 84, 63 = 243 (3d100)
Nation Name: Kingdom of Madness
Race(s): Slimes
Color: Purple
Fluff: The stories of the Kingdom of Madness tells of a great land in the old Niburu, long long ago, ruled by a man only remembered as Mad, it is in honour of that man that the people of Madness named their lands. The people of Madness long to recreate the wonders of that man and his companions, to be able to shape life itself into whatever form they so desired. And so they study, they experiment, and they explore, looking for the long lost mysteries of the Mad who were their ancestors.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Shapeshifting II]
[Mission of Discovery]: The denizens of Madness are obsessed with regaining the technology of old, but as a consequence, tend to miss things about the world around them.
[Shapeshifters]: The slimes of Madness can shift their form to accomplish many different tasks... however, for some reason, the predatory wildlife of their home find them extremely tasty.
1) We must set up the most sacred of structures, construct a Lab! [Lab I]
2) Expand north, we need more room to grow
3) Search the land for ruins to investigate, our ancestors lived here, there must be clues to their lost knowledge
Rolled 65, 35, 80 = 180 (3d100)
Settlements: Midaho'an
Territory: 7
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [cavalry I][Scouting II]
[Women Warriors]: The women of the Sanar Duchy make up most of the military, but are only half the population. Recruitment is harder, but military units are stronger.
[Class-based]: Each turn, power can be given to either the craftsman Vidar or merchant Rashu, in order to accomplish like actions. However, favoring one will negatively impact the other.
>Class based: Vidar focus for this turn
1. While we claim a lot of lands, currently the only real city in the Duchy is Midaho'an. Thus we will send Vidar to scout our realm for suitable location for the next city. [Checking for resource in my land]
2. A nation need good maps for military and domestic affair, a good map is worth more than its weight in gold. [Create an explorer corp]
3. While not currently having a standing military if we ever are to sustain one we will need people to handle the supplies. [Develop Logistic]
Rolled 13, 45, 9 = 67 (3d100)
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+4/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Economics II][Infantry I]
[Builders]: The seas off the ports of Arilia are some of the roughest in Nibiru, so the people of Arilia have learned to build quickly and sturdily. However, the Arilians aren't very interested in technological research.
[Relics]: Some of Arilia's ancient buildings still stand, and the cultural significance of them makes them perfect candidates to turn into Wonders. However, the loss of them would be devastating to the city-state.
1) High Alderman Bencio di Alviado orders the construction of several orchards and vineyards in the outskirts of the city, charged chiefly with the growing of Pears, Apples, and Grapes. It is hoped that these foodstuffs will nourish the city and provide a decent base for trade.
2)Much of the infrastructure of Artilia lies in disrepair, and many of the bridges, sewers, and roads within the city are becoming dangerously unstable. Several noble families pool together the resources to mount a reconstruction campaign.
3)While the Maginarium of Artilia still technically exists, there has not been an arch-magus in nearly 200 years. Subseqeuently the mages have fallen to infighting and petty squabbling. Bencio organizes a tournament of magical skill in order to find a strong leader to restore the might of this arcane order.
Rolled 18, 6, 98 = 122 (3d100)
[Pure Ocean]
Nation Name: The Church of Pure Ocean
Race(s): Humans, Octogoblins (Goblin from the waist up, octopus from the waist down)
Color: Chartreuse
Fluff: pastebin.com
Pop: 10 (+3/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Wizard-mystics]: The Church of Pure-Ocean is run by the priestly elite, to whom ley-magic holds all the answers. Magic research gets a bonus, but technology research takes a hit.
[Dangerous Bounty]: The seas of this Nibiru teem with life, and the Church has a much easier time harvesting food. But the ocean is a dangerous place, and many creatures on the island come to the shoreline to drink…
By order of Prophet-King Angeloi:
1. The current imperative is to devise a magical means by which we can expand the church underwater. In this way should we run out of space for farming or housing, we can always settle the seabed.
2. Next, a survey of the flora and fauna of the island I have raised for thee is necessary. In the infinite wisdom of the spirit that occasionally sees fit to illuminate me, he has surely left some things for us to discover.
3. Finally, we must focus our engineering efforts on tapping the ley-lines of the island. I have heard tales of a faraway land doing so by means of mirrors. Perhaps we can do the same?
Commencing shitposting in 3... 2... 1...
Rolled 13, 28, 34 = 75 (3d100)
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II][Leadership I]
[Tech Dependence]: The mad Troll-king might hoard magical items, but doesn't use them. The OGT are pretty technologically advanced, though.
[Deadlands]: While the OGT are very good at expanding, they destroy most of the natural resources at their disposal.
1. We are currently utterly insufficient for our primary usage
Research [Slavery I]
2. The soldiers need a place to sleep and to train build up a barracks
3. Begin our first expansion into the mountains we will need the resources.
Nigga, what are you doing?
Is there a wiki page for this game or should I go check the archive and just try and learn how it works?
Baiting you
Rules: pastebin.com
Reading previous game would be helpful.
Nation Name: Bacatia
Race(s): High Elfs, Humans are the majority, but everyone is welcome (see fluff)
Color: Yellow
Fluff: pastebin.com
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Sol]: Sol teaches confidence- perhaps an over-abundance of it. Military men and women of Bacatia receive a bonus to their rolls, but are less likely to come back on a loss.
[Luna]: Luna represents the pursuit of magical knowledge, but also reclusivity. While harder to expand, Bacatia finds it easier to study magic.
1. The unbelievers must be brought under the wings of Sulis. Yet we are weak, and cannot remain so. By Lunas mercy we will understand her gifts and tame this wild Land.
> Begin researching the Lay-Lines. Maybe we can tap into their power with religious ceremonies and mystical secrets.
2. But what has Sol blessed us with? It might be a harsh land but we have to work with what we have.
> Check territory for resources
3. Sulis has blessed us with this land and this City. Bacatia must become the greates City this world will ever see, as a testament of our devotion!
> Begin research into architecture.
Rolled 19, 45, 38 = 102 (3d100)
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Doctrine II]
[Stupid and Strong]: The Ughlings don't understand technology very well, but are physically strong.
1.Ugh build temple to stupid! [The Ugh are building a massive temple to empower their religious doctrine of stupidity. This is fairly typical behavior.]
2.Ugh expand lots of territory good is good. Lots of territory expand. Stuff. [The Ugh are expanding. The Ugh are rather notorious for living even in the most inhospitable areas.]
3. Ugh priests figure out new methods of dumb. [The priest class of the Ugh is tasked with the prestigious goal of divining new methods of stupidity. According to them, only through stupidity can the Ugh grow strong.]
Rolled 32, 18, 5 = 55 (3d100)
Nation Name: Kedesh
Race(s): Dwarves, Orc slaves.
Color: Black
Fluff: The dwarven nation of Kedesh is a rigid theocracy dedicated to infernal deities who slumber deep within the earth. Its ruling caste, one part priest, one part sorcerer, and one part engineer, have learned to bind summoned demons into metal, using their might to power fearsome arcane machinery. The dwarves of Kedesh dedicate themselves to magic, science, and craftsmanship, leaving menial labor to their brutalized Orcish slaves. Unlike many of their kind, these dwarves care little for wealth, instead prizing magical and technological knowledge.
Settlements: Great Kedesh
Territory: 7
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+1/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion I][Infantry I]
Magic: [Enchanting I]
[Slaves]: The orc slaves of Kedesh can be put to work on building projects, but the orcs are physically superior to their dwarven masters, and revolts can be deadly.
[Immaterial]: The dwarves of Kedesh don't really care for material wealth, instead preferring to focus on the pursuit of knowledge.
1: Send out dwarven prospectors with teams of orcish slave miners out to search for ores.
2: Have our slaves begin construction of a great library to store our accumulated scientific and sorcerous knowledge.
3: Order our sorcerers to research methods for summoning and binding demons.
yo, madness. Mind if I attempt to open a trade route w/ you?
bacatia type dice+3d100 into the options bar just under your name in order to roll the dice.
Forgot my trip.
Rolled 26, 21, 89 = 136 (3d100)
Forgot roll
Trade? By all means, we could always use some more money. So let's be good neighbours and trade.
Good stuff. I'll devote an action next turn.
Rolled 69, 73, 66 = 208 (3d100)
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1 Voldenhof
Tech: [Infantry II][Metallurgy I]
[Unified]: Twenty barbarian tribes make up the Volden- but old hatreds run deep. However, if they can work together, the Volden are very powerful militarily.
[Backwards]: The Volden are backwards, even by this new Nibiru's standards, and they have a harder time working out technology. However, their tribal lifestyle has led them to many discoveries about the world around them.
1. We must begin construction on warrior halls so our men have places to sleep, eat, train, and equip themselves
2. I am sure it is in our unified tribal benefit to start seeking out any metallic resources in our territory and prospect them, we will need good iron weapons and tools if we are to prosper in this land.
3. Gather what men we have and expand outward, making sure to bring any neutral villages firmly under our control, I have no doubt stories of our customs will scare these people into joining our cause without needless bloodshed.
Because of the lack of technology, and the isolation it brings, everyone is not aware of everyone else; you'll have to go exploring unless you're close. Eyeball it- a bit longer distance than Madness and Artilia is a good start.
Or nearest neighbor is also a good rule of thumb.
Rolled 63, 18, 40 = 121 (3d100)
Nation Name: Artemisia Arvelum
Race(s): Arachne
Color: Silver
Fluff: The spiders of Artemisia Arvelum are hunters. The move across the land quickly and quietly, killing their pray with methodical efficiency. It was not always this way, ocne the lived in great cities of stone and metal, weaving tapestries with their webbing and webs of plots with their minds.
Now, after the ruin caused by the leyline distortion, the roam the lands trying to reclaim what little there is left of the old world with stealth, poison and arrows. After all spiders are greatest when they ambush their prey.
Pop: 10 (+3/turn)
Food: 10 (+3/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Stealth I][Poison II]
[Guerrillas]: Stealthy and sneaky is the way the Arachne do things. But getting caught in the open presents a massive disadvantage.
1. Go hunt for ruins, Ley nodes and anything else of worth from the old world.
2. Start unlocking the secrets of Archery
3. Build a Hunter's Den for our hunter to train in.
"Oi! You there!"
Upon an Ursan suddenly shouts two figures in ancient gas masks and rotted uniforms
"What're you lot doing outta line? Get back here!"
"Uhhhh, Iunno Herk, they don't look like our orcs.
"Shut up stupid, all orcs iz our orcs. Dey answer the War Wizards call ta war"
"But den why are dese boyz so different."
"Because they ain't known better ta go to war stupid."
"OI! You there! Ain't you boyz know there's a war going on?"
Rolled 32, 68, 35 = 135 (3d100)
[Western Tribes]
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Stonecarving I][Domestication I][Infantry I]
[Beastmasters]: The half-feather tribe excels like no one else in taming and training the native Nibirian life- however, the process is very dangerous. {Bonuses to domestication, though critfailing it is much deadlier}.
1) The tribes are united, yet in the recent conflicts we lost much of our strength, if we gather more local wildlife then we can replenish that strength. (Begin taming local wildlife)
>[Domestication I]
2) We claim to have mastery of beasts, yet our knowledge of them is limited beyond what we need, perhaps if we discover more of them it will help with our training methods (Begin research of [Animal Knowledge I])
-Note: This tech is intended to assist in the research of other animal-based technologies-
>[Domestication I]
3) While many of the tribes are united, many more still resist, yet only through unity way we find strength (Begin expanding and claiming territory to the west)
The group of orcs stands up wondering at the odd speech of the newcomers.
"Of course there is a war. There is always war. The troll king deems it so. Or perhaps you mean between yours and us. If so (the orcs draw weapons) then let it be so."
Rolled 45 (1d100)
"Oo's dis Troll King?
Only da Fuhrer commands da warhost! If you'z any wit us den you'z da enemy!"
>The Warhost Orcs draw their weapons for a scrap.
>Rolling for random melee!
Rolled 80 (1d100)
The orc looks at the others around him. And nods " You heard the hick boys. Go get em"
The fight between the War Wizard's orcs and the OGT orcs doesn't last long. It is exceedingly bloody and violent, and ends with one of the Warhost's orcs lying facedown in the grass, the other running for his life.
"M-my Fuhrer!"
"What is it, whelp."
"Orcs! Rival Orcs to the north of us. I s-saw it with my eyes. They krumped our boyz!"
"A rogue orc clan? This is unacceptable. Make ready the host, all orcs must be made to answer the call to War."
Rolled 79, 26, 76 = 181 (3d100)
-Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
-Food: 10 (+2/turn)
-Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
+Araban (Capital): 1
+[Infantry II]
+[Tactics I]
+[Musclebound]: Tsabosi are naturally strong, but their bulk requires increased food consumption to sustain.
+[Intelligent]: Tsabosi are also intelligent, and are able to grasp new technology quicker. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the irrational, namely ley-magic.
1. [Start on Armor I]
2. [Start a Stone Mine] (Should be easy in the mountains)
3. [Expand]
Archaeological research starts [2/4], as well as scrying research [2/4]. Blood fruits are being grown [1/4].
Metallurgical research begins [2/4], as well as tactical research [1/4]. No progress on the agricultural research, however.
The search begins for building materials [1/4]! And beneath the waves... lies a ley-node- a pretty sizeable one [+Structures: Ley-Node; Resource: 2 ley-power/turn]. There is just enough to build another seaweed farm; construction is ongoing [1/4].
A lab is built [Lab I], and the kingdom expands [+4 hex]! The land is searched [2/8].
Vidar scouts are sent out to search for resources [3/4 {Notice- population centers cannot be too close to each other}], and the explorer corp starts its training [1/4]. Logistics are being developed [Logistics I]!
The orchards do not grow in the desert sand, though the reclaimation effort begins [1/4]. Oddly, no one shows up for the first day of the tourney.
[Pure Ocean]
No underwater expansion- the fauna of the island seem to be hiding as well. But a large leyline is found, and tapped into [[+Structures: Ley-Node; Resource: 2 ley-power/turn]!
The OGT are bad slavers. But a barracks starts construction [1/4], and expansion efforts begin [1/4].
The priests of Luna begin divining the location of the nearest leyline [1/4], and no resources are found. Basic architectural designs near completion [3/4]!
There is no progress to the Temple of Stupid. But the Ugh start expanding [1/2], and new methods of dumb are in the works [1/4].
>Assuming you're using your [Slaves] eccentricity with first action. For future reference, put it with the action.
The search for ore begins [1/4], though the library and the summoning research shows no progress.
The first of Volden's warrior halls starts to go up [2/4], and some ore is found [Ore: 5]. The Volden's lands expand [+4 hex]!
The hunt for ley nodes begins [2/4], though the secrets of archery remain hidden. A hunters den is underway [1/4].
[Western Tribes]
A herd of small, lightly armored creatures are found, and brought back to the tribe [1/3]. Animal Knowledge research progresses nicely [2/4], and the Tribes begin to move west [1/2].
Armor research nearly completes [3/4], and a stone mine starts being dug [1/4]. The Kingdom expands [+5 hex]!
>Others will have a make-up turn. If I waited for everyone to post, the game would die before it even began :^)
Rolled 97, 69, 87 = 253 (3d100)
Race(s): Arachne
Color: Silver
Fluff: The spiders of Artemisia Arvelum are hunters. The move across the land quickly and quietly, killing their pray with methodical efficiency. It was not always this way, ocne the lived in great cities of stone and metal, weaving tapestries with their webbing and webs of plots with their minds.
Now, after the ruin caused by the leyline distortion, the roam the lands trying to reclaim what little there is left of the old world with stealth, poison and arrows. After all spiders are greatest when they ambush their prey.
Pop: 10 (+3/turn)
Food: 10 (+3/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Buildings: Hunter's Den (1/4)
Tech: [Stealth I][Poison II]
Resources: Hunting ley nodes (2/4)
[Guerrillas]: Stealthy and sneaky is the way the Arachne do things. But getting caught in the open presents a massive disadvantage.
1. Continue the hunt for ruins, Ley nodes and anything else of worth from the old world. (2/4)
2.This archery stuff is hard, but that makes it all worthwhile. Keep at it.
3. keep working on that Hunter's Den for our hunters to train in.
(1/4) on Hunter's den
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II][Leadership I]
[Tech Dependence]: The mad Troll-king might hoard magical items, but doesn't use them. The OGT are pretty technologically advanced, though.
[Deadlands]: While the OGT are very good at expanding, they destroy most of the natural resources at their disposal.
1. We are currently utterly insufficient for our primary usage
Research [Slavery I]
2. The soldiers need a place to sleep and to train build up a barracks 1/4
3. Continue our first expansion into the mountains we will need the resources. 1/4
Rolled 35, 57, 73 = 165 (3d100)
Nation Name: Warhost of the War Wizard
Race(s): Mutants, monsters, goblins and orcs. The scum of the earth
Color: Gray
Fluff: pastebin.com
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I]
Magic: [Necromancy II]
[What's a city?]: The warhost is exceedingly good at conquering, less so at building. They can take more territory before they need to stop, but building structures is more costly and time consuming.
[Varied Host]: The Warhost is home to many 'evil' things, of all shapes, strengths, and sizes. Depending on the recruitment (roll), the warhost might end up with a towering giant, or tiny goblin.
1. Continue researching the Blood Fruit Magic
[Necromancy II]
2. Summon forth the host! To war!
[Varied Host]: The Warhost is home to many 'evil' things, of all shapes, strengths, and sizes. Depending on the recruitment (roll), the warhost might end up with a towering giant, or tiny goblin.
3. Raise a unit of skeletons too, we need forces that will not drain our immediate food supply
[Necromancy II]
Rolled 62, 69, 90 = 221 (3d100)
Rolled 26, 29, 92 = 147 (3d100)
Settlements: Midaho'an
Territory: 7
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Structures: Government Building
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [cavalry I][Scouting II][Logistics I]
[Women Warriors]: The women of the Sanar Duchy make up most of the military, but are only half the population. Recruitment is harder, but military units are stronger.
[Class-based]: Each turn, power can be given to either the craftsman Vidar or merchant Rashu, in order to accomplish like actions. However, favoring one will negatively impact the other.
not completed: [Resource search 3/4][Eplorer corp 1/4]
1.Finish the land survey, we need to know what we're working with before looking to secure more land. [3/4]
2. The training of the Explorer corp continue, have a specialized scout force will help us in the future. [1/4]
3 Now that we have supply officers we need a location to house those supply until they are needed, as such we will build warehouses in our territory. [Build Warehouses]
Rolled 46, 27, 23 = 96 (3d100)
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 9 (+4/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Economics II][Infantry I]
[Builders]: The seas off the ports of Arilia are some of the roughest in Nibiru, so the people of Arilia have learned to build quickly and sturdily. However, the Arilians aren't very interested in technological research.
[Relics]: Some of Arilia's ancient buildings still stand, and the cultural significance of them makes them perfect candidates to turn into Wonders. However, the loss of them would be devastating to the city-state.
1)Efforts continue to rebuild the city infrastructure, stone and timber being imported from the west of Artilia.
2)If the harsh desert sands cannot nurture the Artilians, then land will be found that will!
>expand west
3)While the existence of the slimes to the east has been common knowledge for some time, for the first time a merchant caravan is assembled to travel to their kingdom. Led by the son of of the well know di Vandermeiss family, the caravan carries mostly preserved fish and odds and ends gathered from within the city.
Rolled 65, 97, 63 = 225 (3d100)
Nation Name: Niron
Race(s): Aquans, human looking with better thermal regulation, finned hands and feet, greater lung capacity, and better eyesight. (Basically dolphin people)
Color: Blue
Fluff: Niron, the floating city. The Aquans were changed by Nibiru when they landed, become what they are today. They do not remember what they were before the cataclysm of legend. What they do know is that they landed upon after the cataclysm, a giant floating patch of seaweed. They made this seaweed their home the best they could, eating from it and fishing.
When they passed by shores they collected wood to expand their home. They learned to build structures waterproof and able to survive in the open ocean. They learned to build ships so they may move across the sea faster than they could swim. They learned to collect resources from the deep. Now nothing but farms remain of the floating seaweed cluster that was once their home so long ago, and the great floating city shall continue to expand.
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 8 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1 (Niron)
Structures: Ley-Node
Tech: [Infantry I] [Raftbuilding II]
Ley-Power 2 (+2/turn)
[Sea Legs]: The Niron have evolved walking on their floating seaweed-city, and are used to the flowing ocean beneath their feet. Their naval units are stronger, but any terrestrial units they may field are clumsy and awkward.
[Floating City]: Floating on the water, the Niron don't have to worry about the dangers others face, but expansion requires a supply of building materials.
1. Continue searching for building materials. We can't do much without it. 1/4
2. Continue construction of the seaweed farm. 1/4
+Raftbuilding II
3. Now that we have ley line power we can fully utilize magic. Have the priests research how to call upon the power beyond they sky. Research Astral magic.
Pop: 13 (+3/turn)
Food: 13 (+3/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Buildings: Hunter's Den (1/4)
Tech: [Stealth I][Poison II]
Resources: Hunting ley nodes (2/4)
[Guerrillas]: Stealthy and sneaky is the way the Arachne do things. But getting caught in the open presents a massive disadvantage.
Fixing statsheet
Rolled 48, 60, 72 = 180 (3d100)
[Western Tribes]
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Stonecarving I][Domestication I][Infantry I]
Animal Gathering - [1/3]
Expansion - [1/2]
Animal Knowledge I - [2/4]
[Beastmasters]: The half-feather tribe excels like no one else in taming and training the native Nibirian life- however, the process is very dangerous. {Bonuses to domestication, though critfailing it is much deadlier}.
1) We have found a small group of armoured creatures, herd them back to the village . (Continue taming local wildlife) [1/3]
>[Domestication I]
2) We have discovered much about the animals of the plains, yet much more remains undiscovered, (Continue research of [Animal Knowledge I]) [2/4]
-Note: This tech is intended to assist in the research of other animal-based technologies-
>[Domestication I]
3) "the western villages resist, yet some voluntarily join us, we must continue expanding to bring unity.
An orc in the room, one of the chieftains of the other tribes, interrupts "I say we smash the gits" (Continue expanding and claiming territory to the west) [1/2]
Rolled 32, 45, 80 = 157 (3d100)
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II][Metallurgy I]
[Unified]: Twenty barbarian tribes make up the Volden- but old hatreds run deep. However, if they can work together, the Volden are very powerful militarily.
[Backwards]: The Volden are backwards, even by this new Nibiru's standards, and they have a harder time working out technology. However, their tribal lifestyle has led them to many discoveries about the world around them.
1. Build a mine, it is clear we will have large demands for iron in the coming months as we build our infrastructure and army we will need tools to do so.
2. Finish the warrior halls we were building, war is a way of life for us and we reqiure housing fit for an army of our stature [2/4]
3. Build some farms and orchards, we will need food to support the tribes we have assembled,but more importantly to feed our restless warriors, and keep them strong
Rolled 97, 52, 32 = 181 (3d100)
Nation Name: Kingdom of Madness
Race(s): Slimes
Color: Purple
Fluff: The stories of the Kingdom of Madness tells of a great land in the old Niburu, long long ago, ruled by a man only remembered as Mad, it is in honour of that man that the people of Madness named their lands. The people of Madness long to recreate the wonders of that man and his companions, to be able to shape life itself into whatever form they so desired. And so they study, they experiment, and they explore, looking for the long lost mysteries of the Mad who were their ancestors.
Territory: 11
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Structures: [Government Building], [Lab I]
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Shapeshifting II]
[Mission of Discovery]: The denizens of Madness are obsessed with regaining the technology of old, but as a consequence, tend to miss things about the world around them.
[Shapeshifters]: The slimes of Madness can shift their form to accomplish many different tasks... however, for some reason, the predatory wildlife of their home find them extremely tasty.
1) Let us test out our new lab, master shapeshifting further [Shapeshifting II ---> III]
-Buildings: [Lab I]
2) Set up a trade route with Artilia
3) Search the land for ruins to investigate, our ancestors lived here, there must be clues to their lost knowledge [2/8]
Rolled 12, 24, 75 = 111 (3d100)
[Pure Ocean]
Nation Name: The Church of Pure Ocean
Race(s): Humans, Octogoblins (Goblin from the waist up, octopus from the waist down)
Color: Chartreuse
Fluff: pastebin.com
Pop: 13 (+3/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Wizard-mystics]: The Church of Pure-Ocean is run by the priestly elite, to whom ley-magic holds all the answers. Magic research gets a bonus, but technology research takes a hit.
[Dangerous Bounty]: The seas of this Nibiru teem with life, and the Church has a much easier time harvesting food. But the ocean is a dangerous place, and many creatures on the island come to the shoreline to drink…
By order of the Prophet-King Angeloi:
1. It has come to my attention that efforts to expand our dominion to the ocean floor have been unsuccessful. This cannot stand if we are to survive and thrive. We must redouble our efforts on this task... (Underwaterhomesteading/Expansion/Aquadomes/whatever you want to call it)
2. It would appear that this island's fauna have been elusive, to say the least. For now, they can hide. Let us instead look for building and boat materials under the immediate coast as well as on land. (Search for wood and other building or buoyant materials)
3. Also of importance to our continued survival is a thorough knowledge of boating. I have visions of warships that can carry an entire village. It is imperative that we take the first steps towards realizing this glorious future. (Ships 1)
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry II] [Agriculture I]
[Traditional]: The Kashiragi rely heavily on traditions, and shun new things. New technologies are weaker than normal, but if the Kashiragi have known them for a time, they are stronger.
[Warrior Elite]: The Kashiragi military relies on the warrior elite, and shuns the common peasantry. As they have a smaller population to pull from, training military costs more time, but they are stronger.
1. Send scouts to the west for any resources or neighboring countries.
>Explore the west
2. Begin expansion to the south-west.
>Expand to the south-west
3. Continue metallurgical research
>Research Metallurgy
Forgot to update my stats:
>Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
>Food: 12 (+2/turn)
>Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Rolled 61, 27, 44 = 132 (3d100)
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+2/turn)
Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Doctrine II]
[Stupid and Strong]: The Ughlings don't understand technology very well, but are physically strong.
1.The temple is promptly abandoned in favor of improvised rituals that seem to make particularly idiotic ugh stronger. [Rituals of Idiocy -- Stronger soldiers]
2. The Ugh are setting up their typically disagreeable villages and other structures in the new territory. [The Ugh are expanding. The Ugh are rather notorious for living even in the most inhospitable areas.] {1/2}
3. The new methods and religious rituals move ahead. Everyone feels profoundly stupid. Moronic. But stronger. [Increased Stupidity 1/4]
Rolled 90, 82, 19 = 191 (3d100)
-Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
-Food: 14 (+2/turn)
-Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
-Territory: 12
+Araban (Capital): 1
+[Infantry II]
+[Tactics I]
+[Musclebound]: Tsabosi are naturally strong, but their bulk requires increased food consumption to sustain.
+[Intelligent]: Tsabosi are also intelligent, and are able to grasp new technology quicker. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the irrational, namely ley-magic.
+[Armor I] (3/4)
+[Stone Mine] (1/4)
1. Our men clad in copper or iron, the strength to resist that which cuts flesh. Imagine the strength, imagine that strength, that sleek design, accentuating the supple muscle of our warriors. [Armor I] (3/4)
2. We drill into the earth, collecting stone that will build us mighty fortresses in which to raise our troops! [Stone Mine] (1/4)
3. And in the end, all will be ours, we will conquer all land in our sights, for we are the mighty Alphamen of Tasabos! [Expand]
[P.S. On the last update I was marked as getting 5 land, but I'm totaling at 11 on the map.]
[Also I want to expand like this.]
Rolled 51, 23, 3 = 77 (3d100)
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Laws I][Cavalry I]
[Blessed by Ariaka]: Ariaka has taught the men of Ariak the power of the leylines. While hard to master (the Empire demands protection), it is less costly then normal.
[Dragonriders]: The elite unit of the Ariak Empire is the Wingless Drake Cavalry. While harder to train, they are stronger than other cavalry.
The Dragon Emperor was one of the most powerful men on Nibiru. Seated in the Burnished Throne he looked down on the empty throne room. He imagined it full of people. Sycophants, scheming Dragon Highlords, wealthy merchants, intrepid wanderers, all waiting on his words. Here, in this empty throne room, it was he who waited on another. Looking down at the empty room swathed in the seven colors of the Dragon Queen he pondered on those colors sprayed across wall and floor alike. Red, Black, Green, White, and Blue. The five colors of the Dragons birthed and ruled over by the Dragon Queen. He knew from having looked at the stained glass window how the claws of that five headed dragon rests on an orb split in twain by the two colors of bronze and gold - the foundation of Ariaka's empire: Humans and Draconians. As if summoned by his thoughts the chromatic light coalesced into the form of a woman whose beauty was beyond description. To this woman even the Dragon Emperor would kneel and on hands and knees he descended from the tall throne to kiss at the bare feet of the woman who had appeared through magic in his throne room. He would not look at her. Even this vaunted Emperor was not worthy to look upon his God.
"Your will, mistress?" He groveled.
"My brood needs more land for nesting. Tap into the leylines and beg Arcalgon for aid in developing a magic that you lesser beings can use."
1. Expansion
2. Build a Leyline Tap
+[Blessed by Ariaka]
3. Research [Dragon Magic I]
+[Blessed by Ariaka]
Rolled 22, 2, 6 = 30 (3d100)
annnd of course I forgot to roll
Rolled 79, 50, 52 = 181 (3d100)
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+2/turn)
Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I][Laws I][Cavalry I]
[Blessed by Ariaka]: Ariaka has taught the men of Ariak the power of the leylines. While hard to master (the Empire demands protection), it is less costly then normal.
[Dragonriders]: The elite unit of the Ariak Empire is the Wingless Drake Cavalry. While harder to train, they are stronger than other cavalry.
"Arcalgon will not aid us, my Emperor. He was disturbed from his rest, and it will be some years before he sees fit to aid us mortals in our task given to us by the Queen."
"Such is the will of the Dragons." Emperor Harkkon intoned. The others nodded zealously. "We will settle ourselves to other tasks in the mean time then.
The men and women of the Empire rush to fulfill the command of their Goddess.
1. Expansion
Construction of the Leyline tap near Xicrares
2. Keep building the Leyline Tap
+[Blessed by Ariaka]
The pits of Onoruk Ak'Sharum are notorious for their leyline corruption turning the eggs of the nesting red dragon Shardukar's harem into vicious and cruel Drakes. Long had they been opponents to the humans of Ariak before the Queen's blessing. Now they allow themselves to be ridden by choice few.
3. Recruit a unit of Drake cavalry
Nation Name: The Holy Order Of The Metal Goblin
Races: Holy Goblins
Colour: Green
Fluff: after the collapse of the old goblin race they became feral and tribal like until one of the more intelligent goblins decided it would be a good idea to go running about in the forest so when he did he found a old ancient building and when he went inside he saw old wondrous tech that his small brain couldn't comprehend so naturally he got all his goblin friends and when they saw the tech they were also puzzled by this but unlike their friend they started to worship these odd contraptions. When the goblin saw his friends worship such things he had a idea. Why not make some sort of profit out of this he thought to himself. So he tried to convince his goblin friends that he was the chosen one from the great big metal goblin that lived in the sky. Of course this worked cause goblins are stupid but anyway after awhile his friends started to get a many of the other goblin tribes to join the cult and so This goblin decided to lead these people into a great era and bring the goblin race to be a great nation once again and also he would get a lot of good stuff if he became leader. He was then crowned as kind and then given the title "Head Priest Tinkertek" named after the goblins new God who is believed to have created the old tech that the goblins worshipped.
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 7 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion II][Infantry I]
[Technology Worship]: The holy order is fascinated by all things technological, and gets a bonus to studying it. However, they aren't very interested in much else.
Rolled 32, 83, 34, 94, 66, 60 = 369 (6d100)
1-3) "what is yourz first order as King 'igh priest?"
"Ummmmmm expand across The island?"
"A good choice sir"
>expand across island
4)alright ladz me thinks ourz tribe could bez a bit bigger now so go and look for other gobbo tribez Dat wanna joinz uz and worship da big metal goblin!
>convert other smaller goblin tribes
5)alright ladz go into da jungle with all da trees and look for anything dat looks nice a shiny
>check territory for resources
6)see if you can find another temple place for our boyz to worship at
>search the land for a ruin
Just in case I'll spend 2 currency on action 2 to ensure one step of success.
6 currency on action 2
Been snooping around last thread. I heard you needed "conflict!"
Nation Name: Barbabrab
Race(s): Terribly mutated short human(oid)s who are both highly inbred and degenerated from long-term exposure to leyline radiation.
Color: N/A (Color is Blood-Red internally for territory holding purposes)
Fluff: Said to be descended from a race which once held the forefront in civilization during the "pre-sundering", the Barbabrab have all but forgotten their original accomplishments as the destruction of their homes and population forced them to adapt to the wilderness. Grown jealous and bitter at the so called "City States" and their relative peace and accomplishments, they would see to it that every such place be razed to the ground, finding the very notion of "Civilization" offensive after once grasping it firmly and having it forcibly taken away from them.
Living a nomadic life, they ride horses as dark as ebony, preferring to do their work during the night time to hide their hideously deformed, yet uncannily symmetrical figures. They have no writing abilities and are by and large illiterate, speaking in an ancient tongue which is unintelligible to the average civilized being. Barbabrabs seem to have an odd affinity towards metals and machinery in spite of lacking the ability to forge themselves (though they derive even more pleasure from destroying said machinery), and a particular unease when exposed to large amounts of leyline energy.
(Notes: Would like to start on main continent, w/o a city.)
Wheelie said no more nations.
Rolled 43, 37, 38 = 118 (3d100)
Nation Name: Kedesh
Race(s): Dwarves, Orc slaves.
Color: Black
Fluff: The dwarven nation of Kedesh is a rigid theocracy dedicated to infernal deities who slumber deep within the earth. Its ruling caste, one part priest, one part sorcerer, and one part engineer, have learned to bind summoned demons into metal, using their might to power fearsome arcane machinery. The dwarves of Kedesh dedicate themselves to magic, science, and craftsmanship, leaving menial labor to their brutalized Orcish slaves. Unlike many of their kind, these dwarves care little for wealth, instead prizing magical and technological knowledge.
Settlements: Great Kedesh
Territory: 7
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 6 (+1/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion I][Infantry I]
Magic: [Enchanting I]
[Slaves]: The orc slaves of Kedesh can be put to work on building projects, but the orcs are physically superior to their dwarven masters, and revolts can be deadly.
[Immaterial]: The dwarves of Kedesh don't really care for material wealth, instead preferring to focus on the pursuit of knowledge.
1: Continue searching for ore [1/4 progress][Slaves]
2: Have our sorcerers research methods for summoning and controlling demons.
3: Send a scouting party out to explore the lands near Kedesh.
Fuckit, you're in.
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+2/turn)
Defenses: 0
Tech: [Infantry II][Cavalry I]
[Jealousy]: Permanent buildings are no good to the Barbabrab. But they sure excel at bringing them down.
[Technological Affinity]: The barbabrab love their technology. Also destroying it! But they hate anything magic.
Feel free to take 2 turns. The current turn, and a makeup!
Also, here you are on the map.
Hey, OP, I had an interesting idea for two rival factions within the priesthood of Kedesh. Would you like me to elaborate, or would you prefer not to deal with that kind of thing?
Just fluff it out. It shouldn't make any mechanical difference.
Unless of course, you wanted to take it in the direction of internal RP.
He, himself, and him interacting is still just fluff. Unless you were going to play whatever the "bad" faction was. Sounds like a good thing to do with a courtier.
A ley node is found [+2 ley-power/turn], and archery techniques are finally being researched [2/4]. Construction of the Hunter's Den completes [Hunter's Den I]!
>expansion should've been 1/2
The races of the OGT begin selecting some of their number for slavery [2/4], while the barracks is ready [Barracks I]. The OGT expands into the mountains [+4 hex]!
[War Wizard]
The Blood Fruits are nearly ready [2/4], and a squad of orcs begins training [2/4]. A new ley-node is almost dug [3/4].
The land survey is complete. There is a grove of trees, ready to be harvested [Resources: Wood: 5]. The Explorer Corp continues it's training [2/4], and warehouses are constructed [Warehouses I]!
Reclaimation efforts are ongoing [2/4], while westward expansion begins [1/2]. A gift of food is sent to the Kingdom of Madness {Next time, be more specific}.
A large, tangled mass of driftwood is found; harvesting begins [3/4]. The seaweed farm completes construction [Seaweed Farm I; +2 food/turn], and Astral magic is researched [2/4].
[Western Tribes]
The creatures are tamed [Resource: Lesser Frillhead herd {Sturdy}]. The knowledge of Nibiru's creatures is furthered [Animal Studies I], and the Tribe's settlers reach their destination [+4 hex].
A mine begins to be excavated [1/4], and the Warrior Hall is nearly completed [3/4]. Seeds are planted ['Backwards' applies; Farms I; +2 food/turn].
Further shapeshifting is in the works [4/8], and a trade route is established [Trade Route {Arilia}: +2 currency/turn}]. The search for ruins continues [3/8].
[Pure Ocean]
Expansion across the sea floor still eludes the Church, and no wood is found. However, the first ship designs show great progress [3/4]!
No progress on all projects.
Well, in Kedesh "bad" is relative. This is a nation of slavers and diabolists after all. It isn't a matter of good vs. evil as much as lawful evil vs. chaotic evil
Also, I did more than too. I don't know what practical purpose they will serve, but they add some character to Kedesh. I'll edit this into my fluff next turn.
I recognize such, Again, if you don't plan to just write it out for fun, you'll want to play your preferred group in the nation. Hence I said it's a job fit for a courtier to play the other role if you want there to be any sort of genuine interaction in it.
The Ugh start doing the Rituals of Idiocy, under the tutelage of the Supreme Idiot. An onlooker might say the spectacle looks like a group of autistic schoolchildren [2/4]. They expand [+4 hex], and the Ugh get stupider [2/4].
Armor is improved [Armor I], and the quarry is finished [Quarry I; +2 stone/turn]. The Kingdom doesn't expand.
The Empire expands [+4 hex]! Though there isn't any progress on the tap, or the magic. The empire continues expanding [+4 hex], and a leyline tap begins to be constructed [2/4]. Some Drake cavalry are being trained [2/4].
[Holy Order]
The Holy order expands across the island [+4 hex], and more tribes are converted to the faith [+2 pop/turn]. A scouting party is sent into the forest [2/4], and the search begins [2/8].
The search continues- the prospectors believe they're on the right track [3/4]. Summoning magic research begins [1/4 {Note: You need a ley node for it to function!}], and a scouting party is sent out [1/4].
>Missed Turns
Bacatia- 1
Ursan- 2
Blatrek- 2
Ok, here are the factions. Got pretty long. Check it out, let me know what you guys think.
Rolled 42, 73, 32 = 147 (3d100)
Nation Name: Warhost of the War Wizard
Race(s): Mutants, monsters, goblins and orcs. The scum of the earth
Color: Gray
Fluff: pastebin.com
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+2/turn)
Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Infantry I]
Magic: [Necromancy II]
[What's a city?]: The warhost is exceedingly good at conquering, less so at building. They can take more territory before they need to stop, but building structures is more costly and time consuming.
[Varied Host]: The Warhost is home to many 'evil' things, of all shapes, strengths, and sizes. Depending on the recruitment (roll), the warhost might end up with a towering giant, or tiny goblin.
1. Ready the bloodfruits 2/4
2. Our Orc Warband is prepared 2/4
3. Finish our Ley-node 3/4
Rolled 22, 34, 34 = 90 (3d100)
-Pop: 16 (+2/turn)
-Food: 16 (+2/turn)
-Currency: 11 (+2/turn)
-Territory: 12
+1 Quarry I [+2 Stone/Turn]
+Araban (Capital): 1
+[Infantry II]
+[Tactics I]
+[Armor I]
+[Musclebound]: Tsabosi are naturally strong, but their bulk requires increased food consumption to sustain.
+[Intelligent]: Tsabosi are also intelligent, and are able to grasp new technology quicker. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the irrational, namely ley-magic.
1. [Infantry III]
2. [Build a Mine]
3. [Expand]
(Will fluff if there's time in the morning before update. Sleeping now.)
Rolled 51, 39, 100 = 190 (3d100)
Nation Name: Kedesh
Race(s): Dwarves, Orc slaves.
Color: Black
Fluff: The dwarven nation of Kedesh is a rigid theocracy dedicated to infernal deities who slumber deep within the earth. Its ruling caste, one part priest, one part sorcerer, and one part engineer, have learned to bind summoned demons into metal, using their might to power fearsome arcane machinery. The dwarves of Kedesh dedicate themselves to magic, science, and craftsmanship, leaving menial labor to their brutalized Orcish slaves. Unlike many of their kind, these dwarves care little for wealth, instead prizing magical and technological knowledge.
Settlements: Great Kedesh
Territory: 7
Pop: 12 (+2/turn)
Food: 12 (+2/turn)
Currency: 6 (+1/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Religion I][Infantry I]
Magic: [Enchanting I]
[Slaves]: The orc slaves of Kedesh can be put to work on building projects, but the orcs are physically superior to their dwarven masters, and revolts can be deadly.
[Immaterial]: The dwarves of Kedesh don't really care for material wealth, instead preferring to focus on the pursuit of knowledge.
1: The prospectors will continue to search for ore [3/4 progess][Slaves]
2: Continue to research demon summoning [1/4 progress] Would [Immaterial] provide a benefit for this action?
3: Have our scouts continue to explore the area around Kedesh [1/4 progress]
Rolled 96, 84, 36, 5, 39, 74 = 334 (6d100)
In a far away land, a group of grotesque dwarf-like creatures met around a grouping of tents. Their heads were mishapen, and they wielded crooked staves of metal. some rode upon the backs of vaguely equine beings, only where there front torso would be ended in a third leg, resembling fleshy, walking tricycles. The largest and foulest humanoid of the group, the infamous Genneg Khaahk of yore, used his own bent stave to write pictographs on the dirt, detailing his tribe on their next course of action.
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+2/turn)
Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
Defenses: 0
Tech: [Infantry II][Cavalry I]
[Jealousy]: Permanent buildings are no good to the Barbabrab. But they sure excel at bringing them down.
[Technological Affinity]: The barbabrab love their technology. Also destroying it! But they hate anything magic.
-[Infantry II]
-[Cavalry I]
-(3 Pop)
"Coeл иpгэншилт yлc дэлхийн өcөх өөх тэдний лaypeл. Уг бөмбөp дaйны бaйх ecтoй coнcoгдcoн бoлoвч тэд oдoo ч гэcэн дээp хэp; бэлэн apaaтны дaйн!" (The civilized nations of the world grow fat on their laurels. The drums of war must be sounded while they are still complacent; ready the beasts of war!) [Train Mounted Infantry]
-[Infantry II]
-[Cavalry I]
-(3 Pop)
"Өөp нэг! Дaйчлaх нийт хүн aмын; бид хapaх бoлнo ялaлт тyн yдaхгүй!"
(Another! Mobilize the entire warhost; we shall see victory soon!) [Train Another Mounted Infantry]
-[Technological Affinity]
"Бүpэлдэхүүнтэй caмнaх мaягaap гaзap ч үнэ цэнэтэй, түүнчлэн юy ч биш үнэ цэнэтэй, гэх мэт oйpoлцooх coeл иpгэншилт apд түмэн!" (Scour the lands for anything of worth, as well as anything not of worth, like nearby civilized peoples!) [Scout]
Rolled 30, 26, 55 = 111 (3d100)
Nation Name: Niron
Race(s): Aquans, human looking with better thermal regulation, finned hands and feet, greater lung capacity, and better eyesight. (Basically dolphin people)
Color: Blue
Fluff: Niron, the floating city. The Aquans were changed by Nibiru when they landed, become what they are today. They do not remember what they were before the cataclysm of legend. What they do know is that they landed upon after the cataclysm, a giant floating patch of seaweed. They made this seaweed their home the best they could, eating from it and fishing.
When they passed by shores they collected wood to expand their home. They learned to build structures waterproof and able to survive in the open ocean. They learned to build ships so they may move across the sea faster than they could swim. They learned to collect resources from the deep. Now nothing but farms remain of the floating seaweed cluster that was once their home so long ago, and the great floating city shall continue to expand.
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+4/turn)
Currency: 11 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1 (Niron)
Structures: Ley-Node, Seaweed Farm I
Tech: [Infantry I] [Raftbuilding II]
Ley-Power 4 (+2/turn)
[Sea Legs]: The Niron have evolved walking on their floating seaweed-city, and are used to the flowing ocean beneath their feet. Their naval units are stronger, but any terrestrial units they may field are clumsy and awkward.
[Floating City]: Floating on the water, the Niron don't have to worry about the dangers others face, but expansion requires a supply of building materials.
1. Continue the harvesting efforts for the driftwood. 3/4
2. Continue research into Astral Magic 2/4
3. Dive again into the deep searching for more resources that may be of use.
Rolled 96, 90, 2 = 188 (3d100)
7. [Continue Scouting]
8+9. [Complete training Second Mounted Infantry Unit]
Nation Name: Artemisia Arvelum
Race(s): Arachne
Color: Silver
Fluff: The spiders of Artemisia Arvelum are hunters. The move across the land quickly and quietly, killing their pray with methodical efficiency. It was not always this way, ocne the lived in great cities of stone and metal, weaving tapestries with their webbing and webs of plots with their minds.
Now, after the ruin caused by the leyline distortion, the roam the lands trying to reclaim what little there is left of the old world with stealth, poison and arrows. After all spiders are greatest when they ambush their prey.
Pop: 16 (+3/turn)
Food: 16 (+3/turn)
Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Buildings: Hunter's Den I
Tech: [Stealth I][Poison II]Archery (2/4)
Resources: [ley-power 2, +2 /turn]
[Guerrillas]: Stealthy and sneaky is the way the Arachne do things. But getting caught in the open presents a massive disadvantage.
1. Continue to research archery(2/4)
2.Begin to scout out the surrounding lands.
3. Begin expansion
Rolled 71, 21, 77 = 169 (3d100)
Rolled 79, 88, 16 = 183 (3d100)
[Western Tribes]
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+2/turn)
Currency: 9 (+2/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Territory: 11
Tech: [Stonecarving I][Domestication I][Infantry I][Animal Studies I]
Lesser Frillhead herd {Sturdy}
[Beastmasters]: The half-feather tribe excels like no one else in taming and training the native Nibirian life- however, the process is very dangerous. {Bonuses to domestication, though critfailing it is much deadlier}.
1) We have tamed a heard of Frillhead's, but our combat training techniques are lacking (Begin researching Training I)
>[Domestication I]
>[Animal Studies I]
2) Many of the tribesfolk are growing restless, they want to fight, Especially those in the Orc villages. Some combat training should pacify them for now
(Begin training tribes-folk)
>[Stonecarving I]
>[Infantry I]
3) The neighbouring tribes still resist, they do not know that this is necessary, that we must unite or be destroyed (Begin expanding South)
Rolled 53, 95, 56 = 204 (3d100)
Pop: 14 (+2/turn)
Food: 14 (+2/turn)
Currency: 13 (+4/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Tech: [Economics II][Infantry I]
[Builders]: The seas off the ports of Arilia are some of the roughest in Nibiru, so the people of Arilia have learned to build quickly and sturdily. However, the Arilians aren't very interested in technological research.
[Relics]: Some of Arilia's ancient buildings still stand, and the cultural significance of them makes them perfect candidates to turn into Wonders. However, the loss of them would be devastating to the city-state.
1)The reconstruction of the infrastructure continues at a steady pace.
>I'll spend 2 currency to improve this action
2)Eastward expansion continues, spurred on by grants of land and payment.
>Expand east
3)While still in madness, the heir of the di Vandermeiss family attempts to negotiate an agreement for regular trade with the slimes.
>trade route w/ madness
Expansion should be west, my bad