Force of Will TCG

Force of Will TCG

Waiting for spoilers.

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Anybody else thinking about using the elf tokens the new Fiethsing ruler spits out to power out Adombrolis and/or Gwiber?

Doesn't that require to play creatures from your hand?

Gwibs only cares about ones that entered your field. And Adombrali doesnt give a shit as long as it exists on your field.

Stream is starting soon if anyone's ready for cringe.

Why cringe?

You'll see when it starts.

Where's the link?

fowtcgjapan on Twitch

Starts at 10 pm EST

Oh, that guy. I know what you mean by cringe now, he's the same guy of the youtube videos.

It gets better if the topic of women comes up.

Who has the largest bust in this game?


Why not talk about some of the smaller chests, instead of Seraph, Athena, and Valentina for the 100th time?

All boobs are good, user.

All boons are created equal.
Some are more equal than others.

Btw, I have 2 of these Moojdarts I am trying to off load. Anyone want to buy?

Basically, with and a few others following.

Newbie here, stupid question. Is it like EDH, where the colors of your ruler dictate the colors you can use?


Nope, you can use whatever color you want with whatever Ruler you want. Typically you want at least a bit of your Ruler's color so you can pay any judgement or ability costs they might have, but there's nothing stopping you from running mono-white with a mono-blue Ruler.

Awesome thanks guys. I know of three other players in my area, and I have a friend who I think will play too.

currently ordering a few decks and the vingolf set.

Next preview is here.






And the last one, have a good night.

Would that ability work with this?

Does this bad card now have a use?

Also I like the limit thing lore-wise, can only use the Cthulhu powers for so long until the seal snaps back and hurts you.

yes it does, thought of the same thing. Still doesnt hit J though


>Cthulu type

That is not how this works. Way to try to skirt around eldritch.

It's also late/early, and these threads usually only get around 30-55 unique posters, if they end up going to the bump limit. Still a pretty small game, at least on here.

The Online game they're making, that comes out next month, should help these threads a bit.

So I ordered a Pricia deck and the vingolf. I'm probably going to try to make a Reflect and a Machina deck sometime soon.

As far as Origin format, how strong is Lumia?

>As far as Origin format, how strong is Lumia?
Can't really say, we don't have enough to run a legacy type format at all, so we just tend to run what's current.


I bought a BFA box and vingolf and made a deck. Don't have a name for it yet but here's my list.
Ruler : Arla guardian of the skies
4x Escort of the Fairy King
4x Midsummer's Night King, Oberon
4x Queen's Envoy
4x Earthbound Wingman
4x Time Gazer Elf
2x Titania, Prideful Queen
1x Slayer of the Overlord, Pricia (shift)
1x Reflect, The Beginning of Time (shift)
1x Lars, Inheritor of the SacredSpirit (shift)
Chant: 15
2xBulletproof Barrier
3x Destructive Assault
2xPower of Unity
4x Song of the Fairy King
4x Home of the Wingmen
Magic stones: 10
1x First Flight's Memoria
2x Magic Stone of Gusting Skies
2xMagic Stone of Blasting Waves
2x Magic Stone of Deep Wood
3x Wind Magic Stone
Not really looking at this for competitive play but would like to know if it's decent.

I want to fuck Piruruk

Is there already a Lackey version of FoW yet? Having something similar to Cockatrice or Dueling Network would be amazing.

>Lackey version
I'm not following

There's something for OCTGN.

New player question: so if I have multiple copies of the same card in my chant-standby area, can I trigger them all at the same time? e.g. I have Underground Draggers in standby and I banish a Dark Alice's Shadow Warrior (this is presuming of course I have a darkness magic stone), can I play all three off that one trigger?

Alternatively, does a Magic Stone of Dark Depths count as a darkness magic stone or does it have to be one of the monochrome stones?

If the trigger conditions are met, you can flip any number of standby cards, it doesn't have to be 1 trigger per standby.

And for Dark Depths specifically, yes, it says on the card that it's treated as a darkness magic stone. All the dual stones are like that. But other special stones, like Black Moon Memoria, don't count as darkness magic stones.

>it says on the card that it's treated as a darkness magic stone
oh wow I didn't even notice that, I'm a fucking moron. thanks.

Where's all the waifus?

One more stupid noob question and I'm done: Can I play Soulhunt if it's the only card in my hand? I'll have no cards to discard.

Yes, even without a resonator on the field or cards in hand, you can play it.

Thank yas

>print card with explode
>don't call it explode
>waste card space with ugly text and text box.
>literally just pic related without lifebreak
Why are FoW so shit?

Because its not explode?

Untap is the only thing for now until the official game is made

Which is apparently out next month.

oh hype. I want to learn how to play but I'm too scared to go to my LGS completely clueless..

As a reminder to everyone, the online game will ONLY have Lapis Cluster cards in it. They might go back and add older ones in, but not for the near future.

All the better for me. Not like I have any idea of what the current card pool is like anyway

Here's an article about the changes in the Lapis Cluster

Also, Dual Stones are getting new art in Lapis as well.

And of course, I forgot to link it.

And the new Wanderer League promo card.

1 new card every three months for this League.

>Therefore, to better create a game that is enjoyable to the last moment, while still maintaining some risk to using Judgment, we have decided to revise J-ruler destruction thusly; J-rulers that have been destroyed no longer become Astral Rulers (which will, following the release of the Lapis Cluster, be removed from the game entirely). Instead, destroyed J-rulers will return to the ruler area, Ruler side up. However they will lose the ability to do Judgment for the rest of the game (any other abilities they may have are kept intact, however).

Well, that's different.

Well, this takes away some of the fear of being Moonbeamed without having to rely on Zero's Familiar.

Finally I can feel comfortable with emergency-flipping with Valentina 1.0

As long as we get some decent cheap water resonators in Lapis, that is.

> (any other abilities they may have are kept intact, however)


Basically, if your J-Ruler was killed before, they'd lose every ability they had on their Ruler side when they became Astral Rulers.

For Example, Blazer has an ability to make the Will stones under his control also produce Fire Will. If he was killed in battle, you would lose that kind of ability and be stuck with whatever stones are at your disposal in your Will Deck.

With this change, you can still use things like this even after they die. But you cannot Judgement with them again unless you had Imperishable on them before lethal damage was dealt.

I can't tell if that's a good thing, or a very very scary thing.

R/R ban when. Inexcusable they remain in format with new judgement change.

It's actually good for a lot of Rulers, and it's going to let people actually take more risks with Judgement.

We'll have to see how it all plays out. But according to Jodran in the stream last night, if they do notice that even with the new Rulers and cards in place, that R/R is still prominent in Regionals and so on, they will go ahead and ban them.

Some of the new rulers like Fiethsing can still get a lot done even if they get sent back to ruler side.

I think it's scary the amount of potential that some Rulers get, but overall I think the potential that a lot of rulers gain is a good thing. The more viable variety we have, the better.

>Sylvia on the art
Holy shit, Sylvia is still around? I thought they wrote her off. Thank god, I liked her.

She's one of Gill's cronies, so hopefully she'll have at least a decent role in the Lapis Cluster. Though it doesn't seem like Gill and co are showing up until at least L2, but they could be hanging around in some of the Red/Black we've yet to see. Surely it isn't ALL Cthulus.

I'm pretty certain Sylvia is still canonically dead. The promo is just a nod that she was popular.

Red guy on spoilers tomorrow shouldn't be a Cthulhu, and the black starter deck is vampires.

They already said now that Lumia is back, she could potentially bring back Attoractia and all of its inhabitants.

Sylvia wasn't compressed with Attoractia, she was killed in a battle with Alice.

Same with quite a few of the others he referenced.

Also, given the way things work in that universe, it's not really a shock that people can be brought back.

>she was killed in a battle with Alice.
IIRC she just kind of fucked off after both Alices showed up because she couldn't be assed to deal with two.

Was Arthur the only Knight of the Round Table that fell to Darkness/died?

god fucking dammit I just want Reflect to fucking stop being Reflect.

Like they said, the new Rulers should have better methods to deal with that Ruler now and it also hurts the older Rulers will NOT be getting Energize.

If Reflect is still an issue after Lapis launches and we still see it topping placement, they stated specifically that they WILL go ahead and ban the card.

Nope, this game isn't like that, he will not be banned, we'll have to wait until he rotates.

Jordan literally just asked about the Reflect situation, and that's the stance the company has on it. They're already fairly aware of the problem with Reflect, but they wanted to wait for the new Rulers to be released before having to resort to straight banning it.

So I was wondering what a good idea is for SKL Rezzard decks. I only started not too long ago, so I'm wondering which set I should purchase first.

>SKL Rezzard
Abandon ship!

How do I make Kaguya even more annoying?

hey user if you're still around how much do you want for the moojdart?

How are people preparing to play the new Zero J/Ruler?

What cards do I start going for and which Colors should I splash? Its obviously a light deck, but would I splash Darkness? Flame?

>We have errata'd the card. Surely this will bring balance to RR.
TMS release:
>We have printed cool guy, Gill Lapis. He taxes regalia on one side and cancels activate abilities on the other. Surely this will bring balance to RR.
BFA releases:
>Ok...we have printed new card Black Moonbeam. It kills J Rulers even if they have no printed stats! And no chase so they can't flip. Surely this will balance RR.
L1 spoilers:
>So...uhh...energize. Yeah. Why play RR? New rulers have cool new ability RR is outdated now! Surely this will balance RR.
>"Greetings Summoners! All tournament play will now be Lapis Cluster restricted.

Wait for spoilers to run their course before you plan her deck. 4x familiar and her magic spell are too good not to include though.


Man, you're as whiny as Ryan.

2 Moonbreeze, 4 Ruler's, 4 Blackmoon Memoria and run black hand control cards.

If you are going to run him, you need to have some means of destroying horn of sacred beasts or your god's art is useless.

She was killed. The story articles on the main site are the game canon.

Death has been pretty permanent so far in the continuity, the A4 rulers are all "Heroic Spirits" projected forth by the memoria. Jordan gave a slight out saying something along the lines of "never say never" when asked about her death and possible return, but right now she is dead.

At a quick glance I'd say you are running too many song of the fairy king, reflect shift is kind of garbage too.

So where's the rest of the Knights of the Round?

The Knights of the Round are weird in game lore, Arthur is a zombie in SKL under Rezzard's control and then seems to have been re-summoned in TTW. Arthur is also a ruler from Valhalla. Lancelot's flavor text seems to suggest that the knights have been summoned in to Attoractia to fight for the kings and are some kind of evoked heroes who take on properties to befit their summoner.

"The nature of the evoked hero depend on who evokes him.
The power of the cursed sword turned him into a ruthless knight."

Lancelot was also a man that turned into a woman during that span as well.

I like to think that tranny Lancelot was a compromise to players who dropped mad dosh on the dual decks early.

Any suggestions in what I should put in?

I still refuse to ever keep nor put that version in any deck I own. Hell, they couldn't even be bothered to change the flavor text either.

Which deck are you running?

The makeshift Arla deck

How do I even make a good Arla deck?

4x 4 counter bows son. W/R aggro seems to a be good fit in my opinion.