All Will Serve The One True Queen edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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All Will Serve The One True Queen edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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All hail the cutest queen, who is always right and did nothing wrong ever
Salty Alliance tears taste so good.
Hail the new Warchief
t. Kosak
So what you say is that Blizzard makes her into Kerrigan 2.0?
We're gonna build an even YUGER and more luxurious wall than ever and the Forsaken are going to pay for it.
Don't worry deadlad, Greymane'll bury his bone real gentle like in your gueen.
Then you'll really know why she's called a banshee.
>his model looks like shit in Cata, MoP and WoD
>he releases in HotS and gets a badass new model
>8 months later he gets an even newer model in Legion
>Gallywix and Baine are still literally whos with a generic model
muh Horde bias
Kosak is trying.
>implying im supporting bitch queen as warchief
furries are cancer
I was thinking watching those broken shores videos... is there any reason the gunship isn't just bombing shit from the start?
When was the last time the Horde did anything noteworthy?
Oh yeah, MoP, 2 expansions ago
WoW is now a game for circlejerking alliance players with an axe to grind against nobody
How do you think Varian feels about his son getting BLACKED by a dragon?
Blowed up.
>surrendered Gilneas for daughter
>considered worthy of respect by noone except furries who are sad their characters have no tails
Bloody hell I all but forgot we actually have board designated to homolust other than Veeky Forums
Well, we aren't fucking cowards killing shit from distance. We need to see them die, and we want them to see how badass we are, EVEN when we die.
Doesn't count if you're a troll tho.
>>surrendered Gilneas for daughter
That was Crowley.
dats hot as the hellfire that emanates from Deathwing's corpse
I understand but get this: you hacked them up WHILE bombing the shit out of them!
>Hordefriend getting antsy because he knows Genn is gonna get 'im
You'll be pulling fur out of your ass for a long time in hell!
>All that AnduinxGarrosh
>edgelord, the comment
>yfw you will never be as badass as you perceive wrynn, greymane or mekkatorque to be
Checked. Also no, it's still too coward. We only bomb shit when it's too late, because we great alliance, we don't need no support, but sylvanas is ok, so she can betray us and everyone is angry again.
>we don't need no support
tell that to your king
Gnome hunter with engineering profession. Get yourself a gun and a robo-pet.
It's probably got shit anti-air defenses (unless it's got archers and mages on board), so they were expecting Sylvanas' archers to clear out the fliers before bringing in the floating artillery.
Not to say that was a GOOD idea, but just stating that the gunship's weaponry all seems to be pointed DOWN.
In 5.1, the Skybreaker was brought to Pandaria with a huge support escort of gyrocopters. Why not this time?
From where?
fuckin Troggs
Yeah, were do we get the kickass robohounds?
This jewel-eyed bad boy is the only remotely mechanical tamable beast I can think of, and I don't think it's enough for a gnome/gobbo hunter to RP a field engineer.
From 800 hours of grind. Give or take.
There's a couple mechanical pets right now, at least one was added to Gnomeragon.
Gnome hunters can tame mechanical pets automatically. Other hunters need a special item to do it, which requires Legion materials to make.
And now that I think about it, a Tinker hero class would be pretty sweet. Give it to gnomes and goblins. Maybe one spec (tank?) gets a big mech like Mekkatorques, while the other gets that backpack bot Gazlowe / the WC3 neutral unit gets.
They could have turrets, since survival hunters don't get them anymore. I'm still a little butthurt about that.
Hm, good point. Might be explained somewhere, but I don't know. I'd venture a guess that the broken shore forces are spread thin.
Alternatively, the gunship was only there to carry troops OUT, so it was hanging back to avoid being damaged, and wasn't carrying its gyrocopters so it would have more room for footmen.
>Why not this time?
That one was sunk.
different gunship, different assault.
>different gunship, different assault.
Same problem.
Legion AA too stronk.
true enough, legion can make demons with wings, or just meteor infernals onto the flying target. All races of the Alliance and Horde need a mount, be it organic or mechanical.
Tho for the first time in history, the Horde didn't lose a gunship (though when Legion hits I'll probably be proven wrong on that)
They had to make room for all the ego generated by the leadership.
About the WoD Alternate timeline, what are the alternate Azeroth characters doing?
Probably having their number of worries drastically cut down.
Whatever the MU Azerothians were doing immediately before the Dark Portal first opened.
Killing Gnolls and Trolls
good times
Arthas was/is probably still a little bitch though
Was Arthas even born yet during the First War? Uther was a young man during it.
Also, don't forget the murlocs. Back when they were actually a minor threat without zerg tactics.
> Yfw it's revealed Azeroth would have fallen into infighting and destroy itself without the horde invasion because reasons and bad writings.
Blizz really shat the bed with their introduction of alternate timelines. Am I the only one thinking they've gone full pandering now?
Furry leader for the Alliance, Woman leader for the Horde, alternate timelines and universes to appease the rick and morty crowd with the tidy dues ex that the Legion is a singularity from the twisting nether that doesn't exist in multiples?
Tbh I'd rather see more Old God stuff than this. I got a puzzle box in Cata, and Y'Saarj was awesome in MoP.
Bring back Yoggie plz
Yes, all the old goodness, let's end the age of (green) fire.
No unifying threat to bring the Alliance together. No clusterfuck to wake up the night elves until the Legion was in Kalimdor.
Which makes a degree of sense, but only if you assume everyone to get their shit sorted in response to the Legion in the same way they did for the orcs.
Though it took Jaina, Thrall and Tyrande's combined forces to stall Archimonde long enough for Malfurion to do the wisp nuke thing, so that might ultimately mean Azeroth would be fucked.
I don't understand your response.
>tfw you will never ever see alternate universe Arthas replace Varian
checked, but even as Horde, I still think Varian was a better leader than Arthas could have been. He tried numerous times to make peace with the Horde, only to have non-Horde third parties such as the Twilights Hammer, racist ally military commanders and anarchistic insurrectionists fucking things up.
Depending on how alt-Arthas' life turns out, he may have been better, but there's a ton of ifs
he just becomes the bitch king
he would have probably knocked up Jaina multiple times though, so that's cool
We all die eventually
never forget
Night Elf player, was I supposed to care about the alliance cinematic? Zero night elves or draenei, and only human characters in the spotlight.
you'll get yours tree fucker
You're allowed to like characters that are not part of your main character's race.
Alternate Broken Shore ending: Sylvanus sends one of the Val'kyr to grab Varian (Successfully) and the Loa decide NOT to conveniently abandon Vol'jin to death. (Also Kosak gets hit by a bus)
What changes with Red vs Blu finally off the goddamn table?
Still not as gay as Veeky Forums
The horde gunship is downed when you go to the Broken Shore.
hi Veeky Forums i am prepping for a Warcraft rp game, and i was wondering what the real population number would be for azeroth, outland and draenor. even if its just the horde and alliance races.
on the other hand how big would the main world maps be if you took them out of wow and put them on the realworld map. maybe the size of texas perhaps?
No, the in-game maps put together are *maybe* the size of a couple cities.
Murlocs in general only started moving ashore and to inland bodies of water in great numbers during WC3.
But I don't care for Varian, especially after a Little Patience. Or Tirion because I'm not a paladin or dk.
I mean, it's sad and all, but don't expect tears for characters I have little investment in to begin with.
Tell me 'bout your favorite dwarf clan, Veeky Forums.
dat foot
Probably the Dark Iron because they just plain look cool and have awesome golems, cranes, towers, and the Grim Guzzler.
Wildhammers cause griffins wrecked some shit back in wc3
They wrecked some shit back in WC2, too.
But damn do I have a hard time choosing. Ironforge is an awesome city, but the Dark Irons have a cool look and Wildhammers are lightning hammer throwing gryphon riding badasses.
his son wouldn't be a literal faggot that was BLACKED
absolutely disgusting that a female elf is officially warchief. Garrosh did nothing wrong.
If alternate Azeroth was never invaded by the Horde, then alternate Broxigar never got sent back in time to prevent Sargeras from coming through during the War of the Ancients, so alternate Azeroth was conquered by the Legion 10,000 years ago?
I miss Thrall's horde so much
Cairne, Vol'jin and Thrall were great. And Sylvanas and Lor'Themar presented interesting counterpoints within the same faction
Then Kosak ruined everything for everyone
so what is he even doing now besides having his ass kicked by the legion?
Throwing himself a pity party while the PCs pick up Doomhammer and get shit done.
>what changes with red + blue finally off the table
The literal end of interest in the game iteself
Jesus christ, that's the fastest we've ever lost one. With the many years worth of flying experience the Horde has on the Alliance with Zepps from neutral Goblins during the second wars, I'd like to think we'd be a bit more careful at them, but nope.
I'm quite certain we don't have any surviving ones, where as the Allies do(?)
Also this, complete with the shudder.
2 things: What are you thoughts on Ilmidan being immortal?
And have they ever tried to explain how he was a daemon hunter BEFORE consuming Gul'Dan's skull? I played the original games, but it seemed to me that he was "pure" before consuming the skull. But in wow, it seems every daemon hunter gets their power from fel magic. What gives?
Wildhammers, even their french names are based, Marteaux-Hardis.
Plus I really love their style and tatoos.
The Alliance has the one that they escape on after Varian BTFO a Reaver all by himself.
>it seemed to me that he was "pure" before consuming the skull
No. Illidan got fel powers waaaaay back during the first invasion of Azeroth, pre-Sundering.
Consuming the skull merely powered him up and made him full demon, which in turn means he's immortal unless killed in the Twisting Nether
That is another retcon I do not like
Downed in Stormheim.
>another retcon
Demons can't die outside of the nether
A retcon used to bring back a bunch of demons from WC3.
Retroactively ruining large parts of WC3 by making big character moments, like Grom's death and Arthas killing Mal'ganis, functionally pointless.
It's not as bad as, say "one legion across all realities", but still, the setting would be better if that wasn't changed
Retcon implies something changed. Withholding information isn't a retcon
So can anyone explain to me why Thrall is crawling around on the floor like a little bitch in the cinematic?
Elements didn't like him bitchslapping Garrosh
Isn't he getting up there in age? He might not be the fighter he once was
Why does everyone say this?
The elements don't like that he feels bad about bitchslapping Garrosh, because self-doubt kills the shaman
Ooooh okay! Hence why he was imprisonned I presume?
I should go and read his wiki.
dreadlords could always go back to the Nether couldn't they? It was only shit like Archimonde and Mannoroth where it gets sketchy, and Mannoroth didn't really regenerate, Gul'dan just got pissed off at him answering "new phone who dis" every time he tried to summon him and turned his portals up to 11
He had fel powers due to being a demon hunter, fight fire with fire and all that. He got imprisoned due to his good-intentioned decisions having quite shitty side-effects and nelves in general being bigots