What do you love about your lfgs (local friendly game store) trading card store etc?
Pictures of layouts, fixtures, and people playing together.
What do you love about your lfgs (local friendly game store) trading card store etc?
Pictures of layouts, fixtures, and people playing together.
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I love how it is two hours away, only plays games on the nights I have to work late, and charges greater than MSRP for some things
Also the group that plays there are kind of elitist.
All the worst things )=
Jesus christ.
Why the handle and emoticons?
I love bacon?
There was a much closer game store that seemed better, but they also dos their games on nights I had to work late so I didn't really go there much
It closed down this year because they could get enough regulars. The owner was equal parts frustrated and depressed.
I live in Dallas TX, so I don't have one.
I wish I had a gaming store near me. Traveling out to NYC so a decent place is annoying. Even the nearest ones are like an hr away for a draft.
I don't have one :( anyone help a britfag out? i live in milton keynes and i couldn't find a gamestore anwhere (barring games workshop, but i'm not really into wargaming)
I'm in a similar situation except I can only go there on saturdays, there are people who played in GPs but they are all very friendly.
Depending on where you are at in Dallas you have multiple. I would suggest Madness Comics and Games if you are in the north Dallas area. It is the largest gaming store in the area that I know of.
I can't enjoy it enough. Good mix of games, good players, decent space. Parking is rough but everything is just perfect. Also like 3 miles from my house so definitely a plus. To all those who have terrible stores, I really apologize. My love for Veeky Forums has increased several-fold since moving to this town.
>Mouse in left hand
the fuck? I'm left handed and I still use the mouse with right hand like normal people
Buddy no. People on Veeky Forums dont take kindly to using names unless you have to, or using emoticons
I miss having a store within 10 minutes of me, those were the days. Now I drive 30 minutes to a very competitive store, and it is fun, but not like it used to be.
It's all about habit. Colleague is right handed but uses mouse in left hand. Something about carpal tunnel stress.
>this poster
oldfags will get it
Dont have one, cant find anything but a few magic shops here, and i dont play it. Mainly play just dungeons and dragons. Fucking sucks
I don't love it. They carry nothing but MtG and flavor-of-the-month 40k (currently every GK unit and no other miniatures). They have a single table with a terrainless game field.
And they have the gall to charge 60% above what GW charges for their minis, shipping included.
Local place has a good game room, but the wargaming community is almost all Warmachine. I hear it's a central California thing. Trying to get them started on Battletech
Mine is pretty cool. Owned by Card Kingdom.
Has a cafe/bar. No liquor, but they have beer, wine, cider and mead.
they also have private rooms you can rent
more space for games, and they have three large wargame tables. infinity, malifaux, clix, warmahordes. also, magic tournys because of course.
there's also the tabletop dive bar in my area, which is my personal favorite.
Kill yourself you raging fagotron
they have pinball and arcade machines too
that's an impressive place, dude
The only one is another town over from me, so I rarely go there. But it's decent; he mostly just sells X-Wing stuff because that's what sells. He'll also order anything I need, which saves me money on shipping. I don't know how he makes a profit doing this, but generally if I want something like dice or a hardcopy book I'll go through him because I'd rather give my business to him instead of Amazon
Oldfag detected. Good job keeping the young'uns off our goddamn lawn.
You too? I go there from time to time.
It's all I have so I can't complain but I wish it had more casual events and less MtG tournaments. I honestly wish there was more casual just nights to play magic because it's mostly just drafts or tournaments. Besides EDH night I wish I could just sit down with my group and play some casual modern. It's only a 30 minute walk from my house though so I can't complain.
I don't have a game store. We play MTG tourneys at a youth Centre in a town one hour away. When I lived in the city a few years ago there was a place I'd go and buy comics and get pissed at all the magic nerds. Now I'm a magic nerd with no comic store.
Oh hey, I've been to Raygun Lounge before! I was visiting my brother and he used to live really close to it so we went down to have some beers and play Magic.
Super cool place.
The staff are nice but that's about it. The customer base plays just heroclix or magic with several (always full) RPG groups who play there. The magic players and game make up the lion's share of the store's income and the players consist mainly of spergs and netdecking faggots. And theres never enough seating. Fuck that place
>netdecking faggots
There is legit nothing wrong with netdecking as long as you aren't spending hundreds for high power-level modern/EDH decks.
What's the point of playing a game based around building a deck if you're just going to swipe a list from online? Completely defeats the purpose IMO.
The LGS here is closing in 2 weeks. The next closest one is 5 hours drive away.
So fucking sad
>a game based around building a deck
Magic is not a deck building game. It is a trading card game. The purpose of Magic is to play the game and have fun, not to build a deck.
And how would you play the game if you didn't build a deck, hmm?
All I'm trying to say that netdecking isn't as bad as anti-netdeckers would like to believe. As long as you don't netdeck for competitive or use a high power level deck for a casual game I see no reason to be mad at it.
Throwing cards at each other yelling "I CAST LIGHTNING BOLT YOU'RE DEAD" and going "nuh uh that didn't hit me, counterspell!"
By netdecking? Or, and get this, buying the only ready to play product they sell, which are precon decks.
Mine closed because the guy who owned it died and his widow wasn't interested in running it. She's 82 so I don't blame her We tried to find a way to keep it open, but we couldn't get things together financially. Dude from a town over, who ran the worst hobby store on earth bought the building and stock, then ran the place into the ground. I think it's an consignment store now.
Fucking apologists.
Too bad the parking in the area is a complete and utter clusterfuck.
I don't even know which Card Kingdom you're posting about and know I'm right because the situation is the same at both.
Well the people at the game store were mainly netdeckers. Fuck I remember a few months after I first tried getting into the game and figured of enter a tournament there. First opponent was some guy who went on and on going "I'm a noob too!" Before going on to curb stomp me with full sets of jace, dual lands and other expensive shit and fucking to the corner to dunk his head into his phone after reporting the results. Matches after were similar albeit there was one helpful player who actually gave advice (while still being condescending).
I can agree that outside of competitive settings they're not *bad* but eh, the experiences with them at the lgs have really soured me on them.
I like card kingdom but so many people look like deviants or ugly fucks there. I stray away from many of the denizens there. Parking is also fucking atrocious as you mentioned. If the SINGLE parking lot is full you're basically fucked.
However, some of the dudes there are pretty based. The based dudes are super based, and those that aren't are super repulsive.
>entering a tournament when you were first starting out
There's your first mistake. My LGS is pretty competitive as well (which is why I basically only exclusively play EDH there). Like anything though, it depends on the people. I've lost every EDH game I've played in but I had fun because my play group is pretty chill.
I like this store. The staff is friendly, and the X-Wing and board game scene is huge there. It's hard to find a place to park there. I guy once threatened me there so I kind of avoid playing X-Wing in that store.
I wish I was lucky enough for that. The scene at my store is just all about the competition. A bit is healthy but its just a game at the end of the day and I think they all take it too seriously.
I havent been by that store in awhile. The friends I got into magic with are all over the country now and its too much money for me to keep up to date. Friends that are nearby are too normie for tg things so I get my fix here and from putting together minis Ill probably not use for a long while. Could be worse I guess.
Why did he threaten you?
> Derium's
Nicely done.
I live in FL where game cafes
dubiously fall under the "no gambling dens" law, so people don't want to risk setting up computer stations in their stores
There are a few purely traditional gaming places near me but they are few and far between, and sometimes full of an unfriendly crowd for new players
This is my LGS. Top half is the board games side of the store and the lower half is the card and play side of the store.
You from Fayetteville too?
me as well
I thought I recognized this place
I visit Seattle fairly frequently but live out of state
I was looking for hobby shops one day and had a walk around the town.
This place stuck out as quite nice
if I ever move to Seattle I would probably make it my regular spot
I am surprised I recognized it just from the pictures though
1 minute away from my apartment, only miniatures and associated products (sceneries, stuff like Descent, paints but no MtG or other cards), a dozen of gaming tables with different themes, huge range of minis (GW, Saga, Infinity, Perry, Warzone, Mantic, AvP, Malifaux, Warmahordes and more), painting tables, a dozen golden demons laying around taking dust, minis everywhere (including the demon-winning ones), the staff is fucking good even if they have some drama sometimes. The community is also pretty good bar one top autist.
One of their tables (for Gates of Antares and other sci-fi)
They also have a blog where they feature the latest paints of the regular players/painters and the staff, and the news about the store and the events.
All in all it's pretty good.
Yeah that mine! It still hasn't been used because my friends are faggots.
That sounds great. My store only does 40k so if I want to play Antares I have to go to a friend's house.
Close by, friendly and helpful staff, everyone seems to know you by first name basis, and entirely ruined and ruled by grognard-tier magic players to the point everyone else goes to the shop 7 miles away and now its only hope to stay alive is to cater solely to them. Seriously, they stabbed a 15 year old at a tournament cause one lost and that particular group is 30+. I've seen them take a dudes deck and play 50 card pickup with it over the local highway. Several have been arrested for these things but they either procreate by budding or somehow theres vastly more of these people per square mile than should legally be allowed.
The only reason i still go is i occasionally play poker and smoke weed with the owner and 2 managers which started back when the place still dealt in tabletop.
Antares minis are pretty rad desu, but not a lot of people play it here, they mostly collect.
Biggest groups here are KoW and Warmahordes.
wargames workshop i think is the name, i know people from bedford who go there for magic the gathering stuff.
I dont go into mk enough to direct you there sadly.
I just use the uni group for games, and go to the lgs to buy. Good prices but dodgy location so i dont go as often as i'd like
>not mentioning he's using the arrow keys
About 30 minutes away. Store is snall and while the MTG players may be nice, it's always hyper-competitive standard or hyper-competitive EDH. Prefer to go to the shop 50 minutes away because of this.
>10 minutes walk away
>Open until at least 11pm every night
>Hires people based on their expertise in different fields
>Has resident MtG judges
>Family owned
>Owner and employees play with customers
>Dedicated RPG room, painting tables and specialty game spaces
>Doesn't price gouge on food and drink
>Lets you bring in outside food and drink
>Everyone knows everyone to some degree
>New people are immediately included in group activities
>Neckbeard behaviour is kept in check
Red Pegasus right off 8th.
Anyone from Pittsburgh here? We have a good number of LGS's. Two in town, one in Oakland (that I know of), one in Green Tree and one in Whitehall. Most of them are pretty good. Personally I go to Bill & Walt's Hobby Shop in town and New Dimensions at Century III Mall as they're my favorite.
Yeah I hate this shit. My shop has plenty of room, good prices, doesn't overcharge, and has a good D&D community. Thing is, if you aren't going for D&D you'll find every MTG stereotype and only competitive games.
Cute gril
What is it about MTG that draws all the spergs and other pieces of shit to it? Ive never known a place to have MTG players that werent every awful stereotype.
why every store i visit is soo damn small?
>local store in my hometown: barely 3 people can stay inside
>local store where i study: even smller
>local gw store there is only space for a single game table
wish i was rich, so i could open my store in some fucking industrial hangar just so i can have a place that is not a vietcong hole.
I love how the lgs owner lets his Star Wars/Trek friends bully people off the tables so they can play Armada or X-Wing or whatever.
My store. It's a LAN café in front, with a sizeable magic area in the back. They host game nights for most popular tabletops, and have a second area one store down that they open up for high volume stuff like prereleases. It's a fifteen minute walk from my house but I'm moving across the bay, making it an hour away. Any good LGS in SF?
This store is so good. Back when I was a kitchen table player I bought all my singles from their site and I got the chance to make a pilgrimage to it earlier this year when I was in WA. bought a sweatshirt
I live in a small town in southern sweden.
We dont even have a tabletop group.
just invite ahmed to play at your house
Sadly no ahmeds, they all live in the big cities.
Plenty of greeks and slavs though.
Are LGS's a dying thing?
If they are it's because of the shit playerbase
just imagine people like virt irl
and then ask yourself why there aren't more LGS
My Flgs is pretty typical. Lots of magic being played, with different flavours each night. I'm there for the 40k though. They have good tables, mats, and terrain. Store workers play and are bros.
All in all, good store. I go for a game once a week.
Currently in a small'ish town in Japan, and I was surprised to find that there IS a shop in town that sells RPGs, but it's along side plastic models, RC plane kits, and RC trains.
The down side is that - being sardine-can levels of cramped as it is, there's not a single table in this shop. Every last ounce of space is dedicated to shelving.
I've still never found anything like an LGS where I could run games. I can invite folks to my house, but having a place to "Get out there" isn't possible at this point. There is also a not-as-uncommon CCG-specific shop a little further out, but after talking with the staff for a few minutes, I discovered that A) "the grognardy LGS owner" is an international trend, and B) they don't want their table space being chewed up by someone who isn't buying and using their product - and since MtG was an altogether too-expensive mistake I'd prefer to not make twice, and CCGs are all they sell (Seriously, you'd think they'd sell some dice or something on the side... nope), I can't use them for running games of BT.
Looks nice and open.
...but the shelving feels horribly minimalist or absent. It feels more like a community centre than an LGS.
Oh man... those were the days.
Mechwarrior 2, Dark Forces 1... Having to learn completely new keyboard layouts for every game... Joystick & Keyboard combo... Good times.
Moving to Seattle for work later this year, any other suggested stores? I'm a limited magic player and I play board games with my wife.
Looking for friendly and sperg-lite.
Live in Brooklyn rn, and there's this cool board game store nearby that does mtg,huge warhammer events and like every other tabletop. It's not like a fucking hangar but there's space like 80% of the time
I don't really know any flgs nearby. To be fair I haven't really gone looking, I live in Sacrame to and would drive if it was within an hour.
Anyone know of any good places in sacramento? Pic unrelated
>also peter pan flies around
>you can ride an unicorn
>and free blowjobs from 2D hentai waifus
No srs guys!!!1 this is real!
Post a link to the damn store
My store sounds a lot like this, only that owner doesn't play grog mars games rather he only plays some weird baseball tabletop that looks like someone filing taxes and they recently banned outside food and drink inside the store when someone with a kid freaked out cause someone had a beer (fucking hipsters)
Only buy old ps3 games there.