Beastmen + Orc = ?
Beastmen + Orc = ?
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Some user posted these ape-man orcs a while ago. I guess they fit.
Their scar tissue is made of bone or something like that, so they become more powerful as they fight and get hurt.
>Their scar tissue is made of bone or something like that, so they become more powerful as they fight and get hurt.
Or perhaps Beastorc.
So, Doomsday's dog?
>The effects of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, a disease which causes damaged soft tissue to regrow as bone.
>Sufferers are slowly imprisoned by their own skeletons.
>The best known FOP case is that of Harry Eastlack (1933–1973). His condition began to develop at the age of ten, and by the time of his death from pneumonia in November 1973, six days before his 40th birthday, his body had completely ossified, leaving him able to move only his lips.
This is like some fucking reverse I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
There is an SCP of a bug that does this. Essentially your body turns into a hive and they eat you from the inside out slowly eatting your organs and parts of your brain until they are done and the whole time you are still alive during it.
Now imagine if this disease could develop a symbiotic relationship with their host. For orcs I would have them grow spikes and plates made of bone starting around puberty but the older they get the greater the amount of ossification.
So in earlier stages it makes them actually tougher/more dangerous, but as it progresses it turns more and more debilitating? Neat little idea, I like.
Usually an Orc would be murdered long before that happens, but the most powerful orcs would still be able to move even though they have more than a full-plate's worth of armor in bone as well as a number of antler-like horns growing out of their skull.
They would be worshiped as living gods by other orcs of his tribe, who are mostly all his children and grandchildren.
Orc women would almost always be more attracted to the males with the most ossification, but just like real antlers the orc horns could sometimes be a liability.
Orc leaders might force the lesser males of their tribe who are unfit for battle to "donate" their spikes and plates to make weapons and armor for the more powerful males.
I'm using the word "Orc" a lot, but I think this might work better as a new race or at least an orc-subrace called Horned Orc. Horc for short
Can SCPs stop being so edgy?
Trolloc ?
not same user but come on their not all edgy. Besides the writing format can sort of negate this if the author can write it well enough.
You are correct, not all of them are edgy.
Some of them are the authors masturbating all over themselves about how cool they are.
Beastmen and orcs are already basically interchangeable. Combining them doesn't really change anything buy at least cuts down on redundancy.
yeah a lot of the older ones seem to have that glaring problem but the newer entries and last 2 sections seem to be mostly absent of this besides you got to admit a good chunk of them aren't very mary suey like the one that makes you think your a toaster.
Well...rapists that can impregnate anything...and fungal spores.
...I give up.
Not really.
Beastmen are less interesting, but exist because GW loves Chaos. But they get no screentime because they're bitch Chaos.
Orcs are more interesting, but don't get screentime when it matters because they aren't Chaos.
Shit, wait, you're right.
*As it would be harder to make a SCP marysuey for say objects like the one that makes you think a toaster or incident related
sorry didn't phrase the first post probably
wouldn't it be like gnoll:orc::hyena-man:human
>everything that is even semi-serious instead of being le randumb funny joke is EDGY
Am I on /v/ right now? How the fuck is a goddamn parasite 'edgy'? It doesn't have emotions, it doesn't want to hurt people or show it's inner darkness or whatever, it wants to eat something and somebody wrote a horror story about a parasite that evolved to eat people. Many insects do that in real life, except with smaller creates, laying their eggs inside wounded or incapacitated slightly larger creatures so the creature can provide for them.
Abuse of 'edgy' has been going on for bloody years now and it's as annoying as when it started. The worst is that it doesn't even mean 'edgy' anymore, it just means 'spooky or gritty thing I don't like'. Hotline Miami, for instance, was literally edgy as fuck - a game about a psycopath who murders people for a whole slew of pretenses that boil down to him enjoying it - but nobody calls it edgy because people like it.