Write your name like so
Name +X Religion +Y
Y= Bonuses from your religion
X= Bonuses from territory
Civ Name
Other urls found in this thread:
The Great Empire
Can't start in Jerusalem
No holy land spawns anymore. Religions have specific areas they can start now. I can put you in Alexandria. Would you still prefer Catholicism?
German Empire
Red, Black or white
>Catholics to the north of me
>Catholics to the south of me
I suddenly get the feeling that this game is going to end up similarly to me as the last.
Catholic till I die, as well as the entire Cleonian dynasty, start me in Alexandria
I can move you.
I will join as the Saxons
Dark Blue
Any Colour
Celtic Kingdom
No Zoroastrianism.
You could be a Pagan.
Indo European pantheon and what not.
Hey check these unicode characters out. See if you can copy and paste them into your image editing software.
I can't play because I'm retiring for the night, but I want to repost what I said earlier,
>The pope can declare a crusade and select a target city to capture that can either be accessed by sea or through the territory of a catholic nation. Once created, the crusader state is an NPC that automatically expands evenly in all directions. On the first turn of the crusade, the crusader state takes the full bonus of each catholic player as its roll. On subsequent turns, the map update is used as the roll of the crusader state, and it cannot get gets. The crusader state does not benefit from city and resource bonuses. Holy cities controlled by the crusader state grant their bonus to all Catholic nations as do resources seized from Pagans. A subsequent crusade can be called only after the first crusader state is eliminated from the game.
>Consult the Oracle: When a Pagan player declares war, they get a +7 bonus to attack for three turns if their post ID is even, and a -2 penalty to attack for three turns if their post ID is odd.
Also, make 911 a get that forcibly converts a player to Islam, and make 666 a special get also.
Can do. These will get playtested in the future.
New nation:
L. Blue
Also you have a sea tile near Crimea uncolored.
Nah, Don't add me. I'll be busy and I'll only be able to keep track of one thread
The unicode characters didn't show up in my previous post. Here they are again. Try copying and pasting them.
justpaste dot it/x5k5
Fill Germany.
+5 From Protestantism on first turn
Fill England
Reinforce London.
Spills reinforce Scottish border.
Albert Duke of Prussia
any color
Kingdom of Teutonic Knights
Add your religion bonus C +6 for you right now.
4 for adopter, 2 for catholic
Grab Aland. Go south to Copenhagen. Overflow to Oslo.
Free refort in Stockholm.
>Catholics. Catholics Everywhere.
Fill rest of switzerland an spill to nothern italy
Move south towards Egyptian the two cities
Celts +6 (I think?)
Fill rest of mainland Scotland, Take Islands afterwards.
change to protestant for balance.
We need Muslims and Orthodox
ok...vlad, transilvania, ortho
Pope Leon I
Yellow or gold
No starting in Rome.
No Islam in Rome
You can start in Sicily, or a normal Muslim spawn area...
Spain then
Carlos V
Any color
Just be a Muslim in a Muslim area...
>Umayyad Caliphate
you catch my change?
okey okey
El Cid Campeador
These people keep changing their civs...
If I am a dumbass and you have two civs for you, just tell me.
Ay shiet, okey
Fill spain
Delete the Umayyad Caliphate.
Celt bro, I stay out of Celtic lands, you let the English be peaceful? NAP? We'll both lose if we fight right now.
Defend. Fill England. Reinforce England
Spill Amsterdam or Calais.
Fill Germany.
Fill Egypt
Also dudes, if you could model your name in some manner after mine, I would much appreciate it.
Grab Finnish Cities, Overflow into Norway.
Free Reinforce in Copenhagen.
Go for milano, torino and lyon if spill
Fill up any spaces
If you leave out your religion bonus, and preferably have it separate from the other bonuses, I won't count it.
Umayyad Caliphate is not a player. See this post.
Sure I'll make that deal.
I'll expand through Ireland then see about getting up to Iceland.
Am I doing the name right?
Why is there no Judaism or separation between Shi'ite and Sunni in Islam?
Thanks Celt Bro
L is for Protestant though.
P is Pagans
Srry m8 didnt watched
There are apostate Muslims. So you can call the other Muslims apostates, so there kind of is Sunni and Sh'ite. Just depends on who is Caliph to determine
You were also first adopter, which is another +5
our forces march on the bulgarian city and spill toward istanbul
Also I'm pretty sure the Teutonic Order player moved to Wallachia.
>There are apostate Muslims. So you can call the other Muslims apostates, so there kind of is Sunni and Sh'ite. Just depends on who is Caliph to determine
Yeah, but the different sects of Christianity are built in with advantages while the different sects of Islam aren't. It just really doesn't make sense. All this does is hurt players that want to be specifically Shi'ite.
Op you absolutely gimped the orthodox to the point they are undesirable to play as. The problem was not the reinforce get it was the ability to reinforce +1's and the London + Amsterdam + Paris get triangle
>All this does is hurt players that want to be specifically Shi'ite.
>Implying there's enough people who want to play Islam for this to matter.
Seriously, Islam is pretty much unplayed to the point where there's no reason to justify splitting it up further.
I think they'll still be pretty good.
We'll see.
Fair, however, there are almost never enough Muslims as is. Imagine if you had 1 Sunni player and 1 Shia, or worse, 8 Christians, and 2 Muslims. This is the best it can get, unless alot more Islam players join.
Making their bonus apply to +2 and +3 cities would be a possible buff if they are too weak.
We still need Muslims...
Kuwaiti Diaspora
Fill Germany.
We march on constantinople
I will try this if it comes up. They have either been too strong or too weak so far.
If you want to be Caliph, you're going to need Mecca. Want to start on some nice oil? Or at Mecca?
Fill England, then land at Calais. Reinforce Leeds.
Fill west Egypt towards Sisi
No I want to stay in alger I could always just expand to mecca
>Lack of players prevents additional game features
Well that's just disappointing
A big problem seems to be that everyone wants to play as Catholic, I don't think it would work but I asked about Judaism because I thought it would be interesting to see if the addition of Judaism would perhaps get less people to play as Catholic?
Fill Iceland then the resources in the sea starting with oil.
Grab Bergen. Sail to Tallin. Conquer down to Riga and Vilnus. Overflow to fill Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland.
Much so. Perhaps you could join as a Muslim? They are in dire need of help.
more would play as catholic and gang up on the jew nation
Surely so called Islamic states would still be their top priority though.
I was actually thinking of doing just that
Put me in somewhere around Turkey or something coach
Probably, but I figured it might be worth a try
Next time you should try this map on pol
Forgot color
Dark Green please
Forgot, free reinforce to Goteborg.
yeah i think every religion would just kill the jew nation and be done with it.
Get lyon, monaco and marseilles. Any spill to fill france
>implying everyone wouldn't play as the Jew nation for lulz
srry wrong format
maybe, but doubtful
I know I would
Some people said that the Jew should be secret in some manner, and can manipulate other civs Has Spain responded yet? I'll give him two turns if he gets back
Jewish nations should have the ability to move through the territory of other nations without permission.
I'd say that would be too complex a mechanic.
Jew nation also when conquered has a Diaspora, and has settlements appear within and on the edge of other nations.
jew nations would recieve no religion bonus but would recieve 10% of the bonuses from each player that isnt a jew
Fill to Paris and the wheat. Use Reinforce to reinforce Paris
Fill Germany
reinforce Constantinople and spill for Odessa and Moldova
Fill Denmark. Grab Minsk. Kill Orange and push to Gdansk. Overflow to fill Norway.
Free reinforce to Goteborg.
Take Tripoli, fill Lybia
Updating bonus.
Remember that your temp is gone.
Take and reinforce Bergen, take the second north sea oil and if there's any left over fill Norway.
Take Gibraltar through sea and attack spain
>Whenever you capture a city or resource, gain additional points for the turn equal to the value of what you captured.
Considering we both got dubs, if I have to take Norwegian tiles belonging to Scandinavia I'll activate my peace loving army feature.