Deadly and Quick combat wich games feature this?

Deadly and Quick combat wich games feature this?

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other than ors?

i already know that brp games and warhammer fantasy have fast and deadly combat

The Riddle of Steel is the obvious answer. Quick, deadly and doesn't use hit points.

what type of dice it uses?

The kind you roll.

d10 in dice pools

if it isnt to much to ask , could you post an example of combat?

Dwarf Fortress

Two infamous Veeky Forums threads by John Galt with examples

Everyone rolls a d6 if 6 you are dead

Runequest is fast when you know it

Heroquest 2. But it's very abstract and handled exactly the same as say a debate or basketball game or deathmatch.

how so?

Cyberpunk -- the first edition, set in 2013. Combat in that game was crrrrrazy dangerous!

Basic just of HQ2 is you are a lump of skills (free form, you can also have umbrella skills such as Lawyer to cover all lawyer thing). These are rated 1-20 every time you pass another interval of 20 you get another master (call it M here).

You succeed at your skill if you roll a d20 under or equal to your skill, 1 is always a crit success 20 is always a fumble.
All rolls are contested so you're Climb 3M2 (2 masteries) would be rolled against the GM's Guarded Wall 15M. Depending on how well you do one side wins either a complete victory, major victory, minor victory, marginal victory (both succeed skill, one just succeeds better), or a tie (same number on the dice, both succeed).
Masteries cancel out so in the above example it would become 3M vs 15. Masteries bump you up(fumble -> fail -> success ->crit) left over masteries bump your opponent down (opposite of bump up).

Health is handled in stages (all cumlative)
Hurt - (opponent got marginal victory, can have multple of these, they all stack): -3 to all relevant skills (all physical in a fight, all social in a debate, all financial in a wall street competition etc)
Impaired - (opponent get minor victory): -6 to all relevant skills
Injured - (opponent get major victory): Need to make a skill check (like Ignore Pain, or Deep Bank Account) just to try to do an actual action, all results are auto bumped down (acts as -1M)
Dying - (opponent gets complete victory): Cannot do anything. Dying unless allies save, up to GM to decide how that happens and how quickly.

There are other nuances and I feel like I described it really poorly.

GURPS has really deadly combat, most guns will at the very least knock someone out in one hit, and getting stabbed by someone who's at least decently strong will often do the same. The combat can be slow paced if your new cuz GURPS is pretty confusing at first, but once you get it down it's pretty quick.

Deadly for whom?
Double Cross features enemies that all go down in one or two solid hits.
PCs also "die" with pretty much every hit, but they have a revival mechanic.

Super Mario

Why infamous ?


Infinity? Warmachine?