Your move, Veeky Forums

Your move, Veeky Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

>starting with O

What fucking edition are you playing? Some beta-test shit? Everyone knows Crosses open and noughts can't take the center square on the first move.

Christ, you haven't even declared your Word Goal yet.

Try harder.

Why didn't you start in a corner?

trying to let us win?


The game is in quantum superposition: both of these are correct until you observe one



A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

"Read'em and weep boys!"


"Good ol' Rock, nothing beats that!"



"King me!"

There, Kinged your piece for you.

I take a Gym for Team Instinct. It's out of town, so you have to drive for at least 2 hours to go get it back!

Now this is shitposting.

>I'm a newfag

That hand isn't even complete you cheating fuck

Black hole.

There, I win.

This isn't fucking Welters, schmuck.

In response:


Fuck off.

goddamn meme kids ruining this with their shit. This was hilarious until that


Problem has been dealt with. You can continue.

I don't think you can have that many black holes on your hand user...

I've got more where that came from.

Hey kids! Whatcha playing?

Not much, Its over for the other person anyway

Someone hasn't been here very long...

yeah fuck OC let's talk about how 3.5 e is shit again or how 5e is casualized trash


What are you tolkien about?


This one cracked me up.

>mfw this thread

Nice reference




Fuck you

I upgrade my settlement to a city for 2 wheat and 3 ore

I begin a 2 hour trek to claim the gym for Team Mystic.

I'll join you. In two hours, we'll have a great gym.


What am I looking at, here?

Looks like a board wipe

Gotta have some Myrmidon spam for that sweet Optical Disruption Device.

That's not the right robot.

Alright guys, put your right hands on red!

Hand has been placed on red. I think I've found your battleship as well, but it could be my imagination...



I'll put my Go stone here to keep Red from building roads towards that black hole.

I think we've created a pretty decent Veeky Forums-flag design.

I like the current Veeky Forums flag though, besides Bill cipher and Team pokemon go don't have anything to do with Veeky Forums

forgive me for being new, but what's the current flag?
It captures the spirit of this board perfectly: anything can be Veeky Forums-related if some idiot considers a setting with pokemon or gravity falls

I assume its the Veeky Forums team logo used for the 4cn cup.

I have no idea what that is.
But let's add it for good measure.

Put me in the screencap after this is over fampai.

Luckily i can omit this. Thank you 4chanx.

Using your Go Stone as the perfect pivot point i rotate the table! My side is your and yours is mine and maybe if you ask nicely and behave yourself you can come play competitive connect four with me on thursdays.

I castle

Is nobody paying attention to that lower left slow burn? Christ it's like you chucklefucks don't even know how to play. It's clearly a Rhombus opening, just slam a little graveyard burn at it and you've snipped it in the bud.

I'm leaving the room open for later turns so I have space to snort a line or two of cocaine.

Wait hold on, I think I see something wrong with your sheet..

Ooh wait nevermind, here you can have it back.


Sorry I'm late guys. You don't mind if I bring a drink to the table, right?


Cocaine lategame? Ehh, not a good choice for competitive. But it is fun, I'll admit.

Oh god what this is just mean.


Nigga, you gotta sacrifice two monsters to use that effect.

Just tell everyone why don't you. Here have my social so you can shout that too. Dick.

>pic related

I bid my sides farewell.

God. DAMMIT. Terry, we've discussed this countless times.


Right here.

In Fortuna Confidimus, brothers.

Would you guys calm down, you do this every single game night. Ooh hey, the pizza guy is here. I don't have any cash on me, you guys can spot the tip right?

Fuck we really need to get a bigger table. I'll just set the box here for now I guess.

Nope. Not snorting cocaine off of /that/ anymore.

Bitch, I will cut you!


someone fucking screen cap this

Yes! Haha! This will make a great meme on r/Veeky Forums! xD


I begin by playing Mathematician, which allows me to put Wightprince into the graveyard.
Wightprince's effect activates, and I play The Lady in Wight and Skull Servant into the graveyard along with it.
I then use Wightprince's other effect to banish Wightprince, Lady in Wight and Skull Servant to special summon 1 King of the Skull Servants in face up attack position!
I then play Burial from a Different Dimension to return those cards to the graveyard.
Due to those 3 cards in the graveyard, King of the Skull Servants gains 3000 attack.
It's your move.

Deploying my army.


someone archive this thread.

Gah, piss!

Or, you could instead strive to be constantly creative and make every thread as good as this one instead of just grabbing someone else's success and substituting it for your own terminal laziness.


There's a whole other gameboard to play with, guys!



Double eagle.

Oh fuck this made me laugh

Holy shit. This thread is fucking glorious. I love you anons so much.