WIP - Painting, Converting and Showcasing your work General

Y'all double Salamanders need to make new threads before the old one is actually dead edition


>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint


Other urls found in this thread:


My first captain, tactical squad with a combi flamer.

There are a few things I had no idea how to do, or knew I was going to be balls at them: pupils, eyes, combi-weapons, studded shoulders.

This is all pre-decal and I might highlight some more. What do y'all think?

And by captain I mean sergeant

I think it's considerably better than my first model, which was a horrifying amalgamation of drybrushing.

Without trying to meme, if you don't already, I'd suggest using something as a palette so you can rid yourself of excess paint on your brushes if you glob too much on by accident.

The only colours that look like they need thinning are your red and white, especially the red on the combi-bolter. If you find it's requiring coats, try using a base paint on the locations first, grey for the white areas and brown for the red.

Your wash looks evenly coated except for the left shoulder, if you're getting tidemarks as you go, get a clean brush, wet it a little and push the accumulating pigments into a corner or detail line before it dries. I wash the smaller details first and leave the large open ones 'till last, so they can be focused on to the exclusion of all others.

As for the rest, I think it's just a matter of practice. in areas like the joints on the inner thighs, the metal on the backpack your hand will steady easier the more you paint.

Also, don't forget to paint the grip of the combi-weapon. Your edge highlighting is fine, as it looks like you're making the model do all the work for you with how neat they are, just a matter of learning better control over your brush for the earlier mentioned details, unless you're doing what I used to do, which is jabbing paint onto tiny remaining details because you're worried of getting it on the yellow (ex-bad moon player)

Solid start, nice to see a Sergeant who remembered his helmet for once. Keep at it, and post moar

have you tried using cididel air paints? they are conciderably thinner, so they will not look like golems. may i also recomend painting some easier colours than yellow untill you are better? it is quite a hard colour ro get right. i would recomend another legion for now.

Guys, whats the most bright wizard like miniature?

I was thinking about buying the battlemage pack. But not sure what it all comes with.

the GW plastic kit has a bright wizard on the box and everything you need to build one armed with a sword or a staff.

Aside from that you could also just have a look around for wizards. Reaper and Northstar minis sell a pretty good range of Wizards, if you keep an eye out for elementalists you'll always find a fireball slinging one.

The Battlemage box allows you to make a Bright Wizard and 1 other Wizard
Or you could try finding the old metal brightwizard which looks nicer

Seriously why does GW not post images of the sprues in the box so i can make up my goddamn mind.

Thanks will also check out the ones you mentioned.

They do for most of the newer models its just things released before 2010 that don't have images of the sprue

Who else /batchpainting/ here?

only 30 more after these...

>screw-top GW paints
those were the fucking worst

my nurgles rot basing comes out really uneven, even though i emulate god-king duncan as well as I can. is there a trick to it? should I try thinning it with a medium or will that fuck it up more?

Isn't it meant to do slime effects instead of pooling?

here he uses three coats of nurgles rot over a base layer of caliban green to get a really smooth effect, but it's just not a paint that lends itself well to spreading evenly.

yeah, but they make great model holders

It doesn't look even in the video either. The picture you made is too blurry to tell but it looks fine.

I have another 15 of these

So I've got a starter set with pic related showing up, and I've got no idea how to paint pallid flesh. I'd like to do something similar, but you folks have any suggestions?

is it a good idea to paint freehand so early?
It propably should be last thing you do

Buy pallid flesh paint

Perhaps but to be honest I was struggling with them and I thought this might peak my interest for a bit, and it It was alright actually.

Looking good

I've had this model super WIP for the past 2 weeks. I'm stuck as to whether or not I should add (a) wrist-mounted bolter(s) or leave him as is so he doesn't look too bulky.

I still have a bunch of ornamentation I'm planning on adding, but I want to figure out the main model first. Any suggestions?

Also sorry for the shit quality, I didn't bother to set up my photobox for these shots.

I'd go with left.

What parts did you use?

The skull motifs are fantastic, except for pantsu-orc (second from left)

Deathwing for body and legs, Honor guard SM head, CSM lightning claws converted into powerfists with lots of cables from centurions.

Here you go, friend

gay sex with hats on? user, what is wrong? does exposed hair ruin it for you?

Are you referring the fist from your perspective or the marine's? I think user was talking from their POV.

left arm

Thanks guys

Also we must have clearly been thinking the same thing because I already tweaked him, his mask is in such a weird position I can't draw jawz

I think it looks a little better now

Ive done the 9 original legions. Ive done these 6 ( minotaur, space shark, son of antaeus, blood raven, black dragon, flesh tearer).

Aftet these what would you consider the most popular or astartes chapters? Ive got crimson fists, black templars, scythes of the emperor, but i need 12 more after that.

Mantis Warriors or Fire Angels need some love.
I still think pick a couple of the popular Veeky Forums homebrew chapters though.

I need the black templar to stare angrily at the librarians

Mantis Warriors, Rainbow Warriors, Relictors, Lamenters and my personal favorite, Brazen Claws would be cool to see.

and avoid Veeky Forums homebrew chapters. Nine times out of then, they are horrible.

Made some quick terrain for Necromunda.

The freehands are cool but printables are easier for these things.

>On one of the best painting sprees in years.
>Have to do university stuff.

Why crual fate.

Emma from Warhammer TV may have been made redundant, watching her twitch steam and the cringey sycophantic thirsty betas were talking about her donation bar (for a new desk) and she said,

>I'm moving house and I need a desk because I've been made redundant

I guess WH TV is just based Duncan again

Just put off graduation for a while

Is there any ways to add more weapons to my techmarine. I'd just like to add most possible weapons to him just for fun.

The model is very busy already but you can always make a whole bunch of servo skulls and servitors for him.

Red Talons, Black Dragons, Lamentors, Red Scorpions, Fire Hawks.

Hawk Lords, Howling Gryphons and Imperial Fists come to mind. Also Ultramarines

Have some.


Which of these products is most like Lahmian Medium?

Clear Acrylic Airbrush Thinner
Clear Airbrush Flow Improver/Drying Retardant
Liquitex Matte Medium


A bit of all 3, with 1 & 2 being the majority components.
It may well contain some medium components to help keep the paint cohesive if you dilute it a lot.

Get some Badab War chapters in there

How do I get this shade of blue? Did he just do macragge blue?

Ryza pattern Demolisher turret because I'm not a fan of the GW snub-nose Demolisher barrel

no, this guy did not "just do" macragge blue. This guy probably hand selected a single drop from a hundred pots of GW, Vallejo, MiG, P3, and Privateer bottles to make the shade.

seriously, the artists who made is an artist not a hobbyist. Its a different class of painting which doesnt really belong on in this wip thread. This thread isnt worthy enough, just see this cockbag:

Starting work on this guy and was wondering what direction I should take with him. Anyone have any ideas?

>that palette choice

what is this model?

doge knight

Hahaha, actually yes, even though I love the souls series. I was originally planning on black steel with blue and gold through out.

Kingdom Death - Black Knight, Not fully built though.

Had a go at doing the bosses face, teeth and tongue still WIP.

What paints are you using for the skin? love the results, very moody

I am ALL about the Death World Forest now.

I've spent the last decade painting Orks a very specific way (much brighter)

I experimented with one model using Death World Forest (in a spare 15 minutes I had before going to the pub) and I'll never look back.

I also darken with DWF and highlight with DWF

it's gorgeous. is the brown you use on eyes/ears/mouths also a GW paint?

A couple of weeks ago there were some anons saying they had ordered some Scale75 paints and would post about them once they had tried them -- are any of them here, or does anyone remember what their opinions were on the paints?

Thanks bud, It's a glaze, of three GW paints.

DWF, Dryad Bark, Incubi Darkness

It looks like mud on the palette, but after a few glazes it looks really nice (imo)

That's confirmed, I hopped on and she was talking about it.

Her and Dunc got a new boss, she suspected he wasn't a fan of her stuff and got laid off almost straight away.

do you use any type of glazing medium? I wanted to try glazing and have heard mixed reviews on its use. there's also so many options its a little overwhelming for someone who doesnt know where to start looking

Glazing is a great tool for creating seamless blends, it's a relatively advanced technique, I probably do the babbiest version I would think.

I just use water + a wet palette

Glazing is just applying a heavily diluted paint but very thinly.

Watch this amazing video which started my glazing journey back in December 2015


Using that video I made an attempt myself in this picture (her thigh pads)

>order a bunch of fire dragons
>they're resin
>more fucking pins and crap on every single model than the kytan daemon engine of khorne i put together a few months ago
>the back basically has to be manually sculpted out of all the fucking crap covering it
>impossible to make the model look anywhere near as good as a neat, standard plastic model

What the fuck were they thinking

There's beams and stabilizers and all kinds of shit all over his little backpack tanks, not the type you just cut in two ends, but wholly molded fucking triangles that you have to manually cut out.

What the hell. Did I get a bad batch or is this real life?

made some more progress on my Throgg. I still don't quite know what to do with the other arm, but I'm open to suggestions.

Death Spectres, Dark Hunters, White Consuls and one of my favorite, Doom Eagles.
Litteraly every chapter is interesting while avoiding being Mary Sue.

Look user, you can just pick from the table or roll.

Too bad for her, but better for us I guess.

ayy roll

Help me, /wip/.

I have need of a number of cheap ballista and other siege weapons. Are there any scratchbuild tutorials, or good plastic kits that you could recommend?

Feel bad for Duncan, poor bastard always looks worn out. He may just suffer from depression or something, but I hope they don't work him too hard/make him take up the slack when they fire other painters

In retrospect, choosing the hottest week of the year to knock off the rust from my paintbrushes was a bad idea. Got to unfuck those highlights before finishing his squad.

Looks like macragge blue with a wash over top. Can't say if it's black or blue thanks to his dramatic lighting setup.

the pure white highlights also mess with how you perceive the colour a bit. Look to the shoulders and feet, since those are the places with the least amount of blending and washing on them.

You can also make out where he's mixed in a bit of white into the blue (thigh, under the eyepiece, power pack, etc), though, again, the lighting setup makes it a pain to pinpoint the exact colours used.

They fired her because no one was watching her vids, if Duncan's suffering its because of us

Oooh goody. Definitely love your style user.

Maybe he could be holding a villager like from the giant set?

dumb ideas, while the Seraphon are all asexual I had this plan to try and make the Sarus stand out as Masculine while the skinks would be Feminine, in more of a transformers way then a sexy way

glad i have 60 metal ones

don't they already stand out by being completely different kinds of lizard

Not sure how true that is, hers seem to be watched just as much as D-mans.

I never thought her videos were that bad, she was just... pretty average, table top quality.

She said in her twitch she was told explicitly they did not trust her with Alarielle.

I guess its just how I imagined their voices in my head and attempting to convey that

If you want to model tits on your skinks just say so, don't pretend its for artistic reasons ...

could work, if I had one of the hands

but the female reptiles are generally the bigger more fearsome ones in nature, so by reptile standards the Saurus would be the feminine ones while the skinks would be masculine

the eldar range has been riding on the quality of jes goodwin's sculpts for an impressively long time. That's conflicting with modern casting technologies, unfortunately

A haypenny to whoever can figure out what I've drawn on this guys book he's writing

its not artistic its autistic and I was trying not to resort to boobs, the biology nut in me wont allow it

Is that fucking loss?

Holy fuck it is

This is the first time I've wished for metal models.

They are good sculpts, very impressive that they've lasted this long.

I just wish Finecast never happened.

the absolute madman

Winner winner!


! !!
!! !_

Oh shit...
